The crowd begins to grow in volume as the lights flicker down and a rattlesnake's rattles fill the arena air. The first strains of Bad Company begin as a spotlight hits the ring. An 'A8' symbol begins to fade into view in black lights framed by the spotlight. The crowd grows louder as another spotlight hits the entryway. After a moment, Brandi Lynn walks out and stands looking out at the crowd. The crowd's noise grows even louder at the Lynn. Brandi is wearing her black 'Aces and Eights' windbreaker, open in the front, over her black jeans with black kneepads over them, black wrestling boots, white football style shinguards, a black elbow pad on the right arm, and a black sports top.

She slaps hands with the fans all the way down. Then, in the middle of the ailse she stops and grabs a beer that has been offered to her by a fan along the way. She sips some of them and hands it back. The fan just shakes his head as Brandi favors him with a smile. Then, beer in hand, she continues to the ring. Once in the ring she makes a circle and tosses her windbreaker to the attendant at ringside.

Kenny: Welcome back BRA fans and we have returned with our next match! Brandi Lynn has just made her entrance. In just a few moments, she will face Zantara Underworld in what has to be considered a re-match of the year!

Cari: (rolls eyes) Whatever! The Texan has once again bitten off more than she can chew. Zantara is going to tear her apart.

Kenny: (tapping on his lap top) Well, my stats say that both women have a 50/50 chance of winning this match.

Cari: Screw your stats, monkey boy!

Suddenly, the loudspeaker starts with an original, scratchy version of Irving Berlin's "Cheek to Cheek." The crowd immediately starts to show their negative feelings and loudly boo. The Irving Berlin song fades out, and a new tune, "In Jeopardy," by Roger Hodgson, fades in. Zantara Underworld steps out, dressed in her black suit with purple pin-stripes, a purple shirt underneath, steel-toed boots, one black, fingerless glove. She sneers at the fans and the fans increase their negative sentiment. Zantara strides to ringside, carrying a black guitar case. Within seconds, she is sitting next to the announcers' table, and has snatched a microphone.

Zantara: Shut up!....I said shut up, you bunch of morons! I have something to say

The crowd, naturally, does not listen, and somehow begins to overshadow the loud music.

Zantara: Listen up and listen good! I am being forced to fight for the SECOND time in a row, this annoying Texan, Brandi Lynn.

The crowd, much to Zantara's distaste, cheers at the mentioning of Brandi's name. Zantara grimaces impatiently until the cheering quells.

Zantara: AS I WAS SAYING! The Archangel has once again managed to get under my skin. The nerve! Abusing my talents twice in a row! Well let me tell you idiots something! Soon you will all feel the wrath of Hades as I pummel Brandi Lynn once more tonight!

Zantara waits until her song is done, talking harshly to Kenny. Brandi yells for her to enter the ring as Zantara takes her own sweet time.

Kenny: Geez! Did you hear those words from Zantara? What a mouth on her!?!

Cari: I know. Isn't she great?

As Zantara enters the ring, she and Brandi stare each other down when Brandi suddenly throws beer in Zantara's face, following it up with a punch to the jaw, rocking Underworld. The referee immediately calls for the start of the match.


Kenny: Wow! Did you see that punch? Brandi's already starting off with a bang!

Brandi continues to attack Zantara with punches to the chest and face, backing Zantara into a corner. She finally boots Zantara in the stomach before sending her into the ropes. Zantara rebounds and is immediately rocked with a lariat from the Texan.

Kenny: Wow! What elevation! Brandi sent Zantara into orbit with that lariat. Now, she kicks and stomps on the woman from Hades.

Cari: Ha! Zantara is just setting Brandi up for the kill.

Brandi brings Zantara to her feet and immediately sends her back to the mat with an arm drag. Brandi repeats the move, sending Underworld once again crashing to the mat. Zantara rubs her arm as Brandi advances upon her. Suddenly, Zantara surprises her with a quick jab to the throat, sending Brandi to one knee, gasping for air.

Cari: (grins) See. I told you that Zantara was setting that red neck up for the big beat down!

Zantara grabs Brandi by the hair and unleashes a string of kicks with those steel-toed boots. But, to Zantara's surprise and dismay, Brandi blocks each kick with her shin guards.

Kenny: It looks like Brandi came prepared for Zantara's assault with those shin guards. They're protecting her from Zantara's steel toes.

Cari: Hmmm. Maybe the Texan isn't so stupid after all. (pauses) Nah!

Frustrated, Zantara attempts a punch but Brandi Lynn blocks it and responds with an elbow to Zantara's face. Brandi's elbow pad collides with Zantara's face and the woman from Hades falls to the mat, clutching her face.

Kenny: Whoa! Zantara fell like a ton of bricks!

Cari: I smell a rat and, for once, it isn't Peggy Christian. I think that elbow pad is loaded.

Brandi drops a few more elbows across Zantara's face before bringing her to her feet and whipping Underworld into the ropes again. As Zantara rebounds, she boots Brandi squarely in the face, knocking the Texan for a loop. Zantara snarls as she roughly yanks Brandi to her feet, by her hair, and dumps her in the center of the ring with a power bomb, Brandi arching her back in pain upon impacting with the hard canvas.

Kenny: Uh oh! Looks like Zantara is mad.

Zantara grabs the dazed Brandi and suplexes her back to the mat. Brandi clutches her back as Zantara delivers a savage, snap kick to that injured area. She grabs Brandi and brings her to her feet again, lifting her in body slam position. Suddenly, without warning, Zantara drops Brandi across her exposed knee, adding more damage to that area. Zantara covers a downed Brandi as the ref counts



Brandi manages to lift her shoulder before the three count.

Cari: (nods) Smart move by Zantara. She knows that targeting Brandi's back will keep the Texan down and out.

Zantara grins as she grabs Brandi by the hair, dragging her to her feet. Underworld then proceeds to viciously attack Brandi Lynn with a series of head butts, made even more deadly by the steel plate in Zantara's head. After several stiff head shots, a dazed Brandi stumbles to the mat, the fans showing their disgust by booing Zantara. Zantara arrogantly places a boot across the fallen Brandi's chest and demands that the ref counts.


Brandi kicks out of the pinning situation, holding her aching scalp. Feeling no mercy, Zantara yanks Brandi by the hair, dragging her to her feet. She punches Brandi in the face before attacking her with a flying bulldog, driving Brandi face first into the hard mat. Zantara next drops an elbow across Brandi's back and rolls her over, covering her for the pin.



Again, Brandi manages to kick out.

Kenny: My stats say that, at this rate, Zantara has a 76.3% chance of winning this match!

Cari: Told you, Monkey Boy. Now, Zantara lifts Brandi to her feet again and dumps her head into the mat with a piledriver. (winces) That looks like it smarts.

Zantara piledrives Brandi and then attempts another cover but, once again, Brandi kicks out before the three count. Zantara argues with the ref before bringing Brandi to her feet. She whips Brandi to the ropes, attempting a clothesline, but the Texan ducks the attempt. She rebounds again and catches Underworld with a flying bulldog of her own. Wasting no time, Brandi lifts Zantara and delivers a hot shot, driving Underworld's throat across the top rope.

Brandi: Welcome to hell, Zan. Hope you enjoy your stay!

Brandi covers Zantara, hooking the leg, as the ref counts.



Zantara kicks out of the pin attempt.

Cari: It's going to take a hell of a lot more than that to take out Zantara Underworld!

Brandi approaches the downed Zantara only to be caught with a choke. As Brandi gasps for air, Zantara wraps her hands around the Texans' throat, choking her mercilessly. The ref begins to count, forcing Zantara to break the hold before she is disqualified. Zantara snarls at the ref before booting Brandi in the stomach, doubling the Texan over. Zantara lifts Brandi in the air for another power bomb but is shocked as Brandi flips out of the hold, driving Zantara face first into the mat with a face buster. Brandi attempts a quick pin but Zantara easily kicks out at two. Brandi brings her to her feet and stomps on Zantara's knee with some stiff boots and kicks.

Kenny: Looks like Brandi is targeting the big woman's knees, hoping to take out her footing. Stats indicate that Brandi's chance for success have increased by 15.2%.

Cari: Brandi lifts Zantara and drops her with a knee breaker. Zantara is clutching her knee. That one has to hurt!

Zantara rolls to the mat as Brandi attacks with another barrage of kicks to the knee. She whips Zantara to the turnbuckles and follows, attacking Underworld with a flurry of punches, the crowd counting along.

Crowd: One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight! Nine! Ten!

After the last punch, Zantara stumbles to the mat, Brandi covering her for the win.



A strong kick out as Zantara lifts her shoulder from the mat. She slowly rises to her feet only to be caught by a boot to the face from Brandi. Brandi follows with another shot from her elbow pad, causing Zantara to grimace in pain.

Kenny: It looks like Zantara is complaining to the ref about that elbow pad. She's claiming that it's loaded.

Cari: Ha! Told ya! I should know. I've done the loaded, elbow pad millions of times.

Kenny: The ref seems to be ignoring Zantara's pleas as he is allowing the match to proceed.

Cari: (scowls) Stupid zebras! I never did like referees!

Brandi brings Zantara to her feet again and raises her fist in the air, preparing for another round of punches, when Zantara drops her with a low blow. Brandi slumps to the mat as the fans boo Zantara's tactics. Underworld ignores the complaints of the ref and drags Brandi to the corner before choking her throat against the second rope. The fans boo as Brandi is again assaulted by the vile Zantara. The ref admonishes Zantara and she quickly releases the choke hold, Brandi gasping for air. Zantara grabs the dazed Brandi and delivers another lethal, head butt, dropping her lifeless body to the mat.

Cari: Looks like it's all over. Time to say bye bye to the Texan.

Zantara clamps a face claw on Brandi and lifts her from the mat. With a twisted smile, Zantara attempts the Hades Hazzard when Brandi suddenly elbows her in the face, with the elow pad, forcing Zantara to break the hold.

Kenny: Brandi was playing possum.

cari: Playing possum? I thought those texans liked to eat them.

Brandi, taking advantage of Zantara's stunned state, clamps her in a face lock and drops her with the Boothill reverse DDT, sending Underworld's head impacting into the canvas. Brandi covers as the referee counts.

Kenny: This looks like the end. One...

Cari: No! Kick out, Zantara!

Kenny: two....

Cari: Come on, Underworld!

Kenny: Three!

The ref's hand slaps the mat a third time as Zantara kicks out, seconds too late. Brandi is announced the winner as the fans rejoice.

Kenny: Brandi Lynn does it again! Another stellar match!

Cari: Bah!

Brandi leaves ringside, slapping hands with the fans. Zantara argues with the ref a few minutes before stalking from ringside, glaring at a few fans, heckling her about her defeat. Suddenly, Zantara grabs one of the fans and drags them over the steel railing, delivering a Hades Hazzard on the concrete floor! Security and paramedics rush to the scene as Zantara stands over the bleeding, unconscious fan.

Kenny: Oh my God! Did you see that? That was a disgrace.

Cari: You're right. Zantara should have given him a piledriver as well.

Kenny: You're terrible! Fans, we'll be back soon hopefully with an update on that poor fan. I hope Arch Angel is watching this. Zantara deserves some form of punishment for her terrible actions!

The scene fades.

Winner: Brandi Lynn 1

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