What Does EveryBody Want?

(Suddenly "Oops!...I Did It Again" by Britney Spears begins to blare over the speakers.)

Kenny: Looks like we have a visitor!

Cari: (rolls her eyes) Oh..goody.

(The fans are on their feet as the reigning Miss BRA, Tiffany Lane, steps from behind the curtain, immediately showered in catcalls and wolf whistles. The curvaceous beauty wears a slinky, low-cut, black gown, showcasing her ample cleavage and sleek figure. She completes the look with black pumps and her luxurious, blonde hair graces the small of her back, in a cascade of corkscrew curls. She surveys the crowd, a smile upon her lovely visage, before sashaying to ringside. The Blonde Bombshell enters the ring with grace and elegance and motions for a microphone. Her request is immediately granted by a nearby attendant and Tiffany waits for her music and the crowd noise to die before speaking.)

Cari: What's this all about? Doesn't she know that she's wasting valuable, air time?

Kenny: Shhh. Let "Miss BRA" speak. This might be important.

Tiffany: Hello, people. Your reigning "Miss BRA" has a very special announcement to make. You probably all heard the rumors and I am here to confirm. Yes, it's true. I, Tiffany Lane, will be be posing for Playboy Magazine!

Cari: Playboy!?! How classless!?! In my day, a woman wrestler was more concerned about learning new moves than taking off her clothes.

(Tiffany pauses as the crowd POPS! for the announcement. She waits for the last hoots and hollers to die before resuming.) Tiffany: Now, I know what you're all thinking. You're thinking that you all will finally get the chance to see me nude. You will finally get to see every part of this sexy, million dollar body.

(The crowd POPS! again.)

Tiffany: (smirks) Well, sorry to disappoint you, fellas, but you won't.

(A confused murmur moves through the crowd)

Tiffany: You see, after much thought, I decided that none of you were worthy of seeing my gorgeous body. None of you are good enough to see any more of "Miss BRA" than what I allow you to see! I'm far too classy to parade myself like a cheap hooker. If you wanna see some tramp take off all of her clothes, just go look for Lindsey Locke!

(The men in the crowd begin to respond with BOOS and HISSES.)

Cari: Ha! I love it! She gets them all hot and bothered and then delivers the big disappointment! I couldn't have done it better myself.

Tiffany: (rolls her eyes) Simmer down, boys. It isn't that bad. I will still be doing a lingerie special for Playboy. Granted, it won't be nude but I'm sure that you can all use your imaginations. Heck, I'm sure that you guys use your imaginations quite enough when you're with the haggard skank sitting next to you, picturing that she's me! But none of you could ever come close to getting "Miss BRA"!

(Tiffany laughs as the fans begin to BOO even louder. With a smirk, she begins to do a sexy dance, teasing and taunting the fans with each sensual movement.)

Kenny: How could she do this? How could she come out here and tease me? (grins sheepishly) Er...I mean the fans.

Cari: Well, she had better watch out because business is about to pick up!

(The crowd's boos suddenly become a mixture of shouts, warnings, and cheers as Gwen Jeru steps from behind the curtain. Gwen wears a crimson bra and white, long pants, completing the ensemble with sandals. The Spanish beauty stalks to ringside, ignoring the crowd's reaction. Meanwhile, Tiffany continues to taunt the crowd, unaware of Gwen's appearance.)

Cari: This is too good! "Miss BRA" is about to become "Miss Broken".

(Gwen slides into the ring and taps Tiffany on the shoulder. Tiffany turns and her emerald eyes grow as she spots Jeru. Tiffany tries to back away but is greeted with a boot to the stomach. As Tiffany bends at the waist, Gwen grabs her by the head and delivers a jumping DDT, the fans cheering at the chance to see some action.)

Kenny: Wow! What a DDT!?! Gwen is on fire!

(Gwen grabs a handful of Tiffany's blonde locks and drags her to her feet. She slaps the blonde model across the face before whipping her to the ropes. As Tiffany rebounds, Gwen greets her with a spinning heel kick, sending her flying across the ring.)

Cari: Ha! I told ya! "Miss BRA" is outclassed!

(As a dazed Tiffany tries to rise to her feet, Gwen grabs her by the head and delivers a fast power bomb, driving Tiffany's back into the hard canvas. Tiffany writhes on the mat, clutching her back at the feet of Gwen. Gwen looks out to the crowd with a grin.)

Kenny: Uh oh! It looks like Gwen is about to do something.

(Suddenly, Gwen grabs Tiffany's gown and proceeds to rip and pull at the expensive, flimsy garment. Tiffany shrieks in terror and tries to protect herself but to no avail. Gwen rips the gown from Tiffany's body, leaving "Miss BRA" clad only in her black, Victoria's Secret bra and panties.)

Kenny: Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Bra and panties! Bra and panties! Cari: (annoyed) Shut up, monkey boy. You act as if you've never seen a half-naked woman before. (looking him up and down) On second thought....

(Gwen holds the tattered gown up triumphantly as Tiffany struggles to cover herself, the catcalls and hoots almost deafening. Gwen points at Tiffany and says a few curses in Spanish before leaving the ring, tossing the gown into the crowd. Tiffany, still trying to cover herself, watches Jeru leave with a look of pure venom.)

Kenny: Uh oh! Tiffany looks pissed.

Cari: (laughs) I would be too if I just got embarrassed on national television.

(Tiffany snatches the ring attendant's jacket and covers herself as she angrily stalks from ringside, shouting obscenities at the jeering, leering fans.)

Kenny: Wow! I've never seen anything like that before.

Cari: (snickers) Gee, I can believe that!

Kenny: (ignoring her barb) We'll be back with more BRA action!

(The scene fades to commercial.)

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