The camera fades in panning a satisfied crowd who has seen a new era in ladies wrestling beginning tonight! It has been a good night for the rookies in BRA. All three rookies in the three way impressed everyone with their abilities. Two others debuted in singles matches in successful fashion. Janus showed she is going to be a force to be reckoned with in her match with Cammy, and Samantha Staffer made veteran Peggy Christian look like the newcomer by dominating the tag team champ in a surprisingly easy victory! At the announcer�s table the newcomer�s there also continued to impress.

Kenny: Well; now it�s time to check out the two of the top contending teams for BRATT.

Cari: February 21st. Check it up in your little toy, sunshine! It�s the last time these two teams met!

Kenny: I�m impressed! Says here that Kimie and Kelly controlled 98.3% of that match! Amazing!

Cari: And it won�t be any different tonight! Those two kids are in way over their heads here!

Kenny: They completely dominated the current tag team champions, FaceOff though!

Cari: A blind rabbit and a bowl of fruit could dominate the so-called �champs�! They are an embarrassment! The only good news is that when Kimie and Kelly finish with the kids here, they should have a title shot at those two losers!

Kenny: Ahhh�it says here that Jenny and Linda are wrestling for the belts next week!

Cari: What? How is that possible?

Kenny: There might be a problem for the Lifeguards though. The third Lifeguard, Jennifer Christian has just been reported missing.

Cari: So what! She couldn�t handle the pressure and left! She�s 18, she can handle herself!

Kenny: The Lifeguards rely on her though! This could be a serious problem for them!

Right on cue the lights dim and the theme to Baywatch starts to play and Jenny and Linda Anderson walk from the curtains. They are dressed in the red Baywatch style swimsuits and white wrestling boots as they walk straight to the ring, not even acknowledging the crowd.

Cari: Well, this match is over!

Kenny: I see what you mean, they look beaten already!

Cari: This could be too painful to watch!

Kenny: They look lost without Jennifer Christian! They don�t show any of the fire they showed at the last PPV! Unless she returns, they may not be able to beat the champs?

Cari: Don�t kid yourself, if they�re breathing after the beating they will get today, they won�t have any trouble with the other two.

As the lights dim, red pyrotechnics shoot into the sky, simulating rockets as �Live and Let Die� blares from the loudspeakers. As the smoke clears from the entrance Kelly Mase, in red leather suit of boots, pants, and vest, and Kimie Kurita, in black PVC shorts, leather sports bra, and Doc Martins stride onto the stage. A blood-red spotlight with a black dragon inlaid in it illuminates the two Syndicate members as they slowly walk to the ring, ignoring the boos of the crowd. Behind them, in black army boots, green army pants and a black T-shirt that shows off his large, muscular frame, strides Kelly's brother James. Kimie and Kelly slide under the ropes as James takes up position outside.

Kenny: Max Polk will be the official for this match. The action is about to get underway!

Cari: It already has! Look!

In the ring before the bell goes both Kimie and Kelly have attacked the Lifeguards! Linda immediately goes crashing out of the ring to the floor via a Kelly Mase boot! Jenny at least is trying to trade punches with Kimie, and almost holding her own before Kelly traps her in a full nelson, giving Kurita free reign. Instead of stopping the melee, Max signals for the bell. Kelly drops Jenny to the mat and leaves her squirming on the mat as she steps out before the referee forces her out. Kurita lands an elbow drop to the young girl�s groin, causing a squeal of pain and waves of protest from the crowd.

Cari: Pity I didn�t make any bets on this match!

Kenny: Are they allowed to do that? (tapping at his computer) It doesn�t say anywhere this is allowed, and Max Polk did not stop it!

Cari: Men! (rolls eyes) Welcome to professional wrestling!

Linda finally gets shakily to her corner, but is met by Kelly Mase who has wandered around the other side, somewhat noisily, which has drawn the attention of the referee. This allows Kurita to drag a hurting Jenny to the ropes, draping her neck over the top one before springing it back violently! The Lifeguard smashes into the mat clutching her throat in agony! Kimie then grabs the young girl�s legs, pulling them apart, then drops to her knees, headbutting Jenny in the groin! This causes more squeals of pain from the cheerleader! Kimie keeps one leg in her hand and pulls Jenny to the opposite corner where Kelly has returned. Tagging her partner in, Kimie then sets Jenny up in the corner and gets out, holding the blondes hair while Kelly rains kicks and punches into the nearly lifeless youngster before referee Polk finally calls a break.

Kenny: About time! That poor young girl�

Cari: �should be in school, not in a wrestling ring! They are sure learning that here tonight!

Kenny: Do you really think so? They both seem so nice!

Cari: Nice does not win wrestling matches! Ask Peggy Christian that! Ask Eden Starr! The only match they ever won as a team was over one opponent?

Kenny: But Laura Parker is a top class wrestler!

Cari: And she almost won as well! What does that say about your �champions!�? Huh!

Kenny: They must have something going for them if their champions!

Cari: How many times is this going to take numbskull! You�ve got a team that consists of a bloated housewife who has not won a singles match since last year!

Kenny: October 18th vs. Meagan Delanoire!

Cari: Right! And a 100 pound ex gymnast who is afraid of her own shadow! And SHE�S the better of the two!

Kenny: I may be starting to see your point.

Back in the ring, Kelly Mase continues to punish the hapless blonde. Three straight bodyslams leave Jenny gasping on the mat. A leg drop to the throat seems to crush the little girl. In a show of power, Kelly scoops up Jenny, holding her suspended upside down with one arm. She then takes off running across the ring and leaping into the air, powerslams Jenny right in front of her sister! Kelly gets up laughing and walks back to her corner for a casual tag, allowing Linda to slap her sisters limp hand and come flying into the ring! As Kimie comes in she is met with a dropkick straight to the chest, bouncing her off the ropes to the mat!

Kenny: Oh bravo! That�s a girl!

Cari: That was pretty careless! Mase and Kurita must be pretty confident! Kimie walked into that one!

Linda is flying in a fury! She catches Kimie getting up with a spinning neckbreaker, dropping her hard. She uses her quickness to get up grab Kimie�s left leg, holding it as she flips over the shaken Kurita�s head, dragging it over! Kimie screams, grabbing her leg in pain but her cry is choked off by a leg drop across the throat! In a flash Linda covers.

Kenny: Max Polk is down fast! A count of one!�Oh! Kickout!

Kimie kicks out, but as she tries to get to her feet is met by the Lifeguard helping her up with her hair! Kurita shows speed of her own as she lashes out with a palm right to Linda�s sternum, staggering the little blonde! Kimie quickly follows with a spinning heel kick, dropping the teen to the mat. As Kimie turns she sticks a hand up in the air and feels the slap of her partner�s hand as Mase leaps from the top turnbuckle dropping her leg right across the chest of the Lifeguard!

Kenny: Did you see that!! Wow, what a tag! Mase was waiting on the top rope and tagged in mid air! That was incredible!

Cari: That�s why your going to see these two with the tag belts before long!

Instead of leaving the ring, Kimie climbs to the top turnbuckle as well. Mase scoops up the lifeless Lifeguard with ease and hoists her high before dropping her right across her knee!

Kenny! OWW! Vicious backbreaker!

Cari: This one is over!

Holding Linda on her knee, Kelly looks up and sees Kimie flying down and dropping an elbow right across Linda�s face! The Lifeguard crumples to the mat. Mase tags Kurita again and looks to the far corner, but does not need to worry. Jenny is barely to her knees in the far corner, watching with a pained expression as Kurita lays across the chest of her sister.





Cari: I told ya! Remember Feb 21st! Same same!

Kenny: Brutal! Just brutal! They never had a chance! If Jennifer Christian was here!

Cari: She�s be lying in a heap as well!

WINNERS: Kimie Kurita and Kelly Mase 1

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