Four-Way Elimination Tournament

Celestial Title

Round 1

Kenny: So far an exciting evening and the best is yet to come!

Cari: If you can call that exciting. You should have seen my matches back when I was on top!

Kenny: You were on top?

Cari: Don't push it...

All of the lights in the arena dim as flashing strobelights highlight the entrance from the dressing room area. Smoke sweeps the entrance ramp as the jumbotron located above the Gates of Heaven displays a room with chains hanging from the ceiling, a black and white scene that the camera slowly moves through. The beginning of "SUPERSTAR", by Cypress Hill, plays over the arena's loudspeakers. Then, as soon as the heavy guitars begin, there is an explosion of pyrotechnics, and Lisa Dream emerges through the smoke to a huge reaction to the crowd. Some boo her, some cheer her, but all make some noise in relation to the gothic beauty. Wearing her typical black leather halter top and black leather pants combination, Lisa looks at the crowd with a far off expression in her eyes while on the entrance ramp. She then makes her way to the ring.

As soon as she enters the ring, Lisa scowls at the referee and orders a microphone to be brought to her from ringside. It is quickly produced, and, surveying the crowd, Lisa raises the microphone to her black painted lips.

That's right, all you little peons, the Dream is in the building, and, like her or hate her, you cannot deny her ability to toss these pitiful insignificants from one corner of the ring to the next like the rag dolls that they are! I have proven, time and time again, that nobody inside of this league can possibly compare to me. And I know, just like all the fickle fans must acknowlege, that, once the bell has sounded and the dust has cleared, that that Celestial Title will, once again, be in my possession!

I mean, just look at who they have sent out to face me this evening. Do any of you doubt that I cannot destroy and dominate all 3 of these hapless rejects? Darlings, this could be a handicap match, with me against all 3, and the outcome would still never remain in question! Skye Soaring Hawk, you dim witted dolt, even when in the best of mental health you could not compare to me! And now, with you in the care of the dear Doctor McKinley, it makes it that much easier for me to tear you in half!

Tiffany Epitaphine, oh yes, your recent string of victories is rather impressive, but anyone with half a brain could have defeated that string of second rate athletes! You are now stepping into the ring with the best the league has to offer, and you will learn that you have not got what it takes to play with the big girls! Snap my back? Little Darling, I am going to snap your over inflated ego, and I am going to enjoy doing it!

And then Yvette Malreaux. You pitiful peon, I have nothing more to say to you other than the fact that you WILL be screaming out my name tonight, and you WILL acknowledge me as your superior! You may have gotten lucky in the past..but that is all to change this evening! Nobody opposes the All American Sweetheart, and gets away with it!

Fools, you are now in the valley of the Dream, of which there is no escape! And, though you will beg and plead for my mercy, you will only be graced with unconciousness..when I deem you worthy.

This said, Lisa drops the microphone to the mat, and, backing up into a corner, Lisa reclines against the turnbuckle, a far off expression in her eyes as she waits for the match to begin.

Cari: Well...she is in her usual pleasant mood as always.

Kenny: Like her or not, Lisa Dream is everything she claims to be. A top contender and looking to once again be the champion of the Basttling Ring Angels.

All the lights go off and a red spotlight circles around the arena. A woman's deep voice says, "She, who has lost her trust in humans, is damned with Wrath." A firecracker explodes at the top of the stairs above the fans. Madonna's 'Frozen' blares over the speakers. As the loud humming starts, the red light still circles around. At last focusing on Tiff as she marches down from the crowd. She stands on the announcer's table before entering the ring and looks around. She takes off her black coat and tosses it away revealing her black bikini top and bottom. She slides into the ring and circles for a while. The lights come back and Tiff slumps into a corner, waiting for her opponents.

Cari: I got a boot print right on my notes! I can't read them now!

Kenny: Well if you invested in a laptop like ArchAngel suggested then...

Cari: If you're as smart as you think you are you'll shut up right now...

Kenny: (Gulp!)

The lights go out and the fans boo expressing their hatred of one of the most detested athletes in BRA. However, this does not deter her as Yvette appears from the curtain with a wicked smile for her fans and a nasty glare for her enemies. Explosions and pyrotechnics erupt. Fireballs shoot into the air. As the first few bars of the French National Anthem play, the crowd is worked into a frenzy of anger, then suddenly the traditional music is cut off. A voice, in a French accent, with a seemingly innocent tone speaks out.

I'm not going to hurt you.

Then there is the sudden and streaking sound of a whip cracking and the same voice laughs cruelly. The Angeltron explodes to life, showing scenes of terrorism, violence, sex, and clips of some of Yvette's greatest moments, followed by the Lords of Acid's "The Most Wonderful Girl". Yvette is clad in her white S&M style outfit with white crop and cape. She throws her head back, laughs and extends both arms, forming a 'Y' (for 'Yvette', of course). She twirls around for the fans to gaze. Yvette slowly makes her way to the ring. She scans the entire area with a look of pure sadism, almost challenging anyone to oppose her.

Kenny: Wow! Always a spectacular entrance for Yvette Malreaux!

Cari: Yeah but she has reasons to be in this tournament other than to get that belt.

Kenny: That may be but as good as she is she has yet to capture the Battling Ring Angels Celestial Title!

"People of the Sun" by Rage Against the Machine, blares over the loudspeakers as green pyrotechnics obscure the stage. Suddenly, out of the green fire, Skye Soaring Hawk, her jean vest, matching daisy dukes, and knee-high buckskin boots obscured by a floor-length leather duster, her face shaded by a flat-topped, wide-brimmed cowboy hat, a wide, insanity tinged smile spreading across her face, strides down the aisle ignoring the jeering crowd. She slides under the bottom rope, tossing her duster to an attendant then throwing her hat to a lucky fan, then, without warning, turns and attacks Tiffany Epitaphine in a flurry!


Kenny: The bell sounds but this match already started!

The Wrath turns to see the Indian rushing furiously at her and partially blocks the first wild punch to her head. The next one connects with her gut doubling her over and Skye screams as she throws a double-axe handle down onto her back dropping the larger Tiffany to the canvas. Lisa snarls at Yvette and moves to engage her. Yvette backs up into her corner raising her fists.

Lisa, you are a disgusting troll! I have seen creatures under bridges, in fantasy stories with less foulness than you.

Bolting forward, Lisa leads in with a wild left hook that narrowly misses the French beauty. A smile on her face, Yvette bobs and avoids yet another blow as the infuriated Dream seems hell-bent on rearranging her tanned face. As she comes back up, The Marquise throws a left jab into Lisa's nose! Another...and one more has Lisa's attack stopped. Smiling evilly, Yvette throws a low one which she is rewarded with a groan of pure pain from the Dream. Lashing out with her foot, Yvette floors Lisa then backs up a step into her corner to let Lisa waste energy getting up on her own.

Meanwhile, Tiffany covers up as best she can as Skye bears down on her. Kicks to the body that have strength with the extra sting of anger behind them keep coming. Timing the kicks, The Wrath reaches out with her hand between them and takes hold of Skye's foot. Twisting it up and around, Skye screams as her body twists in mid-air before falling to the mat. Tiffany, wasting no time, leaps atop the Indian and wails away on her. Skye, suddenly on the defensive, covers up taking blow after blow. Satisified that she will be there at least a moment, Tiffany moves off her and goes under the rope to the outside.

Cari: And where does she think she is going!?

Kenny: Who knows! These women are bent on killing each other it looks like to me! Vicki Task is trying to get Tiffany back in the ring but she has to watch Lisa and Yvette as well!

Lisa gets weakly to her feet and stabs a look at Yvette. Waving her on, Yvette stands ready in her corner. Lunging forward, Lisa reaches out with her hands grabbing onto Yvette, but her hands slip and slide out from under her and she falls to her knees! Blinking in surprise, she just catches a boot rising up to meet her face! Lisa straigtens up from the impact and moans as she falls backward onto her back!

Raising the apron of the ring up, Tiffany looks underneath a little bit before reaching for something with purpose. Thrusting her other hand into the darkness as well, Tiffany raises back up with a table in each hand. Vicki Task points a finger at Tiffany warning her not to do it. She ignored the referee and sets one table up on one side of the ring, and the other on the opposite side.

Kenny: My God! We haven't seen this action for a while...since L'Lee May Dudley! Don't do it Tiff!

Do it Tiffany! Do it!

Rolling back into the ring, Tiffany manages to catch Skye as she is just getting to her feet. Pulling her by her hair, she leads her to the side of the ring near one of the tables. Finally getting her senses back to her, Skye gets her bearings and throws a fist right up into Tiffany's gut doubling over The Wrath once again! Another strike to the face and a kick to the torso pushes Tiffany back into a corner. She slumps there trying to get her wind back.

Picking the dazed Dream up this time, Yvette pulls her up to meet her glare. Slapping her once, The Marquise pulls her in wrapping her arms around Lisa's waist. Turning so she now faces the corner she was in, Yvette lifts the lighter Lisa up and arches her back! Lisa's head smashes into the canvass and falls to the side...the only movement her breathing. Getting back to her feet, Yvette laughs and raises her arms in a 'Y' shape. The crowd boos at her even though they are happy to see Lisa in this predicament. Stepping over to her prey, Yvette throws a vicious kick to the back of the head of the Dream. Yvette takes hold of Lisa's hair once again and slowly starts to pick her up. Suddenly Lisa reacts and throws a straight shot to Yvette's weak knee! The pain shoots up her leg and forces Yvette to open her mouth and shriek as she falls to one knee. Throwing one more shot to the leg has The Marquise twisting on the mat holding her leg, and Lisa rises with a burning glare focused on her tormentor.

Beating her down, Skye Soaring Hawk brutally pounds away at The Wrath feeling nothing for her victim. Pulling the bigger woman to her feet, Skye whips her across the ring, narrowly missing the other two opponents, to slam Tiff's back in the opposite corner. She slumps there as she reels from all the heavy fisted blows The Wrath has taken. Running after her, Skye leaps in the air and splashes with full force into her opponent. Seething with rage, Hawk pushes Tiffany up onto the top rope. She sits there slumped forward as the Insane Indian climbs up after her. Pulling The Wrath up, Skye hooks Tiffany in a headlock and prepares to super-plex the woman! Suddenly her feet leave the ropes and Hawk finds herself on Tiffany's shoulder. Dazed but well aware of her predicament, The Wrath leaps into the air to the outside of the ring pushing foward to turn Skye's back to the concrete! Screaming the whole way down, Skye Soaring Hawke lands flat on her back! Splinters eat into her tanned skin as both women, Tiff on top of Skye, lie motionless!

Kenny: My God! Skye Soaring Hawk and The Wrath are dead!!!

Cari: Skye might have taken the table, but Tiffany's head hooked in the headlock still felt what the worst DDT in history felt like!

Kenny: Somebody get down here! I swear they aren't breathing!

Insolent peon!!! How dare you think you can escape the pain!

Lisa lashes out again and again with her boot to the knee of The Marquise. Yvette recoils with each blow trying to find some way to escape the onslaught! Dropping to one knee onto Yvette's hurt one, Lisa relishes in the scream that escapes the French Beauty's lips. Grabbing Yvette's boot, Lisa twists her leg around her knee adding pressure to the injury. Yvette, not able to do much else, slaps the mat wildly flailing her arms and free leg. The pain nearly is enough for her to fall unconcious!

You think you can conquer me Fool!

Lashing out with her fist to finish a low blow, Lisa stands and picks Yvette up as she holds herself trying to nurse her wounds. Throwing herself into the ropes away from the wobbling Marquise, The Dream rolls on the rebound and handstands. Her feet are launched upwards into Yvette's chin forcing the aritocrat to stumble backward until she is hung up in the rope!

Cari: Wow! The Dream Weaver has Lisa well in control of the slippery Marquise!

Kenny: I thought something looked different about her. She's more...radiant.

Cari: It's called baby oil Stupid. I've seen this before. Smart move on Yvette's part.

Running into the ropes once again, Lisa comes flying back toward Yvette and clothelines her over the top rope. The Marquise cries out and ends up on her back. She squirms and her head lolls from side to side as the Dream Weaver still has a hold of her. Wasting no time, Lisa runs to the nearest corner and leaps on top of the top turnbuckle! Using her momentum, she leaps backward and flips in the air with her body as straight as a board. The moonsault lands's the table that is in bad shape! Both ladies fall through the shattering wood and lie there unmoving. A moan escapes Lisa's lips and Yvette's stomach rises and falls sucking in air.

Kenny: These tables are too much! We may not see any of these ladies back in action for weeks!

Cari: Calm down. I've taken much more than this and still won!

Movement on the outside of the ring catches the eye of the stunned fans. Skye, using the ring apron to help her up, looks around trying to find her rival and fiqure out what just happened. Her foot nudges something. She looks down and finds the Wrath still down and out. Lifting the apron up, the Indian grabs a folded chair out from under the mat. Raising it high, the fans start to cheer and boo...seemingly half and half. The chair slams down unforgiving onto the back of Tiffany which wakes her rather unpleasantly. The Wrath cries out and rolls onto her back. Putting the chair vertical onto Tiff's gut, Skye pushed down on it adding more and more pressure! Tiffany can't find the air to cry out and kicks out with her legs weakly forcing Skye, with chair in hand, back a few steps. Snarling, Skye raises the chair once again and strikes at what dares lash out at her. The slap of steel onto the leg of The Wrath would turn the stomach of anyone within earshot. Holding her leg, Tiffany cries out in pain once again.


Cari: Huh!?

Kenny: The ever watchful Vicki Task saw that chair shot!

Yelling instructions to the ring announcer, Vicki steps back and orders Skye to drop her chair. She screams and repeatedly bludgeons Tiffany over and over. White coats are seen running down the aisle as Dr. Cosmo McKinley waits at the entranceway. Grabbing her roughly, Skye Soaring Hawke tries to fight them all off having some success!

Due to a disqualification, Skye Soaring Hawk has been eliminated!

Screaming in defiance before she is overwhelmed by a sea of white dressed men, Skye is finally restrained. Carrying her to the ramp on a stretcher that she is tied down to, the Indian shrieks wrestling with her bindings! Putting one hand on Skye's forehead and smiling, Dr McKinley nods to his staff and they all disappear into the back locker rooms.

Kenny: Well Skye Soaring Hawke has been eliminated from this competition, and I think she needs to find professional help.

Cari: She has a doctor already. Dr Cosmo McKinley.

Kenny: I said professional help...

Lisa rolls off of Yvette holding her head as the cobwebs finally clear. Yvette starts to stir as well but still looks in worse shape. Rolling away from The Marquise, The Dream stumbles to her feet and moves away from Yvette. Tiffany starts to use the apron to get herself upright. Seeing a blurred image in front of her, Lisa charges ahead not sure of who it is. Spearing the individual to the concrete, Lisa's fists flail away at her unknown opponent. A shift in balance catches her off guard and suddenly Lisa finds herself on her back.

You simpleton! You think you can hold off my wrath!?

My wrath burns more fiercly...

A punch to the face forces Lisa to put her guard up as she tries to ward off anymore. A rough hand grasps her dark hair and she is pulled to her feet. The pressure of the floor leaves her feet as all she can feel are the hands of her opponent lifting her up. Pumping Lisa once, Tiffany throws Lisa all the way up and over the top rope!

Cari: Now THAT was impressive!

Kenny: Tiffany is definately the muscle of this match.

Rolling away and holding her back, The Dream grimaces in pain. Tiffany slides in through the ropes and pounces on her stunned victim. Well placed boots to the back and legs keep the smaller girl down effectively. Raising her arms and howling a war cry, Tiffany turns to the fans who cheer back! Or was it a warning? The last thing was Yvette's slicked arm smashing into her neck. It wasn't enough to floor her though. Yvette's blinks a little surprised and thengets into her boxing stance.

Epitaphine? What an appropriate name for someone who is about to die!

Jabbing a few times with a right, Yvette fakes a left hook then kicks Tiffany in the back of the knee dropping the big woman to one knee. A roundhouse kick to the side of the head takes her the rest of the way down.

Kenny: What shots from The Marquise!

Dropping down next to The Wrath, Yvette slides her arms in position for a sleeper! Tiffany raises an arm immediately and starts to buck and bridge to loosen the hold. Smiling evilly, Yvette pours the pressure on and slowly but surely Tiffany starts to fade. Her body starts to slow and her raised arm lowers little by little. Finally, her arm lowers to the mat and Vicki Task steps in to check her out. Raising her arm, Vivki drops it to the mat once. Doing it again, it drops a second time. The third time is the same as Tiffany is just spent from all the punishment and energy it took to get this far.


Tiffany Epitaphine has been eliminated!

Kenny: The Wrath made such an effort but Yvette hit on the fact that she is bigger than the other and spends a lot more energy.

Cari: I actually agree. Tiffany just spent too much energy! The match went longer than she wanted it too.

Vicki Task helps Tiffany out of the ring were attendants wait to assist her to the locker rooms. Yvette rises and throws her arms up in 'Y'. Turning, she finds Lisa right there in the form of a cross body block! Crashing back to the mat, Lisa hooks a leg!

Kenny: Quick cover by Lisa! This may be it!




Cari: It's going to take more than that to keep Yvette down.

Lisa roughly tugs Yvette up to her feet. Leaving her there, Lisa flings herself into the ropes and leaps in the air on the rebound. Her legs wrap around Yvette's neck...but something is wrong! The Marquise catches her in mid-move and snaps forward. Lisa loses her balance and falls backward now upside-down! Shifting her arms quickly, Yvette sets her up for a reverse tombstone piledriver!

Cari: What a counter!

Kenny: Just in the nick of time! That was Dreammaker Lisa was attempting. Yvette got back to her senses just in time!

Bringing one arm up as she holds Lisa with the other, Yvette pounds a fist into Lisa's crotch before dropping down giving the added effect desired. Lisa falls, her mouth an 'O' as she tries to cover herself up. Rolling up onto her knees, Lisa catches Yvette in the same area dropping the Sisterhood leader to her knees as well. Lisa grimaces and gets to her knees as Vicki Task warns her and Yvette about the low blows.

Leave me be you Insignificant Fool!

Shoving the referee back violently, The Dream scowls at her. The referee, not about to take anything, from this girl gets right into Lisa's face! Not backing down, Lisa snarls at Vicki and shoves her again. Suddenly she is violently pulled around, scooped up, and slammed! Holding her back as stars appear in front of her eyes, Lisa looks up to see a fiqure above her with her arms in a 'Y' shape! Yvette comes down and plants her feet squarely in Lisa's gut! Rolling away quickly holding her stomach, The Dream feels a body lay on top of hers. She struggles to find the strength...




Kenny: Three! Three!

Cari: No no! She got a shoulder up! Look!

Vicki holds two fingers up as the last slap of the hand was so close the fans called it out! Slapping the mat, Yvette growls a warning at Vicki about no more slow counts. Picking Lisa back up, Yvette puts her in a headlock and drops back into a DDT. Lisa gets back to a knee quickly, but Yvette is right there on top of her! With a roundhouse kick, The Marquise forces Lisa to turn around. Hooking her arms, Lisa cries out as Yvette puts a knee into her back and forces her to her knees.

Squeel pig! Tell them all I am your Superior!!

I...Ungh!!! Will never...bow to such an Insignificant...Waste!!!

Lisa fights the pressure and gets back to her feet amazingly! Using the force on her arms and the knee of Yvette, Lisa jumps and flips in the air over Yvette's shoulders. Yvette gasps in surprise and lets go of Lisa's arms. Bouncing off the ropes, Lisa runs back and leaps in the air wrapping her legs around Yvette's neck! The momentum takes them over and slams The Marquise to the mat hard!

Cari: Dreammaker! Dreammaker! This is it!

Laying on top of Yvette, Lisa gets ready for victory! Vicki slides into position but Yvette pushes with the last of her strength. The cover is reversed!




Lisa kicks out a second too late and looks at the referee in pure rage as she calls for the bell.Lisa Dream has been eliminated! The winner of this match...The Marquise Yvette Malreaux!!!!!

Kenny: Yvette pulled it off! Wow! I can't believe it!

Cari: Lisa knows what happened! Look at her!

Hitting the ropes, Lisa screams at Vicki that Yvette used the ropes for extra leverage. The ref shakes her head stating she never saw it. Shrieking, Lisa looks over at Yvette still on the mat. Walking over to her, she kicks viciously out with her foot to nail that weak knee! The Marquise cries out as shot after shot finds the mark!

Kenny: Lisa is going to take Yvette out! That knee can't take much more!

Cari: Yes! Yes! Do it!!!

Wrenching that knee, Lisa twists it in ways it was never meant to go! Vicki tries to pry Lisa off of her but The Dream just pushed her away roughly. Task falls out of the ring and lays on the concrete obviously hurt. Yvette cries out and grabs at the ropes trying to pull herself out. A small crack issues from the knee and Lisa lets go looking down with a smile of pure delight!

Cari: Who knows what that was!

Kicking the knee for good meassure a few more times, Lisa finally rolls out of the ring and starts up the ramp. She stops right at the ramp and looks back, then runs back and grabs that injured leg pulling it to the metal post!

Kenny: Oh God! No!

Pulling it to the side, Lisa rams the knee into the post! Yvette sits up and holds her knee as a cry of pure pain issues from her lips!

You will the champion Peon! That spot is reserved for ME!

Satisfied finally, Lisa starts up the ramp screaming at the fans as they boo and jeer her. The paramedics run by her and start to check out Yvette Malreaux who won't even try to stand. A stretcher is brought out soon.

Kenny: Yvette is going to be taken to a local hospital to be checked out and...

Cari: We may not even see Yvette anymore!

Kenny: We aren't that lucky. She finally got the bad end of the stick is all I can say. Well they have gotten her out of here. We'll be back next week for Round 2 of the Celestial Title Tournament! Goodnight everyone!

Winner: Yvette Malreaux

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