Laura Parker


Lindsey Locke

Cari: It’s not about honor, damnit, its about victory! I mean... look out there, what do you see? I see an arena packed with customers who paid their slave wages to watch two people give everything to win a match, not just what’s in the rules.

Kenny: Cari, with the percentages of participants who stretch, manipulate, and blatantly break the rules, I actually find a match for a good cause to be the rarest gimmick in this industry. Check the figures, out of roughly a couple hundred matches, you could probably count on your fingers the number of times no rules were broken in a match.

Cari: Are you saying I need my fingers to count?

Kenny: I didn’t mean...

Cari: Keep it up ya geek and I’ll break your fingers.

Scanning back to the announce table, a quiet hush fell over the announcers as they waited for the countdown to “On Air”, nevermind they’ve been on for a couple moments. Cari munched away at a monstrous wad of gum while staring at her counterpart, who mindlessly scanned his spreads and sheets, preparing his data for the ensuing match.

Cari: Welcome back everyone, and for your sake I do hope you didn’t eat anything during that break, as here comes tonight’s dosage of pathetic niceties. So, before we start, get the Pepto and pray it’s strong enough.

Kenny: Did you know that Pepto...

Cari: Fascinating. Really...

Kenny: But you didn’t let me finish.

Cari: And you can be assured, there was a reason. Now, let’s get this one going.

Kenny: You don’t want to hear about Pepto?

Darkness. Silence. An audience quietly awaiting it’s next spectacle whispering from seat to seat, guessing and teasing at the outcomes and tricks to be used. Strobe flashes pulsed about the house, reflecting and arcing in the simulation of lightning. Enter Lindsay, walking out to the tones of Zep’s “Immigrant Song”, absorbing the sudden acclamation granted by the audience.

Cari: And here comes Lindsay, just look at this display. She’s been here what? Five minutes and already she thinks she can just scramble all the fans with some flashy displays and a song older than dirt.

Kenny: Lindsay is a newcomer to the sport...

Cari: Duh.

Kenny: Her record stands now at one win in singles competition, and a loss in tag team meetings.

Cari: Why Laura, who is much more proven than this rookie, would even grant such a...

Kenny: Neophyte? Rookie? Newbie?

Cari: I was thinking, infant, into the ring with her, is just beyond me. I would have never granted an “unproven” the opportunity, myself. To fight me was an honor, not some cheaply given favor.

Kenny: That would pertain to other things...

Cari: That was supposed to mean what?

Strutting confidently towards the ring, Lindsay took a couple moments to revel in the adoration of the fan, a smile riding high upon her cheeks while she slapped hands with as many as she could reach. Decked out in blue spandex shorts and sports bra, each emblazoned with silver lightning bolts and the word "Lightning" on the back in silver. Over top of the ensemble, a loose fitting blue shirt bore the words, “Lind’s Kids”, a slight advertisement. Stopping at the guardrails and removing the piece, she handed it to a brightly smiling youngster and winked to his glee. Finally sliding into the ring, Lindsay looked to an attendant and asked for a mic.

Lindsey: I'm sooo glad to be doing this tonight. This is the most important match of my career. And I want to thank my friend Laura for helping set up this event. Soooo sit back and get ready for a great match. And no matter who wins, the children are the ones who win in the end!

Cari: It’s the kids that win in the end... how touching. Someone, pass me a bag. I feel nauseated.

Spat the tempestuous brat, quietly hitting her head against the table. Kenny just smirked and offered a mark-out moment, giving a pair of thumbs up to the rookie challenger.

Kenny: Imagine what the kids who will benefit from this event feel right now...

Cari: Yes, tomorrow, they’ll tell all their Jerry’s Kid’s brethren that they’re all better because someone beat the crap out of someone else. Sounds like your hero, Mister Darwin would be highly upset.

The Angeltron crackled to life showing the huge plexiglas box filled with the donations made to the Charity Challenge Championship. Two of BRA's crack security team stands guard over it. Lines of people, mostly children, are dropping money through a hole in the top of the container, making the pile of bills, coins and checks grow even higher.

Kenny: Isn't that a wonderful sight? My sources indicate that the jackpot is easily approaching, if not topping the fifteen thousand dollar mark.

Cari: It just proves the old saying.

Kenny: Which one? Do you mean the one about charity starting at home?

Cari: No the one about a fool and his money.

Kenny: I don't think I know that one.

Cari: Hmmm. Let me tell you about this bridge in New York I just inherited. I think you may want to buy it.

Interrupted by a change of the screen, Laura Parker with Jenna Jamestown, chatting up on the effects of this matchup.

Jenna: Laura, it is a pleasure meeting you.

Laura: I am so thrilled at the public's reaction to the Charity Challenge Championship. I never dreamed that Linda and I could raise so much money.

Jenna: That's Lindsay . . .

Laura: Whatever. I am so proud to see all my fans come through for me. I will not let them down. This will be a clean match and the fans will be treated to a display of sportswomanship. No matter whose hand is raised at the end of the match, the real winners will be the kids that we have raised this money for.

Jenna: Thank you, Laura Parker, and good luck tonight.

Laura: Thank you for allowing me to be interviewed by you, Jean.

Jenna: That's Jenna.

Laura: Whatever.

The images faded, leaving only the impressions on the minds of those in attendance.

Cari: How could Laura stoop so low as to do something like this?

Cari lamented, shaking her head in disgust before the entrance of the second participant and with that, The lights fell again. Duran Duran's "Girls on film" begins to play through the speakers. A spotlight picks up Laura Parker. She wears a strapless floor length, Alexandria Parker original, gown. Her hair is worn up in a twist with a tiara in it. Accompanied by her agent William Wienersnitzel, Laura smiles to the crowd with that perfect beauty queen smile of hers, the spotlight reflects in little gleams off her teeth. She bounces along with the time of the music to the ring. She walks up to the ring and enters it alone. She walks around the ring posing and waving to the fans very much the Beauty Queen. She stands with her back to Willie. Willie removes the tiara from Laura's hair. Willie unzips her dress and removes it to reveal her wrestling costume. She wears a white bikini top with matching white spandex pants. The white of her costume shows off her perfectly tanned body. She completes the ensemble with white knee high wrestling boots and white elbow pads. There are silver threads in each so that they reflect the lights of the arena.

In a show of good sportsmanship, Lindsay quickly crossed the ring to give her opponent a good luck hug and a tender smile, truly wishing for the best woman to win. Laura gave her normal, emotionless, horse toothed, glamour girl smile and wished desperately that Lindsay would let go, fall over, and die. Not getting her wish, she settled quietly for watching her opponent return to her corner for some last minute stretching.

Cari: Tell me the cuteness is over...

Kenny: Well, after some research, I am sure that our marketing department saw that with increased levels of friendly competition, they could tap a market that wasn’t so reliant solely on the need for blood. I figure those numbers to be almost 3 percent higher, which would add at least a tenth of a point to our total...

Cari: I’m not sure what’s worse... them, or you? Cutesty and Fair... Dull and Geeky? Sounds like one of our tag teams. Anyway, let’s see this thing get going. If we’re lucky, a fan might jump in and draw blood.

A ring of the bell is met with the obligatory circling in the middle of the ring, each woman’s eyes affixed to the other to search for a flaw, an opening, a weakness. Lindsay is the first to bite, sweeping in a with a quick clothesline over the head of a ducking Laura, who darts towards the ropes and comes back off. Lindsay hits the canvas and Laura steps over, Lightning back to her feet and then springing into the air to again watch Laura duck the attack.

Lindsay fell to her back, rolling up for an attempted monkey flip which was met with a rolling dive from the veteran who stood back to her feet, arms raised to the adoration of the crowd, both women having yet to touch the other. Laura looked a bit annoyed with this turn of events and with Lindsay’s pride, but shrugged it off when she felt eyes turned her direction.

Offering one hand in the air, the universal sign for “Hey, Let’s Tie Up!” Laura waited for her foe’s response, which was to do the same. Stepping closer and hunkering over, both women tapped fingertips in an attempt to mentally play with their opponent, finally locking the fingers of one hand. Eye to eye, hand in hand... they raised the other in almost the same fashion, the women’s other hands slowly asserting the same grip upon one another.

Pressing chest to chest, the women clenched their teeth and fought to get the first advantage in what was starting to look like a much longer and bitter battle than either was really hoping for.

Kenny: The numbers say that Laura’s giving up around ten pounds to her opponent, but I would think her experience could easily make up that difference. The average weight of Laura’s opponents seem to center right at her own, but her experiences against heavier opponents have yielded very promising results.

Cari: In other words, She’s holding her own rather easily because if you’re paying attention to her left foot, you’d see she’s standing on Lindsay’s.

Kenny: Well... I was commenting on this display, actually.

Laura’s stature began to falter, the force of her opponent finally starting to overwhelm her frame. With a quick thought, Laura fell to a knee, dropping Lindsay’s chin across her shoulder in a move reminiscent of “The Bareback” an inverse stunner of sorts, but definitely breaking the hold and giving Laura an upper hand. Clutching her knee for a moment, Miss Parker pretended not to notice that her “fall” had any impact upon her friend/opposition.

Kenny: Oh, that was a nasty fall. I hope Laura’s alright.

Laura quickly got back to her feet and looked at Lindsay, offering her hand to the recovering woman as an apologetic sign. Lindsay shook her head and stared questioningly before taking the offered hand. Laura pulled forcefully upon the down woman, not only pulling her to her feet, but over her own, tripping her back down, face first to the canvas. Laura, in a moment of feigned shock and surprise, bent over quickly to check on her opponent, “slipping” and falling with a remarkably aimed knee drop to the back of the prone target.

Lindsay cried out in pain from the attack, her breathing slowed as she eyed her opponent, now backing away with a look of guilt across her features. Slowly, albeit maybe too late, Lindsay was beginning to see exactly what she was in the ring with. Getting back to her feet, Laura’s whispered apology did little now. It was on.

Laura put her hand up again, smiling demurely at the prospect she could possibly repeat her last bout of clumsiness.

Laura: Are you alright?

Laura questioned, getting a cautious nod from Lindsay. Lindsay reached up again, finger tip to finger tip before allowing their fingers to lace. Laura offered the second and Lindsay present her own, then quickly dropped to the mat drop with a drop toe hold, wrenching Laura’s still clenched hand behind her back in a tight hammer lock. Laura scrambled for ropes, forcing the break and leaving her soured.

Kenny: Great bit of technical skill from Lindsay, taking the veteran to the canvas.

Cari: Oh, looks like Goody Two-Shoes Barbie isn’t all she seems. Afterall, Laura was offering an honorable...

Kenny: Well, by the statistics, almost ninety five percent of ties ups that occur within a matchup, for the second time, by the same athletes, is someone trying to initiate and take advantage of the other character.

Cari: And Lindsay played it well.

Kenny: It’s called a pre-emptive strike.

Back in the ring, Lindsay had begun to take charge of the match, backing Laura into the corner with a series of forearms. Whipping her across the ring, Laura snapped hard against the protective turnbuckle coverings and stumbled slowly out only to be caught with a spinning heel kick from the rookie. Lindsay jumped across the ropes, falling back and over with a split legged moonsault across the former Tag Champion. Hooking a leg, her efforts were met with only a count of two.

Pulling Laura up by the arm, Lindsay hooked one arm over her head and lifted her opponent vertical and falling back in a picturesque suplex. Laura grunted with the impact, staring at arena lights while trying to the catch the very breath that Lindsay was determined to take from her. Blinking, the last thing she really wanted to see was the face of her opponent gazing down upon her.

Kenny: Well, it looks like the rookie has been doing some research on her opponent, she seems to have her scouted well.

Cari: Scouted well? What would you know? She’s using a barrage of very basic moves after a cheap shot, when in theory this is supposed to be a match of honor and respect. Shame on Lindsay. I hope her kids don’t take her too seriously as a role model.

“Helped” to her feet, Laura fell under a barrage of right and left hands, teetering after a fourth and finally collapsing against the ropes on the fifth. Trying to shake off the blows, Laura watched her opponent charge in and going with the natural instincts of gravity, fell, taking the top rope down with her. Too late to stop herself, Lindsay tumbled over the ropes and fell to the protective matting over the concrete. Laura slumped further, getting the much needed break.

Laura, with aid from the ropes, pulled herself back to her feet and watched over the ropes as her opponent did the same. Stepping away from the entrance point, Laura dashed back in with a well-placed knee against the re-entering Lindsay. Stopping her forward momentum, Laura delivered a quick forearm shot to her opponent’s back and yanked her into the ring, further whipping her across and into the ropes, sending Lindsay up into the air with a back body drop.

Climbing the ropes, Laura spun quickly and dove off, stretching herself out after a tight frog splash. Hooking a leg, Laura looked out to the thousands of “her” fans. The hand fell twice, but delivered no verdict as Lindsay’s shoulder came away from the mat. Shaking the hair from her face, Laura stood back up, Lindsay in tow, to continue this fight.

Wrenching Lindsay’s arm, Laura pressed down the shoulder with an elevated armbar. Forcing her opponent to step with her, she made her way towards the turnbuckle still pressing Lindsay’s arm in a direction it just wasn’t meant to go. Stepping lightly across the sagging ring ropes, Laura lined herself up in the middle and paused for the polite round of “boos” the fans rewarded her with.

Cari: Laura’s setting her up for something.

Kenny: My records indicate she’ll come off with a basic elbow to the shoulder. It’s what she does every time in this position. No variations.

Loosening her grip, Laura came off as spoken with an attempted elbow drop. Sensing the ease against her arm, Lindsay quickly turned the hold into a version of an arm drag, sending Laura down to her back. Lindsay got back to her feet, tenderly rotating her arm to test its mobility. Laura grumbled as she regained her feet, muttering to the referee something along the lines of “She pulled my Hair.”

Shaking off the previous encounters, the women circled again, a little more leery of the abilities of the other. Laura came in first, trying to bury her shoulder into Lindsay’s gut. Catching a glimpse of an opening, Lightning sidestepped and turned, wrapping her arms around Laura’s waste instead, then snapping her over and double, in a perfectly executed German Suplex. Pressing up on her back, Lindsay held for a bridge.

Cari: 1...2... Yes!

Exclaimed the excited Brat, giving a quick punch to Kenny’s arm when Laura breaks the pin attempt.

Kenny: You do know that it is our jobs to remain fair and impartial in calling matches, so as not to give a biased account to our viewers?

Cari: Are you saying I’m biased?

Lindsay pulled Laura back from the mat, looking to the crowd for a burst of energy and enthusiasm. A moment was all that was needed as Laura hooked onto Lindsay’s back and leg, lifting her into the air for a belly to back. Laura stumbled from signs of fatigue, her feet unsure. Unable to hold her opponent up any longer, Laura “Accidently” brought her opponent down, straddling the top rope and forcing a low groan from the lips of Lindsay Locke.

Laura collapsed in the corner and looked towards her manager for advice, guidance, and maybe a Diet Coke? Willie’s eyes were elsewhere, strained as he wishfully stared at a blonde woman in the front row. Watching Lindsay regain her feet, Laura went for the kill.

Snatching her hand out quickly, Laura brought back a hand full of toxic fuzz, better known the world over as “Willy’s Toupee.” Arranging it on her hand, Laura tried not to look at it, not to catch even a waft of the nauseating fumes. Lindsay stood to her feet, back to Laura, shaking her head to remove the last effects of the “mistake”. Laura reached back her hand in a melodramatic effort, her hand masqueraded as Mini-It, the other hand tapping Lindsay on the shoulder.

Cari: It’s over! Eat Furburger!


Cari: What? Furburger?

Kenny: Wait a second, what’s Willy doing?

Lindsay turned back around to watch the living rug come towards her and her gaping gullet, only to gasp in relief as Willy reached over the ring to snatch the beast, resulting in a minor tug of war. Shaking off the shock and checking for her opportunity, Lindsay waited for the end of the tug of war.

Laura’s attention had left the ring at the moment, most unhappy that Willy would interfere and stop what would have likely been the deciding factor of the match. Willy threw his weight behind his final effort, yanking the piece from Laura’s hands and taking a violent bump through the bell table. Laura smirked satisfactorily and turned back around, right in the waiting arms and fireman’s carry of Lindsay Locke.

Cari: This looks bad.

Kicking and fighting, Laura found herself hauled into the middle of the ring and then swung out and dumped in a Spicolli (R.I.P) Driver from Lightning Lindsay Locke. Lindsay jumped to her feet and signaled for the end, sensing the end. Looking down at the dazed Laura Parker, Lindsay quickly hurried up the ropes and raised her arms in the sign of victory, waiting for the fans to chime in and release her.

Louder they grew, standing from their seats as they prepared to witness the “Lightning Strike”. With her arms outstretched, Lindsay leapt from the turnbuckle, end over end, driving an elbow into the freshly revealed canvas where seconds before Laura Parker had lain. Lindsay grasped her elbow tightly, rolling on the canvas as Laura got back to her feet. Shaking the cobwebs loose, Laura drove a kick into the back of her opponent, then a second, then a third.

Laura threw her hair wildly from her eyes, and continued her onslaught, eventually pushing Lindsay from the ring once again. This time she wouldn’t wait and immediately went for the top rope. Lindsay pushed back to her feet and watched Laura come off. Sidestepping, she pushed a fist into the smaller woman’s gut, then brought her arms down across her back, sending Laura to the protective mats.


Lindsay leapt to the ring apron, then onto the middle rope, crashing down with an springboard moonsault to the downed Parker. Rolling around, both women were feeling the pressures.


Lindsay took to one knee, watching Laura roll away, gasping for air.


Lindsay followed, driving a sharp kick into the side of Laura and then scooping her up from the coverings, ramming her face against the apron.


Laura countered with an elbow the ribs and then a short clothesline, dragging them both back to the ground. Both women gasped for air, exhausted...


Lindsay stared at the ceiling with Laura’s arm draped loosely over her. Laura stared out towards the crowds, trying to get up and renew her offense.


Lindsay pushed the arm away, rolling from beneath the Sisterhood Member. Laura forced herself to one knee, eyes cast towards the recovering opponent.


Both women grasped the bottom ropes, attempting to pull themselves up and back into the ring to break the count.


Both women had now climbed to the apron, unsteady on their feet. Laura moved closer to Lindsay, swinging her arm wildly to knock her opponent’s chance of victory out of reach. Lindsay reciprocated, battering at Laura as both women struggled to get through the ropes.


Lindsay swung another shot across the back of Laura, knocking her off the apron and to the floor watching in horror as Lindsay shot between the ropes. A final effort from Laura as she grasped at straws, or more literally, Lindsay’s legs firmly yanking one from it’s base on the apron.


Lindsay crashed to the ground beside Laura, having never made the one step that granted the victory or continuance. Both women gasped in horror as they heard the fateful ringing of the bell, signaling the end of the match.

Cari: What? It’s over? Just like that?

Kenny: Yes... I would say it is, so that means... it’s a tie? They split the money? Let’s get the official decree and bestowing of the money.

Cari: Oh, here goes the way too sweet act...

Standing outside the ring, Laura and Lindsay both look at each other and shake their hands, congratulating each other with a firm hug while the audience cheered them on. The audience’s applause and cheering begins to quiet down, the impatience starting to present itself as all waited for the decree and splitting of the money. Finally one of the BRA security guards, that was seen earlier guarding the money, runs into the arena. He is bleeding from a large gash on his head. He runs into the ring and grabs the microphone.

Security Guard: The money for the Charity Challenge Championship has been stolen out of the lobby of the BRA arena... if anyone knows anything, please stop by a security desk and let us know.

With a wave of the man’s hand, four police officers lead by the mammoth known as KillDozer, climbing into the ring. Shaking his head, Killdozer allows the men to cuff the women and lead them away...

Winner, Neither. Double Countout. 1

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