logoThree Way Elimination

( The camera’s pan around the arena. The thousands in attendance are on they’re feet, awaiting the start of the final match of the evening. Another camera shot shows the announcer’s table. Garry is sipping from a silver flask as Sandra signs an autograph for the ringside fans. Garry notices the camera is on him and quickly tucks the flash away in his jacket pocket.)

Garry: “ Umm, Welcome back folks!!”

( Sandra quickly turns around and smiles )

Sandra: “ Well it’s time for the last match of the evening. The three way Hardcore Elimination Match. The winner gets a shot at Yvette’s TV title. “

Garry: “ Yes, the winner gets the honor of getting the crap kicked outta her by the Marquise. “

Sandra: “Well, that remains to be seen. We have 3 very different competitors in this match.”

Garry: “ Pudding Ass, the Bimbo and a Killer for Hire. “

Sandra: “ The only pudding ass around here is you. “

Garry: “mmmmmmmmm pudding…..mmmmmm”

Sandra: ‘ Americana , Jenny Anderson and Kelly Mase will soon face each other in a no rules match. “

Garry: ‘ Ahem…Hardcore rules!”

Sandra: ‘ Ok Smart guy and just what exactly are Hard Core rules?”

( Garry thinks for a moment )

Garry: “ Folks , this next match has no rules, anything goes, Elimination Hardcore Match.!”

Sandra: “ I was just going to say that before you interrupted me!”

Garry: “ Sure, anyhoo. I have to give the Assassin the nod in this match up. Americana is just too dam pure and Jenny “Benedict Arnold” Anderson is too stupid, “

Sandra: “ Benedict Arnold?”

Garry: “ Yeah!! Did you see how she betrayed Miss Carmikel? She turned her back on the one person who could have made Jenny a star. I am sure that Jenny will come to regret that decision.”

Sandra: “ Well, rumor has it that Evonne has paid Kelly to put the hurt on the Cheerleader. I guess we will have to wait and see. “

( Sandra puts her hand up to her ear and holds it there for a moment )

Sandra: “ Folks, I’ve just been told that Americana is back stage with one of our reporters. Let’s go to her now. “

( The image changes to behind the wrestler entrance. Americana is standing in her wrestling gear talking to a BRA Reporter )

Interviewer: “Americana... this is your second 3 way match for the right to fight for the TV Title. Are you ready?

Americana: Yes.... yes I am ready. But I'm worried about my two opponents. Each of them seems to be trying to hurt the other behind their back... and now I’m stuck in the middle....

Interviewer: Can you elaborate on that Americana?

Americana: Well I've heard Kelly talking about Jenny and her mom... and making fun of their relationship... and then I've heard Jenny making fun of Kelly's family, calling them monkeys.... I just hope that in the ring we can all wrestle cleanly and civilly....

Interviewer: Well only time will tell. But this is a match with hard core rules.... are you ready for that?

Americana: Well it just as you said... only time will tell! fans.. and wish me luck!!!

Americana then blows kisses to the camera before walking to the entrance for her introduction.

( The camera shot changes back to the announcers )

Garry: “ Wow!! Americana tells all. Jenny insulting Kelly’s family and Kelly doing the same to her. If there wasn’t already enough tension between those two, Americana went and threw gas into the fire. “

Sandra: “ Well, the veteran is ready to make her entrance “

( The lights dim and “ GOD BLESS AMERICA” by Kate Smith begins to play over the arena loudspeakers. Americana bursts through the curtains wearing her clingy, red white and blue outfit and a blue and white cape. In her hands she carries an American flag and waves it back and forth. The crowd chants USA!! USA!!!!! USA!!!. . The spotlights shimmer off of the sparkles sprayed into her hair and smeared on her cleavage as she runs into the ring, pumping her arms into the air and blowing kisses to her adoring fans. She places the flag with it's thick, long pole, down into the corner and then salutes the fans.)

Sandra: “ Americana brings out National Pride in the audience every single time she appears. And I must say , she’s looking great. Her recent training has really paid off. “

Garry: “ A little , I guess. But she’s no Goddess. “

Sandra: “The goddess is a 120 , 20 something. Americana is a mother of two, and a 150 pound 40 something. “

Garry: “150??“

( Americana smiles and waves to the crowd before walking to one of the corners. She turns her attention to the wrestler entrance as the lights dim down again. Suddenly a the piercing sound a of coaches whistle blasts throughout the arena.. The whistle stops and the Ohio state fighting song starts to be playing through the speakers. Jenny steps out form behind the curtains and explosions light up the entrance ramp. Jenny waves to the crowd. She has on her Body Shop 2000 jacket. which is red, matching the colors of her wrestling attire. Jenny will start running towards the ring and do several flips and cartwheels towards the ring. As she gets over to the ring, she does a somersault Jenny will then move around the ring and hand out some pom poms to the small girls she sees there and she will tie their hair up into a pony tail like they look alike. Jenny then poses for a picture with the excited little girl and then leaps up into the ring . Jenny vaults over the ropes and lands in a split. She pushes herself up and runs to one of the corners. She leaps up and then back flips into the center of the ring. She turns and smiles at Americana, nodding her head in greeting. Americana nods her head slightly and then Jenny goes to a neutral corner. )

Sandra: “ Ahhh, isn’t that sweet of Jenny. That little girl is so excited. “

Garry: “Bah, morons. Those were the same people who were boo’ing Jenny only 2 weeks ago.”

(The lights dim once again. Red pyrotechnics shoot into the sky, simulating rockets as “Live and Let Die” blares from the loudspeakers. As the smoke clears from the entrance…Kelly “The Assassin” Mase strides down the aisle to the ring. Kelly ignores the boo’s and jeer’s from the crowd. She pauses halfway, reaching down to her boot. Then she quickly rises and jogs to the ring)

Sandra: “ Well, the Assassin isn’t very well liked by this crowd. She is cold, calculating and ruthless. “

Garry: “ A perfect warrior. She fights for the one true thing that everybody needs…Money!”

( Kelly reaches the ring and slides under the ropes. She immediately makes a beeline for Jenny. )

Americana: “ Hey Kelly, I heard that Jenny called your brothers a bunch of Ugly apes!”

(Kelly ignores Americana’s message and continues towards Jenny. The cheerleader turns to face her, her fists up in the air. There is a snapping sound as Kelly whips an extending baton out of her hand. The graphite shaft extends to 2 feet in length. Jenny gasps as the hard stick smashes down onto her. She blocks it with her arm, causing her to scream in pain. )

Sandra: “ What a cheap shot by Kelly! “

Garry: “ Hey, this is a hardcore match, anything goes, remember?”


( Kelly swings the baton down again, slamming it into Jenny’s shoulder. The cheerleader drops to her knee’s , trying to cover up.”

Kelly: “ This is from Miss Evonne Carmikel!!”

( Kelly goes to swing the blow at Jenny’s head, but she misses as Jenny quickly rolls out of the ring. Kelly snarls and steps through the ropes after her )

Sandra: “See!! I told you! Evonne has paid the Assassin to take Jenny out!!”

Garry: “ What gave you that idea? “

( Americana stands inside the ring, watching as Jenny quickly runs up the aisle, trying to get some distance from Kelly. The Assassin chases after her. The ref jumps down out of the ring and follows the pair up the ramp. Jenny slows down her run, allowing Kelly to close the distance. Jenny suddenly stops and drops to the ground. She handsprings her self, kicking her feet backwards. Kelly slams into the cheerleader’s boots, causing her to gasp and stumble away. Jenny quickly pushes herself up and runs at Kelly. The assassin turns to swing the baton, but Jenny leaps into the air. Her feet slam into Kelly’s chest, sending the Mercenary rolling down the ramp. The Baton goes sprawling out of her hand and rolls near the guardrail. Jenny quickly jumps to her feet and grabs Kelly by her leg. Jenny begins kicking her foot into the back of Kelly’s leg. The Assassin twists and turns trying to break free as Jenny kicks her hamstring.)

Garry: “ Americana is just standing in the ring? Isn’t she going to get involved in this?”

Sandra: “ I don’t know, but it’s smart tactics on her part. Let Jenny and Kelly tire each other out. “

( Kelly brings her leg to her chest and then pushes out, Jenny is sent flying backwards. But the agile cheerleader remains on her feet. Kelly quickly scans for her baton. It’s no where to be seen. )

Garry: “ What? Look!! That little brat took the baton!!! “

( The camera shows the little Jenny fan holding the baton. She sticks her tongue out at the Assassin. Kelly growls at her, causing the little girl to yelp and hide behind her mother. Jenny takes a few steps back and then runs forward, leaping and cart wheeling down the ramp. The crowd cheers as she approaches the Assassin. Kelly tuns quickly and drops to her knee, sweeping her free leg out. It catches Jenny across the hands as she cartwheel’s sending her tumbling off the ramp and onto the floor. )

Sandra: “ Leg Sweep by the Assassin sends Jenny to the floor. Look out!!!”

( Kelly stands up and moves to the edge of the ramp. Jenny lies on the floor clutching her back. The Assassin jumps off the ramp, intending to land with both feet on top of Jenny. The crowd breathes a sigh of relief as Jenny rolls out of the way, narrowly missing being stomped. )

( Inside the ring , Americana watches her competitors fighting outside the ring. )

Sandra: “ I would have thought that Americana would be helping Jenny eliminate the Assassin so they could have a good clean match?.”

Garry: “ Americana is only out for one person, Americana.”

( Back out side the ring, Kelly has grabbed Jenny by her hair and pulled her to up to her feet. Kelly whips Jenny into the guardrail. The pretty little blonde slams into the metal bars and slumps down. Kelly moves in and places her foot on Jenny’s throat and pushes down. Jenny coughs and splutters as Kelly grinds her boot on Jenny’s neck. Jenny brings her hands up and tries to push the boot off her throat , but Kelly lifts it up out of reach and then stomps down onto Jenny’s belly. Jenny curls up into a ball, clutching her stomach )

Garry: “ Nothing technical going on so far in this match, it’s just a brawl.”

( Kelly reaches down and grabs a handful of Jenny’s hair. She pulls the cheerleader to her feet and scoops her up. Kelly then steps closer to the guardrail and drops Jenny, neck first across it. Jenny slams into the bar, her head snaps violently and she crumples to the floor as the ringside fans look on in horror. Kelly quickly drops down across Jenny’s body and hooks the leg. The ref drops down to count )

Garry: “ 1…2……Booo!!”

( The fans cheer as Jenny kicks out at the last second. Kelly smiles as she is able to continue beating on her opponent. She pulls Jenny up by her arm and bends down to scoop Jenny over her shoulder. Jenny suddenly wraps her arm around Kelly’s head and then falls backwards to the concrete. The Assassin’s head is driven into the hard surface.)

Sandra: “DDT!!! Right onto the concrete!!! Jenny is going for the cover….1….2…”

Garry: “ Kickout by Kelly!!! “

( The crowd groans as Kelly powers out of the pin. Jenny quickly stands up and heads back towards the ring )

Garry: “ What a coward! She’s running away. “

Sandra: “ Hardly, Jenny is a high Flyer, she’s not used to brawling outside the ring. She needs the ropes and turnbuckles to aid her in her moves. “

( As Jenny slides into the ring, Americana rolls out the other side and watches. Jenny gives her a puzzled look and then turns her attention back to Kelly, who is walking back towards the ring. )

Garry: “ Americana doesn’t want to get involved in this match, she keeps avoiding both of her opponents. “

Sandra: “ She has a game plan and is sticking to it. Although I was hoping she would be more involved. “

( Kelly grabs the bottom rope and pulls herself up onto the ring edge. Jenny charges at her immediately. The Cheerleader leaps into the air, extending her legs forward. Kelly quickly drops back down to the floor and Jenny’s legs fly between the second rope. The strand impales into Jenny’s groin, causing Jenny to squeal in pain as she bounces back into the middle of the ring. Kelly quickly slides back inside to continue her attack.)

Garry: “ oowoww…that’s gotta hurt!”

( Kelly grabs Jenny by the arm and pulls her up. As Jenny rises Kelly slams her knee into her midsection. Jenny groans as Kelly repeats the move, ramming her knee up into Jenny’s breadbasket. Jenny doubles over, clutching her midsection. Kelly quickly steps forward, trapping Jenny’s head between her muscular thighs. Kelly bends forward, wrapping her arms around Jenny’s firm waist. With a grunt, Kelly leans back, lifting Jenny’s body into the air. The Cheerleader skirt flops down, revealing Jenny’s white Bikini bottoms. Kelly takes a moment to steady herself, before moving to the center of the ring. )

Garry: “PileDriver, coming up!!”

Sandra; “ NO!!! Look!!!”

( Jenny starts kicking her legs, she manages to catch Kelly in the side of the temple, stunning her for a moment. Jenny wraps her legs around Kelly’s head and pulls back as hard as she can., She then reaches her arms out to the mat and grabs a hold of Kelly’s ankles. With a mighty push, Jenny forces Kelly’s feet back and off the ground. The weight of Jenny’s body causes Kelly to fall forward, Jenny curls and bends as Kelly flips over and lands hard on her back. )

Sandra: “ Hurricanranna!!!”

( Jenny ends up sitting on Kelly’s chest. The ref drops to the mat for the count. )

Garry: “ 1….2…..”

Sandra: “ 3!!!!”

Garry: “NO!!!! NO!!!! The ref is showing 2. Kelly kicks out at the last second!! )

( The crowd boo and Jeer as Jenny is pushed off of Kelly. The Cheerleader glares at the ref and shakes her head. She quickly rises to her feet and grabs Kelly by the right leg. Jenny then jumps into the air and drives her knee’s down on top of Kelly’s limb. The Assassin grunts in pain as Jenny quickly flips up to her feet, maintaining her grip on Kelly’s limb. Jenny stomps down on Kelly’s knee, Kelly tries to break free, but Jenny quickly kicks her foot out, slamming it into Kelly’s forehead. The Assassin’s head is knocked back to the mat. Jenny quickly grabs Kelly’s other leg and twists it around into a figure-four position. Jenny falls backwards to the mat. Kelly screams as her knee is twisted into a painful position. )

Sandra: “ Figure Four !! In the middle of the ring!!!”

( Jenny pushes herself up on her elbows and smiles )

Jenny: “ Come on Assassin!! I thought you were tough!!?”

( Kelly slaps her hands on the mat, trying to push herself towards the ropes. Jenny spreads her arms back, hoping to keep Kelly in the middle of the ring. )

Garry: “ Kelly is trying to reach the ropes, but that won’t do her any good. The ref won’t break the hold, hardcore rules, mean No DQ! “

( Outside the ring ,Americana watches and waits. Some of the ringside crowd taunt the veteran. Calling her a coward. She turns and taps the side of her head. Most of the people understand her tactics. But the calls of coward still ring in the American SweetHeart’s ears. )

( Kelly has managed to pull herself within reach of the ropes. The ref has asked for her surrender, but she ignores him. As she grabs the ropes, Kelly pulls herself towards them. Her body starts to fall out of the ring. Jenny quickly loosens her grip before she is pulled out of the ring. Kelly flops to the arena floor clutching her leg. )

Garry: “ Smart move by Kelly, she pulled herself out of the ring to break that figure-four.!”

Sandra: “ Yes, but the damage is done. Kelly is grabbing her leg in pain as Jenny….JENNY!!”

( The Cheerleader has quickly scaled the top rope and is perched on top. Kelly slowly pushes herself to her feet. Jenny leaps off the top, extending her body sideways. Kelly drops to the floor at the last second and the crowd groans as Jenny slams into the thin mats that surround the ring. )

Sandra: “ Oh my God!! “

Garry: “ Kelly dodged a bullet there. Jenny just crash-landed into the ground. Get a spatchula!!”

( Jenny lies on the mat, moaning and gasping for air. Kelly pulls herself to her feet. She walks over to the announcer’s table.)

Garry: “Ummm hi Kelly , great…EEEK!”

( The crowd laughs as Kelly shoves Garry out of his chair. The Assassin grabs the chair and folds it up. She then hobbles towards the downed Cheerleader. )

Sandra: “ Get up Jenny!!!!”

( Kelly lifts the chair high in the air. The crowd suddenly cheers as Americana rounds the corner of the ring. )

Sandra: “ Americana to the resc….. “

( Kelly suddenly spins and slams the chair into the oncoming Americana. )

Sandra: “ue”

( The crowd moans as a loud crack is heard as Kelly smashes the metal chair on top of Americana’s head. The Americana sweetheart staggers for a moment before falling backwards.)

Garry: “ Kelly’s got eyes in the back of her head. And Dammmit, she’s dented my chair!!”

( Kelly turns her attention back to Jenny. The Assassin’s face shows a shocked expression as Jenny is on her feet. The Cheerleader leaps into the air, spinning her leg around in a roundhouse motion, Her foot slams into the chair, causing it to smash into the side of Kelly’s face. Kelly stumbles backwards, losing her grip on the chair. Jenny quickly grabs the dented seat and holds the chair up. She then tosses the chair at Kelly. )

Garry: “ What? She’s giving it back to her , what an idiot!! “

Sandra: “ I don’t think so…Look!!”

( Kelly grabs the chair as it flies through the air. Jenny quickly jumps up onto the announcer’s table and leaps off , snapping her foot out. The Chair is slammed into Kelly’s face, sending the Assassin flying backwards and into the guardrail. )

Sandra: “ Van….Jenniator!!”

Garry: “ Jenniator?”

Sandra: “ Hey, it’s live TV, it’s what I could come up with at a moments notice”

( Kelly slams into the metal bars of the guardrail and slumps to the floor. Jenny takes a step back and then runs towards Kelly. The Assassin pushes herself up to her feet. As Jenny charges at her, she ducks, causing the Cheerleader to go flying over her and into the front row of the crowd. Security quickly comes over and forces the fans back. Jenny is lying on the ground with chairs scattered around her. Kelly hops over the guardrail and goes to inflict more punishment on the cheerleader. )

Sandra: “ Kelly and Jenny are exchanging shot here, both of them have taken tremendous punishment. “

Garry: “ And look whose back on her feet…)

( Americana pushes herself to her feet. A trickle of blood runs down her forehead from the chair shot. She looks over as Kelly has picked Jenny up and then whipped her into a stack chairs. Americana growls as she feels the blood run down her face. She bends down and looks under the ring. She begins to pull out a table as Kelly slams a chair into the back of the cheerleader. Americana opens the legs on the table and stands it up next to the ring. She then grabs the bottom rope and pulls herself up into the ring.)

( In the crowd, Jenny has managed to surprise Kelly with a kick to the groin. Mase doubles over, clutching her groin. Jenny quickly takes a running jump and leaps up onto a chair before extending her leg out and placing it on the back of Kelly’s neck. The weight of Jenny forces Kelly to the ground, driving her face into the floor. Jenny quickly jumps to her feet and looks around. She stares at a large muscular man in a Body Shop T-shirt. She waves at him and calls him over.)

Garry: “ What is she doing? Oh my god!! She’s going to get that idiot to attack Kelly!!”

Sandra: “ I don’t think so …”

( Jenny kicks Kelly onto her back and then whispers into the mans ear. He smiles and picks Jenny up in his arms. The huge man then pushes Jenny into a gorilla press , before slamming her down on top of the Assassin. )

Garry; “ FOUL!!! CHEAT!!! )

Sandra: “ Hey, it’s no DQ “

( The ref quickly slaps his hand down for the count. )

Sandra: “1”

Garry: “ NO!!!”

Sandra: “2”

Garry: “Kick that idiot out, interference!!”

Sandra: “ **3** Kelly’s been eliminated!!!)

( The crowd cheers as the ref’s hand slaps down for the three count. Jenny raises her arms in the air as she stands. Kelly rolls into a ball clutching her ribs. Jenny turns and kisses the large man on the cheek. The crowd cheers again as Jenny rewards the man for his help. The Cheerleader then turns her attention towards the ring , where Americana has climbed back inside and is waiting for her. )

Sandra: “ Well, it’s down to Jenny and Americana. But if the Assassin was paid to hurt Jenny, she certainly earned her money. Jenny is a mess and Americana is fresh. )

Garry: “ Hardly, stale old bread is a better analogy. “

( Jenny slowly makes her way to the ring. She slides under the bottom rope and pushes herself up to her feet. Americana immediately moves in on her. The American Sweetheart lashes out her arm , attempting to clothesline the cheerleader. Jenny ducks and takes off running across the ring. She rebounds and charges back in as Americana turns. Jenny leaps into the air , turning her body sideways. She slams into her larger opponent. Americana stumbles backward, her body hits the ropes and prevents her from falling. She quickly wraps her arms around Jenny’s thigh and neck, holding her smaller opponent in the air. Jenny quickly tries to squirm out of the hold, but is too late as Americana drops to one knee, slamming Jenny’s back against her meaty thigh.)

Sandra: “ Devastating Backbreaker by Americana”

Garry; “ She almost broke Jenny in half with that one. Americana’s legs are almost as big as Jenny’s torso!”

Sandra: “They are not!.”

( Americana quickly pushes Jenny off her knee and covers her for the pin. The ref slaps his hand down twice before Jenny manages to raise her shoulder. Americana pushes herself up and then pulls Jenny up by her arm. Americana quickly steps behind Jenny and puts her in a bear hug. The Cheerleader gasps for breath as Americana lifts her into the air and puts on the squeeze. )

Sandra: “ Smart move by Americana, she’s much stronger than Jenny and taller. The Cheerleader is also tired from fighting Kelly, can she hold out?!”

Garry: “ Cut the melodramatics! Americana is a disgrace. She waited and watched while Jenny and Kelly beat the crap outta each other.”

Sandra: “ Exactly what Evonne , Lisa Dream, Any of the Sisterhood would do. “

Garry: “ Sure, but they are crooks and cheats but Americana’s supposed to be a hero of the people. She’s supposed to act more appropriately!”

( Sandra smiles as Garry realizes what he just said )

Garry: “ I meant Americana is a crook and a cheat….Your putting words in my mouth!”

Sandra: “ Now how could I do that, your foot is in the way.”

Garry: “grrrrrrrrrr”

Sandra: “ Garry, just because your good, doesn’t mean your stupid.” Americana had the right idea, and Kelly was paid to attack Jenny and the Cheerleader has no love for the Assassin.”

Garry: “ There is no proof that Evonne paid Kelly to hurt Jenny!”

( Inside the ring, Jenny’s face is turning red as she struggles for breath. Americana gives her another big squeeze before taking a moment to rest. She drops Jenny down for a moment ,before getting ready to lift her into the air again. Jenny takes the opportunity and lifts her foot up and kicks it backwards into Americana’s knee. The American SweetHeart squeals and stumbles backwards, falling to the mat. Jenny is released and falls forward, sucking in the much-needed oxygen. Americana rubs her knee as Jenny slowly pushes herself to her knees. Americana grabs the ropes and pulls herself up as Jenny slowly starts to rise. The veteran moves in on Jenny and goes to grab her , but Jenny quickly moves out of reach. Jenny keeps her distance from her larger opponent, taking a moment to catch her breath before ducking out of range from Americana’s grabbing hands. Americana lunges for Jenny, the cheerleader snaps out her foot, which buries itself into Americana’s midsection. The American warrior clutches her midsection and stumbles forward. Jenny quickly grabs Americana by the sides of her neck and shoves her head down between her thighs. Jenny bends forward and wraps her arms around Americana’s waist. Jenny is barely able to grasp her hands around her larger opponent. Jenny takes a moment and then tries to lift Americana into the air. She gets the bigger woman’s feet off the ground for a moment, but they fall back to the ground. Jenny grunts and strains and tries to lift Americana up again, but the red, white and blue wrestler spreads her feet out wide, changing her center of gravity. Jenny suddenly squeals and she feels herself lifted into the air. Americana stands up and Jenny is flipped over. The Cheerleader falls to the mat, crashing down back first. )

Sandra: ‘Big Back Body Drop!!”

Garry: “ What was Jenny thinking , trying to lift Americana into a piledriver?”

Sandra: “ I think Jenny is too tired, she could have done it earlier in the match, but not now.”

( Americana turns as Jenny lies on the mat clutching her back. Americana reaches down and grabs a handful of Jenny’s hair and pulls her up. She whips Jenny into the corner. The cheerleader slams into the turnbuckles back first. She slumps down, only her arms draped over the top rope keeping her standing. Americana moves to the opposite corner and then takes off across the ring. )

Garry: “ Coming up, one Pancaked Cheerleader “

( Americana comes charging in, Jenny quickly pushes her feet out , while hanging onto the top ropes. Her feet slam into Americana’s ample chest, causing the Americana beauty to stumble backwards . Jenny quickly pushes herself up onto the top rope and jumps off. She opens her legs and lands on top of Americana’s shoulders. The impact staggers the American Heroine as Jenny’s crotch slams into her face. Americana somehow remains standing as Jenny’s hopes of ending the match suddenly change to fear. Americana reaches up and wraps her arms around Jenny’s legs, locking her in place. Americana then runs forward. Jenny’s skirt is over her head and she is unable to see where she is going. Jenny however , screams out as they move dangerously close to the ropes. )

Sandra: “ Oh my god!!!”

Garry: “ The table!!!!”

( Americana shoves Jenny down as hard as she can in a powerbomb, However, Americana is too close to the ropes and Jenny is sent flying over the top. The table that was laid out earlier is shattered as the cheerleader is smashes through it )

Sandra: “…that….that…..was..”

Garry: “ Awesome!! American just power bombed Jenny over the top rope and onto a table!!!”

( Americana looks down at the carnage she has caused. The shock of the brutality of the blow hits her. She quickly steps through the ropes and jumps down to the floor. Jenny lies unconscious, in the middle of the splintered table. The ref also jumps out of the ring. Americana pauses for a moment, then falls to her knee’s and gently presses her hands against Jenny’s shoulders. The ref slaps his hand down quickly three times. )

Sandra: “ I hope Jenny is ok….”

Garry: “ geeez, Evonne should have paid Americana as well “

( The BRA medical staff are quick on the scene tending to Jenny. Americana stands looking over the downed cheerleader. The ref calls for the bell and raises Americana’s hand in the air )


Announcer: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of the match……Americana!!!”

( Americana smiles for a moment, happy in her victory. Then the sight of Jenny being carefully lifted onto a stretcher changes her expression. Americana walks over and looks down at the cheerleader. Jenny has opened her eyes and Americana breathes a sigh of relief. Jenny slowly lifts her hand up and cracks a smile through blood soaked teeth. )

Jenny: “ Kick Yvette’s ass for me “

( Americana smiles and grabs Jenny’s hand shaking it carefully )

Garry: “ Oh, this makes me sick “

( The crowd watches the display on the Angeltron and cheers the sportsmanship between these two competitors. Americana watches as Jenny is carried away to be checked by the doctors. The American Sweetheart climbs into the ring and grabs her flag from the corner. She waves it in the air as the throngs starts to chant. )


Sandra: “ Well folks, what an amazing series of matches we saw tonight. Tune in next week for more great action from Battling Ring Angels…..Goodnight!!”

**Winner of the Match**** Americana.
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