logoRuby McGreggor vs. Sweet Misty

[Fade in]

Sandra: Welcome back, everyone! We're off to a great start tonight, and it only gets better. Debuting tonight is "The Bitch From L.A.," Ruby McGreggor! This fiery blonde faces a local favorite, Sweet Misty, who's fallen on hard times.

Garry: [laughs] Or hard knees, so she can get those floors extra clean.

Sandra: You're harsh, Garry. The match seems to be very uneven tonight.

Garry: To say the least. Misty is at a weight disadvantage by near thirty pounds, and hasn't the benefit of seeing Ruby even in action. I think Misty's bad luck is only going to get worse.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, our next event is a standard match. Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California, standing at 5'9" and 143 pounds - Ruby McGreggor, the Bitch from L.A.!

[Manhole's "Hypocryte" begins play, but Ruby does not appear. Some of the fans begin to jostle uneasily. The announcer waits, sighs, and goes on.]

Announcer: Maybe she's running behind. Anyway, her opponent this evening, from Louisville, KY, standing at 5'8" and 112 pounds - the ever so sweet, Sweet Misty!

["Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," begins to bellow through the speakers, and Sweet Misty enters. She is blatantly trying to look happy, but failing. The pain of her situation shows as Kayla Vandergriff and Nina Larue, walking close behind, shove her on. A little girl rushes from under the ropes and runs up to her, clutching onto her legs and hugging them tightly. Tears stream from the child's face. Kayla pulls the little girl away as Nina instructs Misty to continue walking. Sadly climbing the steps to the ring, Misty tosses her trademark red kimono over her shoulder to the pair of Sisterhood members. Waving to the fans, Misty smiles and blushes before useing the ropes to warmup.]

Sandra: Poor Misty. What a horrible mess.

Garry: I'm more worried about the mess of, "Where's her opponent?"

Sandra: And where is the referee?

Garry: You know, anytime someone's really late to the ring, that usually spells trouble.

Sandra: Yes, I fear so - and if a referee AND a wrestler are late, it can only be worse. [listens to headset] I just received word that our backstage cameras have searched the locker rooms and found the referee at least.

[The camera cuts to the locker room. The referee is inhaling the last of a cigarette. A ring attendant rushes into the lockerroom.]

Attendant: Damn it, Frank! There's a match out there!

Referee: Oh, Jumpin' Jesus! Van Driesal's gonna tan my - [notices camera] Oh, sh[censored].

[Still sucking on his cigarette, the referee stands from his chair and makes the exit of the locker room. Before he can even take two steps, Ruby McGreggor pushes into the room, stomps up to the referee and yanks the cigarette from his mouth. He opens his mouth to respond, but Ruby slams a roundhoused left into his face. His neck snaps back, sending a jet of blood behind it. He stumbles back, clutching his nose.]

Referee: [stunned] You... you bitch! You broke it!

Ruby: [firmly] I want you to stay away from the match. I want a match with NO REFEREE. Do you understand?

Referee: [somewhat muffled] Are you nuts? You can't just attack me! There are rules about -

[Ruby takes the referee by the back of his head and slams his face repeatedly into the wall. At first, he struggles a bit, but quickly loses much of his strength. A red stain grows on the wall as he slings to his knees. Ruby continuously pounds on the referee with hard kicks everywhere and stomp on his head once he finally goes down. He screams for someone - anyone - to come to his aid. The previous ring attendant returns to the ring. Her jaw drops at the sight.]

Attendant: [appalled] You - you're crazy! My God!

[Ruby looks up at the woman, who runs from the locker room, screaming for help. Ruby ignores the flailing referee and stomps from the room. The camera follows her as she exits the building. She looks back at the camera, and shoves it away. The camera man falls, and the feed cuts. Back in the area, fans who've seen what has occurred on the Angeltron go berserk. Misty stares at the Angeltron in horror.]

Garry: I can't believe it! Ruby McGreggor tried to kill the referee! She's nuts! Someone get Sweet Misty outta that ring! No one should face that lunatic!

Sandra: Amen to that! Run, Misty, run!

Garry: Where'd Ruby go? Sweet Lord, maybe she was that sniper who nailed Kayla a month ago from the rafters with the dart!

Sandra: No, couldn't have been. But where - wait, we're getting the feed again!

[The scene cuts to a camera chasing Ruby McGreggor. She is outside the arena, bolting towards a waiting ambulance. The referee she'd attacked is being pulled towards it, on a stretcher. She shoves away the medics and pulls the referee from the stretcher and lifts the referee from the stretcher. She piledrives him into the pavement. A sickening crack sounds as more blood appears, for a split second on the pavement, and the feed cuts before more is shown. In the arena, the fans are practically climbing the walls from fury. Misty's maw falls open. She stumbles back against the turnbuckle, completely astonished by what she's seen.]

Sandra: [practically in tears] Poor Frank! He's a family man! I can't believe she's doing this? Why did she try to kill him?

Garry: [pulls Sandra to him; comforting her] Calm down, Sandra. It's okay. Calm down. I just can't - what? There she is!

[Ruby McGreggor storms into the arena, running towards the ring. The fans practically lunge for her, but she darts past as fast as possible. The camera cuts to Misty, whose look of horror has turned to one of anger over what has transpired. As Ruby climbs into the ring, Misty missile dropkicks her. Ruby becomes entangled in the ropes. Misty jumps to her feet and takes Ruby by the hair. She runs with the blonde, slamming her face-first into a turnbuckle. Misty lifts the woman and backdrops her. Ruby rolls away, clutching her back. Misty rushes to the woman, but Ruby slams a severe knifehand thrust into Misty's midsection. Ruby takes Misty by the hair and pulls her head down, driving her knee into the brunette's face. Not to be slowed, Misty takes advantage of the situation by rushing the woman and lifting her like a linebacker, slamming Ruby into the ropes. The women immediately begin exchanging blows.]

Garry: I don't think I've ever had such respect for Sweet Misty! I hope she knocks Ruby flat on her a-

Sandra: A new referee has entered the arena, with backup!

[A younger female referee storms into the arena. At her side is BRA Owner Electra van Driesal, who is followed by a throng of BRA Security. Immediately the storm the ring. The referee pulls the two wrestlers apart, who'd locked in a furious clawing and punching struggle. Ruby attempts to react to the referee, but security latches onto her, dragging her from the ring. Electra, still sporting a large bandage from her accident at the PPV, takes the microphone from the announcer as Ruby is taken from the ring.]

Electra: [voice bordering on screaming] Let's get one thing straight. In this league, there is respect for the officials. We will not tolerate these actions ever again! Ruby McGreggor, we've already had one trouble maker before you, and you'll notice she's not here. I suggest you fall into line, and the same goes to the rest of our wrestlers. If any of you even think about pulling a stunt akin to this, I'm personally going to slam down on you like a sledge hammer. [looks at Misty, then back to the fans, to the referee - whom nods to Electra - and back to the fans] The winner of this match, by a DQ, is Sweet Misty!

[Electra shakes Misty's hand, and leans towards her, whisper for her to try to calm down a bit. Security has drug Ruby from the arena, but the fans are still going ape.]

Garry: Folks, we need a break. Please stay tuned for our next event.

[Cut to commercial]

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