The camera fades in from commercial slowly panning the capacity crowd at the Battling Ring Angels Arena in Las Vegas. The camera stops at the Announcers table where we see Cari "the brat" Trammel adjusting her headset and Kenny smiling blandly at the camera.

Kenny: Welcome back everyone. We are now set for more great BRA action as the featherweight title is on the line. This match features the newly crowned featherweight champion and protégé of Dr. Cosmo McKinley, Little Alexandra . . .

Cari: You mean that total nut case and her slimy handler don't you?

Kenny: (Looking at his computer) No. It says right here that Dr. McKinley is a certified psychiatrist.

Cari: They must have printed that wrong. It should say that he has been certified by a psychiatrist.

Kenny: I'm sure that is not true. BRA would never allow mentally ill people into the league.

Cari: (Looking at him in disbelieve) Did you just fall off the turnip truck?

Kenny: I've never been on a turnip truck. I don't even like turnips. My mom always makes me eat them though.

Cari: (nodding her head at this.) Just get on with the introductions.

Kenny: Her opponent is Sweet Misty. A wrestler that has been away from BRA for a few months but is now back and ready to take her place among the title contenders.

Cari: Is she still a member of that wonder group of women, the Sisterhood of Seduction?

Kenny: When she last wrestled she was, but she has gone back to her old style of not cheating and fighting fairly.

Cari: I hate it a bad girl goes good.

The crowd looks to the curtain as "Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun!" blares over the loud speakers. The curtain parts and Sweet Misty peers out shyly. The crowd only murmurs and some boo as the shy girl steps out expecting this but still not ready for it. She wears a short red kimono that comes down to her thighs. She tries to hide her face with her long brown locks to avoid some of the stares from the fans around her. A soda drink flies out of no where and smashes into her side. Misty just holds her hands out drenched now, looks to the side apologetically, then goes on soaking wet. Misty walks up the steps and removes her kimono to reveal her baby blue one piece suit with white faded sploches on it. The sides are webbed from under her arms down to the top of her thighs. Keeping from looking anyone in the arena in the eye, Misty starts to warm up on the ropes quietly.

Kenny: The fans don't know how to react to her. She was one of their favorites until she joined the Sisterhood. I think most of the fans have never forgiven her for changing sides.

Cari: What do these morons know? Besides, they may be booing her because she abandoned her friends in the Sisterhood.

Kenny: (Looking at his computer) I see that 73.234% of the BRA fans didn't like Misty turning against her friends and joining the Sisterhood.

Cari: (Looking at Kenny's computer) And I see that you are really going to bore us with a lot of pointless statistics.

Kenny: Where do you see that?

Lights dim and lights begin to swirl. Ludwig von Beethoven's ‘Ode to Joy' belts out from the sound system. Little Alexandra appears from behind the curtain with a wild stare and ghoulish disposition. ‘Injected with a Poison' by Praga Khan starts, the rapid rave song screaming out, setting the tone. She walks down the ramp with her bowler, tight white outfit, walking stick, white midriff shirt, exposing her abdomen, and suspenders going over her breasts, tightly, latching on her trousers. She descends the aisle smirking and giggling, swinging her walking stick through the air. She is like a woman possessed, furiously and maniacally prepared for the match at hand. As soon as Little Alexandra reaches the ring, she stops at the bottom of the stairs, and turns back to give the crowd a look of indifference. She then looks up, smirking to the camera.

Kenny: Both wrestlers are in the ring and the match is about to start.

Cari: No! Really! Now I see why they pay you the big bucks.

Both wrestlers come to the center of the ring and get their instructions from Max Polk, the referee. Little Alexandra seems bored by the whole procedure and stares off into space. Misty listens and watches Alex nervously. Max smiles at Misty as he signals for the bell. The sound of the bell seems to snap Alex back to the arena. She smiles at Misty as she charges into her. Misty manages to sidestep the charge. Misty leaps and hits Alex with a drop kick. Alex hits the ropes and rebounds off them. She crashes into Misty and both fall to the mat. Alex stays on top of Misty and begins to rain closed fist punches on her. The ref warns Alex about using a closed fist. She ignores him and continues to punch Misty in the face.

Alex: Wretched creature . . . Ever try picking up your teeth with broken fingers?

Max begins to count and Alex stops just as he reaches four. Alex grabs Misty by the hair and forces her to her feet. Max cautions Alex but she ignores him as she whips Misty into the ropes. On her rebound, Alex lifts Misty across her shoulders in a fireman's carry. Walking to the center of the ring, Alex begins to spin. Misty screams as Alex turns faster and faster. Alex throws Misty off her shoulders and Misty spins a couple of times on her on before landing hard on the mat, face first.

Cari: Little Alexandra showed quite a bit of strength with that move.

Kenny: My computer analysis shows that Alexandra has 27.434567% more strength than other wrestlers of her size and weight.

Max Polk, the referee seems to want to warn Alex about that move but there is nothing illegal about it. Alex decides to start stomping on Misty with her big combat boots. She kicks with such force that Misty is flipped over to her back. Misty manages to grab one off Alex's feet and twists it, causing Alex to fall to the mat. Misty crawls to the ropes and uses them to get to her feet. Alex gets quickly to her feet and moves toward Misty but the ref blocks her pointing out that Misty is holding the ropes. Alex tries to get around the ref but he successfully blocks her. Misty takes the opportunity to relieve some of pain of her injuries. Misty moves away from the ropes and Max lets Alex get by him. Alex charges toward Misty and is met by a spinning heel kick to the chest. Alex staggers back as Misty follows it up with another spinning heel kick. Alex manages to grab Misty's foot and holds on to it. She smiles maliciously at Misty. Misty snaps her other foot up and nails Alex in the back of the head with an Enziguri. Alex's head snaps forward and she falls face first onto the mat. Misty springboards off the second rope and hits Alex with a moonsault. Alex groans as Misty impacts on her back. Misty gets quickly to her feet and forces Alex to her feet. She whips Alex into the ropes and sends her crashing to the mat with a clothes line. Alex grabs her wounded neck as she rolls on the mat.

Kenny: Misty has taken the advantage here as she seems to have Alexandra in a load of trouble.

Cari: Big deal. A couple of poorly done moves doesn't make her the winner.

Kenny: (Looking at his computer) My statistics show that in her previous matches this is the time when Misty takes control of the match. She has won 99.937% of her matches when she does.

Cari: You moron! Everyone wins the match they take control of.

Misty climbs to the top turnbuckle and pauses to allow Alex to get to her feet. The crowd cheers her on as she leaps off in a suicide planca. To the surprise of all, Alex catches her and holds her for a second before dropping to one knee and planting Misty's back across her knee. Misty squeals at the impact of her back on the hard knee of Alex. Alex presses down with one hand on Misty chin and the other on her thigh. Misty's back is bent over the knee of Alex. The ref looks at Misty with concern as he asks if she submits. The crowd cheers loudly as Misty shakes her head no. Alex pushes down even harder bending Misty's back even further. Misty groans in pain but still refuses to submit.

Cari: The psycho has nearly gotten Misty to submit. I don't think that she can stand this pain much longer.

Kenny: It may look bad but my computer shows that no one in BRA has ever submitted to this hold.

Cari: What is that nut case doing now?

Kenny: Little Alexandra has released Misty and seems to be staring off into space.

Something does seem to have distracted Alex as she moves to the side of the ring, holding the ropes and smiling. Misty rolls on the mat holding her back. Alex's mouth is moving but no words are heard. She smiles and shakes her head yes. Misty gets slowly to her feet as Max checks and makes sure she wants to continue the match. The ref then goes to Alex and tries to get her attention by placing his hand on her shoulder. She pushes him a way but turns her attention to the ring. Alex moves in on Misty hitting her with punches. Misty blocks some of them but enough get through to force her to back away. She is backed into a corner. Alex begins to hit Misty in the face with closed fist punches, cackling loudly after each hit. The ref tries to push Alex away from Misty but Alexandra manages to shake him off and resume the beating of Misty. The ref begins to count again and Little Alexandra only stops just before he reaches five.

Cari: Damn! Just when the match gets good the ref stops things. ArchAngel better have a talk with this geek before he takes all the fun out of the match.

Kenny: The ref has to enforce the rules.

Cari: The only rule the ref needs to remember is the "Gate Rule".

Kenny: What is the gate rule?

Cari: Do whatever it takes to get people to spend money to get through the gate and see the show. The fans want to see the violence so the ref should allow anything that is violent to happen in the ring.

Kenny: According to my computer, a survey taken shows that . . . You are right. 99.9234% of wrestling fans come to the arena to see blood and gore.

Cari: And they are not talking about Al Gore there. For once your computer had some interesting statistics in it.

Misty has slumped to the mat in the corner. Max, the ref, stands protectively over her preventing any further attacks on Misty. Alex becomes bored again waiting for Misty to get to her feet. She wonders to the ropes again and begins searching the crowd for the thing that interested her earlier. It is apparently not there as she turns to the ring and sees Misty in the corner shaking the cobwebs out of her head. Alex runs in and grabs Misty in a bear hug. Misty screams as Alex squeezes. Alex leans back and lifts Misty's feet off the mat, putting even more pressure on her. Alex begins to move toward the center of the ring. Misty manages to get her arms free of the grip of the psychotic one. She slaps Alex on both ears, causing Alex to stumble and release her.

Kenny: Misty with a two handed slap to Alex's ears.

Cari: Getting your bell rung like that causes you to lose your equilibrium. Alex has to hold on to the ropes to keep from falling down.

Kenny: Misty is taking deep gulps of air in an effort to get back some that was squeezed out of her by that bear hug.

Alex has regained her balance and grabs Misty and Irish whips her into the ropes. On the rebound, Alex bends over to back drop Misty, but misty instead stops and puts a facelock on Alex. Misty spins and executes a swinging neck breaker on Alex. Alexandra lies on the mat, not moving. Misty climbs to the top rope and leaps off in a frog splash that nails Little Alexandra. Alex bounces off the mat from the impact. Misty hooks a leg and rolls Alex up for the pin. Max drops to the mat.



THR . . . NO!

A kick out by Little Alexandra at the last possible instant.

Kenny: I didn't think Alex had anything left in her but that kick out showed that she still has quite a bit of fight left in her.

Cari: That count seemed a bit fast to me.

Kenny: No, according to my watch it was exactly right.

Cari: I think this ref is favoring Misty.

Kenny: The only thing this ref is doing is being honest. I guess that may be called favoring Misty.

Misty applies an arm bar to Alex. Alex seems to be laughing at the effort. Misty twists the arm but still there is no painful reaction from Alex. The ref checks on Alex and asks if she wants to submit. Alex laughs at the ref. Max looks shocked at Little Alexandra's reaction.

Alex: Don't mind me, I'm hopelessly insane.

Misty releases the arm bar and forces Alex to her feet with a wristlock. Misty whips Alex into the ropes but Alex reverses it and sends Misty into the ropes. The sweet one bounces off the ropes and surprises Alex by baseball sliding between Alex's feet, thus avoiding the planned clothes line. While finishing the baseball slide, Misty drives a foot to the back of Alex's knee causing her leg to give out as she falls to one knee. Misty is quickly on her feet and drives Alex's face into the mat with a drop kick to the back of the head. The sweet one is up again before Alex can react and puts a front head lock on her. Misty forces Alex to her feet, but grunts loudly as Alex drives a fist into her belly. Alex follows that up with a series of kicks to Misty's inner thighs and groin area.

Kenny: It looks like Alex is trying for a low blow.

Cari: I think she may have succeeded.

After one of the kicks, Misty screams and falls to her knees. The ref pushes Alex away from her and begins reading the riot act to Alex. Alex doesn't seem to know what the ref is talking about. The ref points at Misty, who has her hands now protecting her nether region.

Alex: Did I do that?

The ref seems stunned by Alex's reaction. This is all that Alex needs. She quickly moves past the ref and grabs Misty. She lifts Misty up and swings her in a clock wise direction with a swinging neck breaker. Misty is slammed to the mat. Alex covers Misty as the ref begins to count.



The ref stops the count as Misty manages to get her foot on the rope. Alex looks around wondering why the ref has stopped the count. The ref points at Misty's foot on the rope. Alex grabs Misty's leg and pulls her foot of the rope. Alex demands that the ref begin to count again, but Misty is able to push Alex off her before he can even count one.

Cari: It was all over there. If that ref wasn't trying to help Misty, this match would have been over.

Kenny: What do you mean? Her foot was on the rope. He had to stop the count.

Cari: Whatever. I must admit that Misty does impress me with her stamina. I didn't think anyone would be able to keep fighting after what she has been through.

Kenny: She is an impressive wrestler, and a really nice girl. She really is sweet.

Cari: Why did you have to go and ruin the complement I paid her? SWEET! Huh! There is nothing as sickening as a sweet wrestler. I would drive them all from the league.

Kenny: (Under his breath) Like the way you've been driving away our TV audience?

Cari: What was that, geek boy?

Kenny: Nothing . . .

Little Alexandria becomes furious at Misty's refusal to be pinned. Alex gets to her feet and jumps on the still prone Misty and begins to choke her. The ref tries to break the choke but Alex's grip is too tight. Misty face begins to turn blue as the ref begins to count. Alex releases the choke just before the count of five. Alex immediately begins to choke Alex again, but this time the ref acts soon enough to force Alex's hands away from Misty's throat. Max keeps his hold of Alex's hands and forces her off Misty.

Cari: The ref can't do that!

Kenny: He has to protect Misty from Alex's cheating.

Cari: He can't touch the wrestlers.

Kenny: (Looking at his computer.) There is nothing in the rules that exactly covers this.

The ref manages to keep Alex away from Misty long enough for her to use the ropes to get to her feet. The crowd goes wild over Misty show of fortitude. Misty takes deep breaths to try to replenish her oxygen.

Kenny: (Looking at his computer again) According to BRA records no one has ever survived a Clockwork Orange. Misty is the first.

Cari: Big deal.

Kenny: It is a big deal and the crowd knows it. They are on their feet cheering and screaming their support of Misty.

Misty seems surprised at this show of support from the crowd. She is wobbly on her feet but she is standing. Alex hears the fan reaction and turns to see Misty standing. She pushes the ref away and goes to Misty, grabbing her arm and whipping her into a corner. Alex follows her into the corner and begins to punch her. Misty returns a few punches of her own. She manages to reverse the positions and now Alex is in the corner. Misty grabs Alex's head and then jumps so that her feet are on Alexandra's thighs. She monkey flips Alex out of the corner and into the center of the ring. The crowd goes crazy with cheers as Misty hooks one of Alex's legs and goes for the pin.


The crowd goes crazy.


Kenny: Misty just may pull this off.

Alex manages to kick out before the ref counts three. Misty gets slowly to her feet the effects of the match truly showing on her. Alex gets to her feet, smiling at Misty and the crowd. The fans boo her loudly. Alex punches Misty in the midsection, causing her to double over. She puts a headlock on Misty and falls backward. Misty's head is planted into the mat from the DDT. Misty flops to the mat. Alex gets to her feet and looks out to the crowd which begins to chant unflattering nicknames about Alex. She just smiles and waives to the crowd. Once again Alex grabs Misty and forces her to her feet. She swings Misty in clockwise direction before bring her down with a swinging neck breaker. The crowd groans in sympathy for Misty.

Cari: Misty may have survived the first Clockwork orange but this time Alexandra has her in the center of the ring. There are no ropes to save her this time.

Kenny: I'm afraid that you are right.

Little Alexandra covers Misty as the ref drops to the mat.




The ref signals for the bell ash he raises Little Alexandra's hand in victory. The crowd boos and throws paper cups and popcorn boxes into the ring. Alex smiles to the crowd and parades around the ring before walking out of it. She smiles and waives to the fans as she walks up the entrance way, bringing even more boos from the capacity crowd. Max helps Misty to her feet after first checking with her to make sure she is all right. The crowd cheers Misty's gutsy performance as she leaves the arena.

Cari: What are those morons cheering about?

Kenny: They appreciated the effort and clean fighting of Misty.

Cari: She LOST! Don't these morons know that the only thing that matters is winning?

Kenny: Perhaps ONLY morons know that the only thing that matters is winning.

Cari: Are you calling me a moron?

Kenny: If the shoe fits . . .

Cari: It's time I showed you why they won't let me wrestle anymore.

Kenny: We're off to commercial! Stay tuned folks for more exciting Battling Ring Angel action after these important announcements.

The winner: LITTLE ALEXANDRA, by pinfall. 1

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