Gwen Juru

Ring Flash

Suddenly the mood changes to dark with only the angeltron on showing a bull and an image of Gwen Jeru going with the music of Secretaria by Mocedades as Gwen Jeru walks to the ring in crimson bra,long baggy pants and red sandels the lights show ever detailed stide in her walk.In her right hand is a mic she enters the ring with a gymnastic flip.



Gwen:Well fans I've been having a little problem with rich brats lately like this Tiffany Lane and her ever so hidous lackie Nina Laure.


Gwen:What I have good reason to hate these rich brats one they think I belong with Lil' Alexandra and I don't get why she thinks that maybe I should teach her not to ever try to mess with a spanish girl huh?

Crowd:Leave Gwen Leave Gwen Leave Gwen!!

Gwen:Hey do you people even know how stupid it is to worship those two blonde bimbos especially two who have never really lived the hard life like I have.

Gwen:Fine you gay a__holes I'm going out.


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