logoRose Red vs. Nurse Becca Blush

(The screen fades up from black as hundreds of fans cheer and wave, hoping that somebody somewhere might see them on TV. A glimpse of their 15 minutes that Andy gave them.)

Ken: "Well, this next match up should be interesting."

Cari: "Quite, Cosmo's "superstar" Becca Blush is going to make Rose red."

Ken: "Very funny. I have concerns about this match. Rose might not be in the best frame of mind to wrestle tonight. Especially against someone like Becca."

Cari: "Your only concern is whether Ansalong will be coming out."

(Ken fumbles with his tie, his face growing a shade or two redder.)

Ken: "Hardly! But I would miss seeing her at ringside, she does add to the�excitement of the matches."

Cari: "Drool bib! Get this man a drool bib!"

(With a sudden and tense act, the lights black out, and over the loudspeaker comes a seductive voice.)

"I'm a superstar."

(Explosions fire up, with flames shooting from the sides of the ramp. One more spark of intense fire erupts from the top of the ramp as the curtain parts, revealing Becca Blush, to the chagrin of the fans, their distaste for her evident. She stands for a moment, soaking it all in, wearing a white tube top, barely containing what it holds, white rubber shorts, clinging to her dangerous hips, and white PVC boots which come to directly beneath her knees, laced to the top, her high heels adding a few inches to her height. Apollo, symbol for doctors and nurses, is printed across her heavy chest and �Superstar' is printed on the backside of her tiny, tight shorts. She runs her hands through her long blonde hair and begins pointing at the ring. Suddenly, from the sound-system, her theme song, �Superstar' by the Lords of Acid belts out her arrogant entrance music. With a rapid pace in her step, she makes her way to the ring, growling and hissing at anyone bold enough to get in her way or gets too close while jeering her.)

Cari: "Don't ask that Nurse for help, unless you want to stay in the hospital, she's as vicious as they come."

Ken: "She has beaten some of the top talent in BRA. She defeated the "Goddess" Nina LaRue, something very few people can lay claim to. I wonder if �.there she is."

(Nurse Ansalong appears behind her, wearing her usual tight nurse's uniform, waving to the fans and approaching the sides stopping to stare at one of the more attractive fans. As she seems to chat for a moment, while Becca approaches the ring, it appears as if phone numbers are exchanged. As she approaches the next fellow, Becca casts a glance back, furious, then Ansalong hurriedly does double time to the ring, jiggling the whole way.)

Cari: "Why doesn't Cosmo get that woman a proper uniform!"

Ken: "Well, ummm, it is a bit �nah! I think it's great!"

(As Becca reaches the ring, she leaps up to the apron and turns, raising her arms as more explosions ignite, with her entrance song screaming out �Superstar.' Finally, she turns and enters the ring, staring daggers at the referee.)

Cari: "I don't think Rose is going to have a good night. Rumor has it that Becca spent some time with Lesley Magnus over the past week and the conversation was less than friendly. Becca might use Rose as a message to those who end up on the wrong side of Cosmo."

Ken: "Shhhh, she's dancing!"

(On the outside, Nurse Ansalong begins a go-go routine dancing to the music of �Superstar,' and almost going into an erotic strip routine before Becca screams at her, apparently upset that her own limelight is being siphoned off. Satisfied with Ansalong's motionlessness, Becca leans against the turnbuckle, extending her long, luscious legs and smirking.)

Ken: "Spoilsport!"

Cari: "Hey Becca!"

Ken: "Shhhhhhhhhhhh!"

(The arena turns light red and at the entrance a loud explosion is heard around the arena. Then red fireworks explode from the entrance. Red Rose jumps out and raises her arms to the crowd! Oasis' "Don't Look Back in Anger, I Heard You Say" booms loud over the sound system as Red Rose walks about on the entrance ramp! Several roses drop from the ceiling showering the entranceway with their fragrant blooms. She skips down the ramp and up the aisle slapping as many hands with the fans as she can. Stopping just before the ring she picks a few of them off the floor and hands them all to a few fans that are lucky enough to be near by. Continuing on she high fives some more before rolling into the ring under the bottom rope and leaping onto the middle turnbuckle. As she waves to the crowd a few red lights cast the ring in a rosy glow before she steps down and picks up some roses in the ring and throws them into the crowd. She is clad in a rather skimpy 2 piece red bikini her briefs are highly cut exposing her thigh and her bra exposing the busty maidens chest!)

Cari: "She has no idea what's about to happen."

Ken: "Well, Rose is a competitor is lots of heart. Maybe too much though. Her Doctor asked her not to wrestle tonight and against his judgement, she's here."

Cari: "Stupid is a stupid does."

(The ref makes a motion to the timekeeper.)


(As the bell sounds, Rose skips out of her corner, blissfully unaware of whom she is facing. Becca slowly moves from the turnbuckles, walking in a slow semi-circle around the ring, watching Rose with a cold hate in her eyes. Rose waves to some cheering ringside fans and then moves to the center of the ring with her arms out. With a twisted smile on her face, Becca moves to meet her. Blush reaches her hands up to lock up with Rose. Immediately, Becca slams her boot up, smashing it into Rose's midsection. Red gasps and goes to stagger backwards, but Becca has her hands locked. Blush pulls Rose forwards, trapping her in a side headlock. Cosmo's enforcer takes a leap backwards, pulling Rose down with her, driving her head into the canvas.)

Ken: "DDT! WoW! Rose bounced up like a ball."

(Rose's body bounced up slightly before flopping over onto her back. Becca rises to her feet and begins a series of vicious stomps and kicks to her downed opponent. Rose, still stunned from the DDT, tries to cover and roll away, but the enraged Nurse follows her, stomping all over her body in an insane ballet."

Cari: "Ahhhh, the old Gavin stomp routine. Memories�. "

(As Cari lets out a sigh, Becca stops her assault to survey the damage. Rose is lying on the mat, curled up in a ball. She seems to be holding her head.)

Ken: "I don't think she should be in there. Rose isn't putting up much of a fight and Blush is in the mood to dish out some pain."

(Becca bends down and grabs a handful of Rose's hair. She pulls the redhead up to her feet and scoops her in her arms. Blush takes a step towards the center of the ring and drops to one knee, slamming Rose down across her outstretched thigh.)

Cari: "Perfect backbreaker!"

(Rose's body is forced into an upside down U shape as Becca latches her hand around the pretty girls throat and thigh. Blush begins to push down, bending Rose's back even further. Becca's hand clamps around Rose's throat, choking her as she pushes down. The ref calls for a break, but Blush ignores him, instead she moves her other hand up to Rose's throat and clamps down.)

Ken: "CHOKE! Come on ref! Break it up!"

(The ref begins starts his count, and Blush waits until the last moment before releasing her grip. She shoves Rose off her thigh and rises to her feet. Becca glares at the referee, but keeps her emotionless expression as she looks down at her opponent.)

Ken: "That's one nurse that hasn't pledged to the Hippocratic oath!"

(Outside the ring, Ansalong is talking to some of the boys from "I TAPPA KEGGA" Blush casts a glance towards her assistant and scowls as the boys are more interested in Ansalong's assets than the Superstar in the ring. Becca walks over to the side of the ring and screams at the bumbling Nurse. Ansalong yelps and quickly saunters away, spilling pills and other devices from her many pockets. The redheaded nurse stops to pick up the pills, bending over and giving the ringside fans a clear shot of her well-rounded fanny and the thong underneath. Blush curls her lip into a snarl and turns her attention back to her opponent. To her surprise Rose is on her feet, in fact, Rose's feet are flying towards Becca's chest.)

Ken: "Huge dropkick! Rose is fighting back!"

(Becca is sent crashing into the turnbuckles as Rose jumps up to her feet. Red waves to the crowd and then charges towards Blush, leaping up into the air and then splashing down on her opponent. Becca is smashed into the turnbuckles and the stumbles out as Rose quickly climbs up the turnbuckles and prepares to jump off.)

Cari: "Behind you!!"

(Becca turns as Rose jumps off the top rope, nailing her with a missile dropkick. Blush is sent sprawling across the ring as Red pushed herself up. Rose quickly runs over to her downed opponent and drops across her for a cover. The ref slaps his hand down once before Blush kicks out.)

Ken: "Almost a pin there by Rose!"

Cari: "What? Blush kicked out at one, that wasn't even close!"

(Rose rises to her feet and grabs Blush by the arm, pulling the angry blonde up. Red hurls Becca towards the ropes and then chases after her. As Becca hits the strands, she wraps her arms around the top rope. Rose fails to see this and leaps into the air.)

Cari: "Nobody home!"

(Rose hits nothing but air and lands hard on the canvas. Blush steps forwards and grabs both of Rose's legs. Blush raises her boot in the air, holding it dangerously above her outstretched opponent. Before the ref can warn her , Becca drives her boot down, slamming it into Rose's lower, lower midsection.)

Ken: "Low blow! What a dirty move!"

Cari: "Gut shot! I'm sure it was a gut shot."

(The ref warns Becca about the infraction, but she ignores him and hauls the wounded Rose up to her feet. Becca scoops Rose up and then slams her to the mat. Red hits the mat and bounces up, clutching her back. The sadistic nurse then leaps up into the air, and slams her knee down across Rose's head. Red squeals and clutches her head as Becca rises up to her feet and viciously repeats the move. Becca's knee slams into Rose's forehead, stunning the perky Brit.)

Ken: "My god! Blush just busted Rose wide open!"

(A trickle of blood oozes from Rose's forehead. The blood is a stark contrast on Becca's white boots. Seeing the blood causes a evil smile to appear on Blush's face for a moment, before she returns to her expressionless visage. Becca hauls Rose up places her in another side headlock. Becca jumps backwards, driving Rose into the mat with another DDT.)

Ken: "This is a massacre!"

Cari: "Rose will be lucky to walk away from this one. If Blush lets her walk away.)

(Becca rises to her feet and pulls Rose up by her hair. She drags the poor woman over to the corner. Blush then slams the girls head into the turnbuckles. Ansalong starts to count as Becca slams Rose's head into the corner over and over.)

Ansalong: "1...2-..3- umm - 4...yeah...oh. ..5.....6-eeek! -.7.....8.....9....10!! yeah!"

(Becca releases her grip on Rose and lets her drop to the mat. Becca drops across Rose, pushing Red's chin to the side and then lying across her in an arrogant pin. The ref drops to count the pin. The camera gets a close up of Blush. She is staring right into the lens as the ref slaps his hand down. Just as he is about to hit the mat for the 3rd time, Becca lifts Rose's head off the mat. She keeps staring into the camera, as if wanting to give someone a message.)

Ken: "HEY!"

Cari: "Hehe"

(The ref points at the mat and tells Becca to finish the pin, but the Nurse ignores him and hoists her nearly unconscious opponent up and onto her shoulders. Rose's head hangs down across Blush's chest as the nurse moves to the corner and places Rose on the top turnbuckle. Becca climbs up the ropes, placing her feet on the second rope and grabbing Rose around the waist.)

Ken: "Oh no! There's no need for this!"

Cari: "One Shock Treatment coming up!"

(Blush grabs Rose and then jumps backward off the ropes. As she lands, Becca places her right leg between Rose's legs and drops to one knee, impaling Rose on her leg. Red lands with a small squeal, before flopping over onto her side.)

Ken: "Brutal move! That will stun anybody! But Blush had Rose pinned, there was no need for that!"

Cari: "I guess she was sending everyone a message. Blush has destroyed Rose."

(Becca stands with an arrogant look on her face. Her white top is smeared with her opponent's blood as she simply kicks Rose in the side, forcing the girl onto her back. Becca then places her boot on Rose's chest and glares into the camera lens as the ref counts a very fast three count. Becca gives him a dirty look as Ansalong jumps for joy on the outside. As she jumps, about 50 heads bounces up and down with each movement as the busty nurse moves around the ring. Blush climbs out of the ring with her arms raised in triumph as Ansalong dances around her. A quick glare from Blush and Ansalong stops bouncing and just claps her hands quietly. Blush walks back towards the entranceway as two EMT's slide into the ring to check on Rose.)

Ken: "Well, I haven't seen such a lopsided match in a while. Rose shouldn't have been out here if she wasn't 100%. I think her fans would have understood."

Cari: "As I said before, Pride never helps, it only hurts. Also, the fans ain't going to be in the ring with ya when your getting your ass kicked."

Ken: "Well, stayed tuned folks, more great action after these commercial announcements by Pembroke Cigarettes. If ya gotta smoke, make it Pembroke."

(The screen fades to black)

Winner: "Becca Blush" by annihilation.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws