logoAngel Dust vs. Shea London

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(As the fans react to the cameras � now returning from commercial break � they erupt into screams and enthusiastic cheers, getting to their feet and waving their hands about. Many carry signs and banner, t-shirts and hats, and many other items which � until recently had never been thought of to be commercialized. Cari Trammel and Kenny Harbour wait at ringside, each with their usual demeanor and personalized form of sports analysis.)

Kenny: Have you ever seen such excitement? BRA fans really turned out tonight.

Cari: Trust me, Kenny, most of these inbreds are BRA fans in more ways than one. As one of the last matches you and I will be calling before the REAL millennium, do you think this has been a pretty good year so far?

Kenny: Yes. Absolutely. I got my big break in show business this year. I got a new computer and that pain in my rear was not the herniated disk I thought it was.

Cari: Do you find in necessary to discuss your weird medical problems? Personally, I look bank fondly on me being able to watch a bunch of lame girls get the beat down from girls of heightened talent. Of course, the year would have been much better if I had been paired up with someone who does not look at a computer all day and who at least has a notion of what women's wrestling is all about.

Kenny: I hope three ghosts visit you Christmas Eve.

(The crowd makes some lackluster noises as Shea London's music is played. The small blonde appears from the curtain, with her red attire and Union Jack flag on the front. She thrusts her arms in the air and waits for the crowd to cheer her. However, she is met with boos and jeers, much to the British girl's disdain.)

Kenny: What's wrong with these fans?! Shea is a sweetheart! She used to get cheered and applauded by the fans.

Cari: I can tell you the problem. Shea's performance has SUCKED as of late. She hardly does anything around here except show up, get her ass handed to her, and look like a fool. Really, there are those in administration who think she may get booted soon for her poor performance, as well as her inability to follow through with promises to this promotion. THAT is why she is getting booed. People may like a 'good girl' but nobody likes a loser.

Kenny: Your point is sharp enough to puncture anything, Cari. Don't let me get on your bad side.

Cari: As if you were ever on my good side?

(Explosions and fireworks erupt before Shea has a chance to even enter the ring. Angel Dust appears at the top of the ramp, wearing ripped jeans, combat boots and a Nine Inch Nails T-shirt under a denim jacket. 'Head Like A Hole' blares from the sound system as she glares at Shea and points at her with a threatening and menacing gesture. The crowd boos her but there are those in the audience who seem to have a certain fascination for the unusual symbol of counter culture. Angel slowly comes to the ring, marching as she approaches, like some insane and terrible monster ready to rip into prey.)

Kenny: Angel Dust is a creep. She is a ruthless and careless competitor. She doesn't care about winning. She doesn't care about titles. She does not care for anyone, I bet. Not even herself. This is a dangerous and eerie woman and the rest of the roster had better be careful when dealing with her. She's a desperate and vile woman.

Cari: Yeah, well, she is a desperate and vile woman who had better produce this week. Rumor has it that Gabrielle, himself is taking a serious interest in this match, wanting to make sure that Shea London gets the hurt put on her this week.. If Angel does not show results, then we can probably call her Powder Dust � cause she'll be blown away.

(Angel walks past the ring and directly up to the announcer's booth. She sneers at Shea as she approaches, casting the British blonde a dirty glance. However, Shea is not her target as of yet. She seems more interested in Cari. From her jacket Angel pulls out red thong panties and throws them down on the announcer's table.)

Angel: Hey, honey, you forgot these last night . . .

(As the crowd behind Cari snickers, she sneers her lips into a fake laugh, but then springs into action. She leaps up in a flurry of motion, reaching over the table and seizing Angel by her orange and green hair. As Cari falls back into her seat, she takes Angel with her, slamming the wrestler's head into the hard table. As Angel's head snaps back, a trail of blood can be seen streaming from her nose as she stumbles back, dazed.

Cari: Now THAT is funny!

Kenny: Good Lord!

(Angel continues to stumble as the official comes up to her. As she raises up from covering her nose, the wicked and twisted Angel Dust laughs and giggles, despite her bloody nose and the fact that she just had her mind scrambled against the announcer's table. Like a leering and loathsome beast, she continues to snicker at Cari's expense, until the lights dim and a fireball explodes from the top of the ramp. A very unsettling and chilling tune plays over the sound system, with Latin verse, sounding like a twisted and dark parody of 'Hark, The Herald Angels Sing' Gabrielle, clad in his flowing robes and gold mask emerges from the back, flanked by his angels, Celeste and Angelique, wearing their white, tight togas and crooked halos. As they march down the aisle, the lights flicker and the music lends an unsettling ambiance to the atmosphere. The fans boo and scream, knowing that in Gabrielle's wake, chaos and dirty tactics reign supreme. As they descend down the ramp, Angel Dust spots them and her laughs and cackles turns to an almost frightened jolt. Quickly she scrambles into the ring, keeping her distance from Shea and wiping the blood from her nose.)

Cari: Ha! Gabrielle's presence sure turned Angel's mind to other things.

Kenny: You think he is coming this way?

Cari: You better hope not. I hear he doesn't like you.

(Celeste and Angelique come ahead and take the chair away from the time keeper, putting it next to Kenny who suddenly looks green and sick, an obvious sign of nervousness. The pair of femme fatales wipes the chair down as Gabrielle approaches then sits down, gently, hooking a headset around him, preparing to be a part of the conversation.)

Cari: Welcome, Gabrielle. Its is always a pleasure to have someone at ringside who not only knows what they are talking about but also ads a great sense of class to everything.

Kenny: Um, Gabrielle, what do you think of tonight's match-up?

Gabrielle: I can assure you that someone is going to be beaten VERY badly. Someone is going to be the recipient of a great deal of suffering. I can PROMISE you that.

(Angelique and Celeste release sinister giggles and begin whispering in one another's ear, sharing some strange joke, but one which many can guess the punchline. The official signals for the bell and the match starts with Angel glancing over at Gabrielle and rushing towards Shea.)

Gabrielle: Actually, I came here to . . . motivate Ms. Dust. (glancing at the leering angels) Well, THEY should do most of the motivating.

Cari: Any chance of your girls beating the Hell out of her anyway, even if she does win?

(Gabrielle stares at Cari, perhaps a quizzical look and then turns to watch the action. As Angel rams her body into Shea's side, the British girl crumples backward, grabbing her arm in pain. Angel shows no mercy as she pounces on her foe, slamming her boot down over and over into her midsection. The British girl screams in agony, but Angel shows no sign of letting up. Kicking Shea in the head, an almost vile look passes over her. Angel reaches down and seizes Shea by the hair and flings her across the ring, watching as she lands with a painful thud upon her back. As Shea arches her back, showing how much agony she is in, Angel goes in for another offensive. As she leaps across the ring, she buries her knee in her opponent's back, crushing her under Angel's weight. The crowd goes wild upon seeing the exciting start.)

Kenny: How can these fans cheer against Shea?

Cari: How can they cheer for that disgusting Angel Dust?

(Letting out a vicious scream, Angel bends over and latches on to Shea's hair, pulling her to her feet. The official yells at Angel, reminding her of the hair pulling rule and Angel obliges by slamming Shea to the mat again on her back. With a leg drop, Angel falls on the British blonde, slamming her leg across Shea's neck. Writhing and sputtering in pain, Shea's arms flail about hitting the mat like some dying barnyard creature. Cari makes several rude comments and Kenny seems appalled. Gabrielle lightly applauds with every vicious maneuver that Angel executes on London. Shea attempts to strike back but the initial lead by Angel has her disoriented and dazed. Her swings connect only with the air in front of her and Angel responds by uttering cruel laughs, spitting in Shea's face. A rake down her eyes has Shea further confused as she swings about trying to defend herself. Angel takes advantage of her opponent's blindness and seizes her arm, locking into a pulling motion that seems to strain Shea to the limits. With another spit in Shea's face, Angel jumps into the air and comes crashing down, slamming London's face into the canvass. The fans boo over London's inability to put up a fight. However, it is clear that something horrible is happening to the British girl and that the momentum building with Angel shows no signs of slowing down. The Grunge Girl's sheer ferocity and spite seems to ooze from her body.)

Kenny: This is a side that we rarely see from Angel.

Cari: Good point, Kenny. Even after I bloodied that bitch's nose, she seems to be doing fairly well. Of course, if she comes back over her, I can hand the brat her teeth.

(Back inside, Angel looks out to see that Gabrielle has not lost interest in the proceedings. Angel pulls Shea to her feet and throws her into the ropes. On the bounce back, Angel slams her foot into the blonde's midsection, causing her to double over in agony. Taking the opportunity to execute a suplex, Angel pounds Shea's back into the canvass with enough authority to shake the entire ring as she connects. She screams out, again arching her back as punishment is dished out from the devious and sinister Angel Dust. Getting up, Angel extends her arms and bows, sweeping as she does so, to the mixed emotions from the crowd. Clearly gloating, Angel is in complete control.)

Cari: Her arrogance makes me sick! I have half a mind to-(as Cari rises, clearly intent on heading to the ring, Gabrielle extends his hand)

Gabrielle: Half a mind to what, my dear? Oh no. I think you are fine seated right where you are . . .

(Handling herself quite well in the ring, Angel throws Shea from one side of the ring to another, bouncing her off the ropes and clipping her in the neck with two vicious clotheslines. Seeing Shea prone on the mat allows Angel to scoop her up, body slam her and drop another leg across her throat. The camera shows London's body � ravaged by attacks at the hand of the dreadful Angel Dust. Her throat is clearly bruised and the official is asking London if she wants to give in. She shakes her head vigorously, waving him off. Angel goes for the pin after hammering Shea with a shot to the forehead. As the official counts, Angel pulls her opponent out, sticking her tongue in her face, in some ghoulish fashion, cackling like am imp from Hell.)

Kenny: This is enough! Angel already has poor Shea beaten! Why not just pin her and put her out of her misery and let her have some dignity with her fans?!

Gabrielle: Ah, Mr. Harbour, that is not the way I like to send messages.

Kenny: Like the messages you sent Sakura Ito? Like the message you sent Jennifer Christian?

Gabrielle: (snapping his fingers to get the attention of his angels) Mr. Harbour, may I suggest that you hold your tongue while you still have it? Else I could have you on the next plane to Japan to join Mrs. Christian as the commentator.

(Silence overwhelms Kenny as Celeste and Angelique converge behind him, staring down upon him like two sinister cats. Back in the ring, Angel has taken a senseless Shea London and seated her atop the turnbuckle, ready to suplex her off and into the ring. As she mounts the turnbuckle, she delivers heavy blows down upon Shea with evil precision. The last fist that comes down causes blood to explode from her nose as Angel cackles with seething joy. After she yanks Shea by the hair she spits in her face and takes her back for the suplex off the turnbuckle, slamming her to the mat. Angel slides her body onto Shea without even hooking the leg and the official counts to three.)

Kenny: Good Lord! Shea London has been decimated! Decimated right here in the ring!

Gabrielle: A most impressive showing from Ms. Angel Dust, I do believe.

Cari: It looks like Ms. 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' isn't done yet.

(Pushing the official away from checking on Shea, Angel grabs her beaten foe and drags her to the other turnbuckle, nearest to Gabrielle and the announcers. The official tries to put a stop to it but Angel is like a woman possessed by demons. Taking London to the top of the turnbuckle she sets her up for a suplex, but this one is aimed to land on the outside. With a flip of her body, Angel hoists her up and tosses them both off the top, landing directly into the oft maligned Spanish Announce table, crushing it as the two announcers try to escape. Both Angel and Shea lay in a crumpled heap amid broken and busted wood and electronics, both bleeding but Angel obviously taking some sick and twisted pleasure from it as she stumbles to rise. Seeing that the bell has rung and the match is over, Gabrielle signals to his angels that it is time to leave. As he passes the body of Shea London, he bends down and speaks with hatred dripping from his lips.)

Gabrielle: Give such a poor showing again, my dear and I'll see to it that you'll spend the rest of your days in a Mexican federation where they like to slash up pretty faces like yours.

Kenny: Good Lord how heinous! This is a travesty!

Cari: (whispering through the corner of her mouth) Be quiet or you're next!

(As Gabrielle and his angels ascend the ramp, medical staff race down, trying to get to Shea's aid. Angelique and Celeste trip them, causing them to tumble down, wasting valuable time. Angel Dust crawls back into the ring, bloodied and hurt, and mounts the turnbuckle like some crazed warrior fresh from a ruthless battle. Cari and Kenny inquire into the condition of Shea London as the cameras fade to a commercial.)
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