logo Slayers vs. Laura Parker and Sweet Misty

( The camera's fade up from black. The crowd cheers as the lights dim slightly. The thousands are on their feet, cheering and waving signs, hoping to get a moment on the big screen. The shot changes to the announcer's table. Garry sits smiling as he sucks on a Candy Cane. Sandra is wearing a Christmas hat and is wearing a green dress.)

Sandra: "Welcome back folks, you've just seen 2 great matches and there is more to come."

Garry: "Slurrrrp" " Yup, up next is a tag team match up. The Slayers Vs Laura Parker and her maid."

Sandra: " Sweet Misty is Yvette's maid and only for another 2 weeks."

Garry: " Whatever, I must say, I saw her in the back and she look's positively yummy in her outfit. But I must say that Misty did get "burned" at the PPV...hehehe.."

Sandra: ' Oh Hi Sherry "

Garry: 'WHAT!!"

( Garry bolts underneath the table, holding his suitcase over his head )

Sandra: " Folks, as you know, Misty lost to Yvette as the PPV and she is now forced to be The SisterHood's maid. Misty has been true to her word and put up with the humiliation like the true warrior she is. Her match tonight is against her Body Shop comrade Buffy and her Ex-Shopmate Samantha Page, who left the Shop citing personal differences with Sherry Ann. So this match should be a great, clean contest, if Laura Parker can play by the rules. The reigning Miss BRA sometimes stretches the rules to the limits and beyond. But only time will tell....."

( The lights suddenly dim down. The crowd cheers as "Mic Check" by Rage Against the Machine starts to play. The Slayers walk out from the wrestler's entrance. Buffy is wearing her short cut denim shorts and a black sleeveless shirt that reads Slayer on it. Samantha wears black spandex shorts with a white sleeveless shirt that cuts off at her stomach. Both grapplers walk slowly down to the ring, shaking hands and signing autographs for their fans. )

( Garry's head appears up from underneath the table )

Garry: " Is she gone?"

Sandra: ' Who?"

Garry: " Sherry!"

Sandra: " She was never here you moron."

( Garry checks around just to make sure before climbing back into his seat )

Garry: " ahhh, I see the Slackers are here "

Sandra: " Hardly Garry, Buffy and Samantha are two of the hardest working wrestlers that I have seen. They give 100% every time and they come to wrestle. Not cheat or steal a match like other people in this federation "

(The lights in the arena dim as "Everybody aught to have a Maid" plays through the sound system. The Angletron erupts in flashing lights as scenes of Laura Parker and Sweet Misty pinning opponents are shown on it. The spotlight picks up Sweet Misty as she enters the arena. Misty is dressed in her French maid's uniform that she wears as Yvette's servant. She is pushing a broom, sweeping the floor. She is greeted by catcalls and wolf whistles. Misty blushes a deep red as Laura Parker, her Hollywood agent Willie Wienersnitzel and Comte Andre-David enter the arena behind Misty. Laura is wearing a white Alexandria Parker Collection, floor length gown. Her hair is done up in a French twist with her beauty queens' tiara in it. Laura is smiling her dazzling beauty queen smile with the spotlight reflecting off it in little gleams. Misty sweeps the floor in front of the other three, cleaning any dust and debris from it. Laura enters the ring first followed by Misty. Laura parades around the ring like a beauty contestant waving to her fans. Misty stays in her corner looking concerned over the upcoming match. Willie enters the ring and removes Laura's gown and tiara, revealing her wrestling outfit of White bikini top with matching white spandex shorts. There are silver threads sown in the clothes to make the lights of the arena reflect off them. She also wears white knee high wrestling boots and white knee and elbow pads. Laura is about to usher Willie out of the ring when the music stops. " Girls just want to have Fun " starts to play. Misty blushes and giggles as Laura turns and glares at her. The fans cheer as Misty takes off her maid outfit , revealing her wrestling attire. The Shop faithful cheer as Misty smiles and waves. Laura seems a bit annoyed that the cheer was slightly louder for Misty than her. )

Garry: " Oh booo! I wanted Misty to wrestle in her maid's outfit. "

Sandra: " Hardly the right attire to fight in "

Garry: ' what could be better for cleaning the Slayers out?"

( Inside the ring Misty is asking Laura is she can start the match, Laura waves Misty into the ring as she poses for a ringside Cameraman. Buffy steps out for the Slayers. Misty walks up to her and smiles )

Misty: " Hi Buffy, let's have a good clean match , I'm still Shop, ok?"

( Buffy smiles and shakes her head in acknowledgment. Samantha shakes her head as Buffy reaches out and shakes Misty's hand.)

Sandra: " Two stablemates about to go toe to toe here, it's great to see that kind of sportsmanship. "

Garry: "Get me my insulin, I'm going into sugar shock!"


( Buffy and Misty move slowly around each other, waiting and looking for an opportunity. Buffy raises her arms up and Misty does the same, both women come together in a clinch, pushing against each other. Buffy slowly starts to shove Misty back into the corner. Misty is pushed into the turnbuckles. The ref calls for a break and the Buffy immediately backs off. )

Sandra: " Good clean break from Buffy"

Garry: " Wasted opportunity, she could have nailed Misty and taken the advantage "

Sandra: " You don't have to cheat to win you know!"

Garry: " But it helps."

( Buffy and Misty come together again in a clinch, Misty quickly drops backwards, kicking her feet into Buffy's firm midsection. The Slayer is lifted up and over as she is flipped over in a Monkey Flip. Buffy crashes onto her back as Misty quickly rolls on top of her for a quick pin attempt. The ref doesn't even get one before Buffy powers out. Misty is shoves off of the Slayer and Buffy rises to her feet. Misty quickly jumps to her feet as well. Buffy smiles and shakes her head, as if to say " nice one " Misty smiles back and quickly dodges out of the way as Buffy charges at her. Buffy suddenly turns and pivots, launching out her leg, smashing it into Misty's midsection. The Sweet One stops in her tracks and stumbles backwards, grabbing her belly. Buffy quickly puts her in a side Headlock. Misty yelps as the strong arms of the Slayer squeezes her noggin. Buffy starts walking Misty around the ring, jumping up occasionally and putting more pressure on the hold. Misty squeals with each jump. In a surge of strength, Misty shoves Buffy off and into the ropes, The Slayer rebounds and slams into Misty with a shoulder charge, knocking her to the mat. Buffy quickly takes off running to the opposite side while Misty slowly pushes herself up. As Buffy rebounds, Misty drops back to the mat, Buffy jumps over her and continues to the other side of the ring. Misty leaps up to her feet as Buffy bounces back in. Misty goes to grab Buffy for a hiptoss, but the Slayer stops dead,. Misty grunts as she tries to lift Buffy over, the Slayer reverses the hold and sends Misty crashing to the mat.)

Sandra: " Buffy has a big power advantage over Misty. She just lifted her up and over her hip with one arm. )

Garry: " The Slayers are a strong team, Misty needs to get her speed going for her to have a good chance at victory."

( Buffy reaches down and grabs Misty by the arm, hauling her up. Buffy scoops Misty up and then slams her down to the mat. Misty bounces once and then clutches her back as Buffy grabs her by the leg and drags her over to her corner. Sam reaches her hand out and Buffy slaps it for a tag. Buffy still holds the leg up as Sam leaps over the ropes and crashes down on top of Misty in a Splash. Sam doesn't bother for a pin and quickly pushes herself to her feet. She grabs Misty by the arm and lifts her up. She whips her into the ropes. Misty rebounds and runs in, Samantha lashes out her arm for a clothesline, Misty ducks and keeps on running. Sam turns as Misty hits the other ropes and bounces back. The Sweet one jumps into the air, extending her legs. They crash into Samantha's chest, knocking her to the mat. )

Sandra: ' Beautiful Dropkick!! Misty got some big time air with that one! "

( Misty quickly takes off for the ropes again as Samantha pushes herself up. Again Misty slams into Samantha with a dropkick, sending her sprawling to the mat. Laura seems unimpressed and continues to scan for any photographers willing to capture her beauty. Misty quickly jumps to her feet and runs for the ropes again. She comes charging in as Samantha slowly pushes herself up again. Misty leaps into the air, Sam quickly drops to the mat, and Misty goes sailing over her. )

Garry: " Mis-cue!! Misty missed it that time!! "

( Misty crashes hard into the mat as Page pushes herself up. Misty crawls to all fours, grabbing a breather. She screeches as Sam grabs a handful of hair and pulls her up. Page hooks her arm around Misty's neck and then quickly spins and falls backwards. Misty's neck is twisted and then her head in slammed into the mat )

Sandra: " Devastating Spinning Neckbreaker!!! "

( Misty rolls on the mat clutching her neck, Sam quickly covers her for the pin. The ref slaps his hand down twice before Misty kicks out. )

Garry: " Misty needs to make a tag, she's been hogging the match and not letting Miss BRA take it to the Slayers."

Sandra: ' Miss BRA has been too busy posing for the cameras."

( Sam pulls Misty to her feet and whips her into her corner. Misty slams into the turnbuckles and flops to the mat. Sam quickly moves in and tags her partner. Buffy steps between the ropes and both Slayers lift Misty into the air. Both of them hook their arms around her neck and grab a hold of her bikini. The Slayers then lift Misty up into the air and then fall backwards. )

Sandra: " Double Suplex!!! Misty hits hard!! "

( Buffy quickly jumps on top of Misty and hooks the leg. The ref slaps his hand down for the count )

Garry: " 1 "

Sandra: " 2 "

Garry: " SAVE by Laura!! "

( Laura Parker quickly ran into the ring and kicked Buffy off of Misty. Laura yells at Misty to make a tag and then is ushered back to her corner by the ref. Buffy rubs the side of her head and scowls at Laura. She rises to her feet, dragging Misty up with her. Buffy goes to lift Misty into the air. )

Garry: " You see!! Miss BRA is paying attention."

Sandra: " Only when it suits her."

( Buffy goes to pick Misty up in a carry. Misty quickly puts her hands around Buffy's neck and shoulder. She wraps her leg behind Buffy's knee and falls backwards )

Sandra: " SMALL PACKAGE!!!"

Garry: " 1...2....kickout by Buffy!!"

( Misty rolls to her feet and grabs the ropes as Buffy pushes herself up. Misty takes a quick step and then a leap, extending her foot up. The sole of her boot slams into Buffy's chin, knocking the Slayer backwards. )

Sandra: " Superkick by Misty!! "

Garry: " She should make the tag now!!"

( Laura yells at Misty to make the tag, the sweet one looks at her and then heads towards Buffy, Laura pounds the turnbuckle in frustration, before turning and smiling at one of the cameramen. Misty stumbles over to Buffy and grabs her leg. She twists it up into a step-over-toe-hold. Buffy grunts in pain as Misty twists her leg, putting pressure on her knee. The ref goes to ask Buffy if she wishes to quit, she ignores him completely. Misty takes the moment to catch her breath before twisting again on Buffy's leg. The Slayer slams her hands down on the mat in frustration. Buffy suddenly forces her torso up and lashes out with a fist, Misty sees it coming and leans back. Buffy's fist hits nothing but air. Sam yells encouragement from her corner. Buffy brings her free leg to her chest and then kicks it forward. It slams into Misty's belly, breaking the hold as Misty stumbles backwards. Buffy quickly crawls across the mat to her partner. Sam leaps over the ropes and runs towards Misty. The Sweet One looks at Laura and starts to head towards her. Sam grabs Misty by her hair from behind and pulls her back into the middle of the ring. The ref yells at Sam about the hair hold, but she ignores her. She twists Misty around and puts her in a side headlock. Samantha then back into a corner, dragging Misty with her. Page then charges out of the corner. She reaches about halfway across the ring and then leaps into the air. Misty is forced up into the air and then her head is driven face first into the mat )

Garry: " Sweet Bulldog by Page!"

Sandra: " Samantha is holding nothing back against her ex-shopmate. "

( Sam rolls Misty over and covers her for the pin. Laura Parker quickly ducks under the ropes again. Buffy also steps inside the ring. The ref reaches two as Laura pulls Samantha off of Misty. Buffy quickly grabs Laura and slams a forearm into her chest. Miss Bra stumbles backwards as Buffy nails her again. The ref is yelling at both Buffy and Laura to get out of the ring. Sam rises to her feet and pulls Misty up. The Sweet One suddenly kick her leg up into Page's belly. Samantha lets out a gasp and doubles over. Misty quickly dives over Samantha's back , hooking her arms around her waist as she goes. Samantha is suddenly flipped over backwards )

Sandra: "SUNSET FLIP!!! Misty's got her!!!

Garry: " The ref doesn't see it!!! "

( The ref is forcing Laura and Buffy apart. The crowd screams at Misty holds Sam for at least a 4 count before Page kicks out Samantha quickly rolls to her feet as Misty slowly rises. Sam grabs Misty by the arm and whips her into the ropes. Misty rebounds and comes charging in. She suddenly drops to the mat, baseball sliding into Page's knee. Samantha howls and falls to the mat, clutching her leg. Misty takes a moment and slowly rises. She grabs Samantha's leg and then jumps into the air, landing both knee's across it. Page howls again as Misty starts to work on her leg. Misty rises and begins to put Samantha is a figure four leg lock. Page screams in pain as Misty locks it in and falls backwards. )

Sandra: " Misty's got Sam trapped in the middle of the ring!"

Garry: " Laura is enraged!! She wants to get in there! Misty has completely refused to tag in her partner!"

Sandra: " Looks like Misty wanted to keep the fight between her and the Slayers, she's done a good job of it so far, but she has also taken a beating."

( Buffy yells at Sam to hold on as the ref asks for her surrender. Page tells him to go F*** himself. She pounds on the mat, trying desperately to reach the ropes. Her pounding on the mat, starting moving her inches towards the ropes. Misty pushes herself up on her elbows, adding more pressure to the hold. Sam screams out as her knee is being twisted in ways it was never meant to go. Misty yells at her to give up. )

Misty: " Give up Sammy, give up before something gives!!"

Samantha: " Never!!"

( Page pounds her arms on the mat frantically. She tries to drag herself and Misty closer to the ropes, but her strength starts to give out. She screams out in pain again. Buffy has heard enough and steps through the ropes. Laura reacts quickly and nails her with a dropkick sending Buffy flying. Laura then runs over to Samantha and then jumps in the air, Laura extends her leg and slams her thigh down across Page's throat. Misty looks on in horror as Sam's body is doubly abused. Laura is then ushered back to her corner by the ref. )

Sandra: " What a cheap shot by Laura!! "

Garry: " What? Where? Buffy ran into the ring ,she was going to cheat and Laura stopped her."

Sandra: " And the legdrop?"

Garry: " Hey, it's a tag match. Those things happen "

Sandra: " Look!! Sam broke free!!! "

( Inside the ring, Samantha has somehow broken free of the figure four. Misty has a kind smile on her face as she rises to her feet. )

Garry: " How the hell did Page break free?!"

Sandra: " I think Misty broke the hold. She didn't look happy at what Laura did, so Misty just made things even. "

Garry: "What!! Is she nutz!!!?"

( Misty leans back against the ropes for a moment. Suddenly she is slapped across the back. She turns quickly and watches as Laura yells something at her and steps into the ring. )

Garry: "Finally!!"

Sandra: " Laura slapped Misty on the back for a tag!! The ref is telling Misty to get out of the ring. She doesn't look happy about it!"

Garry: " That chick always looks happy, except of course when her house burned down."

( Laura quickly grabs Samantha by the hair and pulls her up. Laura scoops Samantha up in her arms and then slams her down to the mat. Laura quickly runs to a corner and begins to climb up the turnbuckles. )

Garry: " Miss Bra going to the top!!"

( Laura quickly scales the ropes and perches on the top turnbuckle. She waits as Samantha slowly starts to rise. Laura then leaps off ,extending her legs out. She slams into Page's back sending her sprawling across the ring and into her corner )

Garry: "Missile Dropkick!! Page was sent halfway across the ring..)

Sandra: " But look where Samantha ended up!"

Garry: " oh no!!"

( Buffy reaches down tags her partner. The Slayer steps through the ropes as Laura frowns as Buffy moves towards her. Laura lashes out with her foot in a series of Marital Arts kicks, Buffy just backs off, waiting for an opening. Laura spins around for a roundhouse kick, Buffy blocks the blow and holds on, grabbing Laura by the foot. Miss BRA hops on one leg as Buffy smiles at her. Laura suddenly leaps into the air, rotating her body and bringing her free leg around. )

Garry: "Enzuguri!!! Wonderful move by Miss BRA!!"

( Laura's foot slams into the back of Buffy's head , knocking her to the mat. The crowd cheers the acrobatic move and Laura holds her hands up high, accepting the praise. Misty leans on the ropes in her corner, watching Laura soak up the cheers. Buffy slowly starts to push herself to her feet as Laura turns and walks up to her. Laura grabs Buffy by the hair and shoves her head forward between her thighs. The model closes her legs around Buffy's head, trapping her. )

Garry: " mmmmm, I'd love to be Buffy at this moment.."

Sandra: " I don't think you would....LOOK!!"

( Laura goes to wraps her arms around Buffy's waist. Suddenly Buffy starts to rise, lifting Laura up and over her shoulders. Laura screams as her feet leave the ground. Buffy wraps her arms around Laura's thighs. Buffy stands on her feet as Laura's body is draped over her back. Buffy begins to spin around, causing Laura's body to rise up into the air. The model screams as Buffy pushes her legs up, causing her to rotate in the air and then slam to the mat. Willie and Andre-David both cringe as Laura lands face first on the mat. )

Sandra: " ahh , poor model landed on her face "

Garry: " Don't be so cruel, Laura is a top model and her face is her work. How dare that slug Buffy do that to her!!"

( Buffy walks over and grabs a handful of Laura's hair pulling her up to her feet. Buffy scoops the model up in her arms and then holds her horizontal for a moment , before dropping to one knee. Laura's back is dropped across Buffy's firm thigh. Laura screams on impact as her body is bent in awkwardly. Buffy shoves down on Laura's neck and leg, adding more pressure to the backbreaker. The ref ask Laura if she wants to quit, but the only sound coming from her mouth is her scream. Buffy shoves Laura off her knee and then flops on top of her for the cover )

Sandra: " 1....2.."

Garry: "Foot on the Ropes!!!!"

( The ref stops the count as Laura puts her foot out on the ropes. Buffy scowls and rises to her feet, dragging Laura with her. Buffy waves at her partner and Samantha lifts her boot out through the ropes. Buffy runs towards her, dragging Laura along with her. The Models face is smashed into the boot. She falls backwards clutching her face as Buffy tags in her partner. Sam steps through the ropes slowly, still showing signs of her injured leg. She grabs Laura by her hair and places her in a headlock. Samantha then turns sharply and falls backwards to the mat, driving Laura's head into the canvas. )

Sandra: "DDT!!! Sam planted Miss Bra with that one!"

( Misty looks on, and can't help but crack a smile as Laura's head is driven into the mat. Samantha doesn't bother with a cover and grabs Laura by her legs, Samantha quickly twists the Model over into a Boston Crab. Laura screams out in agony, her already tortured back being strained some more. Sam smiles as she hears Laura's cry. Misty looks on with confused concern. She doesn't want to lose the match, but seeing one of her tormentor's cry in pain isn't too bad either. )

Garry: " Why doesn't Misty run in and help her partner?"

Sandra: " Misty plays by the rules, she won't interfere unless the other team does first. It's called having a sense of honor and integrity. Something you know nothing about."

( Samantha yells at the ref to ask for a submission. Laura shakes her head in defiance and starts twisting her body. Sam struggles to maintain the hold as Laura starts to move side to side, hoping to free herself. Page just lets the models legs fall to the mat. Laura rolls into a ball, clutching her back. Samantha looks down at her opponent and then looks at her partner. Buffy smiles and nods her head. The Slayer starts to climb up to the top turnbuckle. Misty looks on with concern as Samantha lifts Laura to her feet. Willie starts yelling at Misty to do something. The Sweet One looks on as Samantha places Laura's head between her thighs. )

Sandra: " Look's like the Slayers are setting Laura up for something!!"

Garry: " Dammit Misty ..do something!!"

( Andre-David's comments seem to mimic Garry's although his tone is calm and clear. Misty lowers head and sighs before looking over to the other corner. Samantha has wrapped her arms around Laura's waist and is preparing to pull her up. Obviously the Slayers are setting up for a Spike Piledriver. Misty steps through the ropes and charges across as Sam starts to pull Laura up. Buffy see's Misty coming and yells out a warning to her partner. It comes too late though as Misty leaps into the air, landing a dropkick into the middle of Samantha's back. Page is slammed forward, while lifting Laura into the air. The Model is squished against the turnbuckles and then drops. Buffy is unfortunately knocked off the turnbuckles, her feet losing their grip. She falls straight down, jamming herself against the top turnbuckle. Sam's face is driven into the top turnbuckle and she falls backwards )

Garry: " ohhhhh , that's gotta hurt!"

( Misty rises to her feet and gasps at the carnage she has caused. Buffy sits on the top, moaning, Laura lies upside down in the corner, and Samantha lies in a ball clutching her back. The ref yells at Misty to get back to her corner. She quickly grabs Laura off the top by her boot and drags the Model back to her corner. Misty steps through the ropes and then tags her partners hand. Laura rolls out of the ring , into her agents awaiting arms. Misty quickly runs across the ring and goes to check on Buffy. The Slayer is gasping on the top rope. Her entire body a bundle of firing nerves. Misty frowns and whispers an apology before bending down to grab Samantha, Misty picks Samantha up by the arm. Samantha fires a punch into Misty's belly surprising her. Misty gulps and backs away as Page howls at her with rage. Sam grabs Misty by the arm and whips her into the ropes. Misty rebounds in and Sam whips her arm out, trying to decapitate her opponent. Misty ducks under the blow as Sam swings her arm and spins. Misty stops quickly and takes a step in towards Sam. Misty places her leg in between Sam's and steps up back to back with her. With speed Misty reaches behind her head and grabs Samantha by her neck. Misty quickly falls to her knee's, forcing Page's body down and backwards, her neck draped upside down over Misty shoulder. )

Sandra: " Sweet Revenge!! "

( Misty pulls on Sam's chin, forcing her body into a painful stretch, her neck being pulled to the limit. Sam screams out in pain as the ref asks for her submission. Page refuses to give as Misty pulls even harder. Buffy is prying herself off the top rope, she see's her partner in distress and makes a move to help her. Buffy flops to the mat and starts to push herself to her feet. She struggles against an unseen foe, she turns her head to see Willie grabbing her ankle. She kicks back her foot, smashing into the little man's face. He squeals and falls backwards. She turns her attention back to her partner )


Sandra: " The ref is calling for the bell! "

Garry: " Page surrendered!!! She gave up!"

Sandra: " I don't know? I didn't hear her or see her quit!"

( Misty releases the hold immediately and Sam flops to the mat. Buffy moves over to check on her partner as the ref raises Misty's hand in the air. Laura stands on floor outside the ring. She glares up at Misty and then forces a smile for the cameras before heading to the back. Misty drops to her knee's to check on Samantha. Buffy is patting Sam on the sides of her face. Misty breathes a sigh of relief as Sam's eye's open. Misty puts her hand out for Buffy. The Slayer looks at her for a moment, then takes her hand. Misty cracks a small smile , but Buffy just turns to care for her partner. Misty backs off and rolls out of the ring to the cheers of the fans. She waves and giggles, blushing slightly , before looking back into the ring. Members of the Sisterhood stand at the wrestlers entrance and Misty quickly jogs up the ramp towards them and back into servitude. )

Sandra: " Well, Misty was amazing. She certainly showed her talent her tonight."

Garry; " Yes, the wrestler walkway has never looked better."

Sandra: " I meant in the match you moron!"

Garry: " Oh, she did ok, I guess. But I bet Laura is going to have a few words with her about Tag Team wrestling. "

Sandra: " Well, I hope that the Yvette will overlook Misty's actions since they got the win. "

Garry: " Unlikely..."

Sandra: " Well, folks we got to take a break for a commercial, stay tuned for more great wrestling action!"

*********Winners: Laura Parker and Sweet Misty**********

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