Alexandria Parker



Kenny: We're back, BRA fans, with tonight's second match. This should prove to be quite a contest, considering the bad blood between these two women!

Cari: (smiles) And when there's bad blood, blood is usually spilled. I can't wait!

Suddenly, the arena goes dark. Suddenly "War Pigs" by Black Sabbath plays and the right side of the arena is lit up. Janus walks to the ring with "The Dragon Lady" Sasha behind her. Both wear long sleeve black velvet shirts and black leather pants. Janus wears blue and black cowboy boots, while Sasha's are turquoise and yellow. They walk calmly to the ring. Janus just stares straight ahead, while Sasha scowls, gestures and otherwise works the fans. Both ladies enter the ring and take in the hate of the fans. Sasha struts around the ring, while Janus waits for Alexandria Parker's arrival. They both wear chain bracelets on their right arms.

Kenny: And there's the vile Janus, a woman hated by many in this fine promotion. And, from the reaction of the fans, they don't like her too much either.

Cari: Well, she had better watch out because she's going to have her hands full with Alexandria Parker!

Kenny: Indeed. and, if my calculations are correct, we're about to be paid a visit by the Rich Bitch.

And the lights fell down... "Split Personality" by Pink dashes the arena in an effort to raise the crowd from their stupor. The crowd's reaction varies, from the lovers of honor who grant her very presence with hateful jeers and comments, to those out there merely for the eye candy value, who find what they see now very appeasing. The stage erupts with gorgeous pyrotechnics; the curtains fluttering open to reveal the dynamic beauty known to all as Alexandria Parker. Clad in a pink & white sports bra with matching boots and kicking pads, Her wrestling ensemble is completed with white, skin tight pants with "Rich Bitch" written up the side in silver glitter.On her face she wears red and black make-up giving her the image of two-face. Her tightly curled red hair freely bounces as she struts her way down the aisle. As the ring announcer respectfully holds the ropes for Miss Parker, more pyrotechnics explode as she poses for a quick photograph. Miss. Vanity runs down to ring side carrying a large mirror.

Kenny: A spectacular entrance by Alexandria Parker. Wait! it looks like she's conferring with the referee. I wonder what this is about.

Alexandria speaks with the ref, perodically pointing to Sasha. The ref nods and goes over to Sasha. They have an angry exchange before she points to the aisle, telling Sasha to leave. Sasha and Janus look to one another warily and confer before Sasha reluctantly leaves ringside. A triumphant Alexandria smirks at Janus.

Kenny: What just happened?

Cari: I love it! That Parker is one devious bitch! She pointed out to the ref that Sasha, while a BRA wrestler, has no manager's license so has no place at ringside, unlike Miss Vanity. Ha! Ha! Ha! Smart move by Parker. Separating Janus from her mentor forces Janus to switch her game plan and puts Alexandria at the advantage. I like this Parker already!

Kenny: I don't know if it was such a good move because now Janus looks quite pissed. (looking at his lap top) With the amounts of hatred between these two, I predict that a blood bath is quite likely.

Cari: (smiles) I wouldn't want it any other way

Kenny: The bell rings, calling for the start of the match, and Janus lunges for Alex. Oh my! Alexandria just caught her with a kick to the mouth!

As the match begins, Janus lunges at Alexandria but the CEO surprises her rival with a savate kick to the mouth. Janus clutches her mouth as Alexandria follows with a flurry of kicks to Janus's stomach, knocking the scarred woman to her knees. She grabs a handful of Janus's hair and drags her to her feet.

Alexandria: Your hair is very pretty!

With that, Alexandria yanks on Janus's hair a few times before whipping her to the ropes. On the rebound, Alexandria surprises her with a clothesline, rocking Janus.

Cari: Looks like Parker stunned Janus with that clothesline and now she adds a body slam for good measure.

Alexandria lifts Janus and slams her roughly onto the hard canvas, on her backside. Janus scowls at Parker as she clutches her back. Alex smirks as she begins to scrape her boot across Janus's face.

Alexandria: What a pretty face!

Janus screams as she feels the leather boot moving roughly across her facial features. The ref warns Alexandria and she reluctantly ceases her actions. She raises and attempts to drag Janus to her feet but the Hit Squad member surprises her with a low blow. Alexandria's mouth forms an "O" as she clutches that most sensitive area.

Janus: You should have stayed out of my business!

Janus swiftly scoops Alexandria up and slams her to the mat, returning the favor. She grabs Alex by her red hair and drags her to her feet, Miss Vanity protesting to the ref about the illegal hair pull. Janus whips Alexandria to the ropes and catches her, on the rebound, with a side walk slam, knocking the wind from the red head. Janus attempts a quick cover but Alexandria kicks out at one.

Cari: There's still a lot of fight left in Parker. Janus wraps her arms around Parker's waist and delivers a belly to belly suplex. (winces) That's got to hurt!

Alexandria yelps as she is raised in the air and suplexed to the mat, her back again absorbing the impact. Janus begins to kick and stomp on the prone Alexandria as the ref warns her about the illegal tactics. Janus turns to the ref and the two begin to argue as Alexandria slowly gets to her feet. The wily red head sneaks up behind the distracted Janus and delivers a low blow. Janus slumps to her knees as Alexandria kicks her in the head, for good measure. The ref warns about Alexandria's actions but she ignores her. Janus falls to the mat and Alexandria performs a fast, standing moonsault, hooking the leg as her body crashes on top of Janus. The ref begins to count but Janus raises her shoulder at two.

Cari: A near fall for Parker. I think she has this match won. Without Sasha, Janus seems lost out there.

Alexandria makes it to her feet and grabs Janus by the hair, roughly shoving her head between her legs. As Parker smirks to the fans, she lifts Janus and power bombs her onto the canvas. As Janus's body impacts onto the mat, Miss Vanity leaps onto the ring apron, attracting the ref's attention. As the ref attends to Miss Vanity, oredering her from the apron, Alexandria drags her boot across Janus's throat, choking the woman with that boot. As Janus gags and thrashes wildly, Alexandria adds insult to injury by slapping her in the face. The ref returns her attention to the match and Alexandria swiftly ceases her choking.

Cari: (laughs) I love it! Parker is breaking the rules like a champ! (sniffs) She almost reminds me of me.

Alexandria drags Janus to her feet and grabs her around the waist from behind. With a grunt, Aex lifts her in the air and sends her smashing neck first with a release, German suplex. Janus clutches her neck as Alex drags her to her feet, repeating the move. Janus again lands in a heap, in the center of the ring. Miss Vanity claps and cheers as Alexandria signals that she's going to try the move again. As she approaches Janus, Janus reaches into her boot, swiftly removing a silver object.

Kenny: Uh oh! Here comes that fork!

Cari: Good! It's time to see some blood!

Janus swings wildly with the fork, scratching Alexandria on the arm, before she tucks the fork back into her boot. A trickle of blood falls from the cut as Alexandria quickly complains to the ref.

Kenny: Uh oh! Looks like Alexandria is telling the ref about the fork.

Cari: That's what happens when you use a foreign object that can leave permanent marks.

Alex shows the ref the cut and the ref, knowing of Janus's reputation, admonishes her. The ref and Janus argue before she proceeds to search Janus. The ref finds the fork, in Janus's boot, and threatens her with disqualification, waving the illegal object in her face. As the two women argue, Alexandria sneaks up behind Janus and surprises her with a dragon sleeper, wrapping her arms around Janus's throat. The ref tosses the fork aside and asks for Janus's submission.

Cari: Alexandria is really on the mark tonight. She not only got rid of Janus's mentor but her secret weapon as well. This match is hers now.

Kenny: I wouldn't count Janus out, if I were you. She still has a lot of fight left. In fact, my predictions state that she has a 66.5% chance of still winning this match.

Janus struggles in the move as Alex applies the lethal submission. The ref asks for Janus's answer but the scarred woman refuses to submit. As she feels herself lose consciousness, she quickly lashes out and catches Parker with a chop to the throat. Alexandria gasps and releases the hold as the ref again admonishes Janus.

Kenny: Hmm. The ref really seems to dislike Janus. I guess she's upset about Janus scarring that other female ref, last week. You know, the referees here do share a sort of comradarie.

Janus rises to her feet and stomps on Parker with those hard, heavy, cowboy boots.

Janus: Evil is here for you, Parker!

Janus grabs Alex by her hair and tosses her into the nearest corner. Parker's head hits the turnbuckle and Janus attacks the dazed woman with a flurry of knife edge chops across the chest.

Crowd: Woooooooooooo!

Cari: The crowd getting into things as Janus brutalizes Alexandria's chest with those stiff chops!

Parker winces and slumps to the mat as Janus smiles.

Janus: I'm sending you to hell!

Janus grabs Parker by the throat and drags her to the center of the ring. Janus lifts the red head in suplex position but instead drops her onto her head with a brain buster. As Janus covers the winded Parker, the ref counts. The ref slaps the mat a second time when Miss Vanity leaps onto the ring apron, drawing her attention. The ref again warns Miss Vanity about her interference as Janus slaps the mat angrily, her pinning combination disrupted. The scarred woman points at Miss Vanity as the petite manager gulps nervously.

Kenny: Vanity had better be careful. I'm sure that Janus would have no problem putting her hands on her, as well.

Janus lifts Alexandria and slams her onto her knee with an atomic drop. Parker slumps to the mat, in a dazed state.

Cari: If Janus keeps this up, she may win this match, after all!

Janus drops a closed fist to Parker's throat and attempts another cover, hooking the leg. The ref counts but Alex lifts her shoulder at the two count. Janus grabs her by the hair and tosses Miss Parker outside of the ring, the red head landing at the feet of Miss Vanity. Janus quickly follows, the ref shouting protests.

Cari: Oooh! Things are about to heat up now!

Janus grabs a handful of Alexandria's hair and whips her into the steel steps, the red head crashing into the metal. As Janus grins, Miss Vanity leaps onto her back, punching at Janus, but the larger woman snap mares the valet onto the padded floor. As Vanity lands with a small "thud", Janus begins to advance upon her. Miss Vanity backs away and looks on in wide-eyed terror as the scarred woman grins at her sadistically. Finding herself backed into a corner, Vanity closes her eyes, bracing herself for whatever tortures Janus has for her, but it never comes. Alexandria leaps off of the steel steps with a missile drop kick, catching the distracted Janus in the back of the head. Janus's head hits the ring apron as Alexandria lands on the padded ground. Alexandria wastes no time in rolling Janus back into the ring and following, Miss Vanity breathing a sigh of relief.

Kenny: Wow! Did you see that drop kick? These girls are getting hardcore!

Cari: I know. Isn't it great?

With a look of utter disgust, Alexandria lifts Janus onto her shoulders and delivers a Death Valley Driver, driving Janus's head into the mat. Alexandria quickly raises to her feet and signals to the crowd.

Alexandria lifts Janus on her shoulders again but is surprised as Janus lashes out with a rake to the eyes. Screaming, Alex drops Janus, clutching her eyes in the process. Janus uses the opportunity to lash out with those heavy boots, catching Alex with a lethal low blow. Janus grabs the doubled over Alex and delivers a sit-out power bomb. The ref counts but Alexandria kicks out at two.

Cari: I can't believe she had some fight left! I could have sworn that it was over.

Kenny: (nods) I agree but they keep fighting and fighting. You are undoubtly seeing two of BRA's finest tonight.

Janus whips Alex to the ropes but is shocked as Parker rebounds and surprises her with a savate kick to the chest, sending Janus reeling. Wasting no time, Parker scoops Janus in the air and dumps her onto the mat with a Michinoku Driver. Miss Vanity claps as Alex slowly mounts the top turnbuckle. She measures Janus and leaps off with a flying, leg drop but gasps as she meets hard canvas, Janus having rolled out of the way. Parker clutches her aching backside as Janus uses this as her moment to strike. She grabs Parker and sends her crashing again into the mat with the Faces of Pain, the face first spine buster knocking the remaining wind out of Parker. Janus weakly covers and the ref counts, her hand slapping the mat for a third time.

Kenny: Wow! What a match!

Cari: Yeah..I don't impress easy but I gotta admit that those two girls were pretty okay. Although they still aren't as good as me!

The fans boo as Janus slowly rises to her feet. Suddenly, Miss Vanity rushes behind her and smashes the mirror atop her head, leaving Janus in a puddle of broken glass. Blood falls from Janus's head as Alexandria rises to her feet. Alex and Miss Vanity turn to one another and smile before the two women attack Janus with kicks and stomps.

Kenny: Hey! The match is over! There's no call for this!

Cari: (smiles) A post match beatdown! I love it! Suddenly, Sasha comes running down the aisle. Alex and Vanity see Janus's ally and quickly race from the ring, both women smiling and raising their arms triumphantly.

Kenny: I don't believe those two would do that! The match was over. There was no need for Alex to attack Janus. I guess she really is a Rich Bitch!

Cari: Quit your whining, loser. All's fair when it comes to the squared circle. Parker just wanted to make sure she left her mark. And, from the look of Janus, it looks like she did! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Alex and Vanity head to the locker rooms as Sasha and a crew of paramedics tend to a fallen Janus, the scene fading to black.

Winner: Janus

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