logoNina Larue vs. Wendy "Wildcat" Jones

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(The arena comes alive after returning from the commercial break. Fans, seeing the cameras pan across them go wild with the chance to appear on television - BRA television, at that! The camera focuses in on 'The BRA Fan of the Week.' This week's fan is a young brunette woman, dressed as Americana. She does the woman justice, with her warm smile, and patriotic costume. Of course, the downside is her poor taste in dates, a man already drunk by this point. The camera then pans down to Garry and Sandra who are drinking their beverages and getting ready to go on with the next match.)

Garry: (obviously reading from cue cards) Hello, folks! Smile. We would like to welcome our new sponsor. Look up. Gurgan's Cola. It is good tasting! Mmmmm. Look at Sandra.

Sandra: (disgusted) You are a boob! (Sandra downs the cola and almost gags) Yuck! What is this stuff?

Garry: Mmmmmm. Mine tastes good.

Sandra: (gagging) No. No, I'm serious, Garry, something tastes gross. Here you try it.

Garry: Mmmmmm. Mine tastes good. I will pass on yours, though, Sandra.

(Sandra comically waves her hands about as her face turns several colors and then she begins to mumble. Security comes and helps her out of ringside. Garry takes her drink and pours it out, over his shoulder, commenting 'yuck.' He then looks at his drink and wisely pours it out, as well. As he returns to his notes, the busty redhead, Nurse Ansalong comes over the guardrail, wearing her very tight and very seductive 'uniform' which is more in place as a stripper's costume that a licensed medical assistant.)

Garry: (pleasantly surprised) Nurse Ansalong! Hello, That's the breast, er, I mean best entrance I have seen all night!

Nurse Ansalong: (putting the headphones on) Hey, can you hear me? Can anybody hear me? Uh, um, oh hi, Jerry.

Garry: Uh, its 'Garry.' With a 'G.'

Nurse Ansalong: Ok, G.

Garry: Well, folks, tonight we have a match-up that people have been talking about all week! I mean Nina Larue and Wendy 'Wildcat' Jones. (rubs hands together) We are talking violence. We are talking despair! And if we are lucky, tops coming off!

Nurse Ansalong: Hey, if you wanna see some shirts off, G, I heard about this place . . .

Garry: (takes a pencil and starts writing) Go ahead!

(The Nurse's free tip on a topless bar is drowned out as the lights dim and spotlights focus on the entrance. The aggressive, guitar driven punk sound of 'Trigger Inside' by Therapy begins to blare from the speakers! The Angeltron lights up, showing the icon of a snarling and clawing cat on a black background. Suddenly, Wendy 'Wildcat' Jones, in her fist match-up, appears, wearing her black bodysuit. Her long blonde hair is in a single braid and bound with a blood red ribbon. The sinister Amanda Sinclair enters behind her, glaring at the crowd. Mostly the crowd is booing for the two. However, some fans of hardcore know what her presence in BRA means and show their approval by screaming with pleasure.)

Nurse Ansalong: What the heck is that lady? She looks kind of familiar. Is she a wrestler?

Garry: (flabbergasted) Nurse A! That is THE Wendy Jones! Wildcat? Bloodsport?

(With each phrase, the nurse merely shakes her empty head, completely clueless as to what is being discussed.)

Garry: You do know who, um, Sherry Ann?

Nurse Ansalong: She's the owner, right?

(As Garry shakes his head in amazement, he keeps his head low sneaking a peak at the nurse's ample cleavage. As he is shaking his head, the rest of Wendy's entourage begins to descend the ramp. Cat, Spike, and Kitty all come down, carrying bags of loot, their contents unknown. Following the women is a detachment of Worthington bodyguards. The entire scene is most imposing. Suddenly, however, the soldiers are surrounded by BRA security, swarming out of nowhere, cutting off the soldiers from Wendy and Amanda. Everyone turns around to look at the top of the ramp as BRA Security Chief Dominic Discord stands confident.

Discord: Excuse me, Ms. Jones. Perhaps you didn't hear, but we have rules in this federation! Who told you, missy, that you could bring armed guards into the arena? I hate to spoil your fun, but if your S. S. troops don't haul ass out of her, you are gonna be the employee with the shortest tenure since MaXus! Now, git!

Wendy: But . . .

Discord: No 'buts.' It seems that after an . . . incident, a few weeks ago, Ms. Van Driesal, herself has outlawed any outside security teams. Now go on!

(Wendy, angered, greatly, turns to her troops and reluctantly orders them to leave. They slowly turn around and march away, leaving only Wendy and Amanda. At ringside.)

Nurse Ansalong: (shrugging her shoulders and looking confused) I may not be the smartest person around -

Garry: (awestruck by her body) Uh-hu.

Nurse Ansalong: But why does a big, bad, wrestler need a bunch of soldiers?

Garry: Um, well . . .

(As Wendy is bouncing off the ropes, pyro pots explode and the crowd erupts in cheers and jeers. 'Sexy MF' by Prince erupts from the sound system. Suddenly, the curtains part and the sexy forms of 'The Goddess' Nina Larue and 'First Lady' Tiffany Lane. Nina wears a tiny, black, halter-top, that shows off her sleek, curvy body. She also wears black, baggy, judo pants. Her bare feet and hands are taped and her long silky black hair is tied in a ponytail that falls to the small of her back. Her violet eyes blaze with anger as she poses, a kendo stick in her right hand. The equally gorgeous Tiffany Lane wears a black gown that hugs her seductive figure like a glove. Her long blonde hair falls straight down her back, bangs resting above her emerald eyes. The radiant beauties stalk to ringside, their eyes focused on the ring. As the referee holds the ropes open the two women gracefully enter the ring and are immediately showered by catcalls and wolf whistles. Tiffany does a sexy little wiggle, driving the men in the audience wild, as Nina merely stands with her hands folded across her ample chest and angry glare on her flawless face. The official gingerly and carefully takes the kendo stick away from Ms. Larue.)

Nurse Ansalong: Wow, she looks like a real hussy, too.

Garry: You can't say that about Tiffany Lane!

Nurse Ansalong: Actually, I was talking about Nina Larue.

Garry: Nurse A, I like you. I like you a WHOLE lot. I mean a great deal. However, the rules of the booth are to cheer for the people I like, OK?

Nurse Ansalong: Um . . .

(The bell sounds, starting the match Wendy comes out confidant. Some nasty words are traded between the two ladies. Wendy swings, clocking Nina in the face, sending her back against the ropes. Nina, just bounces off and snarls. Nina responds to the punch with a series of savate kicks to Wendy's chest, knocking her back a few inches with every blow.)

Nurse Ansalong: (adjusting uncomfortably) That doesn't look like a lot of fun. That big goofy lady has to be in a lot of pain.

Garry: (smirking) Uh, Nurse A, this thing hasn't even started yet . . .

(Wendy jumps forward and does a leg sweep, knocking Nina on her back. On the outside, Tiffany groans, and Amanda cheers approvingly. The crowd boos.)

Nurse Ansalong: I thought Nina was part of that Sisterhood thingy. I thought the fans hated them.

Garry: Aside from fans being stupid, they are also a fickle lot. I guess they hate Wendy even more.

(Wendy grabs Nina by the hair and throws her down to the mat, rolling her over on her front. As Wendy mounts Nina from behind, she prepares to apply the dreaded Camel Clutch, however, Nina is ready for it. She quickly squirms ahead and kicks behind her, impacting with Wendy's stomach. The blonde falls back to the mat. Nina leaps up, angry, and does a series of leg drops on Wendy's neck. As Wendy tried to get up, Tiffany Lane grabs her by the hair and throws her back down. Upon seeing this, Amanda begins to march towards Tiffany with a determined look. Tiffany heads for higher ground with a sinister smile. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Nina has picked Wendy off her feet and whipped her into the ropes. On the return bounce, Wendy clotheslines Nina, dropping her to the mat. Wendy follows through, bouncing off the ropes and returning, and does a slam onto the prone Nina. Nina screams out in pain, as her body convulses. Tiffany screams out in frustration as her partner writes in pain. Wendy, with a sinister laugh gets off the mat, and picks the stunned Nina up with her, quickly smashing the raven-haired beauty into a back breaker. Nina rolls off the blonde's knee and can merely roll around in agony. Wendy, thrusts her clenched fist in the air, in a minor celebration.)

Nurse Ansalong: Well, that looked impressive! I am not an expert but that blonde lady seems to have this thing well in hand. Is it too late to place a bet?

Garry: Um, yes. And we, uh, we don't bet here.

(Wendy has masterfully picked up Nina, yet again, with an amazing display of strength. She whips her into the turnbuckle, working away on Nina's back even further. When she makes the follow-through, Nina falls to the side, sending Wendy crashing into the corner. She impacts, stunning her, and as she falls backwards, Nina pounces, rolling her up. The official only gets as far as a two count before Wendy kicks out with authority.)

Garry: You wanna change your prediction yet, Nurse?

Nurse Ansalong: No! That blonde lady seems mean enough to win. Trust me, I have been around mean people long enough. I've also been around stupid people. The blonde lady seems too stupid to feel pain. I am a nurse, you know.

Garry: (wincing in pain) Ouch! With that move Nina just executed, Wendy may need a nurse after that. Maybe its good thing you're here! Aside, of course, from the very fact that I am sweet on redheads!

Nurse Ansalong: (giggling) Oh, Jerry . . .

(Back in the ring, Nina has taken control after a series of martial arts attacks. Wendy, despite her attempts to stay out of the way, was not quick enough for the amazing agility of Nina Larue. With a look of anger, Nina has thrown Wendy into the turnbuckle and followed up with a powerful body check. She has mounted the ropes, on the second, and delivers a series of head punches. She jumps down, sits Wendy on the turnbuckle and does a flip off the ropes, taking Wendy with her. Wendy impacts on the mat, reacting with a painful spasm to her back. Nina covers and the official begins to count. He almost gets to three but the sneaky Amanda Sinclair pulls Nina out of the ring. Nina is livid. She pushes the woman. Amanda responds with a rabbit punch to the gut. The official, now furious, himself, is warning Amanda about her conduct. Meanwhile Tiffany has jumped to the ropes with the kendo stick. Wendy gets up groggy and Tiffany swings the stick like a baseball bat, whacking Wendy upside the head. For a brief moment, as blood flies out of the woman's nose, her feet fly above her head. She lands with a dull thud to the mat.)

Nurse Ansalong: What a minute! Can that lady do that? With the stick, I mean! That's not fair!

Garry: Welcome to BRA, Nurse A. Speaking of BRA, that is a very nice pink one you have.

Nurse Ansalong: (giggling) Well, thank you, Jerry, I had to special order it.

Garry: Really?

Nurse Ansalong: (turning a frustrated eyes to the ring) Well, Jerry, I don't like cheaters. (she begins signaling for the official) Yoo-hoo! Mr. Striped Shirt! That lady with the stick, hit the big dumb lady!

The nurse distracts (the official. Whereas he is not sure with the bimbo is saying, he does like what he says and might even be convinced she is attempting give him her phone number. As Nina kicks Amanda on the outside of the ring, and climbs back in, prepared to pin the stunned Wendy, Amanda pulls herself to her feet and tugs Nina off the apron, her head impacting with the floor. Amanda then proceeds to stomp away at the downed woman. As Amanda is about to begin another series of stomps, she looks up, just a moment too late to see Tiffany's kendo stick come crashing down on her head.)

Nurse Ansalong: Oh, I bet that lady's head is being circled by stars, birds, and little dollar signs at this point.

Garry: To say the least!

(Tiffany picks Nina up and tosses her back in the ring after slapping her in the face a few times with the intent to 'snap her out of it.' Nina stumbles back in the ring, and approaches Wendy. As she is about to stomp, Wendy, without warning, grabs Nina by the foot and tosses her backwards. She then sits up, with Hell in her eyes and begins delivering a series of jabs to the face, chest, and head of Nina. As she falls back against the ropes, Wendy takes her and whips her into the far side, on the return, Wendy is waiting where she applies a vicious DDT.)

Nurse Ansalong: What the Hell was THAT!?

Garry: (smiling, arrogantly) That, dear woman, was a DDT!

Nurse Ansalong: Oh. What's it stand for?

(The crowd goes wild with the perfect execution of the move. Nina bounces off the mat and is dazed. Wendy rises, wipes the blood from her nose, and sets Nina up for a piledriver.)

Garry: This, my dear, will do it.

Nurse Ansalong: Do what? Well, I hope it knocks that lady out. I don't like her. She used that stick.

Garry: Well, it is not exactly legal, but . . .

(Nine gets driven into the mat and her head bounces off the canvas. Tiffany, on the outside, is going wild with rage. As Wendy lays across Nina for the cover, Tiffany jumps to the ropes, and reaches for the official. As she grabs his shirt, Amanda is there behind Tiffany, and pulls her off the mat. However, the situation becomes a pinnacle of comedy when all three go tumbling down, the official coming topside over the mat. As the three individuals lay on the concrete, Wendy looks around and sees nobody else in the ring with her and slams her fists on the canvas with frustration. She jumps up, marches over and leaps out of the ring. The official, dazed by the affair, is moving slowly. Tiffany is hoisted up by Wendy and Amanda who drag her to the announcer's table. As they get there . . . )

Garry: Uh, hello, ladies. How are we, tonight?

Nurse Ansalong: Are you gonna slam that nasty lady's head into the table? You suck, lady!

(Tiffany moves out of the way with grace and manages to slam the heads of Wendy and Amanda together on the table, resounding with a large crack.)

Nurse Ansalong: You two are stupid! You were supposed to . . .

(Amanda proceeds to slap the busty redhead out of frustration and anger. Meanwhile, Tiffany is taunting the two, walking backwards. She is laughing, gloating and teasing the two English girls. She is also not watching where she is going. She trips and falls over the official and hits her head on the concrete. Like a pair of jackals, Wendy and Amanda pounce on the once-happy Tiffany, taking her apart. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the audience cannot see what is going on as the two British girls are having their way with her. As they bring Tiffany, the blonde interloper to her feet, they both notice that Nina is standing there, with the kendo stick. Wendy, about to defend herself, gets whacked in the head with the weapon. One shot gets delivered to Amanda for good measure. Amanda falls to the concrete but Wendy is still standing, dazed.)

Nurse Ansalong: There is that stick again! Ugh! I never saw so much blood before!

Garry: My, God! Nina is going to work on Wendy with the kendo stick!

Nurse Ansalong: Is that a bit of her brain?

Garry: Nina's anger is being taken out on Wendy! She is relentless with that stick, giving the Brit no quarter! With the official on the floor, this could get ugly.

Nurse Ansalong: Ugh! With that Nina LePew and Tiffany Lame, things are already ugly!

(Nina has beat Wendy back to the corner on the outside. Her wicked smile shows the pleasure she is getting out of it. Wendy is a bloody mess.)

Nina: You will learn to worship 'the Goddess,' peasant!

(Wendy can take no more. She finally collapses, blood blinding her, as it seeps into her eyes. As she lays on the floor, unable to move, Amanda springs to her feet, her own blood on her face, and bolts to Wendy's rescue. Tiffany, seeing what is going on, takes chase, and dives for Amanda. Amanda gets right behind Nina, who has lifted up the steel steps, and tries a lunge. Tiffany's dive takes Amanda to the floor, knocking her down, but not before Amanda gets off a shot to Nina's back, sending everyone to the concrete. Nina screams out in anger as her plan has been foiled.)

Nurse Ansalong: I can't see what's going on. What is going on, Jerry?

Garry: I can't see, either! Oh, I wish Sandra were here!

Nurse Ansalong: Well, I think she'll survive. I mean, it was only a minor bit of 'medication' that I . . . .

Garry: (stunned) Did you slip her a mickey?

Nurse Ansalong: (blushing) Uh, yes . . . er, I mean, no. I mean, I wanted a better view!

(The dazed official has gotten to his feet and is looking around. He sees the mess that the match has degenerated into and climbs back in the ring. He then runs to the corner and looks out to the four women. He can only assume the chaos that has gone on. He yells for the women to get back in the ring. Nina, immediately kicks Amanda in the head and climbs to the ring. Amanda clocks Tiffany in the head and rolls Wendy back in the ring. The official begins scolding Nina about what may or may not have happened. Her attention is taken away from Wendy, who is slowly getting to her feet and wiping the blood away from her eyes. Tiffany screams out to Nina, who cocks her head and delivers a roundhouse kick to Wendy's stomach, knocking her into the ring post. She turns around like a woman insane.)

Nina: (growling) You're finished, Alleycat!

Garry: I think Nina means it!

Nurse Ansalong: I'm gonna tell that ref what's been going on!

Garry: I would stay still if I were you, sweetie!

(Tiffany gets up with the kendo stick and is approaching the announcer's booth. In the ring, Nina puts Wendy in a swinging neck breaker and drops the blonde to the mat with a snap. Wendy jolts in pain. Meanwhile, Tiffany has come to the booth and swings the stick down smashing the table between Garry and Nurse Ansalong, who both jump in fear.)

Tiffany: (screaming and looking down at Nurse Ansalong) You little tramp! Do you even know who you are pissing off with your comments?

Nurse Ansalong: (innocently) Um, who?

(Tiffany swings the stick and misses Nurse Ansalong, hitting Garry in the shoulder, knocking him out of his seat. Nurse Ansalong's eyes get wide as saucers as she finally realizes what Tiffany meant and sees how close she came from getting hit. In the ring, Nina has placed Wendy in the center of the ring and begins bouncing off the ropes to gain momentum, setting up for a sinister play, no doubt. However, as she bounces off the far rope, Amanda takes a chair to Nina's back, dropping her on the spot. Tiffany, who was considering flattening the busty nurse, turns and sees what has happened and slaps her face with her hand in frustration.)

Tiffany: (looking down at the nurse) I'll deal with YOU later!

(Nurse Ansalong moves over to Garry's seat and looks down, inquiring as to his condition. In the ring, Wendy and Nina both are on the mat, slouching around. Nina crawls over to Wendy and drops her leg across the woman's neck. Nina gets up to repeat the effort, but Wendy, drawing strength from within, kicks Nina in the face, sending her back against the ropes. Amanda attempts for foul play but Tiffany delivers the kendo stick to the head, foiling her plans.)

Nurse Ansalong: Wow! This is getting crazy! I wish Jerry was still with us to be calling this because all I can really do is say what I am seeing. Uh no! The black haired lady, that Nina person, has started going crazy - and I know crazy! She is furious! She is kicking and stomping away on the blonde lady. I think I see her spitting up blood! That is soooo gross! I'm gonna hurl!

(Wendy, delirious, makes an attempt to swing at Nina, while both women are standing. Nina reacts with a low blow to Wendy's groin, causing the blonde to double over, then Nina follows through with a DDT, slamming Wendy to the mat. Of course, if Nurse Ansalong knew anything, she would have called it 'Nina's Knockout,' but the woman has enough trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time.)

Garry: (coming to his feet) What happened? Did I miss Nina's Knockout?!

Nurse Ansalong: Um, yeah, the black haired lady has just covered the blonde. One! Two! Three! Damn!

(Nina rises as the bell rings and she looks down at the defeated and bloody Wendy. She then slumps over as Tiffany comes into the ring to catch her partner. As Nina's theme begins to play, Tiffany drags her from the ring. Amanda goes in to check on Amanda. Meanwhile, a very angry-looking Sandra comes storming down the aisle, pointing at Nurse Ansalong.)

Nurse Ansalong: (nervously) Uh, Jerry, I better go in and check on the blonde. Later!

(Nurse Ansalong gets into the ring, and bends over Wendy, checking on her, showing her firm posterior to the crowd.)

Sandra: (returning to the booth) I'm gonna ring somebody's neck!

Garry: Um, we better take a commercial break!

(As the camera fades out, Sandra's comments are bleeped out. Thank Heavens for five second delays.)

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