The Babe Squad


Face Off

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(Returning from the commercial break, the cameras zigzag around the arena, showing the many wild, screaming fans cheering at the mere thought of being on television. The excitement mounts as the thousands in attendance wave their banners high, show their signs (some cute, some lewd and at least one of them pronouncing that someone named �John� is �Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity.� Clicking down to the announcer�s booth, the erstwhile companions for �on stage� words are both shown patiently awaiting the next match. The male, Kenny, is smiling at the camera, glancing at his laptop computer, whereas the lithe blonde, Cari, merely scowls, her personality shining through clearly.)

Kenny: Welcome back everyone! We have got two fantastic tag teams about to lock up! There is the team of �Face-Off� with Peggy Christian and Eden Starr, going to be taking on-

Cari: �The Babe Squad!� Oh, girls like Tiffany Lane and Nina Larue make me long to come back to the ring, form my own stable again and put those two at the top of my �want list.� They are classy, tough, successful and ruthless. Besides, where else do you find unending beauty, mixed in with great talent? In two words: Babe Squad.

Kenny: Whereas I think I have to agree with you 98.3457% on your assessment of their talent, we must not forget that Peggy and Eden are former champions of the tag team realm. They have shown what it takes to succeed.

Cari: (smirking with delight) But they only held the belts a short time, Kenny. The Babe Squad is part of one of the most terrible forces on this earth: The Sisterhood of Seduction. Can you think of anything simply more stunning and glamorous?

Kenny: (stammering) But they�re bad girls . . .

Cari: (again wickedly smirking) Yes. Yes they are . . .

(As the announcer�s await, the back curtains open up and the hateful but radiant image of Lynette LeBrie appears, wearing tight, black, bicycle shorts, black boots and a tight mid-riff stripped shirt. The crowd boos her as she makes her way to the ring, ready to officiate the match. She ignores their chants of �Pay-Off� and �Sell- Out,� instead ducking under the ropes and tossing her long blonde locks over her shoulder, leaning against the turnbuckle.)

Kenny: The crowd certainly detests her. She is a mercenary! She is open to the highest bidder and everyone knows it!

Cari: (shrugging) Eh, what can ya do?

(The Angeltron suddenly explodes to life, showing clips of Eden Starr pinning Missy McKinley and Jennifer Christian, interspersed with clips of Peggy in some of her better moments � facing off against Yvette Malreaux, then Laura Parker. �We got the Beat� by the Go-Go�s erupts from the loudspeakers, bringing the crowd to their feet in a frenzy. �FaceOff� appears in giant letters, prompting more cheering from the crowd. At the height of the wild flurry of noise, Peggy and Eden step out together holding hands and raise their free hands to the cheering crowd. Peggy is dressed in a simple leopard print one-piece swimsuit, sheer tights and white wrestling boots. Eden, the smaller blonde, wears her a black and white sports bra, matching black sports briefs with vertical white stripes and black and white collegiate wrestling shoes. Both descend down opposite sides of the aisle, slapping hands as they go to the ring. They enter the ring, and staring at Lynette, knowing her reputation, then both wait, seemingly for the start of the match.)

Cari: (cackling cynically) Well, it seems what we have here is the baby and her grandmother. I assure you Kenny, if I was still allowed in the ring, I could take these two apart by myself. The Babe Squad should have NO problems putting these two away and getting home in time to get some shopping done.

Kenny: (typing away at his laptop) Oh! Be that as it may, you are not allowed in the ring and you under estimate Peggy and Eden. They are accomplished wrestlers with-

Cari: (punching him in the shoulder) Silence!

(Mere moments after the crowd dies down, En Vogue's �Riddle� begins to blare over the speakers as the curtains part, revealing The Babe Squad; �Miss BRA� Tiffany Lane and �The Goddess� Nina Larue. Tiffany wears a pink, halter top and matching, micro-mini skirt, completing the ensemble with pink, knee-length boots, with a platform heel. Tiffany's long, blonde hair falls straight down her back, framing her lovely face. The equally gorgeous Nina wears a purple, micro-mini skirt and purple boots, with a platform heel. Her long, black hair is tied in a ponytail that graces the small of her back, bangs resting above her sensual, violet eyes. With their hands on their hips, the two busty beauties survey the crowd, both showered in catcalls and whistles, before sashaying to ringside. As they enter the ring, both women go to opposite sides of the ring and seductively lean over the top rope, blowing a kiss to the fans and offering them a view of their ample cleavage. The two women proceed to do a sexy, bump and grind before stripping off their clothes, with a flourish, to reveal their wrestling attire: Tiffany wears a pink bra and matching, thong panties while Nina wears a purple bra and thong panties. The two beauties proceed to pose and preen, awaiting the start of the match, the fans greeting them with catcalls, hoots, and hollers. On the outside, Kenny watches with lustful awe, while Cari smiles, waving at them, like an evil sorority sister.)

Cari: (shouting) Good luck ladies!

Kenny: I don�t think you can do that. You are showing obvious media bias!

Cari: (groaning) What did I tell you about talking, little man?

(As Lynette, the official, produces a small compact and begins to apply her make-up, she looks at the wrestlers and sneers, speaking in her French accent.)

Lynette: (shrugs) You all know the rules, non?

(Carefully applying her lipstick, without a care in the world, she ignores Nina as she approaches Peggy, with a cold stare in her violet eyes. The angry brunette points her finger into the housewife�s portly belly.)

Nina: (whispering but seething in anger) Listen up, fatty! We gave Lynette a little �gift� before the match. Not so we could win � no way. We�ll beat you and your little partner�s ass with ease. Lynette is gonna look the other way while we make a mess out of you, grandma!

(With dignity, Peggy tries to shrug off the insult, and does her best to prevent Eden from hearing Nina�s cruel remarks. Over Nina�s shoulder, Peggy can see Tiffany with upward curled lips, waving good-bye, in some premature arrogance. Nina then backs off, mouthing the words �intensive care.� Slightly rattled by the incident, Peggy turns and speaks with Eden. After a moment of conferring, Eden places her hand on the veteran�s shoulder and sends her out of the ring, clearly ready to start. Tiffany ducks under the ropes, casually leaning in her own corner, awaiting the bell. Finally, Lynette places her small compact on the outside of the ring and gently smiles at Nina, who�s glare is serious and stern. Taking a brief moment to yawn, Lynette then calls for the bell.)

Kenny: And we�re off!

Cari: I wish you were off!

(The bell sounds and Nina slowly begins to circle Eden. Both have a look of determination on their faces. Nina feints to one side then the other, luring the smaller blonde into her trap. As soon as Eden lunges forward, Nina strikes, executing a perfect spinning heel kick, jumping in the air. Her foot lands on the side of the pretty blonde�s face, snapping her neck to the side. As Eden reels from the attack, she falls away. Positioning herself behind Eden, Nina seizes her by her blonde mane of hair and tugs back while grabbing her by her athletic shorts. With a cruel sneer Nina pulls back on her hair, pulls up on the shorts and runs Eden to the corner, smashing her head on the turnbuckle. The crowd roars in shock at the sudden flurry of movements as Eden stumbled backwards, arms flailing about. Nina steps back, thrusts her arms in the air and laughs.) Cari: Ah, the rewards of being a diva . . .

(As Eden slowly turns, trying to shake the cobwebs out of her head, the busty brunette then takes her by the top of the head, jolts her knee upward, smacking Eden in the face. On her bounce up, Eden falls back, shocked that things have turned out so poorly, so quickly.)

Nina: KNEEL before the Goddess, urchin!

(To emphasize her point, Nina then jabs a fist into the blonde�s abdomen, doubling her over. With an axe handle smash to the back, Eden falls to her knees, coughing and gasping for air. To the side, Peggy extends her hand, hoping that Eden can reach. Through the corner of her eyes, Nina spots her and thrusts back her elbow, cracking Peggy in the nose. The crowd screams in disapproval, but Lynette immediately looks in the other direction, as if she did not see it. Nine then is about to address her many fans when Eden takes her arm, sweeps at Nina�s knees and drops her to the mat.)

Nina: (surprised) What?! You little bitch!

(As Nina tries to quickly scramble to her feet, Eden kicks out, landing a shot to Nina�s chest, knocking her back into the ropes. The sudden impact winds her and on the rebound, Eden hooks Nina�s arm, planting the brunette on the mat. Again as Nina tries to get up, the small blonde is all over her, driving a foot into the square of her back. She then takes Nina by the arm, pulls her to her feet and drives her � head first � into the same turnbuckle that Eden was driven into. Nina�s head bounces back with a snap, and she releases a sharp cry of pain. Feeling the momentum, Eden quickly tags out, bringing Peggy into the ring. Doing her best, Peggy tries to execute an elbow drop on the prone brunette, but Nina wisely rolls out of the way after hearing the scream from Tiffany. Peggy lands on the mat with no target, moaning in pain. Eden buries her face in her hands, shaking her head.)

Kenny: Oh what a disaster! Eden had Nina in a good spot and Peggy was unable to capitalize!

Cari: It is CLEAR to me that what talent is on this team is from Eden. She is carrying the both of them which indicates � from Peggy�s size � that Eden must be a weightlifter of some kind.

Kenny: You can be so cruel . . .

Cari: And you were expecting something else . . . ?

(Taking a brief breather, Nina then springs into action, taking Peggy�s arm as the heavier woman comes to her feet. Locking the housewife�s arm behind her back, Nina takes on a look of sheer cruelty as she suddenly lifts up, pumping as hard as she can. As Peggy shouts in agony, Nina then snakes her head to Peggy�s ear, seething with hatred.)

Nina: What kind of mother are you? You�ll pay for chasing Jennifer away!

(As Peggy�s agony becomes one of emotional trauma as well as physical suffering, Nina then pulls down, arching Peggy�s back, then driving her knee up into Peggy. The older woman collapses to the mat with Nina proudly standing above her. A swift kick from Nina, to Peggy�s ribs as the housewife screaming. Ruthlessly, Nina offers Peggy a stomp to the throat causing the heavier her to thrash about, coughing and sputtering. With an unforgiving shout, Nina scream down at her.)

Nina: Get up you blubbering mess! I am hardly even starting with you!

(Eden shouts that Lynette should do something but the official seems distracted by a dollar that she may or may not have seen on the floor next to the ring. Nina then waits for Peggy to come to her feet. Watching the lumbering housewife try to regain her bearings, Nina flies off the far ropes and executes a perfect dragon suplex. Peggy is dropped to the mat, moaning and tries to reach out for Eden. The smaller blonde stretches, shouting for Peg to simply try a bit harder, but the older woman is unable to. Nina then stomps at her gut, and drags her back to The Babe Squad�s corner by her hair, tagging in Tiffany.)

Cari: This should be a real treat. Ms. BRA never fails to impress.

Kenny: Just so I know, for my records, who would win in a contest between yourself and Ms. BRA?

Cari: (shocked) Um, such a force of that magnitude would simply defy the laws of physics. Besides, there is one facet you are overlooking.

Kenny: Oh?

Cari: The �byte me, computer boy� factor.

(Inside the ring, Tiffany Lane, after hearing the many catcalls from the audience, smiles. She seizes a hand full of Peggy�s hair and begins to drive hard fists into her forehead. After toying with Peggy, she runs backward, bounces off the ropes and delivers a nasty moonsault to the housewife, planting her on her back. With an arrogant strut, Tiffany bows to the crowd, arrogantly showing her shapely posterior to the audience. She then climbs the top rope, prepared to deliver a frog splash. Nina smiles at her partner as the blonde jumps. Somehow Peggy manages to roll out of the way, leaving fear etched on Tiffany�s face as she impacts with the canvass. The ring shakes with the horrible movement and Nina throws her head back in the agony she shares for her friend. Slowly Peggy begins to crawl back to Eden as Tiffany writhes on the mat. Nina begins to scream and yell.)

Nina: Peggy Christian! Get your fat ass back here! Don�t you DARE touch Eden�s hand!

(Nina�s growling notwithstanding, Peggy makes it over and a refreshed Eden Starr bolts out of her corner like a mare from the starting line. She explodes all over Tiffany, dropping a knee into the square of Tiffany�s back. The reigning Ms. BRA screams in agony, growling and hissing like an angry cat. With a stomp to the blonde�s shapely rear, Eden digs her foot in deep and grabs hold of both Tiffany�s arms, puling back. Again Tiffany screams out in agony, thrashing about on the canvass. As if it were fair, Nina swats out, taking Eden by the hair, trying to pull the little blonde off. Eden screams out, but Lynette springs into action, slapping her arm upward, cutting off Nina�s attack. The busty brunette is shocked and appalled beyond belief.)

Nina: What the HELL was that for!? (then whispering) We paid you good money to �

Lynette: (with a smirk) Non! You paid me to let you clobber Face Off. NOT to pull cheating moves. That, my dear, is, as you Americans say, extra.

Nina: Why you wretched little-

(Eden goes back to work on Tiffany, stretching and pulling for all she is worth. Lynette looks for a submission by the busty Babe Squad member but Tiffany is not prepared to give in. The busty blonde shakes her head and thrashes for all she is worth. Her strength, although not the quality she is known for, proves itself as she pushes up with her arms and tries to struggle towards the ropes. Eden attempts to prevent it but Tiffany manages to thrust out a hand and grab hold, causing Lynette to call off the move. Angered, Eden gives a clean break. As she backs up, Nina again swats out clocking Eden the back of the head. As Lynette is about to put a stop to it, Eden falls backward, giving a bicycle kick to Nina as she impacts with the canvass. Her foot cracks up to Nina�s jaw, sending her off the mat and onto the floor.)

Cari: (in stunned disbelief) Can you BELIEVE what that miserable little creature just did?!

Kenny: I think Nina was asking for it. I think Nina probably deserved it. I think that there was a 79.8% chance of-

Cari: (angered) I think there is a 100% chance of you being hit. (whack)

(As Eden gets up she looks out to shout something at Nina. But the nefarious Tiffany Lane springs up, and clocks her with a double axe handle hit, from behind. Eden crumples and Tiffany, with a menacing glare, attacks. After offering a few stomps, she seizes the small blonde by her shorts and pulls off a German suplex, slamming Eden to the canvass with a loud impact. The crowd reacts with a roar, sympathizing with Eden�s pain.)

Tiffany: (looking at Eden) Get ready for a Babe Squad beat down, brat!

(Pulling Eden to her feet with a violent jerk, she sends her into the far ropes. On the return, Tiffany sets up, running and planting her with a missile drop kick to the jaw. The violent jerk from Eden�s head snaps her neck back and she gets planted to the canvass. With a sinister glare, Tiffany marches up, taking Eden�s right leg and her right arm, then, stomping down on her ribs, bowing back the arm and leg. Eden cries out with anguish, screaming and slamming her palm on the canvass. Her agony is apparent, yet Tiffany seems to take great pleasure in the attack. She loosens her grip then reattaches, getting a better hold. She leans back, straining her body, clear that she wants Eden to submit to the bow and arrow move. Eden, refuses, frustrating the sinister Tiffany Lane.)

Tiffany: (shouting to Peggy) Listen to me, troll! Tell your partner to submit, or I�ll put her out of the game permanently! Got that!? Tell her! Tell her!

(Peggy ignores Ms. BRA, doing her best to encourage Eden, instead. Suddenly, Eden begins to jolt her body, trying to roll up the half that is not in Tiffany�s grasp. She rocks back and forth until she thrusts her free arm up, landing a solid blow to Ms. BRA�s abdomen, causing the busty blonde to double over, releasing her grip on Eden. Slowly, Eden begins to crawl away as Tiffany tries to recuperate. She looks up, with dark and vile eyes as she sees Eden make the tag to Peggy. Deciding that a clever retreat is more in order, she stumbles back, tagging in �the Goddess,� Nina Larue. Peggy comes forward and Tiffany falls to the mat, tripping Peggy with her long legs. Quickly, Nina comes in and stomps Peg in the throat. Stunned Peggy can only thrash about, screaming from the attack. Nina then hoists the limp Peggy upon her shoulders, suddenly contorting her face into strain as she realizes Peggy is heavier that she thought. Mounting the top ropes, Tiffany flies off, clotheslining Peg as she drops to the mat. The further attack on Peggy�s throat causes her to clutch her hands around her neck as she falls to the canvass. Lynette begins to count � albeit slowly � as both Babe Squad members are in the ring. Tiffany and Nina pounce on her like wolves.)

Peggy: No! Wait! It was Yvette who ran off Jennifer! She�s my daughter!

Cari: (shaking her head) Oh, that might not have been the best thing to say . . .

Nina: (taking on a stunned look of fury) How DARE you say that you old hag!

(Nina pushes Tiffany out of the way and at that moment Lynette decided to marshal Ms. BRA back out of the ring. Reacting from Peg�s statement with sheer revulsion and hatred, Nina then begins a ruthless flurry of cruel assaults, each displaying a mastery of martial arts expertise. Peggy can merely blubber and roll about, trying to defend herself, even though there is apparent opportunity to strike back during Nina�s angry tirade. On the outside, Eden grows more and more frustrated seeing their opportunity disappear. Nina bends down and hauls the bulky frame of Peggy to her feet and begins screaming foul insults, cutting deep into the housewife. Nina�s furry is overwhelming to those nearby as she seems to deliver her attacks with personal anger and contempt. She throws Peg into the corner and proceeds to batter Peggy like a punching bag. Again Eden shouts for Peggy to do something but it is clear that the housewife is capitulating under Nina�s assault.)

Kenny: Goodness! According to my calculations there is a 43% chance of �

Cari: (holding up a warning hand) Finish that sentence and you�ll be in intensive care with Peggy, tonight.

(Dragging the draped form of Peggy from the corner, Nina slaps her across the face, mercilessly. She screams at her, throwing down a series of cruel insults and personal attacks in between her ruthless jabs and chops. She hurls blame on Peggy, not Yvette for the disappearance of Jennifer, La Petite Marquise. Peggy tries to defend herself, which makes Nina all the more angry. The Goddess then takes on a look of sheer malevolence, driving her fist down in a low blow, then placing her in a DDT, planting her into the canvass with �Nina�s Knockout.� The crowd goes wild as Nina goes for the pin. Tiffany pumps her arm in the air with each count from the official and upon reaching three, Nina leaps up, as the bell rings. As En Vogue�s �Riddle� starts up, Eden looks on, disgusted.)

Cari: Ah, yes! Another Babe Squad victory. Yvette, Laura and Alexandria will be proud tonight, I assure you! Of course, Eden appears rather upset and rightly so.

Kenny: Yes. Much celebrating at Sisterhood Central, I believe.

Cari: What? There is a Sisterhood Central? Why have I not been invited? Kenny: Actually, I was merely making a joke.

Cari: Oh? Well, listen, Jack Benny, keep your dumb comments to a minimum.

(Lynette leaves the ring and Tiffany joins Nina. As the pair descends upon Peggy, the housewife tries to escape but her stunned and dazed state prevents her from much movement. The two busty beauties rain down ruthless and terrible attacks and Eden comes in to put a stop to it. She shouts for Lynette to do something but the French referee merely makes a gesture with her fingers requesting money and shrugs her shoulders ascending the ramp. Eden then leaps in, kicking Nina in the chest, sending her back. Tiffany growls but then laughs as she realizes the futile attempts by Eden will result in precious little. Tiffany then takes Nina and seems to hold her back from further assaults on Face Off. The Babe Squad exits the ring, and stands to the side, bowing and posing for the audience, striking sexy and seductive stances, much to the pleasure of the male audience.)

Cari: The Babe Squad is CLEARLY headed for wonderful things. I suspect that they will be serious contenders for the Tag Titles, eh, Kenny?

Kenny: Agreed. But what concerns me more is the future of Face Off.

Cari: Why? I am not concerned one bit.

Kenny: Well, look what is going on.

(Eden seems angered by Peggy�s performance and after a few terse words, seems to wave her hands, as if giving up. She storms out of the ring and leaves Peggy behind, calling out to her.)

Cari: ArchAngel would save a lot of money if she fired their asses! The both of them. When it comes back to contract negotiations, I will be sure to mention that, I think, especially when you consider the great work that I, alone, provide to the company. Furthermore . . .

(The camera pans out, preparing to go to a commercial with Cari still going on and on, holding Kenny at attention so that he, at least, is forced to listen. As the camera goes to black, The Babe Squad continue their antics, blowing kisses to the crowd and posing for the flashes.)

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