Samantha Staffer


Sensational Shea London

(As soon as the television cameras come in live at the BRA arena and fireworks and explosions go off all across the arena. The crowd is standing up cheering for another great night of wrestling action.)

Kenny: Okay fans welcome to another great show of the BRA some of the greaest wrestlers in the world.

Cari: And home to the greatest announcer in the world.

Kenny: That was my partner Cari� The Brat� Trammel and I am your host Kenny Harbour and Cari according to my computer we are going to have another great night of wrestling.

Cari: Your computer. Please give me a break. I cannot wait to get this show started because right off of the bat we have two goody two shoes going to ripp each other apart.

Kenny: Well my computer says this is going to be a very good scientific match.

Cari: What have I told you about that computer. Do not make me put it somewhere you will not like.

Kenny: Well Cari I think we are ready to bring the girls down to the ring and get this match started.

(The house lights go dim to black as Elton John�s �Made in England� begins to play over the PA system. Shea steps out from behind the curtain wearing a red one piece with a union jack depicted on the front and red boots. Shea starts jogging down the aisle, slapping hands with the fans, her speed is increasing as she approaches the ring. Trailing a bit behind her is a here to fore unseen young lady, barely out of high school by the looks of her, with long dirty blond hair and, round innocent blue eyes. Reaching ringside, Shea slides under the bottom rope, rolling up, and then springing onto her feet, arms stretched into the air. The other girl looks on from ringside, smiling brightly.)

Kenny: Well Shea has brought one of her young fans to the ring side area with her.

Cari: I hope Shea does not let her down or anything like that. That would be very mean and would more than likely break the poor girls heart.

Kenny: Have you always been that mean?

Cari: For as long as I can remember.

(Once again the lights go dim and Samantha struts out to Queens � Another One Bites The Dust�. Images first fight flash across the jumbotron. She is dressed in a skintight short suit with black tall leather boots, her hair is braided in a single braid down the back to keep it out of the way. She looks very cool and confident and acknowledges the crowd with a wave and a smile as she gets ringside and steps through the ropes and into the ring.)

Kenny: With Samantha in the ring standing in her corner talking to the referee, we are getting close to starting this match. Cari, what does Samantha have to do to win this match.

Cari: Well Samantha has to use her size advantage on Shea. But I really do not think this match is going to be that good now that I think about it. Both girls probly do not want to hurt each other. I am going to get a beer and I will be back after this match.

Kenny: Sit down you have a job to do. And I think that this will be very exciting. There does not have to be blood in every match.

Cari: Is that your computer telling you that?

Kenny: No this is my opinion. I do have one from time to time.

Cari: Well I am shocked.

Kenny: Well the referee has just got done giving his final orders to both ladies and he singals for the bell.

Ding, ding, ding,

(As the bell ring both ladies step out of their corners and circle each other. As both girls stop and look at each other Samantha goes for a collar and elbow tie up but Shea ducks underneath and runs into the ropes. Samantha startled turns around to find out where Shea went. Shea rebounds off of the ropes and catches Samantha with a drop kick right to the face that drops the red headed lady to the mat.)

Kenny: Well Samantha got caught by surprise with that one.

Cari: That is the best way to learn your lesson.

( Shea pulls Samantha up to her feet by her long red hair. Samantha still a little winded takes a deep breath as Shea sends her running across the ring. Once Samantha hits the ropes and turns around she notices Shea jumping in the air with a cross body block. Once Shea�s body hits Samantha her mouth opens up wide as she is caught in the air by Samantha. Samantha drops Shea across her knee and drops her to the mat.)

Kenny: Well that advantage was short lived by Shea. Now she is laying face down on the mat holding her back and Samantha is standing over her.

Cari: Samantha did a smart thing in using her size to her advantage.

(Samantha reaches over and pulls Shea to her feet who is still holding her back. Once Shea is on her feet Samantha throws her into the ropes and hits her with a big dropkick that puts Shea back on the mat. With Shea now laying on the mat holding her chest and trying to breath Samantha not wasting time pulls Shea up to her feet and places her in a full nelson.)

Cari: Shea is in serious trouble with this hold. It takes a skilled wrestler to break out of it. Shea is not that skilled.

Kenny: And I guess that you are?

Cari: Why yes as a matter of fact.

Kenny: Well Samantha is really putting the pressure on. Listen to Shea scream.

(With Shea trapped kicking and screaming the referee moves in to ask her if she wants to give. He asks only once and Samantha releases the hold as Shea stumbles away. As Samantha keeps her eyes on Shea watching for the right time, Samantha runs at Shea who is still staggering next to the ropes. Samantha jumps into the air and goes for a flying head scissors. Shea with the snap of a finger comes back around and ducks as Samantha flies over her head and hits the ropes then shoots her backwards to the mat. Shea gets up quickly and runs back against the ropes as she waits for the surprised Samantha to get back to her feet. Once Samantha still stunned gets up and turns around and then is decked to the mat with a clothes line that leaves the tall red hair holding her neck as she lay on her side.)

Kenny: This Shea is pretty tough. One minute ago I thought she was done for and now she has Samantha reeling.

Cari: Well anything can happen.

(Samantha who is now kneeling on her knees still hurt. Shea not wasting any time runs and jumps on the top rope and waits for Samantha to get to her feet. As Samantha stands up she lets a scream out as she sees Shea leap in the air. Shea catches Samantha with a flying moonsault from the top rope that knocks Samantha back to the ground staring at the ceiling.)

Kenny: WHAT a tremendous move by Shea. Samantha who is still not looking to good may really be in trouble if she does not do something to turn this thing around.

Cari: This one is over. Samantha you can tell is hurt in the ring. If you look at the way Shea is moving she is not going to let her heal to much.

(As Shea gets back to her feet and screams out to the crowd. She goes over to Samantha and again pulls her up to her feet by her long red hair. Shea grabs Samantha by the wrist and throws her into the turnbuckles where Samantha hits and ounces back and then leans back against the turnbuckle as she drops her head. Shea walks in a small circle and then takes off running at the slumping beauty. Shea leaps in the air and caches Samantha with another moonsault this time pressing her into the corner. As Shea hits the mat and rolls away Samantha slumps into the corner holding her chest with a serious look of pain on her face.)

Kenny: Another moonsault by Shea. She is really showing me a killer instinct tonight.

Cari: I am not surprised. Samantha and her red hair never really did impress me.

Kenny: You are never impressed.

Cari: So.

(Once again Shea not wasting no time runs to the corner where Samantha is still slumping. Shea grabs her and places her into a headlock and takes off running across the ring. Once in the center Shea leaps into the air and drives Samantha�s face into the mat with a bulldog that leaves Samantha on the mat breathing hard and her eyes are closed.)

Cari: I told you it was over.

Kenny: According to my computer this could be the first time that you have been right.

Cari: One more remark like that and I will put that computer in a spot that I know is right.

Kenny: I think this one is over.

Cari: I think I said that.

(The referee drops in and makes the count)




(Once the refefee singals for the bell Shea jumps up in the air and goes and helps her little friend in the ring as they receive the cheers from the fans. Samantha rolls over on her side still holding her chest as the referee check on her to make sure she is alright.)

Kenny: Well Cari, Shea used that killer instinct to win this one. She never let up on Samantha to let her recover.

Cari: Well I hope you will listen to me a little bit more. When I say this person is going to win that is who wins.

Kenny: Well you never said that Shea was going to win.

Cari: I did to you just was not listening.

Kenny: Okay if you say so. Ladies and Genlteman the winner of this match is Shea London. We will back in a few minutes.


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