Battling Ring Angels

Round 1 Elimination Match

Celestial Title Tournament

The camera pans the capacity crowd at Battling Ring Angles Arena. The crowd is on its feet in anticipation of the last match of the night. The camera stops at the announcers' table where Kenny and Cari are smiling.

Kenny: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. This is the match you have all been waiting for. The second in the first round of four way matches to determine the Celestial Champion of BRA.

Cari: This is one of the few matches that I have been waiting for. It has a couple of really determined winners in Tiffany Lane and Janus. Unfortunately the other two are a couple of losers.

Kenny: Brandi Lynn and Sweet Misty are not losers. They are both skilled practitioners of the art of wrestling.

Cari: Brandi Lynn is a dumb Texan. Wait a minute I repeat myself when I say dumb Texan. Since everyone from Texas is dumb.

Kenny: You shouldn't group all people like that. I know many fine and intelligent people from Texas.

Cari: And they all left.

Kenny: Sweet Misty is from Kentucky.

Cari: Any wrestler that calls herself "sweet" deserves to be banned from wrestling.

Kenny: My computer shows that there have been more than 40 women wrestlers that have used sweet in the names and none of them have been banned from wrestling.

Cari: You shouldn't keep that computer on the table. It might get damaged if the wrestlers fight outside the ring.

Kenny: There is no where else that I can stick it.

Cari: I know a great spot where you can stick it.

Kenny: (Not getting the threat) Oh really, where?

Cari: Never mind.

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen! The first wrestler for tonight's four way elimination match, from Beverly Hills California. Standing in at 5' 8" tall and weighing 120 Lbs . . . Tiffany Lane.

Britney Spears' "Oops!...I Did it Again!" begins to play over the speakers as a small cage begins to descend from the rafters. A lone female figure is posed in the cage, her hands on her hips. The males in the crowd begin to cheer as they recognize the woman as the reigning "Miss BRA", Tiffany Lane. Tiffany wears a pink, lace, thong bikini, that barely contains her ample cleavage and showcases her luscious body. She completes the look with pink, vinyl boots, with a platform heel, and her long, luxurious, blonde hair falls down her back, in a cascade of curls, framing her exquisite face. The sleek, curvaceous beauty smiles out at the fans as she is showered in catcalls and wolf whistles, the cage slowing to a stop. The cage dangles mere inches from the entrance ramp as Tiffany proceeds to do a sexy, seductive bump and grind, in the metal cage, drawing massive cheers from the males in attendance. Finally, after causing quite a commotion with her risque, exotic dance, the cage door opens and Tiffany gingerly steps from the cage before sashaying down the aisle. The Blonde Bombshell gracefully enters the ring and does another shimmy and shake, getting yet another positive response from the crowd. The young model poses and preens, awaiting the start of the match, the catcalls and whistles now almost deafening.

Ring announcer: The second wrestler hails from Helena Montana. She stands 5' 10" and weighs in at 155 Lbs. She's . . . Janus

"War Pigs" by Black Sabbath. As the right side of the arena is illuminated while the left side is dark. Janus walks to the ring ignoring the crowd and staring at her victims. She wears her usual Long sleeve dark blue velvet shirt and black leather pants. She also wears black and blue cowboy boots and black leather gloves.

Ring Announcer: The third wrestler hails from Whiskey Flatts Texas. She stands 5' 6" and weighs 137 Lbs. She is Brandi Lynn.

The crowd reacts with loud cheering at the mention of Brandi Lynn. They turn toward the Angeltron but it is blank. No music plays over the sound system.

Ring Announcer: BRANDI LYNN.

The crowd begins to mutter. As a ring attendant comes from the back and hands a card to the ring announcer.

Kenny: I wonder what has happened to Brandi.

Cari: She probably chickened out of the match. I think she is afraid of Janus. I think she is afraid of any good wrester.

Kenny: You're wrong. Brandi has a lot of spirit. She is not afraid of anyone in the ring.

Ring Announcer: Do to the injuries that Brandi Lynn has received early tonight, the BRA physicians have ruled that she cannot participate in tonight's match.

The crowd boos loudly at their favorite being injured before she could compete for the Celestial Title.

Cari: What a whimp. She runs back to Texas over as a couple of bruises. What is women's wrestling coming to?

Kenny: Those injuries weren't just a few bruises. She seemed to be seriously hurt when the ambulance took her away.

Ring announcer: The final wrestler tonight hails from Louisville, Kentucky. She stands 5' 8" tall and weighs in at 112 Lbs. She's . . . Sweet Misty.

The speakers come to life with "Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun!" by Cindy Lauper. The curtain parts and Sweet Misty steps out to the crowd who about a fourth of them cheer thinking maybe the Sweet One is truly back. Smiling to them and waving while giggling, Misty raises a mic to her lips as her music cuts off.

I know this is the main event! Are you all excited!!?

The crowd pops in response ready to see some action!Yeah I would be too, Unfortunately I won't be participating.

The crowd murmers and some boo. Misty nods to them understanding where they are coming from.

I know. I'm sorry! I..I don't weigh enough to be in these matches. I am hardly worthy to be in the featherweight division. I truly hope you enjoy this match. I will be sitting...mmmm...

Picking her way along the side railing, Misty hops over the side and finds a seat next to a young boy.

...Here! Hi there! Are you excited to see to be here?


Great! Let's sit here and we can hold up your sign...what's it say here...mmm....Janus Gives Me Nightmares! Oh my! Ok...well...she is probably nice really but we'll hold it up.

Waving one last time, Misty takes a seat and awaits the start of the match to watch.

Ring announcer: Your referee for tonight's match is Moira Young.

Cari: Great! Another goody goody wresters chickens out. ArchAngel should fire those wrestlers that follow their contracts.

Kenny: What do you mean "don't follow their contracts?

Cari: She signed a contract to wrestle. By backing out at the last minute like this she has broken the contract. She should be fired.

Kenny: I am sure that ArchAngel won't fire Misty. She is too popular with the fans and really is a sweet girl.

Cari: I think I am going to hurl.

Kenny: Hurl what?

Cari: Just call the match.

Janus moves quickly to the center of the ring as Tiffany moves cautiously around her, looking for an opening. Janus moves toward Tiffany but Tiffany backs away from her. Janus makes a run at Tiffany but she is able to dodge her. Tiffany laughs as she dances out of Janus's reach. Janus makes another lunge at Tiffany but it is a feint. When Tiffany dodges to her left, Janus is ready for her. Janus grabs Tiffany in a bear hug. Ms BRA screams as Janus uses her superior size and strength the squeeze the air from her lungs. Janus lifts Tiffany off the mat and then bring her down across her knee in an atomic drop. Tiffany's mouth forms a perfect O as she slides off Janus muscular thigh. She tries to scream but words don't come out. She rolls onto her side, her hands massaging her wounded body area. The ref gets in Janus face over the use of the atomic drop, but she recoils when she is close to the scared side.

Kenny: Janus is showing the low level she wants to take this match to.

Cari: It was a great move by Janus. A low blow takes a lot out of your opponent. It is a smart move doing it early in the match.

Kenny: It is cheating and is nothing but cheap tactics. Janus has no need to do something like that.

Cari: Janus has the need to win. That is all it takes.

Janus pushes past the ref and grabs Tiffany by the hair, forcing her to her feet. Ms BRA is whipped into the ropes. On the rebound, Tiffany surprises everyone by leaping into the air and wrapping her calves around Janus' head. Janus is driven to the mat with a hurricanrana. Tiffany springs to her feet and gloats over the downed Janus.

Tiffany: How dare you put your hands on me? Don't you know that I am playboy material?

Janus responds by driving a closed fist into Tiffany's knee. The playboy model howls as she hobbles away from Janus, favoring her right knee. Janus gets to her feet and moves in on Tiffany. Janus swings and connects to Tiffany's belly with a right hand and immediately follows that up with a left. Tiffany grunts and falls to her knees from the impact. She waives her hands in front of her pleading with Janus to stop. Janus rears back and hits Tiffany with a closed fist punch to the face that causes Tiffany to fall to her back. The ref cautions Janus against using closed fist punches. Janus ignores the ref and again brings Tiffany to her feet with a handful of hair. Tiffany screams as she feels her hair being pulled out by the roots.

Kenny: The match has been pretty much all Janus so far. My computer predicts her to be the winner if she can keep this up.

Cari: Listen up Geek boy, that prediction is about as hard to make as saying that it will be hot in Las Vegas in July. Of course she will win if she continues to beat up Tiffany like this. Why don't you cram that computer where the sun don't shine?

Janus holds Tiffany by the hair and punches her in the face with a closed fist again. Moira Young again begins to berate Janus of the use of the close fist. The ref positions herself so that she is looking into the unscarred half of Janus face. Tiffany takes advantage of this distraction to drive her knee into Janus' groin. Janus lets go of Tiffany's hair as she groans and slumps to her knees.

Cari: Quick thinking on the part of Tiffany.

Kenny: Another cheater. I was hoping for more from Ms BRA.

Cari: You were just hoping she would show off more of her skin.

Kenny: I don't think that she could show off more on national TV.

Moira, the ref, didn't see exactly what Tiffany did but she knows it was some type of low blow. She begins to warn Tiffany but is ignored as Tiffany runs to the ropes and springboards off them nailing Janus with a missile drop kick. Janus grunts as she falls face first on the mat. Tiffany springs to her feet and again runs to the ropes. She springboards of the second rope with a corkscrew moonsault. She lands on the prone Janus with a thud as Janus bounces off the mat. Tiffany again leaps to her feet and climbs to the top turnbuckle. She poses for the crowd as she waits for Janus to get to her feet. The crowd shows it's appreciation for the fine form of Miss BRA with catcalls and wolf whistles. Janus gets to her feet and looks around for Tiffany. Janus turns just in time to see Tiffany flying toward her with a shooting star press. To the surprise of Tiffany, Janus catches her and holds her in her arms.

Janus: You're beauty cannot protect you now.

Janus raises Tiffany above her head and then brings her down across her outstretched thigh in a vicious back breaker. Tiffany groans as her back is bent over the powerful thigh of Janus. Miss BRA rolls on the mat after Janus pushes her off her thigh. Janus gets to her feet and scoops Tiffany off the mat. Lane is deposited on her aching back on the mat with a brutal body slam. Tiffany arches her back as she lies on the mat. Janus brings Tiffany to her feet again using a handful of hair. The ref again starts cautioning her about hair pulling. Janus grabs Tiffany by the throat and choke slams her to the mat. Janus then turns on the ref.

Janus: Stay away from me pretty girl, or you'll get it even worse.

Moira Young attempts to respond but Janus moves toward her menacingly. The ref backs away.

Kenny: She can't threaten the referee like that.

Cari: Janus can SAY anything she wants to. She just can't touch the ref.

Kenny: I would hate to see a beautiful woman like Moira Young scared by that strange woman.

Cari: It would be great! Maybe Janus can beat Moira so bad she never referees again.

Kenny: What's wrong with her refereeing?

Cari: Just when the match gets good she sticks her nose in and stops the action with some pointless warning.

Kenny: She's just doing what other good refs do.

Tiffany takes advantage of Janus argument with the ref to slowly get to her feet. Janus sees her and runs toward Tiffany. She is staggered by a spinning heel kick that connects with her chin. Janus' head snaps back and she stumbles backward. She doesn't go down but is met with a German suplex from Tiffany. Janus hits the mat hard and stays down. Tiffany gets behind her and slaps on a figure four sleeper. Janus tries to pull Tiffany's legs apart but Tiffany has it locked on too tight. The ref checks and makes sure this is a legal hold and not a choke. Young signals that the hold is legal.

Cari: Great move by Lane has Janus trapped in the middle of the ring.

Kenny: Figure four sleepers aren't used that much but when they have been, they get a submission 73.78345% of the time.

Cari: Stop with the pointless statistics.

Janus struggles grow weaker as the blood is being shut off to her brain. She starts pointing at something outside the ring, trying to get the refs attention. Moira looks where Janus is pointing. Janus uses the distraction to pull out a fork from her boot. She stabs Tiffany in the thigh with it. Tiffany shrieks and loosens the figure four. Janus breaks out of the hold and deftly puts the fork back into her boot. The ref checks to see what happened. Tiffany is pointing to the mark on her thigh. Janus just shrugs and gets to her feet. Tiffany gets to her feet just before Janus whips her into the ropes. Janus bends over to lift Tiffany in a fireman's carry. Tiffany is placed on Janus Shoulder. She struggles and squirms as Janus begins an airplane spin. Tiffany manages to free her legs from Janus grip and slide down her back. Tiffany backs quickly away from Janus as Janus spins one more time. Tiffany charges at Janus and takes her down with a cross body block. Both wrestlers lie on the mat for a few seconds.

Kenny: This match has taken its toll on both wrestlers.

Cari: That is because they are both out of shape. Neither one of these two would make me work up a sweat.

Kenny: Tiffany has used a lot of high flying moves to wear Janus down. Janus does have a 35-Lbs weight advantage. She has used her strength to hurt Tiffany.

Tiffany is the first on her feet. She rolls Janus onto her stomach and straddles her. Miss BRA grabs Janus legs and places her in a Boston Crab. Janus pounds the mat as pain shoots through her back. The ref asks if she submits. Janus swears her defiance at the ref. She tries to move toward the ropes but Tiffany has her in the center of the ring. Tiffany leans back, getting Janus feet close to Janus' shoulders. Janus screams in agony but refuses to submit. Janus manages to get her hand near the boot with the fork in it. Tiffany leans back even further causing Janus to moan as she removes the fork from her boot. Janus swings backward blindly, jabbing the fork in Tiffany's shoulder. Blood trickles out as Janus removes the fork. Tiffany shrieks but refuses to let go of the Boston Crab. Moira Young checks to see what Tiffany is screaming about. Janus swings blindly with the fork again. This time it connects with referee Moira Young's face causing a cash to open above her eye.


Cari: Isn't that great?

Kenny: It's horrible. One of the most beautiful faces in BRA may have been scared for life.

Cari: We can only hope.

The ref signals for the bell. Janus takes one more swipe in hopes of cutting Tiffany Lane. The fork gouges along her back raising ugly red welts. Tiffany releases the hold and moves away from the fork wielding wrestler. Moira Young raises her arm in victory. Janus gets to her feet and Tiffany wastes no time getting out of the ring and into the locker room. Janus stares at Moira Young.

Janus: All you pretty girls protect each other. I am going to teach you what happens to people that stop me from doing the destruction I must do. The time keeper rings the bell franticly. This brings out all the refereed from the locker room. Janus swings the fork at Moira's face. Moira uses both her hands to hold Janus hand. Janus nails Young with her other fist, sending it into the pretty refs nose. Blood spurts from the ref's nose as the other refs get between her and Janus. Allow Moira to get to the locker room. Janus shrugs off the hands holding her and walks slowly to her locker room.

The Winner TIFFANY LANE, by Disqualification.

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