Sugar and Spice vrs Angel Dust & Heather Fatale

By: ToneDef

[We come back from a commercial to survey the Battling Ring Angels arena, a stadium that is packed to capacity for the latest wrestling card. The sell out crowd is on their feet, screaming for their favorites and waving their signs in the air. A few of the more noticable signs denote: ‘A WILDCARD TAKES ALL!’, ‘I NEED SOME MORE MINT IN MY DIET’, and ‘SAMANTHA NEEDS ME!’. The camera spins around, to focus on the announcers table located at ringside.]

Kenny: "Not a bad opening match, I must admit, our viewer interest rate has jumped up to a 72 percent margin!"

Cari: "Only 72? They need to put me in that ring, then we can get the full share of the market!"

Kenny: "I highly doubt that your fighting style is what attracts children and good hearted citizens to this profession…"

Cari: "Good hearted citizens should know better than to watch wrestling! Isn’t there a 24 hour Martha Stewert channel for those fools?"

[Celebrity Skin, by Hole, plays over the arena’s loudspeakers as Angel Dust and ‘Live Wire’ Heather Fatale exit the dressing room area. They slap the fans hands on their way to the ring, and, when inside of the squared circle, they test the ropes, preparing for their opponents.]

Kenny: "Another rookie battle coming up here, made even more interesting that this will be the first time we will see the team of Sugar and Spice in action."

Cari: "Spice seems to have a lot of potential, did you hear the rumour that she got her partner fired this past week for her own gain?"

Kenny: (clacking away on the computer): "It’s an unsubstantiated rumour…I prefer to look at the facts."

Cari: "And aren’t we all blessed for it."

[A fade in the lights and an explosion of sound, "Sympathy for the Devil" as covered by Guns and Roses, filling the arena with rabid guitar licks. Taking a moment to let the crowd sway to the tune, one of the tall redheads stepped onto the ramp way, looking to those in the stands. It was her moment.

She stood tall before the judgment, glancing back periodically for the other half of her team. Pride turned to impatience as she glanced back through the curtains, literally dragging her sister and identical twin, from behind them. Standing there a few more moments, they started walking towards ring. Audrey, in black and Alyson in red, the first with her hands in the air and demanding attention, the other with her gaze towards the ground, dreaming she was anywhere but there.

Climbing into the ring, it was time to begin. . .]

Kenny: "A nice entrance for the sister team, that is for sure…Alyson does not look jubilant over the attention, however, I wonder what is up with that?"

Cari: "Maybe she’s crazy….only a few fools in this league don’t love the roar of the crowds!"

Ding Ding Ding

Kenny: "Looks like its Angel Dust and Audrey starting this thing off. Angel Dust moves in, an eye rake from Audrey catches her off guard!"

Cari: "I told you this girl had potential!"

Kenny: "A whip into the ropes, and a picture perfect dropkick sends Angel Dust to the mat! Angel back to her feet…bodyslam sends her right back down!"

[Angel lies on her back as Audrey arrogantly struts around the perimeter of the squared circle, her back arced for maximum exposure as she plays to the cheers and wolf whistles of the crowd. She walks over to Angel Dust, gets her in a side headlock and goes to lift her. Angel Dust resists, and, before Audrey knows what is going on, Angel Dust has vertically suplexed her to the mat.]

Cari: "A fairly good counter from the Angel…she is now going to work on Audrey, stomping away on her prone form as Audrey quickly makes it to the ropes."

Kenny: "The ref orders a break…Angel does not listen, the referee is forced to pull her off of Audrey…when his back is turned, Heather Fatale strikes Audrey in the face from outside of the ring!"

Cari: "Some good teamwork being shown here! Angel goes, tags in Heather….they whip Audrey into the ropes, and a double elbow sends her right back down!"

[Some general concern is shown on the face of Alyson, but she is not shouting support to her sister, and, pulling Audrey to her feet, Heather belly to belly suplexes the black clad sister to the mat.]

Heather: "Blimey, you’re a weak one, aren’t you?"

[Heather whips Audrey into the ropes, goes to closeline her…her comment must have provoked something in Audrey, for the black clad sister ducks under the arm, bounces off the ropes behind Heather, and hits her with a picture perfect hurricanrana that ignites cheers to the crowd.]

Kenny: "What a great high impact manuever from the rookie, I am impressed with her work thus far!"

Cari: "So am I…we just need to see if Alyson has the same potential! Heather gets back up…spinning neck breaker takes her down! And then, grabbing a handful of hair, Audrey pulls her over to a turnbuckle, and sets her up on the top rope!"

Kenny: "Alyson does not look too impressed with the high risk nature of this attack!"

Alyson (squeeling): "What are you DOING?!?"

Cari: "And Audrey answers it by vertically suplexing the Live Wire down to the mat! With authority! She should go for the cover…"

[Instead, the black clad sister gets to her feet, and does a little bump and grind dance for the benefit of the crowd, running her hands erotically over certain areas of her well formed body. The crowd cheers for this, and then, suddenly, Audrey slaps Alysons hand, tagging her in.]

Kenny: "And in comes the sister! Alyson does not look happy to be tagged in…she glares at her sister, and justs stands there, hesitantly! She should just go for the cover!"

Cari: "This is incredible, it is as if she just simply does not want to be here! Perfect pin attempt, but instead she just hangs back, allowing Heather Fatale to get to her feet!"

Kenny: "Opening night jitters? My sources say that Alyson was coerced into this profession by her sister…"

Cari: "Heather throws a punch…blocked by Alyson, however, and twisted into an armlock!"

[Heather looks to be in a bit of pain, but Alyson’s placement on her is not good, enabling the Live Wire to drive an elbow back into the red dressed sisters face. Alyson releases the hold, and Heather closelines her to the mat. She tags in Angel Dust, and the two of them drop elbows onto the sisters belly at the same time. Heather exits the ring…Angel Dust pulls Alyson to her feet and goes to whip her into the ropes as Audrey looks on from her corner.]

Kenny: "It says here in my computer that Alyson is a student of Judo and Aikido…two of the more reactive arts. She manages to reverse Angels rope whip…"

Cari: "And you are seeing exactly how useful those martial arts are at the moment! She….oh, Alyson gets Angel down to the mat with a drop toe hold, right into an anklelock!"

Kenny: "Angel gets to the ropes, and Alyson immediately breaks the hold, getting to her feet and letting Angel stand…"

Cari: "Yeah, that’s right, she’s the honorable one…"

Kenny: "Angel to her feet, throws a punch at the red clad sister…Alyson grabs the fist, and flips the Angel over her shoulder with ease! What do you have to say about the martial arts now?"

Cari: "Luck, pure luck, any martial artist has no chance against a truly streetwise wrestler….Alyson getting Angel in the cross arm breaker!"

[Alyson holds Angel in the move, but she is a little too close to Angel’s corner, and, grabbing a handful of hair, Heather slams the red clad sister off of Angel. Audrey comes into the ring, to protest the action…the referee blocks her direction, and, behind the refs back, both Heather and Angel double team Alyson, hitting her with stomps and chops. When the referee gets Audrey back to her corner, Alyson is on the ground.]

Kenny: "Another behind the back double team…is there any team out there that doesn’t cheat?"

Cari: "All these teams are smart, they know that cheating is the way to go! Angel Dust picks Alyson up….reverse atomic drop has the woman stunned!"

Kenny: "Followed up with a closeline, and then a pin attempt! 1….2…kickout with ease, I didn’t think she’d get Alyson this early."

Cari: "Angel pulls Alyson to her feet, whips her into the ropes…..goes to backdrop her…"

[Alyson manages to stop just in time, and, shoving Angels head between her legs, she hooks up her arms and hits her with a reverse full nelson faceslam. She could go for the pin, but she looks to be in a bit of pain from the damage thus inflicted on her. Instead, she gets to her feet, and tags in Audrey, who is greeted with cheers and catcalls as she arrogantly struts around the perimeter of the squared circle, her back arced to display her generous figure. Alyson merely shakes her head in the corner at the display as the black clad sister makes her way over to Angel Dust.]

Kenny: "Pulls her to her feet…rake across the eyes from Angel stuns the beauty!"

Cari: "Angel tags in Heather, who goes to the second rope and drives an axe handle down onto Audrey’s back! She then pulls Audrey to her feet….low blow from Audrey stuns the live wire, I’m starting to like this girl more and more!"

Kenny: "Another low blow…and then a russian legsweep takes her to the mat! Audrey blows a kiss to the crowd, then, hauling Heather over to the ropes, Audrey begins to choke her on the second rope!"

Alyson: "Come on referee, get in there!"

Cari: "Interesting…Alyson wants the referee to break her sisters move…"

Kenny: "She is an honorable fighter, you have to respect that! The referee breaks the hold…Alyson pulls Heather to her feet, whips her into the ropes…spinning back heel kick takes her down!"

[Audrey could go for the cover, but instead she chooses to walk around the ring again, playing to the crowd and thriving on the attention. Then, suddenly, she lunges back, striking Angel Dust in the face and knocking her from the canvas to the floor below.]

Kenny: "What? That was uncalled for!"

Cari: "No, that was smart…I think that Audrey is going for her finisher now! I heard she calls it the Sunset Strip…grabbing a handful of hair, Audrey pulls Heather to the top rope…"

Kenny: "hits the Live Wire with a low blow, now there was no purpose to that attack!"

Cari: "Sometimes it’s just fun to be mean! Audrey then performs a rollover superplex! Down into a pin!"

[Angel Dust has made it back to the canvas, but Alyson is already in the ring to protect her sister as the referee makes the count. The 3 mark is reached, and the bell sounds.]

Ding Ding Ding

Kenny: "What a debut match for this Sugar and Spice team, I must say that I am very impressed with their style, and how they work together!"

Cari: "Alyson needs to work on her opening night jitters…that and her honorable stance, you can’t get anywhere in this league without a few low blows!"

Kenny: "Whatever…..Alyson bows to her opponents, while Alyson struts around the ring, again! She is a fair showboat, that is for sure!"

Cari: "Can you picture her and Lisa Dream fighting? I tell you, the whole match would be them just playing to those crowds!"

Kenny: "I sure wouldn’t mind seeing that match….well folks, we have to take a short commercial break, but we will be right back!"

[Fade to a promotional commercial for the upcoming Pay Per View to take place on an ocean liner.]

Winner: Sugar and Spice.



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