logoZantara Underworld vs. Kayla Vandergriff

[Fade in over BRA Opening credits.]

Garry: Hello and happy holidays, kids! Welcome to Battling Ring Angels. I'm Garry Grimmoire, and at my side is my cohost, the loveable, huggable and highly merchandisable Sandra.

Sandra: Merchandisable?

Garry: I didn't tell you about the website I set up?

Sandra: [glaring] I know you must be joking. You wouldn't dare.

Garry: [nervous laugh] Of course I wouldn't. Of course.

Sandra: Ahem. Yes. Well, let's move on. We have a full, fun-packed card tonight, but we're starting off with a face-off between two bad girls here in the fed.

Garry: Yes, the dark Zantara Underworld meets with the barely-legal Kayla Vandergriff! Hmmm - I'd better update my site.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Battling Ring Angels. Our first match of the evening features, first, from Thule, Greenland, standing at 5'8" and 139 pounds - Zantara Underworld!

[The loudspeaker starts with an original, scratchy version of Irving Berlin's "Cheek to Cheek." It fades into the sound of "Tyranny" by The Stabilizers. Meanwhile, the raven-haired Zantara walks out slowly once the new tune starts, dressed in her black suit with purple pin-stripes; a purple shirt underneath; black, steel-tipped boots. She carries with her a black guitar case. The crowd boos greatly, many throwing items at her and doing little short of calling for her head. Zantara merely sneers at them. It is obvious she hates them with a passion. When she arrives at ringside, Zantara sets her guitar case down and walks over to the announcers' table and picks up a microphone. She leans in to Garry.]

Zantara: Look here, I don't like derogatory comments. I'll watch this match later, and if I hear one sexual comment from you about me you will be on my black list. Got it?

[Zantara glares at Sandra, then gives her a shove.]

Zantara: Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a pre-pubescent punk to demolish.

[Zantara enters the ring. Sandra turns red in the face.]

Sandra: Why that rotten little - I have half a mind to plant her high-and-mighty rump into the pavement.

Garry: [too scared to talk] Uh.... I... I need to go... make a call. [Garry stands and leaves.]

Announcer: Her opponent this evening, from parts unknown, standing at 5'6" and 127 pounds - Kayla Vandergriff!

[Clad in her familiar black leather micro-bikini and her hateful sneer, Kayla Vandergriff storms into the arena, headed straight for the ring. She stares intently on Zantara.

Sandra: The baby of the league has entered and she looks to mean business. Kayla hops into the ring - and wastes no time!

[As Zantara turns, Kayla slams a punch right into Zantara's stomach - and leaps backwards, clutching her first painfully.]

Kayla: [fighting pain] What the Hell have you got in th-

[Zantara doesn't waste any time. She clutches Kayla by the neck and yanks her closer, headbutting her as hard as she can. Kayla stumbles back in a daze just as Zantara throws herself back against the ropes and dropkicks Kayla square in the chest. Finally, the bell rings.]

Sandra: Oh, Kayla's not starting off well at all! Zantara drops her like a ton of bricks! Kayla scrambles to her feet - and Zantara gives her a lesson in Powerbomb 101! Kayla is trying to get away!

[Kayla scratches her way across the mat, doing her best to escape. Zantara merely scoops her up and tombstone piledrives her. This time, when Kayla hits the ground, she goes limp.]

Sandra: What's wrong with Kayla tonight? She's being tossed around like a slab of meat! Zantara pick Kayla up by the arm and - ow! A lariat!

[Zantara her forearm across Kayla's throat, thrusting the gothic beauty back into the ropes. Kayla's light body stumbles forth, slamming right into another lariat. Zantara repeats the whole process three more times, to the outrage of Kayla's fans. Finally, the young woman's knees bend inward and the falls to the mat, kneeling before Zantara.]

Sandra: Zantara clutches Kayla by the face and lifts her - and brings her neck down across Zantara's waiting knee! Zantara continues pushing Kayla's head down - she looks like she's trying to snap little Kayla's neck!

[Zantara stands and spins Kayla around, flinging her into the ropes. As Kayla returns, Zantara executes a backdrop. As Kayla slams into the canvas, Zantara drops down onto her with an elbow smash to the face. Zantara moves for a pin. Kayla makes no effort to fight her off.]
<./centeR> Sandra: It all over for little Kayla! Zantara looks like she's not done, though.

[Zantara kicks Kayla in the stomch. Immediately, the younger woman goes into a fetal position. Zantara's second kick lands in Kayla's face, the steel toe gashing Kayla's cheek. Seeming unpleased by Kayla's lack of fight, Zantara clutches Kayla by the face and lifts her. As the fans scream out, Zantara tauntingly holds Kayla's limp body dangling up, by the face, and takes a few steps around the ring. Kayla, humiliated, fights back tears as Zantara drives the girl into the mat.]

Sandra: Well, Zantara was definately the better woman tonight. I don't know what happened to Kayla, but she eemed to be out of this match from square one. While Zantara enjoys mocking the fans, I guess we'll go to a - wait! Isn't that Michelle Anderson and her cousin Betty?

[Michelle and Betty Anderson rush into the arena and run straight for the arena. Zantara, whom was sliding 'tween the ropes, looks up and sees them. Just as Betty is only a few feet away, Zantara reaches towards a ring attendant who is bringing to Zantara her black guitar case. Zantara yanks it from the girl's hands and swings it across Betty's jaw, sending the blonde back a few steps. Michelle lunges at Zantara, but the raven-haired woman side steps and plants a boot in the back of Michelle's knee. Betty, having regrouped, steps behind Zantara and plants her arms under Zantara's, lifting them and holding the woman in place. Michelle stands, rubbing her stomach. She confidantly strides to the struggling Zantara and plants her fist into Zantara's belly - and draws it back, just like Kayla had, cluthcing it painfully. Zantara wriggles one arm free from Betty and drives her elbow into Betty's ribs. She turns to face Michelle, but the all-too-familiar BRA Security guards have descended onto the situation, escorting all three women from the arena.] [fade]

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