Sandra Blake


Nina "The Goddess" LaRue


Skye Soaring Hawk

The fans cheer and scream as the next match is about to commence. Signs waved in the air say, "Lisa Dream...the TRUE ALL-AMERICAN SWEETHEART!" and "TARGET MY HEART KELLY MASE!". Kenny Harbor and Cari "The Brat" Trammell look out amongst the fans pointing one sign out and then another. They both turn to the camera at the same time.

Kenny: Welcome back Fans! So far it's been an exciting night for the Battling Ring Angels. What do you think about it Cari?

Cari: Pffff! It hasn't been top caliber. Nothing as close as to when I stepped into the ring.

Kenny: There are those that would disbute that claim according to the latest BRA polls.

Cari: Polls!? What polls!? Polled who!?

Kenny: Looks like this next events referee is coming down to start this one.

Oni Malvolio waves to the crowd and more than a few appreciative glances are thrown her way. Sliding into the ring easily being small, Oni smiles to the crowd one last time and begins to check the ropes and turnbuckles for any defects.

Kenny: The always beautiful Oni Malvolio will be the official referee for this hardcore match for the Fallen Angel title.

Cari: Yet another Has-Been in the wrestling world. She never could beat me in the ring.

She sure gave you a run for your money the many times you all faced off. In fact, according to my computer, you...

Cari: Shh! The match is about to start!

A tiger will appears on the Jumbotron as Sandra comes out in a tiger stripped Brazilian cut one piece with black leggins underneath. Wearing fingerless gloves and combat boots, Sandra makes her way to the ring amidst a sea of boos and hisses. She ignores all around her and climbs the steps into the ring. Sandra holds a photograph of the Goddess Nina Larue up for all to see. Producing a lighter, she flicks the flame to the picture and allows it to burn for a moment before letting it drop to the mat.

That about says it all doesn't it?

Cari: What is that idiot doing!? Trying to burn the arena down!!!?

Kenny: Oni has put the fire out much to the displeasure of The Tiger Sandra Blake.

"People of the Sun" by Rage Against the Machine, blares over the loudspeakers as green pyrotechnics obscure the stage. Suddenly, out of the green fire, Skye Soaring Hawk, her jean vest, matching daisy dukes, and knee-high buckskin boots obscured by a floor-length leather duster, her face shaded by a flat-topped, wide-brimmed cowboy hat, strides down the aisle, a wide, insanity-tinged smile spreading across her face as she pumps her barbwire wrapped hands in the air. She slides under the bottom rope, tossing her duster to an attendant then throwing her hat to a lucky fan.

Look at those hands! Oh she has got my vote to win this thing!

Kenny: Certainly a...very surprising predicament to her opponents to see her with those barbed wire fists coming at them.

As "The Thong Song" by Sisqo blares over the speakers, "The Goddess" Nina Larue steps from behind the curtains. The busty beauty wears a black, satin and lace bra and matching, thong panties, showing off every curve of her sleek, seductive body. Nina's long, luxurious black hair is tied in a ponytail that graces the small of her back, bangs resting above her sensual, violet eyes. She completes the look with black, knee-length, vinyl boots, with a platform heel, and tiny, black, angel's wings, attached to the back of the bra, giving Nina the look of a true "Fallen Angel". Draped over her right arm is the BRA Fallen Angel, Hardcore title and in her left hand is her trusty kendo stick. A smirk moves across her lovely visage as "The Goddess" basks in the catcalls and wolf whistles from the male fans before sashaying to ringside. As she enters the ring, Nina places her kendo stick and championship belt aside. She seductively leans over the top rope and blows a kiss to the fans, giving a tantalizing view of her ample cleavage.

Kenny: My God! What a sight as the Fallen Angel makes her appearance in the ring!

Cari: Oh please! Stop drooling over the mic. You might electrocute yourself.


All three girls face off circling. Each tries to watch the other two. One bears a kendo stick wickedly. One bears fists of barbed wire. One...deadly accuracy with legs and hands. Sandra leaps toward Skye suddenly and with a yell sweeps her off her feet. Quickly she lunges forward to do the same to Nina, but the crack of a stick stops her in her tracks. Wobbling unsteadily, Sandra takes a few uncertain steps backward. With a laugh, Nina brings the stick around and down thwacking The Tiger in the bakc of the knees taking her off her feet.

Kenny: Sandra was quick enough to take Skye off her feet but now so good at going up against the Fallen Angel Champion Nina LaRue and her partner, kendo stick.

Cari: That should teach her to try and take on hardcore wrestlers without a weapon.

Raising the stick above her head, Nina looks out at the fans as they cheer her to dish out the punishment! Sheer pain shoots up her leg and Nina drops the stick to grasp at her right leg. Looking down through tears, she sees Skye Soaring Hawke digging intoher exposed thigh with the barbed wire! Pulling her fist back, Skye punches into what is left of Nina's thigh. LaRue's leg gives out and she crumples to the ground holding her wounds protectively.

Cari: What an animal!

Kenny: All perfectly legal in this type of match, but my God!

Getting to all fours finally, Skye starts to get to her feet when a force pounds into the small of her back. Sandra glares down at the indian before dropping an elbow into her back. The moan of pain that escapes Skye's lips are music to a Tiger's ears.

Cari: So far no real wrestling moves in this WRESTLING match.

Kenny: Well don't expect to much finasse in this match. Looks like Skye managed to escape by rolling out of the ring.

Grabbing her kendo stick, Nina limbs toward Sandra but backs off a little when the martial arts expert turns to face her. Sandra holds her arms up in defense and closes the gap between the two. Meanwhile, Skye strips the barbed wire from her hands and flips up the ring apron. Grabbing a chair, she looks up at the competing opponents waiting for an opening. Nina swings her stick widely in an arc, and Sandra steps inkicking the stick in half as it hits the ground. Throwing her free hand forward, Nina connects with a palm thrust to the face of Sandra Blake. Sandra sees stars but manages to catch Nina's foot as she tries to double her over. Flipping to the side, Nina throws her other foot into the back of the Tiger's head dropping her to the mat with a thud!

Kenny: Enzurigi finds the mark as Sandra is down! Oni Malvolio watches on but she is really just there to declare a winner in the end.

Sliding in with her chair, Skye watches as Nina lays the boots to Sandra's back and gut. The Goddess is destermined to keep her down!


Nina drops to her knees and her head wobbles on it's shoulders for a moment before falling forward onto her face and chest out cold!

Kenny: Nina never even saw Skye coming! She didn't have time to prepare for that chair shot!

Cari: Like you said...all is fair in this match. Ha! I love it!

Dropping the chair to the side, Skye raises her arms into the air. Picking Nina back up she hooks a frontface lock before dropping her head first into the unforgiving metal of the chair!

Kenny: Good God! She is already out! Come on!

Cari: Again! Do it again!!!

Bouncing off the ropes to get momentum, the now vertical Sandra Blake runs to the unsuspecting Hawk and throws a vicious sidekick into her as she turns. Nina manages to roll out of the ring and crumple near the apron holding her head as she tries to regain her senses. Skye, pushed into the ropes by the sidekick, bounces back to Sandra. Stepping to the side, Sandra sweeps her Skye of her feet. She comes craching down onto her back onto the chair she just used as a weapon! Arching her back Skye holds her back in pain just as a leg drop by the Tiger smashes her body between the leg and the chair!

Cari: That was the Pounce!

Screaming in victory, Sandra lays her body across Hawk's. Oni slides into position and Nina finally pulls herself up to see what is going on. Scrambling into the ring, the champion throws an elbow to stop the count...too late!


Nina looks up incredulous as Oni raises Sandra's hand in victory! She pounds the mat in frustration and gets in the refs face argueing that she broke the count. Meanwhile, Sandra rolls out of the ring and takes her title in hand. Raising up for all to see, The Tiger walks down the aisle victorious as the fans pelt her with boos and jeers! She ignores them knowing she doesn't need them.

Kenny: Well Nina has lost her belt but she wasn't exactly the person pinned.

Cari: Nevertheless, The Tiger walks out of here a true champion! Someone the BRA fans cane be proud of!

Kenny: I thought you said Skye was going to walk out of here with that belt?

Cari: I would never have picked someone like her!

Winner: Sandra "The Tiger" Blake

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