logoSakura Ito vs. Janus (Hardcore)

The arena is going crazy for the BRA action. Row after row of fans on their feet all the way to the top of the arena. The camera pans across the wild and rowdy sea of humanity, taking a moment to stop on a few of the more interesting signs present in the crowd. The more entertaining ones say� �I want to come face two face with Janus.�, �Lindsay say it ain't sooo!�, �I love Becca Blush!� and �If looks could kill Nina would be a murderer!.�

Kenny: Cari, this next match is going to be very interesting. Sakura Ito and Janus will face off in a Hardcore match.

Cari: This is going to be one of the biggest matches of the night. This is going to be the end of The Threesome.

Kenny: The Threesome have had their union tested before and have always hung together. What makes you think it'll be any different here?

Cari: The conditions, Kenny. Lindsay and Janus have changed their outlooks on their careers, and I don't think Sakura fits in with that plan.

Kenny: I guess we'll find out tonight.

Cari: I can't wait. The lights in the arena dim slightly, as, over the speakers, Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now' begins to play. As the first slow stanza ends, and the music picks up, a burst of pyrotechnics brightens the ramp. Out of the fireworks jogs Sakura Ito, known also as 'Chibiyama' or the Little Mountain. The look in her dark brown eyes alone speaks of the focus, the energy, and the raw tension of the battle to come. Right behind Sakura comes by a large powerful African-American man, bald and obviously in his mid-30s, right alongside Sakura's older mentor and manager, John Nanakami. Sakura appears in prime shape, her thickly muscled body dressed in her standard ring garb, which consists of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is coloured a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. Her fists, however, are taped, as per a boxer's, obviously in preparation for this Hardcore match. The large black man, recognized by those in the know of the boxing world as former heavyweight contender Mack 'Mack Truck' Fontaine, is 6 feet 4 inches tall and almost as broad, dressed simply in a grey sweatsuit with the faded logo for 'Mack's Place Gym' on it. John is dressed rather reservedly, his older face still showing the strains of his recent heart attack, but his eyes seem just as intent and focused as Sakura's.

The whole group makes its way down to the ring, Sakura taking the time to clap hands with any willing fans. Mack gives her thick shoulders a quick rub and slap. "Remember, if dat oak don' fall, use somefin bigger!" is his addition to the advice and support. Finally, she turns to John. The older Japanese man simply smiles slightly and nods. Sakura gives a quick bow back, then leaps into the ring, stretching out her thick muscular limbs against her corner, preparing for the match to come.

Kenny: Sakura Ito looks ready as usual. And many people say she should be the BRA Celestial Champion.

Cari: Many people say you're boring. But I don't listen to them.

Kenny: Be that as it may, Sakura Ito is one of the most impressive wrestlers in this company, and one of the most honorable.

Cari: Which is why she'll never stick with Janus and Lindsay.

Kenny: Just stop it.

The arena goes quite and images of Hardcore carnage appear on The Angel-Tron. Images of Missy Jones being put through a flaming table, followed by Kelly Mase getting a fork to the head. This is followed by images of Janus pinning Sandra Blake for the Fallen Angel Title and Janus giving Lesley Magnus a barbed wire neck tie. The screen goes black, with white letters in the center that flash THE DARK ANGEL over and over again.

As "Time" from The Chambers Brothers hits the speakers, Janus makes her way to the ring. She is dressed in her usual black leather pants and black velvet short, finishing the outfit with black and blue cowboy boots. Her black hair is straight and loose. Janus is followed by Lightning Lindsay Locke, who is dressed in a pair of tight, old blue jeans and black boots. She complete her outfit with a blue T-shirt that says "Just Watch Me" in yellow letters. Lindsay's blond locks sport a very stylish hair style. Behind her walks several members of The Hit Squad. Sasha, Brenda, Porsha Pembroke and Jessica Estrella all follow not far behind Lindsay. They are scanning the arena, looking for potential trouble. Janus walks to the ring looking straight ahead, with purpose. She enters the ring and stands in the corner, twirling a fork in her fingers. Lindsay and her entourage also enter the ring.

Kenny: It would seem clear whose side Lindsay's on.

Cari: And she brought her security with her.

Kenny: That has to be the silliest thing I've ever heard. Lesley Magnus would never attack Lindsay from behind.

Cari: That's because Lindsay has The Hit Squad with her.

Kenny: That's not what I meant.

Lindsay takes the microphone from the ring announcer. She faces Sakura. Janus and Sakura both walk to the center of the ring where Lindsay is standing.

Lindsay: Everyone, I'm sorry to say that I'm not in action tonight. But I still wanted all you fans to have the opportunity to�Just Watch Me!

The fans respond to these comments with a mixture of boos and cheers.

Kenny: Lindsay doesn't have the crowd support she used to.

Cari: She doesn't care.

Lindsay: Thank you! I know all of you came here to see The Threesome in action. But I'm sorry to say that there will be no match tonight.

The crowd mumbles their confusion.

Kenny: What is she talking about?

Cari: This is going to be interesting.

Lindsay: Sakura, I want to talk to you. Janus knows that the only reason she isn't the Fallen Angel Champion right now is because Johnny Angel did all he could to keep her down. And I know that the only reason I'm not the Celestial Champion right now is because Johnny Angel has some weird thing for Tiffany Lane and The Sisterhood.

The crowd again meets her comments with a mixture of cheers and boos. But there seems to be a lot of confusion in their responses. Sakura cocks her head to the side, her hands on her hips, as she digests what Lindsay is saying. Janus flanks Lindsay, still twirling a fork in her finger.

Cari: Everything she just said is true. I love this new Lindsay.

Kenny: What are you talking about? Johnny wasn't even around when Janus lost to Lesley.

Cari: Just listen to what Locke has to say.

Lindsay: Sakura, I want you to understand that the only reason you aren't wearing the Celestial Title Belt right now is because Gabrielle knew that the only way to be sure that Johnny wouldn't interfere on Tiffany's behalf again was to take the belt and keep it away from both of them.

Kenny: Does she believe that?

Cari: Sakura is just listening. I can't tell.

Kenny: I mean, does Lindsay believe that?

Lindsay: Think about it. Who was up on all of Johnny's billboards? Who was in most of Johnny's main events? Who sold the most merchandise? Who kept the fans watching this company's shows when Johnny was running it into the ground? It was The Threesome! It was us!

The fans go crazy at that statement. Sakura and Janus stare each other down as Lindsay tries to get between them. Sakura still seems unmoved. She is showing no emotion.

Kenny: I never thought I'd see this level of selfishness from Lindsay Locke.

Cari: Hey, she deserves her share.

Lindsay: But who held the belts? Not us. Who did Johnny give all the gold to? Not us. He made sure Janus lost her Fallen Angel Title, and then kept her out of action for a month. He made sure I lost my Celestial Title, and gave me no rematch. I don't remember you and I ever getting a tag team title match. I don't remember you ever getting a title match.

Cari: Good points, all of them.

Kenny: This is a load of garbage. Lindsay Locke has�I never thought I'd say this�has turned into a spoiled child. Sakura walks around the ring, thinking about what Lindsay is saying. Janus stays right behind Lindsay and the Hit Squad continues to patrol outside the ring.

Lindsay: Because of Johnny Angel, I need to hire security to protect me from Lesley Magnus.

Kenny: That is just not true!

Lindsay: We made Johnny Angel money. And he didn't realize that people�don't want to watch The Sisterhood anymore! People don't care about Tiffany and Nina and The Parkers! They're time is past!

This is met with a mixture of boos and cheers. The fans seem split on what Lindsay is saying. Sakura is also seemingly mixed on the issue. But her face betrays no emotion. She just listens.

Lindsay: We revolutionized BRA! We made BRA rich! We carried BRA when no one was watching! But The Sisterhood got all the credit, all the glory and�most importantly�all the money! When we were out, selling this company night in and night out, for short money contracts, they were getting paid to work�when they felt like. When it was convenient for them. And you know who let them get away with it? Johnny Angel!

Again, all Sakura does is listen. She doesn't show any emotion.

Lindsay: But Gabrielle can change all of it. He already gave me what I deserve. And he can give you what you deserve. He can give you your money, your credit and your glory.

Lindsay puts her hand out. Sakura looks at it.

Lindsay: Take my hand and join with Janus and I. We can keep this revolution going. We can help Gabrielle make this company great. This is our time. Be part of it. Take my hand and be part of it.

Sakura is still thinking it over. The fans are showing a mixture of support for her to shake Lindsay's hand, and telling her to buzz off.

Cari: This is it.

Kenny: Don't do it, Sakura. Don't do it.

Lindsay: Come on Sakura. We need you. And you need us.

Sakura motions for Lindsay to give her the microphone.

Sakura: I don't know what's happened to you. But I never thought I'd hear you make excuses for a few losses. Lindsay, you are wrong. And I don't want to be part of this selfishness. To me, it's not about money. It's about fighting with honor. It's about challenging myself against the best. It used to be about that for you. And if you can't understand that. If you have changed that much. Than my answer is no!

The crowd erupts in cheers.

Lindsay looks very displeased. So does Janus. The Hit Squad members enter the ring. Porsha and Jessica get behind Sakura while Sasha and Brenda stand behind Lindsay and next to Janus.

Cari: Here we go.

Lindsay: Let me tell you the truth! We made you! You would be nothing without me! I made you part of something! Janus and I could have picked anyone and made them a star! We could have made�Shea London a star! We could have made�Minty Flavours a star! But we picked you! We made you part of The Threesome! And this is how you pay us back?

The crowd boos as Sakura stands dumbfounded, like she just got hit with a two by four. Lindsay is really angry.

Kenny: She became a star through hard work and dedication.

Cari: But all that doesn't sell beer.

Kenny: She never needed The Threesome.

Lindsay: Well we made you�and we can break you! Get Her!

And with that, the whole Hit Squad attacks Sakura. First is Brenda, who Sakura dismisses with a back body drop. The next one to go after her is Jessica Estrella. Sakura side steps her and takes her down with a leg sweep. Sakura hops back up and waits for her next attacker.

But before she can get ready, Porsha Pembroke hits her from behind with a big double axe handle that puts her to the mat. Sasha and Porsha start to stomp and kick Sakura while she's down. Jessica and Brenda slowly get back to their feet and help out.

Cari: I love this!

Kenny: This is a mugging. Lindsay and her hired goons.

Lindsay looks at Janus.

Lindsay: I said Get Her!

Janus looks beaten as she walks over and helps the Hit Squad attack Sakura. They are kicking her and beating her like wild animals. Sakura is struggling to get back up, but she can't get anywhere. Porsha pulls her up and holds her while the others kick and punch her. Mack Fontaine and John Nanakami pound the mat and try to get some help for Sakura.

Kenny: This is sick.

Cari: Yeah, isn't it great?

The Hit Squad holds Sakura while Lindsay approaches her and gets right in her face.

Lindsay: You're fired!

Lindsay slaps Sakura in the face and points to her. Janus takes her fork and has Porsha hold her while she sizes her up.

But before Janus can stick her with the fork, some people jump over the guardrail and into the ring.

Kenny: That's Lindsay's cousin Mixie Locke! And Angela Downey!

Mixie grabs a bokken wooden sword from John and uses it to dispatch Jessica and Sasha. Porsha and Brenda get out of the ring, followed by Janus and Lindsay. Angela quickly makes sure Sakura is OK. She helps Sakura to her feet while the last members of The Hit Squad get out of the ring. Sakura uses Angela for support, as she and Mixie share a handshake. Lindsay and Janus, followed by The Hit Squad, walk backward from the arena. They make vague threats to Sakura and Mixie, who remain strong in the ring with Angela.
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