Jenny Anderson vrs Kelly Mase

By: Tonedef

[We come back from commercials just as a loud whistle blast sounds through the whole arena, and the Ohio state fighting song blasts over the arenas loudspeakers. Explosions rock the entrance ramp as Jenny Anderson walks through the curtains, wearing a red Body Shop 2000 jacket that matches the colors of her wrestling attire.]

Sandra: "Welcome back, Ladies and Gentlemen, and you have made it back just in time! Here comes the cheerleader herself, Jenny Anderson!"

Garry: "What’s the matter with all these fans, what are they doing cheering for her?!? She betrayed Evonne Carmikel for the Body Slop, that makes her evil by my standards!"

[The roar of the fans is deafening as Jenny does a series of flips and cartwheels towards the ring. When she gets to the ring, she gives her pair of pom poms to a small girl she sees in the front row and ties her hair up in a ponytail, just like Jenny’s hair. She then moves into the ring and starts to do a dance routine.]

Sandra: "Jenny went through some tough times there, but she’s back on the good team, and I can’t think of someone in this fed who is more full of energy than herself!"

Garry: "She is rather…flexible, which is an admirable trait……"

[The lights suddenly dim as red pyrotechnics shoot into the sky, simulating rockets as ‘Live and let Die’ blares over the loudspeakers. As the smoke clears from the entrance, Kelly ‘the Assassin’ Mase and her brother james stride down the aisle.]

Sandra: "Kelly looks focused…this is the second time in as many weeks that these two have squared off, and Kelly does not want to take the loss a second time here! Should be a great matchup!"

Garry: "Kelly’s got quite a bit of size advantage on Jenny, I look forward to seeing her squash the Cheerleader like a bug!"

[Kelly gets into the ring as her brother remains on the outside of it, and as soon as she enters the bell sounds]

Ding Ding Ding

Sandra: "And they’re off, though neither lady makes any big motions…they are playing it cautiously this time around, Jenny remains back in a corner…Kelly dashes at her, and is met with a boot to the face for her troubles!"

Garry: "Kelly doesn’t go down….she steps back a bit, dashes at Jenny again…another boot to the face! Kelly spins around….Jenny jumps into the air and bulldogs Kelly down to the mat!"

[Jenny immediately begins to stomp away on Kelly’s right knee, hitting it with all the force she can muster, and even drops a couple of elbows on it. She then gets Kelly in a step over toe hold, continuing to work on the knee, but she leans over too close and a rake to the eyes from the assassin breaks the hold.]

Sandra: "Good strategy from Jenny, taking away the vertical base of the assassin so that her size advantage will be denied…"

Garry: "Kelly cannot be kept down, however….Jenny is nothing next to the might of Mase, and she’s going to pay for it!"

Sandra: "Kelly grabs Jennys arm, pulls her forward…short arm closeline with authority! It…what the?!?"

[The blood red letters ‘THE DREAM’ fill the jumbotron screen as Lisa Dream suddenly exits from the dressing room area to a strong reaction from the crowd. Some hate Lisa, some love her, but all feel something for the Battling Ring Angels champion. She arrogantly struts down to the announcers table as Kelly stomps away on Jenny.]

Garry: "And to what do we owe this honor, oh illustrious Celestial champion?"

Lisa Dream: "I will always take time out of my schedule to visit you, Garry. Need I a reason to come and check out this action?"

Sandra: "You’re just going to interfere…."

Lisa: "Did I give you permission to talk to *perfection*, rodent? Get out of here before I decide to make an example of you."

[Lisa takes over Sandra’s seat as Sandra exits to the back, grumbling to herself. Inside of the ring, Kelly has pulled Jenny to her feet and goes to whip her into the ropes. Jenny reverses the move, and goes for a back body drop, but Kelly stops just in time, hooks Jenny up and powerbombs her to the mat.]

Garry: "Wow! A powerbomb with authority! What have you got to say about that, Perfection?"

Lisa Dream: "Kelly is a strong girl, I won’t deny her that. But she hasn’t the wits to match up with the All American Sweetheart. Neither of these peons do."

Garry: "Can’t dispute that claim! Course, I’ve always had a thing for women dressed in leather…perhaps, afterwords…?"

[Kelly has gotten Jenny in an over the knee backbreaker submission hold in the middle of the ring, and Jenny looks to be in trouble, though she shakes her head when asked if she submits. Kelly relaxes the hold a bit, and that is when Jenny does a back handspring off of the knee, catching Kelly under the chin with her feet.]

Lisa Dream: "Ah, the flashkick…a very good move, Jenny does it fairly well. She is a flexible lady, now, isn’t she? I’m not saying that I condone what she did to Ms. Carmikel, but she does possess some rudimentary talent."

[Garry pulls out the dictionary to figure out what rudimentary means as Jenny launches herself at the ropes, and flying dropkicks Kelly. Kelly is stunned, but does not go down. Jenny launches herself at the ropes again, and hurricanrana’s Kelly to the mat]

Garry: "What a hurricanrana! I tell you, I gotta love that little skirt that Jenny fights in, especially with her flying around like that all the time…"

Lisa Dream: "She likes to play the innocent, but her outfit proves otherwise…Jenny is a quick one."

Garry: "I hate to compliment Shoppers, but I think she’s got to be one of the quickest in the game. Not too smart, though, I think that has to be a prerequisite to be a shopper hah hah hah! Great job with Sherry Anne last week, by the way, I taped that match! I can’t get enough of it!"

Lisa Dream: "Sherry was asking for it, was running her mouth off so I decided to give her a shot. But now we see her for the incompetent fool that I’ve always known her to be. Payback for her insolence at the Rumble."

[Jenny has pulled Kelly to her feet, and whipped her into the turnbuckle. Jenny follows it up by dashing at her, launching into the air and slamming into her in a stinger splash. Kelly stumbles out of the corner and slumps to the mat.]

Garry: "Beautiful Stinger Splash…and now Jenny clamps on the Figure 4 leglock! C’mon, Kelly! You should be destroying that munchkin right now!"

Lisa Dream: "Kelly will come back, don’t you worry. I have fought both of these women before, I know what they are capable of."

[Kelly reaches for the ropes, which remain just out of reach. She shakes her head when asked if she submits, then, gripping the mat, actually pulls herself and Jenny closer to the ropes, with ease, so that she can grasp them. Jenny is told to release the hold, which she does.]

Garry: "I’m surprised that Jenny releases the hold, we all know what the shop is like for breaking the rules! Jenny starts to stomp away on Kelly’s right knee again…weakening that limb up."

Lisa Dream: "Kelly puts her left foot against Jenny’s stomach and pistons her away from her, sending her across the ring…strong leg muscles from the assassin, I must say that I’m impressed…"

Garry: "Did I just hear you give the assassin a compliment?!?"

Lisa Dream: "Hey, none of these ladies hold a candle next to the All American Sweetheart, but I give the compliments when they’re deserved…Kelly gets to her feet, limping a little…"

Garry: "Kelly is in the corner, and Jenny dashes at her, for another Stinger Splash…no, Kelly moves out of the way, and Jenny meets up with the turnbuckle!"

[Jenny’s momentum knocks her a few steps out of the corner, and right into Kelly’s waiting arms, who lifts and drives Jenny to the ground in a back to belly suplex. Kelly then grabs an arm and a leg of Jennys, places a foot against the side of her body and twists the limbs in a bow and arrow submission hold.]

Lisa Dream: "I think that the Cheerleader is in trouble here…Kelly does have a lot of strength, and Jenny does not have the durability to take this type of punishment."

Garry: "You’d be surprised at what these shoppers can take…most can’t fight worth a damn, their only good point being how much punishment they can take!"

Lisa Dream: "Yeah, that’s true, Sherry took quite a bit at my hands last week…"

[Jenny shakes her head when asked if she submits, but cries out as Kelly continues to put on the pressure. It soon looks as if Jenny is ready to be snapped in half, and only her flexibility is saving her from permanent injury. Kelly maintains the hold, but then releases it after a little while after realizing that Jenny is not going to submit.]

Garry: "Too many of our women do that…release the hold too early. If Kelly just kept that hold on, eventually Jenny would HAVE to give up!"

Lisa Dream: "You have to keep the fans in mind, Garry, it is awfully dull for them to witness something like that…course, me just being in the ring will keep them interested, but still..."

Garry: "Kelly goes to pull Jenny to her feet…Jenny sticks a foot in Kellys belly and flips the mammoth woman over her body with her feet! Both struggle to their feet, the effects of the match all too apparent in either of them…"

Lisa Dream: "I would have already put this match away…Kelly goes for a punch, telegraphed a mile away…Jenny ducks under the haymaker, and follows it up with a sidekick to the assassins face."

Garry: "Then a chinkick. Kelly goes down, Jenny goes for the cover, C’mon, Kelly! 1….2…Kickout at 2 and a half! With authority!"

[Jenny gets to her feet, and whips herself at the ropes, going for a dropkick of some sort, but Kelly grabs her when she gets into range and hauls her up into a press slam, over her head. Kelly walks around the ring, showing off her strength to the crowds as Jenny is held helpless, and then slams her down into an overknee backbreaker submission hold.]

Lisa Dream: "An impressive move….a million counters to it, of course, but it can put away the less endowed."

Garry: "It’s the backstab! Jenny shakes her head when asked if she submits, she shakes her head, but it’s all a matter of time until it happens!"

[Jenny’s struggles start to lessen, and she soon slumps into unconciousness while in the clutches of this deadly finishing manuever. The referee checks on her, and then orders the bell to be rung.]

Ding Ding Ding

Garry: "Wow! What a great ending to the match, Kelly is asserting herself as one of the premier….hey, where are you going?"

[Lisa gets up from her station at the announcers table and enters the ring, where Kelly has just unceremoniously dumped Jenny to the mat. Lisa arrogantly struts around the ring, and then, looking down at Jenny’s fallen body, begins to say something to her.]

Garry: "What the….?!? I don’t think that Jenny can hear Lisa, I can’t even hear her…Jenny did betray Lisa’s boss, Evonne Carmikel, but what…oh, wait, here comes the Shop!"

[The crowd cheers as Sherry Ann, Buffy Lawrence, Veronica Millions and Meagan Delanoire dash down to the ring to aid their fallen comrade. They slide into the ring and start to beat on Lisa, who is caught off guard and overwhelmed easily by the group.]

Garry: "Hey, someone get some security in there! C’mon, Lisa, you can take on this group of cheaters by yourself! It just figures that the only way the Shop can come out on top is if they attack in numbers….saving their comrade from Lisa, I suppose, but payback for last week as well! Hey, what is this?!?"

[There is movement in the crowd, and suddenly L’il Alexandra emerges from one side of the ring. From the other side comes a couple of orderlies, and walking out of the dressing room area is Cosmo McKinley, who is with Nurse Ansalong and Ms. Blush. The crowd jeers their arrival, but the Shop is too interested in teaching Lisa Dream a lesson to notice the orderlies and L’il Alex entering the ring until they pounce.]

Garry: "Oh! We are losing all control out here, this ring is getting packed with people now! A full out battle erupts in the ring, Lisa starts fighting back as well….Buffy goes out care of L’il Alex, then Meagan, then Veronica…..and Sherry slides out of the ring with an ailing Jenny in tow! Wow, the Detonvale staff have cleaned house!"

[Lisa’s back is to L’il Alexandra as she yells at Sherry as she retreats, and Sherry has some choice words to share with the Celestial Champion as well. Lisa backs up…suddenly strikes L’il Alexandra, who she notices upon spinning around. Lisa merely looks at her, no expression on her face, and then exits the ring just as the Detonvale Clinic theme music begins to play.]

Garry: "Wow! What is going on there?!? Last I heard, Lisa was at odds with Detonvale, and the feeling was mutual…..well, Ladies and Gents, we’re all out of time, so til next time, I’m Garry Grimmoire, wishing you a very merry christmas!"

[Fade to Black]



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