Tina Dream Vs. Gwen Jeru

Kenny: Welcome back fans it is me your host Kenny Harbor and along side me is a legend in the sport Cari "the brat" Tramell.

Cari: Well I'm glad that you realize it.

Kenny: Cari look at this crowd! Another sold out performance by the BRA.

Cari: Well what do you expect? With a legend like me here the people show up in droves, Kenny.

(As Cari stands in her chair and starts to wave to the crowd, arrogantly, the crowd notices what she is doing and the arena is filled with boos and hisses.)

Kenny: (Starting to laugh)Well I am glad that they like you and not me.

Cari: Shut up or I will do something that they will like.

Kenny: Okay lets get to our next match. Next we have Tina Dream who is very lovely - I might say. She will be taking on the European sensation Gwen 'the Bull' Jeru. Cari, in your expert opinion what does Gwen have to do to win this match?

Cari: Well Gwen will have to use some power moves to make the pretty girl suffer. And NOBODY knows how to make girls suffer like I do.

Kenny: And what if Tina was to win? What has to happen?

Cari: (smirking) Pray that Gwen hurts herself walking to the ring.

Kenny: Well speaking of Tina I think I hear her music starting.

(As Sweet Virginia Breeze by Robin Thompson starts to blare over the PA, as mutlicolor lights splash across the entrance way. Tina suddenly appears into the entrance, wearing a leopardskin bikini and grinning from ear to ear. Going immediately into a handstand and walking down the ramp on her hands, Tina is the picture of grace. With a laugh, Tina handsprings back to her feet and goes into a forward somersault landing with arms outspread. Prancing her way up the aisle teasing and playing with fans, Tina waves and blows kisses to the crowd. Bounding back and forth to share hugs and exchange high fives with the fans, Tina is clearly a loved child. Making her way down to ringside Tina reaches up and grabs the bottom rope, pulling herself up and slingshoting her through the ropes into the ring.)

Kenny: That was quite an entrance.

Cari: Yes. At least after she gets beat she can tell everyone that she had a good entrance.

( Suddenly Secretaria by Mocedades plays over the loudspeakers as Gwen Jeru starts to walk down the catwalk in her trademark crimson bra, long baggy pants and red sandals with Gloreu at her side. As the two walk to the ring Gwen stops at the top and waves to her fans who cheer at their European hero. She then flips over the ropes like a true gymnast that she is.)

Kenny: Well Gwen looks ready.

Cari: Please! I could take both of them and not break a sweat.

Kenny: Well I am sure you could, Cari. But let's see who will win this match and worry about you beating them both later.

Cari: Do NOT make me slap those glasses off your face.

Kenny: Okay lets get back to the match. The referee is finished with his instructions and signals for the bell.

Ding - Ding - Ding

( As soon as the bell rings Gwen lowers her head and takes off charging across the ring at Tina. Tina, noticing the sudden attack, sees that Gwen is getting close and quickly steps to the side and catches Gwen in a front face lock.)

Kenny: Tina starting fast has Gwen in a little bit of trouble.

(As Tina drags Gwen around the ring and back to the center, she holds her hand up in the air and then delivers a double knee lift to the face of Gwen.)

Kenny: Well that double knee lift has dropped Gwen to the mat.

Cari: Yes, Gwen made a rookie mistake.

( Tina reaches down and grabs Gwen by the hair and slowly pulls her to her feet. Once Tina has Gwen up she holds her hair and delivers a quick elbow to the gut that doubles Gwen over in pain.)

Kenny: It sounded like all of the air left Gwen's lungs after that elbow by Tina.

Cari: Who taught this pretty girl to be that mean?

( With Gwen doubled over holding her stomach, Tina reaches down and grabs the right arm of Gwen and places her in an armdrag takedown quickly turning it into an armbar.)

Kenny: Well Tina is placing a lot of pressure on Gwen's arm.

Cari: Yes but Tina is making a mistake of wrestling with Gwen. She needs to be flying around the ring because Gwen will crush her like a grape if given the chance.

(Tina pulls Gwen up by the arm and then delivers corkscrew armdrag, following it up by dropping a leg across of the arm of Gwen.)

Kenny: Well, Cari, call it a mistake if you want but Tina is taking to Gwen at the beginning of the match.

Cari: True but lets see how long it lasts.

( Tina stands up and raises both of her arms into the air for the crowd to approve. She then leans over and pulls Gwen up to where she is standing on her feet and Tina pulls both of her arms back and smacks both of Gwen's ears causing Gwen to grab her head and double over.)

Kenny: OUCH!

Cari: It looks like that hurt.

(Tina pulls Gwen by the arm and throws her into the corner where Gwen hits the turnbuckle and her lower body bounces out as she slides down to the ground.)

Kenny: Well, Gwen's back hit the turnbuckle hard and this match continues to be all Tina Dream.

Cari: Yes but Tina needs to stay away from Gwen. Gwen has too much power for the pretty girl.

(Tina slowly walks over and pulls Gwen up by her hair and drapes Gwen's arms across the ropes. Tina then delivers about six chops to the chest of Gwen that causes her to drop onto the middle turnbuckle.)

Kenny: If not for the middle rope Gwen would be down on her keester again. Those chops were heard all over the arena.

Cari: Well Tina is lucky that Gwen is in the ring and not me. I would take her 'pretty girl' face and -

Kenny: Well, lets stay focused on the action.

( In the ring Tina grabs Gwen and places her in a side headlock and then takes off running pulling Gwen along. Once she reaches the center of the ring she jumps into the air and delivers a fling bulldog that plants the face of Gwen right on the mat.)

Kenny: Gwen is not moving as she is laying face down on the mat.

Cari: Glorue is pounding on the mat trying to get Gwen's attention and Tina is wasting time like all pretty girls as she walks around the ring like she is in a beauty contest instead of a wrestling match.

(Tina walking around in the ring as Gwen is still not moving face down on the mat. Tina stands next to Gwen and kicks her over on her back and puts to the corner and the crowd goes crazy.)

Cari: She does not need permission.

Kenny: She is just telling everyone what is coming up.

(Tina walks over and climbs to the top rope, as Gwen is still not moving. Tina stands on the top rope for a few seconds and then leaps into the air. Right before Tina delivers a flying headbutt Gwen manages to roll out of thew way at the last second and Tina hits the mat hard with her head.)

Kenny: My gosh I think Tina knocked herself out with that high flying move. Tina is laying face first on the mat and Gwen is right there next to her.

Cari: Well that will teach her to play to the crowd. This may be the chance that Gwen was waiting for.

( Both Tina and Gwen are barely stirring around the mat. Finally both girls start to get to their feet at the same time.)

Cari: Well this could be the match. Both girls are hurt and whoever gets the first move in this time well have the upper hand.

(Tina is the first one to press the issue. She reaches out and grabs Gwen by the arm and throws her into the ropes.)

Kenny: Well it looks like it is Tina as she throws Gwen into the ropes.

(As Gwen runs into the ropes Tina prepares to catch Gwen with a backflip. Tina ducks her head as Gwen comes running at her and then is decked to the ground as Gwen catches Tina with a spinning flip kick.)

Kenny: Well that kick has put Tina on the mat and now for the first time in the match I think Gwen is about to have things going her way.

Cari: Well it is about time. Neither one of these girls impress me.

Kenny: And I am sure that is very hard to do.

Cari: Keep it up and you will find out.

(Meanwhile in the ring Gwen has walked over to where Tina is laying face down on the mat and has started to kick Tina in the stomach. With each kick the Tina's body bounces off of the canvas and falls back down.)

Kenny: My, my, my - look at Gwen go to town on the midsection of 'the dream.'

Cari: Kick her once for me, Gwen.

(Gwen stands over the dazed Tina Dream and reaches down and pulls her up by her hair. She bends over and picks the limp Tina up by placing her over her shoulder and carries her to the corner of the ring and places her on the top turnbuckle.)

Kenny: If my computer is right I think I know what is coming up next.

Cari: Your computer?! Give me a break!

( With Tina perched on the top turnbuckle Gwen climbs the ropes so she is standing on the top rope and reaches down and pulls Tina up and places her arm behind the neck of Tina. She then reaches down and grabs a hand full of Tina's bikini and lifts the Dream high in the air and delivers a superplex.)

Kenny: What a tremendous move by Gwen. Tina is laying on her back staring at the ceiling, I think she's out of it.

Cari: Well, was your computer right?

( Tina Dream is laying in the center of the ring looking at the ceiling trying to figure out what happened. Gwen walks over showing no mercy for Tina. She pulls Tina up to where Tina is standing on her own in the center of the ring but wobbling. Gwen once again wraps her arms around the waist of Tina and lifts her in the air.)

Kenny: It is not looking good for Tina. Gwen now has her in a bearhug in the center of the ring and she has nowhere to go.

Cari: I would break her back.

Kenny: Ack! I know you would!

Cari: You're right I would.

( Tina has pain all over her face as Gwen continues to keep the pressure on.)

Cari: I think Tina is starting to fade.

(As Gwen leans forward causing Tina's back to arch and make the pressure greater the referee walks in and starts to pay close attention to Tina.)

Kenny: I do not know how much more of this Tina can take! She looks like she is fading.

( As soon as the words come out of the mouth of Kenny, Tina's head slumps to the side and the referee starts to check her arm.)

Kenny: It drops once.

Kenny: That's two.

Cari: Three! It dropped for the third time! It's over!

Ding - Ding - Ding

(As Tina's arm drops for the third time, the referee calls for the bell. Gwen releases her grip and Tina falls to the ground, out cold.)

Kenny: Well, all I can say is that those chances Tina took cost her because she had the match going her way.

Cari: I can say another thing. That is how I defeat Pretty girls: leave them laying bruised, bloody and broken. Of course, no girl is truly as pretty as I am. In fact, they used to call me pretty poison a few years back . . .

(As the referee tends to Tina, Gwen is standing in the corner on the middle turnbuckle waving to the crowd.)

Kenny: Well your winner of this match is Gwen Jeru. And I must say that this is a shocker.

Cari: Heh! Not to me.

Winner: Gwen Jeru 1

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