
As the commercial for the official BRA computer game fades the cameras once again pan an exuberant crowd as they boisterously fill the air with noise. Down below at ringside Kenny and Cari are again ready for the next match.

Kenny: It looks like we are trying to bring some life to the tag team division by putting these two teams together tonight!

Cari: The only talent here in this match is the future of BRA, Jennifer Christian!

Kenny: As it would come as no surprise to anyone I beg to differ! Samantha Staffer is a powerful wrestler who has already bested both of her opponents tonight! And Malibu easily handled Amanda Starr is singles action already! The chances of them winning this match are rated as high as 76%!

Cari: The chances of you surviving this match without a computer enema are�

Kenny:�not to mention Malibu is rated in the top three of BRA for fan support!

Cari: The proof is in the ring!

The lights go dim and Samantha struts out to Queens 'Another one Bites the Dust'. She is dressed in a skintight short suit in shiny black with tall black leather boots; her hair is braided in a single braid down the back to keep it out of the way. She wears a baseball cap with Thirtysomething on the front She looks cool and confident and greets the crowd with a wave and a smile. Behind her on the Angeltron are glimpses of her past fights. The crowd roars its approval.

Kenny: Still a popular woman in the eyes of the crowd!

Cari: And the crowd means exactly�

Kenny: Our weekly paycheck!

Cari: I�ve always appreciated the crowd.

The pyros set off just after the opening sounds of Malibu�s entrance music �Save Yourself� by Stabbing Westward. From the backstage area strides the beautiful, buxom, blonde known as Malibu. She�s dressed in her traditional wrestling attire of a red, slightly low cut, one-piece bathing suit with racer-back straps as well as a three fourths cut back. Now, one would notice, that she now also wears white, transparent, almost-nude-colored tights underneath the bathing suit, covering her legs. She is also wearing red wrestling boots with white laces. She stops just at the entrance area placing her right hand above her eyes, looking out into the crowd, sort of emulating a lifeguard, while her other hand rests on her hip. Then, fluffing her hair a bit with one hand, she moves towards the ring. Using the steps to gain entry, Malibu steps between the top and middle rope, moving to her corner to jump onto the second rope. There, she raises her arms, fists clenched, high in to the air with an excited yell just before she smiles. Then, with a smile still gracing her face, she adjusts the back of her suit with her index fingers before jumping down from the ropes. Then, she turns, leaning in the corner, awaiting the opening bell.

Kenny: Malibu certainly looks like a winner and I am showing her having a staggering 97% approval rating from the crowd tonight!

Cari: I guess finals are over at the Junior Boys College for Delinquent Perverts! By the way, you ever get your diploma?

The lights dim and the sounds of �Bad to the Bone� crank out over the loudspeakers. Amanda Starr walks through the curtains to the jeering of the crowd. She flips the crowd a finger and trades insults with those who are close as she makes her way to the ring. Beneath her blue denim jacket she wears a black one-piece suit with white trim and black leather wrestling boots. She climbs the stairs to the ring and steps through, attitude written all over her face and parades around the ring before removing her jacket.

Kenny: She doesn�t look her normal confident self tonight! I wonder if she has heard the rumors?

Cari: What rumors?

Kenny: Lots of talk of another swap between the main and mid card again! The three most often mentioned names are Melissa Shared, Tara Sawyer and one Miss Amanda Starr!

Cari: Like there is anyone good enough to replace Starr down there right now!

Kenny: Care to hear whom the top three names in the running are?

Cari: Just don�t say Peggy Christian! She�s been even more hopeless in the minors than up here!

Kenny: How about Mixie Locke, a relation of Lindsey! Then there is Astrid Lexington, who came to light after pinning one Jennifer Christian!

Cari: She attacked her from behind!

Kenny: Well, I will mention Peggy, but only as the victim of one 18-year-old phenom in her first match, Cora Fasin!

Cari: It still remains to be seen, these rumors of yours!

As the lights go out the haunting first few licks of Rod Serling�s Twilight Zone eerily break the silence. Then, as the flash pots explode Golden Earring�s song of the same name shatters the calm as Twilight Zone Jennifer Christian splits the curtains and makes her way to the ring. She wears a black two-piece swimsuit with black tights and black leather wrestling boots. Despite the frown affixed to her face the petite blonde still looks like an innocent little girl as she makes her way to the ring.

Cari: She�s wearing a lot of tape around her waist! What happened? I suppose you have a rumor about that as well!

Kenny: As a matter of fact, I�

Cari: Out with it!!

Kenny: OK! OK! Rumor has it that she had the featherweight title �forcibly� removed from her.

Cari: What! Who would do that!

Kenny: That is rather unclear at the moment. And after all, it is just a rumor!


Amanda Starr and Samantha Staffer are the first to square off. They meet for a lockup but Samantha quickly gets the heavier woman in a side headlock and hip tosses her to the mat with a twist. Starr groans as she struggles up but is sent reeling with a standing dropkick to her chest! Rolling quickly to her corner Starr reaches up and tags in Jenn.

Kenny: Looks like Amanda wants no part of that!

Cari: Discretion is the better part of valor!

Jenn enters and circles before locking up with Staffer, but the redhead ducks down instead and scoops her smaller opponent up and slams her to the mat! She quickly drags the teen up and scoops her up again, this time carrying the struggling featherweight to her corner. As she tags with Malibu Samantha power slams Jenn hard near the corner. Malibu climbs to the top turnbuckle and just as her partner moves somersaults off the corner to a splash on her stricken foe! The crowd goes wild as the red clad wrestler gets up and drags a stunned Jenn up by the hair. She sends the smaller girl flying into the far ropes and then drops her hard with a dropkick to the chest!

Kenny: Jennifer Christian can�t seem to get anything going in this match!

Cari: I think there may be some truth to your rumor!

Malibu gets up; doing a little strut for the crowd that drives all the men and some of the women wild! Once again Malibu reaches down and pulls her stunned opponent up to her feet. Then, lifting her high she spins the Sisterhood member in the air and drops her back first across her outstretched knee with a sickening thud before rolling the lifeless Jenn to the mat.

Kenny: Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker!

Cari: If the featherweight champ has an injury, it�s worse now!

As Jenn slowly gets to a sitting position Malibu slides down behind her and wraps her legs around Jenn�s taped ribs and smiles as she squeezes! The pain is glaringly obvious in the teen�s face as the pressure mounts! She tries to pull the legs apart but can only grimace as Malibu continues to apply the pressure! Then, the big blonde applies a full nelson and rolls back, raising her suffering opponent over her head before slamming her back down painfully! The crowd roars and calls for another one and Malibu with a wicked grin complies, holding her opponent up another agonizing second longer before slamming her down with a vengeance!

Kenny: Malibu in total control here! She has a lot of making up to do to the young teen!

Cari: Pretty sad though she has to take advantage of an obvious injury to do it!

As Jenn slumps in her grip, Malibu releases her and gets up. She pulls Jenn up and doubles her over with a knee to the mid section. Then grabbing Jenn in a front facelock lifts her up high in a vertical suplex before bringing her crashing down!

Kenny: I doubt even Jennifer Christian will be able to recover from a beating like this!

Cari: A small break. Malibu is tagging up.

Kenny: Staffer enters the ring but I doubt she will be any easier!

Samantha isn�t as she runs across the ring and leaps into the air bringing her long thigh crashing down across her smaller opponent�s chest! Jenn bounces off the mat from the impact and settles with a look of agony across her face! Amanda Starr growls from her corner but as Samantha gets up and moves her way the big woman jumps from the apron and backs away.

Kenny: Looks like Jennifer Christian is on her own this match!

Cari: Amanda Starr does not look like she wants to get back in the ring against those two tonight! That leaves two on one!

Samantha returns her attention to Jenn, dragging her up by her arm and slinging her to the far ropes. Samantha ducks down and sends Jenn flying with a backdrop as she returns!

Kenny: Look at the altitude on the backdrop! Talk about reach for the stars!

Jenn writhes on the mat as Samantha pumps her first in the air! Malibu follows suit and the crowd senses a popular victory! Jenn reaches for her corner but Amanda seems no closer to getting back. Samantha leans over and grabs both of Jenn�s legs, tucking them under her arm. Then, she leans back and slingshots the young blonde with ease towards her corner. Jenn crashes again to the mat and lies in a heap as Malibu mounts the top turnbuckle. Samantha walks over calmly and slaps her partner�s hand before the big blonde leaps off the corner and drives an elbow into the suffering Jenn�s back as she comes down!

Cari: This is madness now! Are they trying to put her out of wrestling?

Kenny: Just doing to her what they would have expected back!

Malibu rolls Jenn over and casually lies across her chest. Referee Oni Malvolio begins the count.




Kenny: Malibu pulled her shoulder off the mat! She had her at her mercy, but I guess she�s not done!

Cari: I think that Amanda is though!

Whether or not she thought the match was over, Amanda Starr stalked off towards the dressing rooms in disgust. Meanwhile, Malibu slides behind Jenn and snakes her legs around the youngster�s head in a figure four headlock. Jenn could only kick her legs weakly as the vice like grip drained the life from her.

Kenny: Why doesn�t she give up! She will never break that hold! Malibu has her soundly beaten!

Cari: She has guts! After what she has done to Malibu in the past she won�t admit defeat now!

Malibu grins as she feels her victim gradually weaken, the energy being sapped by her strong legs. Finally, after the kicking stops Malibu releases the hold and gets to her feet. Jenn lay still on her back, her chest rising and falling slowly as the crowd calls for the end! Malibu struts for the crowd before literally dragging Jenn to her feet. She whips her to a corner and follows, running and leaping before splashing her full weight against her hapless foe! Slumped in the corner, Jenn can only watch through nearly closed eyes as Malibu straddles her standing on the second rope, raising her fist to the crowd before slamming her forearm into Jenn�s chest again and again finally stopping after the crowd chants �eight�. Then with ease she grabs the girls shoulders and falling back monkey flips the limp form of her opponent to the mat. As she rises she again drags Jenn to very wobbly knees, driving her own knee up hard to Jenn�s tummy before pulling her effortlessly into a front headlock.

Kenny: Here it comes! Ozone time!

Cari: I hope she doesn�t rub it in too much though!

Holding a fist in the air Malibu holds up the limp body of her victim with the other as she pumps her fist, driving the crowd into a frenzy! Finally, she lifts Jenn up as for a suplex but half way up drops back down and DDT�s Jenn to the mat! Malibu gets up and looks down with satisfaction at her handiwork before moving to a corner and getting into a sitting position on the top turnbuckle.

Cari: What is she doing now! Why doesn�t she just pin her!

Kenny: I expect she is savoring the moment!

Malibu adopts a thinking position as she looks down on her hapless victim. After a moment she sits upright and shrugs her shoulders before rising to a standing position. Beaming, she leaps off the turnbuckle and splashes across Jenn�s chest! Then she rolls to her side and leans on her elbow, legs crossed casually as the referee mercifully counts.





Kenny: Finally, an end to about as complete a victory as I have seen in quite awhile!

Cari: What do you expect with two against one!

Malibu casually rises to her feet as the near packed house raises the roof! She adjusts the back of her bathing suit with her index fingers. Then, she raises her arms with a big, wide, toothy smile, slowly standing up and over her victim. Then, she places one of her red boots on Jenn�s chest and puts one fist on her hip while the ref raises the other in victory! Samantha joins Malibu in the middle and has her hand risen as well before both leave the ring to thunderous applause!

WINNERS: Malibu and Samantha Staffer by pinfall.
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