The lights flicker down low at the sound of a snake's rattles. The crowd begins to yell louder the darker the lights go down.

Cari: "What the Hell is this? This isn't scheduled?"

Kenny: "Looks like Brandi Lynn has something to say tonight."

Cari: "Oh, great. If I have to put up with Hicks interrupting my work, I need to renegotiate my contract."

A spotlight hits the ring. After a moment, the symbol 'A8' fades into the spotlight. Then another spotlight hits the entryway as Brandi Lynn comes out to the cheers of the fans. She is wearing an 'Aces and Eights' baseball shirt, blue jean shorts, tennis shoes, and a red ribbon. In her hand, she has a Bud Lite beer can.

Kenny: "Brandi still looks to be moving gingerly with her ribs. That match with Callisto really must've taken it's toll."

Cari: "She probably wants to come out here for sympathy. The loser is just gonna waste our time."

Brandi makes a lap around the ring and then asks for a microphone.

Brandi: "Howdy."

Crowd: "HOWDY!!"

Brandi: "Well, I've always heard the expression that revenge was a dish best served cold. But, it was hotter than Hell a couple of weeks ago in Florida wasn't it?"

Crowd yells as they remember the war Callisto and Brandi fought.

Brandi: "But, everyone has been askin' questions since the match. Things like, 'Bran, is that the final chapter with you and Callisto? Don't you agree she's a changed woman?' These questions have been pissin' me off!!"

The crowd yells as Brandi seems to be getting a might peeved.

Brandi: "So, okay, we shared a moment in the hospital. But, she's the same gal that has been tryin' to put me down my entire career. A person just doesn't change like that overnight. There's so damn much water_Hell, blood_under the bridge it would be hard not to hate her. Some quack with less sense than that ol' what's his name_ Cosmo somethin' or another would have to drug my ass severely for me to trust Callisto again!!"

Brandi paces again and then brings the mic up to her mouth. She is about to say something else when music blares.

Kenny: "Uh oh. Looks like Brandi's words may have gotten some attention."

Dr. Cosmo McKinley and the vivacious Nurse Anasalong enter the arena from the back. Cosmo is attired in his standard lab coat, white shirt and black tie. The Nurse is looking very good in a short, tight, white nurse's frock and nurse hat. The two seem like grinning ghouls as they look down at Brandi, Cosmo holding a microphone, tightly. He smirks and begins to speak with his refined British accent.

Cosmo: "Touching truly touching, Ms. Lynn. In my profession, someone like you is often referred to as one who suffers from 'delusional behavior, coupled with a tinge of a Messiah-complex and-"

Nurse Ansalong cuts off the doctor as she takes the microphone sticks out her tongue then adds her own two cents.

Nurse: "Yeah! What he said! Plus, I think you're dull, lady!"

Swiping the microphone back from his buxom assistant, he stares at Brandi apologetically.

Cosmo: "I am sorry, Ms. Lynn. Now, before I was rudely interrupted, I was suggesting that you need help, badly. I see you as an emotional cripple."

Looking shocked, as she appears to grow angry, he waves his hands, in a fearful fashion.

Cosmo: "Oh, now, there is no need to come up here. I am perfectly safe right here, really and I would like to keep it that way. Besides, I have something to say. Then again, actions speak louder than words, I do believe."

Brandi: "Excuse me, Doc. Just one question. Just who the Hell do you think you are? You just don't interrupt one of my interview. I ain't Veronica Millions. You don't interrupt me when I'm speakin' or bad things can happen!!"

Kenny: "Oh my gosh!!"

Sandra Blake and Li'l Alexandria both hit Brandi from behind with double axe handle shots.

Kenny: "Brandi just got Pearl Harbored!!"

Cari: "This is what I like to see. Kick the crap out of her, Blake!!"

Kenny: "Both girls, Alexandria and Sandra Blake are stomping away at the prone Brandi Lynn."

Sandra picks Brandi up and throws her against the ropes and hits her with a standing side kick.

Cari: "Blake is showing her skills off by kicking Lynn like she was a damn punching bag at the gym."

Kenny: "Now, Li'l Alexandria is jumping up and down. She wants to get into the act now. She is pushing Sandra back so she can pick Brandi up. She pulls Brandi up by the hair. Brandi punches her in the belly!! Sandra gets a punch in the belly!! Now, Brandi is up!! She and Sandra are flailing away at each other!!"

Brandi and Sandra trade rights as Brandi looks like she may getting the better of the exchange until Li'l Alexandria sneaks behind Brandi.

Cari: "Kick from behind the Texan by Li'l Alex slows down Lynn!!"

Kenny: "Look at McKinley!! He and that nurse are just enjoying this!!"

Cari: "As he should. This is money well spent!!"

Cosmo and Nurse Anaslong have made it up to ringside. Both wear smiles on their faces. Cosmo is staring at the ring, however, while the nurse is flirting with the nearby fans. Brandi doubles up as Alex locks up with her face to face. She turns her around then grabs her by the neck.

Kenny: "C L O C K W O R K O R A N G E ! ! ! ! ! ! !"

Sandra and Alexandria exchange high fives as Alexandria points to the top rope.

Kenny: "Look at Cosmo!! He's has a grin ear to ear with the havoc being caused in the ring to Brandi Lynn."

Sandra starts to the ropes as the crowd pops.

Cari: "Now what's going on?!!"

Kenny: "Callisto!! Callisto is hobbling to ringside with a steel chair!!"

A hobbling Callisto makes her way down to ringside with surprising speed bumping into Cosmo on her way. It knocks him into Nurse Ansalong which knocks her on her shapely rear end.

Cari: "That's the end of the Texan!! Callisto hates her worse than she hates needles!!"

Kenny: "Cammy has followed Callisto in the ring!! Sandra has got off her perch and is standing on the apron as Brandi is still out of it."

Cari: "This is great, four on one!! Reminds me of my old days!!"

Kenny: "Callisto swings the chair at Alexandria!! She ducks the chair, then slides out of the ring!! Sandra jumps off the apron!! I guess she thought that discretion was the better part of valor."

Cari: "Callisto is a selfish woman. I guess she just wants the privilege of wailing away on Lynn by herself."

A beaten Brandi pulls herself up in the corner as Callisto stares at the Texan. Cammy stands between both, not knowing what to do. She looks like she is waiting for her cousin to take the lead. With a sigh, Callisto motions for a microphone. When she gets the mic, she directs Cammy to give Brandi back the microphone she had before this started. Cammy cautiously picks up the microphone and hands it to Brandi. Brandi is rubbing her neck with her free hand as stares distrustingly at Callisto.

Callisto: "I've done a lot of things in my life that I'm not proud of. I've hurt a lot of people both inside and outside the ring. And you Brandi were one of them."

Brandi glares at Callisto with hate in her eyes.

Cari: "Cut the chit chat stuff out Callisto and get down to the good part. Knock her in the head with the chair. That damn Southerner always did talk too much."

Callisto: "I don't offer no excuses for what I did. And I can think of a hundred of them right about now. But the fact is that I did wrong and I paid the price. Now it's time Brandi for me to give you your receipt."

Cari: "Here it comes... Give her the receipt Callisto!! Whack her with the chair!!!"

Kenny: "Brandi better look out. Callisto has that look in her eye."

The crowd falls to a hush as Callisto walks over to Brandi with chair in hand. The angry Texan sets herself in a defensive stance ready for anything that Callisto throws at her. But she is shocked as Callisto just hands her the steel chair.

Cari: "What the ??? What is Callisto thinking?"

Kenny: "I don't know. But look at both Cammy and Brandi. They are just as shocked as we are."

Callisto: "Now you can do one of two things Brandi. You can knock my lights out with that thing. And you probably have every right to do so. Or you can leave the past where it belongs Brandi... And that's right in the past where it should be. Then we can do the one thing that no one in this damn league would ever dream would happen in all their worst nightmares..."

The crowd goes ballistic as they anticipate Callisto's response...

Callisto: "What if we called a truce, Brandi?"

Cari: "A TRUCE?!!! Has Callisto lost her mind!!"

Cammy stares at both women with a confused look on her face. Brandi glares at her questioningly, but Cammy just shrugs in disbelief.

Callisto: "Judging from what just happened here Brandi. Life sure would be a lot easier if we had someone to watch our backs every now and then, wouldn't it? So what do you say, Texan? I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine??"

Callisto waits on Brandi's response as the Texan looks out to the crowd. It looks like it's split fifty fifty on what to do.

Brandi: "You and I have fought each other all over the planet. In eighteen wheelers, cages, and all over a damn beach!!"

Fans pop at the reference to Spring Fling.

Brandi: "I don't know if it's the fact that I just got the hell beat out of me, but what you say kinda makes some sense. Maybe it's time I let the past go and start thinkin' about the future. But, if you wrong me in any way, betray me in the slightest, I'll bury your heart on the 'A8.'"

Callisto smiles slightly as she says.

Callisto: "Fine!! You'll find that I'm true to my word Brandi. I'm always true to my word.!!"

The two shake hands as Cammy looks on. Then Brandi shakes a tentative and confused Cammy's hand. 1

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