Tiffany Lane Vs Missy McKinley

The recent break in activity in BRA seems not to have affected the attendance or the level of excitement as the camera once again picks up the cheering crowd anxious to see the action resumed. The sign makers were back in numbers displaying their wares for the cameras! “There may be millions of Veronica’s, but there is only one Veronica Millions!”, “Hey Peggy, play Misty for me!”, and “Pour me a shot of Brandi, Lynn” were only a few of the many hanging everywhere. Down below, the still unfamiliar faces of Kenny Harbor and Cari Tramell sat behind the announcer’s table.

Kenny: BRA’s number two wrestler, Tiffany Lane gets set to tangle with Missy McKinley. Statistics show Tiffany Lane is 6 and 0 in matches when she boiled her eggs for more than three minutes the morning of her match!

Cari: You have got to be kidding me!!

Kenny: Not at all! It says so right here! And this morning…..(taps at the computer)…wow! Nearly four minutes!

Cari: She’s a fighter! That’s all she will need! McKinley should stick to trying to sing!

Kenny: Rumor has it she may do just that!

Cari: Good for wrestling! Bad for country music!

Suddenly, the lights dim as Britney Spears' "Oops! I Did it Again" begins to play. The curtains part and "Miss BRA" Tiffany Lane steps out, wearing a sleek, pink, leather catsuit, fitting her curvy form like a second skin. She finishes the look with pink, knee-length, vinyl boots, with a platform heel, and her long, blonde hair falls down her back, in a sexy, layered fashion, framing her gorgeous face. She is flanked by three; beautiful women dressed in similar attire. Tiffany and the three women stand atop the entrance ramp and do a sexy, dance routine, drawing cheers from the mainly male audience. With Tiffany in the lead, the women mesmerize the crowd with each seductive bump and grind, moving as one to the pulsating beat. Suddenly, Tiffany strikes a pose, her arms raised high, as the dancers rip off her catsuit, revealing her wrestling attire and drawing massive catcalls and whistles from the fans. Tiffany stands before the crowd in a pink, vinyl bra top and matching, hot pants, showing off her long, shapely legs and million-dollar body. Tiffany high-fives the dancers before making her way to ringside, actually slapping hands with a few of the fans. The Blonde Bombshell gracefully enters the ring, doing another sexy shimmy as the crowd applauds.

Cari: Put your eyes back in your head, schoolboy! She ain’t your type!

“That Don’t Impress Me Much” fires up on the loudspeakers and the crowd all looks to the tunnel. Out steps Daisy Crenshaw dressed in a black leather catsuit. She tips the black cowboy hat down over her eyes as she smiles to the crowd. Then, right behind her, Missy McKinley appears, stirring up another part of the crowd. She wears a black Bra T-shirt and blue jeans, accompanied of course by the ever-present white cowboy hat and zebra skin boots. Both women make their way to the ring.

Kenny: She doesn’t look ready to wrestle tonight!

Cari: I don’t need a computer to see that! There is something missing in that girl and Tiffany Lane won’t hesitate to use it against her!

Kenny: Moira Young will be the referee for this match, and she doesn’t tolerate misbehavior!

Cari: Pity, it might liven this up!

The bell rings and both women circle before meeting in the middle for the lockup. Missy surprisingly gains an early advantage, forcing Tiffany back into the ropes. Moira calls for the break, but Missy brings a knee up sharply to Tiffany’s stomach before backing away with her hands raised!

Kenny: Moira Young is cautioning Missy about clean breaks.

Cari: Honestly, that just ruins a good match!

Tiffany gasps as she struggles for air, but Missy is back in a flash, grabbing the blonde and snap suplexing her back to the mat.

Kenny: She’s going for the cover!

Before the ref could start the count Tiffany kicks out. Missy wastes no time, hoisting Tiffany up and scooping her up and body slamming Miss BRA down. An elbow drop follows this to the throat, and Tiffany Lane is reeling, rolling on the mat clutching her throat.

Cari: Impressive. Didn’t think this girl had that in her!

Missy doesn’t stop. Picking her opponent up, she whips Tiffany into the ropes and meets her with a solid chop to the throat! Lane staggers, gasping and clutching her throat. Missy throws herself back into the ropes and charges her stunned opponent, but is staggered herself with a boot to the chest!

Cari: Not bad! It was only a matter of time before Tiffany stopped the bumpkin playing!

Kenny: That had to hurt! Hey, lookit! Hurricanrana by Tiffany from the standing position. Great athleticism!

Cari: Blondes have more fun baby!

Back in the ring, Tiffany gets to her feet, still massaging her throat. She hoists up the stunned Missy, sets her up then!

Kenny: Crucifix power bomb! Ouch! Missy has never won a match when she has been subjected to one of those!

Cari: Neither would you, sunshine!

Tiffany smiles as she wrests control of the match. Standing over her opponent, she sneers.

“Your going down, hillbilly!”

Missy rolls slowly, the match taking its toll on her. Daisy pounds on the apron from the outside, trying to gain some help for her friend, but gets a stern look from Moira in return. Tiffany stands a groggy Missy up on her feet. Moving to the corner, she gains the top turnbuckle and almost instantly, plants Missy with a missile dropkick!

Cari: Look! It’s Kate Smith! And she’s singing!

Kenny: Huh? Where?

Cari: Idiot!

Kenny: And who’s Kate Smith?

The crowd starts to get excited as they see what’s coming next! Tiffany waves and does a little dance, inciting near riot from the male audience members. At the height of the frenzy, she sets up.

Cari: The Blonde Bombshell! Say goodnight country girl!

Tiffany casually lies across her unmoving opponent. Moira Young drops to the mat.





Kenny: As I predicted! The four-minute egg reigns the match!

Cari: Eggs had nothing to do with it! Tiffany Lane has got what it takes to go to the top, and precious few in this Fed do!

Winner by pinfall: Tiffany Lane 1

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