Yvette Malreaux

Lisa Dream


Miss "The Ninja" Jones

Sandra "The Tiger" Blake

(The camera comes back from commercial and begins to pan the sold out house of the Battling Ring Angels Arena. The camera comes to a stop at the announcers' table where Cari is angrily yelling at the fans behind her. Kenny is busy with his computer.)

Cari: The same to you, MORONS!

Crowd: You suck! You suck!

Kenny: (looking up from his computer and smiling to the camera) Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. It seems that my partner is having a disagreement with her critics.

Cari: I don't think there is a room with a lower average IQ then a packed house for a BRA wrestling match.

Kenny: You are being much too hard on the average BRA fan. In fact my statistics show that the mean IQ of the BRA fan is 89. Not all that low.

Cari: If you don't shut up I will do something mean with your IQ.

Kenny: This next match is one of the strangest tag team matches I have ever seen. The partners seem to hate each other more than they do their opponents.

Cari: ArchAngel must have been smoking something different when she came up with these pairings. Just two weeks ago Lisa Dream tried to end Yvette Malreaux career by destroying her knee. Now they are on the same side. I wonder who the odds makers favor for being the first to stab the other in the back?

Kenny: According to my computer the latest book at Ceaser's has Lisa the most likely with 5 to 3 odds.

Cari: At last, something useful from that computer of yours.

Kenny: And let's not forget their opponents. Missy "the ninja" Jones and the reigning Hardcore Champ, Sandra "the tiger" Blake. There is some sort of business arrangement between Sandra and Missy's boyfriend Josh. But I don't think there is a lot of love there.

Cari: Yes, Sandra pulled some kind of business shenanigans and got the original owner of the business, Kimie Kurita out of the way. I knew there was something I liked about Sandra Blake.

Kenny: Here comes Missy Jones.

Cari: I hope that boring poet isn't with her.

(The entire arena goes dark. A yin-yang with a sword through it appears on the Angeltron, and a hush comes over the crowd. They know what's coming. Lights flash on and off quickly, as if there were lightning far in the distance. All is dark again, and nothing can be seen or heard but a low roll of thunder, followed by the sounds of an electric organ. Jim Morrison joins in with the Doors, singing "Riders on the Storm" and the lights pulse dimly. A figure clad in all black flies out from underneath the entrance ramp, eliciting oohs and ahhs from the fans. The Ninja jumps into the ring. Then another slender figure steps out and follows her to ringside, clad in a two-piece that is crimson on top and blue on the bottom. Gina Moore looks on intently as Missy tears off her uniform to reveal a charcoal gray one-piece that hugs her lithe figure tightly in all the right places.)

(Cari's face curls into a snarl as she sees the New York Poet stepping over the barricade at ringside.)

Cari: Oh great, I get to see the second biggest dork on the planet up close.

Kenny: Who's the first?

Cari: Check your sarcasm database. Dork.

Josh: It's people like you who make life unsafe for worthwhile literary expression, Cari. So please be silent, since I have a poem to read. Maybe you'll even learn something.

Kenny: My computer shows only a 23% chance of that happening.

Cari: (rolls her eyes) I'm surrounded by dorks.

Josh: This poem is for Lisa Dream, the biggest waste of words on this planet. -You want to believe -perfection lives within you -when you dream at night. -So they'll call you freak -for the rest of your life -and they'll be right.

(A soft roll of laughter comes over the crowd, as the Poet joins Gina Moore at ringside.)

Kenny: Interesting poem.

Cari: How can you call that poetry? It didn't even rhyme.

Kenny: Not all poetry has to rhyme.

Cari: That's what all the bad poets say.

(A tiger appears on the Jumbotron as Sandra comes out in a tiger stripped Brazilian cut one piece with black leggings underneath. She wears fingerless gloves and combat boots)

Kenny: Well one team of wrestlers is now in the ring. My computer shows that when tag team partners enter separately, they win only 19.2% of the matches.

Cari: You and you useless statistics.

Kenny: Statistics are very important for making predictions. Most intelligent people rely on them.

Cari: There are lies, damnable lies and worst of all there are statistics.

Kenny: Where did you hear that?

Cari: Mark Twain.

(The lights go out, as the fans boo, expressing their hatred of one of the most detested athletes in BRA. However, this does not deter her as Yvette appears from the curtain with a wicked smile for her fans and a nasty glare for her enemies.. Explosions and pyrotechnics erupt. Fireballs shoot into the air. As the first few bars of the French National Anthem play, the crowd is worked into a frenzy of anger, then suddenly the traditional music is cut off. A voice, in a French accent, with a seemingly innocent tone speaks out. "I'm not going to hurt you." Then there is the sudden and streaking sound of a whip cracking and the same voice laughs cruelty. The Angeltron explodes to life, showing scenes of terrorism, violence, sex, and clips of some of Yvette's greatest moments, followed by the Lords of Acid's �The Most Wonderful Girl.' Yvette appears from the curtains, clad in her white S&M style outfit with white crop and cape, then throws her head back, laughs and extends both arms, forming a �Y' (for �Yvette, of course). She twirls around for the fans to gaze. Yvette slowly makes her way to the ring. She scans the entire area with a look of pure sadism, almost challenging anyone to oppose her. )

Kenny: Wow! Yvette seems to be staring down Sandra and Missy. It is like she is warning them about something.

Cari: She is probably warning them not to help Lisa.

Kenny: Why would they help Lisa? They are on the other side.

Cari: In this match there are more than one side.

Kenny: What?

>font color=blue>Cari: Watch and learn, geek boy.

Kenny: Well, here comes the last of the wrestlers.

(All of the lights in the arena dim as flashing strobe lights highlight the entrance from the dressing room area. Smoke sweeps the entrance ramp as the jumbotron located above the Gates of Heaven displays a room with chains hanging from the ceiling, a black and white scene that the camera slowly moves through. The beginning of �SUPERSTAR', by Cypress Hill, plays over the arena's loudspeakers�then, as soon as the heavy guitars begin, there is an explosion of pyrotechnics, and Lisa Dream emerges through the smoke to a huge reaction to the crowd. Some boo her, some cheer her, but all make some noise in relation to the gothic beauty. Wearing her typical black leather halter top and black leather pants combination, Lisa looks at the crowd with a far off expression in her eyes while on the entrance ramp. She then makes her way to the ring.)

(As soon as she enters the ring, Lisa scowls at the referee (and whoever is in the ring at the time), and orders a microphone to be brought to her from ringside. It is quickly produced, and, surveying the crowd, Lisa raises the microphone to her black painted lips.)

Lisa: That's right, all you lucky little fans, you get to, once again, set your eyes upon my leather clad form and fantasize about what you all have come to love. You can all close your eyes and Dream of what none of you deserve to bear witness upon, and you may all cross your fingers in the vain hopes that these peons that I face will feed your frenzied hopes! Well, little darlings, you may have gotten lucky in the past�you may have seen more of my *perfect* flesh than any of you truly deserve, but that is NOT going to be happening here tonight! So you may as well rip up those tickets you hold so dear in your grubby little hands and walk out, because your All American Sweetheart is NOT going to show all of you what you so very much crave! What I wear tonight is what you will get�but do you not already admit that my leather clad form is far superior to any others in this sad excuse for a wrestling league? I am the ultimate image of human *perfection*, insignificants, and, dressed as I am, I am more than enough to inspire wet dreams and fantasies concerning my person! But I am not here tonight to discuss all of you, my fickle Dream-o-phobics! Though that is a discussion that could take up many volumes, the main focus tonight is on this very tag match, the tag match that is about to commence! All of you are wondering why I am aligned with the very woman who I have been fighting with for many weeks now�why I would choose to work with the very woman who orchestrated my disrobal in this very ring! Well, little darlings, I continue to mystify and intrigue all of your petty minds, but there is a purpose to every action, and Yvette came to me, asking for my forgiveness! Me, being the kind, considerate, caring woman that you have all come to know and love, chose to have mercy on her�and now, the two of us work together, for this one night only! Missy Jones, you hapless little peon, you dare to oppose the All American Sweetheart? You dare to insult her, you dare to disrespect her by making her lose to her own finishing manuever? When I put you through that table, it was only a sign of things to come, and, before this night is over, you will be thinking that that was a love slap! For I am going to toss you from one corner of this very ring to the next like the rag doll that you are, and I will relish your cries of mercy! Do you truly believe that Sandra Blake will help you? That Sandra Blake has the capacity to take on myself, and the leader of the Sisterhood? Little girls, you are trapped in the valley of the Dream, from which there is no escape, in which there is no mercy!

(This said, Lisa drops the microphone to the mat, and, backing up into a corner, Lisa reclines against the turnbuckle, a far off expression in her eyes as she waits for the match to begin.)

(Max Polk, the referee brings all four wrestlers into the center of the ring as he explains the rules of the match. None of the wrestlers seem to be paying attention to him. Instead they are eying each other suspiciously.)

Lisa: You insignificant peons. Do you presume to step into the ring with perfection?

Missy: It ain't your fault you're a psycho, but I'm still going to take you out, so dream that.

(Missy and Lisa take fighting stances but Max steps between them.)

Yvette: (To Sandra and Missy) If either of you two are hiding any kind of collusion with anyone, I would highly suggest that you reconsider now. This is your one and only chance.

(Missy looks suspiciously at Sandra. Lisa makes a show of being disappointed in Yvette's attitude.)

Lisa: I intend to keep my part of our bargain.

(The referee signals them to return to their corners. As Missy and Sandra walk to their corner, Missy whispers to Sandra.)

Missy: I don't know what kind of crap you pulled with Kimie, but you best keep your claws pointed at the other team, not me.

Sandra: You have nothing to fear from BRA's reigning Hardcore Champion.

(Across the ring Lisa and Yvette are also whispering to each other.)

Yvette: This is our one chance, Lisa. If you mess this up, then God help us all . . .

Lisa: I never "mess things up". Everything I do is well thought out.

(The bell rings and Yvette and Missy step out of the ring, leaving Lisa and Sandra as the first wrestlers in the ring. Sandra assumes a martial arts stance as Lisa takes on a brawler's pose. Sandra lashes out with a front snap kick but Lisa manages to side step it. Sandra quickly spins and delivers a back fist to Lisa face, causing her to yelp and back away. Sandra moves in with a punch that Lisa blocks. Sandra continues with a series of rights and lefts which Lisa manages to block. The assault by "the tiger" cause Lisa to back toward the ropes. Lisa jumps backward, spring boarding herself off the second rope. She spins in the air and wraps her legs around Sandra's head. A surprised Sandra is driven head first into the mat with a hurricanranna. Lisa brings Sandra to her feet with a handful of hair. She whips Sandra into the ropes and on the rebound. Lisa leaps into the air and drives her knees into the chest of Sandra, knocking her to the mat with an audible gasp. Lisa again brings Sandra to her feet and whips her into the ropes. Sandra grabs the ropes to keep from rebounding. Lisa leaps into the air again deliver a flying elbow but no one is home. Lisa hits the mat hard.)

Kenny: The action starts out fast and furious. Lisa had the advantage until that missed flying elbow.

Cari: Lisa will get the advantage back. Sandra is still reeling from those moves of Lisa.

(Lisa gets to her feet as Sandra moves toward her. Lisa hits Sandra in the belly with a punch that Sandra just shrugs off. Sandra grabs Lisa in a bearhug pinning both of Lisa's arms to her side. She squeezes tightly causing Lisa to groan. Lisa struggles as Sandra lifts Lisa's feet off the mat. Lisa strikes with a headbutt that nails Sandra on the nose. The tiger staggers but still maintains her bearhug. Lisa whips her head back to deliver another head butt but is stopped by Sandra executing an atomic drop on her. Lisa's mouth forms a *perfect* O as she rolls on the mat, massaging her wounded area. Max Polk gets into Sandra's face cautioning her about the low blow. Sandra begins to flirt with Max.)

Max: I won't allow any of those moves in this match. This is your first and . . .

Sandra: ( Batting her eyelashes at him.) My, you are a handsome referee.

Max: What?

Sandra: I'll bet you date all the cool chicks.

Max: Well . . . uh . . . I . . .

(While Max is thinking of the right words, Sandra moves past him toward the still agonized Lisa. She grabs Lisa by the hair, but screams and releases it as Lisa drives a fist into her groin. Sandra slumps to the mat on her knees. Lisa manages to struggle to her knees and is only a foot away from Sandra. She punches Sandra in the face. Sandra returns the favor with an uppercut to Lisa's chin. Lisa rocks back from the punch. She sends another punch to Sandra's chest. Both wresters remain on the knees delivering punches to each other. They both connect with right hooks at the same time causing both of them to fall to the sides on the mat.)

Kenny: This match is looking more like a boxing match than a wrestling match.

Cari: The object is to hurt your opponent. And punches are a very effective means of doing that.

Kenny: But closed fist punches are illegal. The ref is trying to stop them but they don't seem to be listening.

Cari: Max has always had problems getting women to notice him.

Kenny: Both wrestlers are slowly crawling toward their corners. I wonder who will be the first to tag in?

Cari: I wonder if their partners will allow them to tag out.

(Both Lisa and Sandra reach their respective corners at the same time. To the surprise of the fans both are able to tag out to their partners without incident. Yvette and Missy enter the ring and take martial arts poses.)

Kenny: This should be an interesting match up. Both wrestlers use different forms of martial arts.

(Yvette punches towards Missy but Missy spins and grabs Yvette's arm. She arms drags Yvette and then hits Yvette in the head with a round house kick. Yvette staggers backward. Missy moves in with a flurry of chops to Yvette's chest and head. The Marquise manages to block most of these but a few get through with telling impact. Missy spins to deliver an elbow to Yvette's face but she ducks and delivers a savate kick of her own to Missy ribs. Yvette quickly fires off another kick that hits Missy just below her sternum, driving the air from her lungs. Missy doubles over and staggers backward. Yvette grabs Missy from behind and takes her up and over with a belly to back suplex. Missy hits the mat hard. Yvette bridges up forcing Missy's shoulders to the mat. The ref drops to the mat but Missy flips out of the pin attempt before he can slap the mat once. Both wrestlers get to their feet at the same time. Missy has her back to Yvette as Yvette moves in on her. With lightening reflexes Missy sends a right reverse elbow into the noble stomach of the Marquise. Yvette doubles over with a yelp. The ninja then drives a right uppercut elbow into Yvette's chin, causing her head to snap back. Missy sends a right cross elbow into Yvette's chest.)

Cari: A nice combination of elbow blows by Jones has Malreaux reeling.

Kenny: According to my figures, Missy specializes in these type of combination moves.

(Yvette staggers backward from the onslaught of elbows. To keep her advantage the Ninja moves quickly and grabs the Marquise's arm. She whips Yvette into the ropes and on the rebound, drives her to the mat with a spinning heel kick. Yvette hits the mat hard and rolls onto her side, massaging her jaw. Yvette takes Missy down by kicking her foot out into the back of Missy's knee. Both wrestlers get quickly to their feet. Missy charges in but Yvette sidesteps. Yvette grabs Missy around the waist from behind and hooks one of her legs. With a grunt, Yvette lifts Missy off the mat until her back is parallel with the mat. The Marquise throws Missy into the air and Missy crashes to the mat on her back.)

Kenny: That was an interesting move by Yvette. I thought she was going for an atomic drop. I don't know what that move is called.

Cari: It's called an atomic throw. Don't you have that in your computer?

Kenny: (Scrolling down his screen.) No, I don't.

Cari: Maybe some day you will have useful information in that thing.

(Missy rolls on the mat, rubbing her sore back. Yvette takes the chance of going to her corner, She talks briefly with Lisa before tagging her in. Once again the fans are surprised by Lisa allowing herself to be tagged in.)

Cari: Damn! What's the matter with those two?

Kenny: I don't think anything is the matter with them. They seem to be working well as a team.

Cari: Don't tell me that they actually plan to cooperate? I've been waiting to long to see them backstab each other.

(Lisa runs into the ring and jumps to the second rope, she performs a perfect moonsault and lands on the still aching back of Missy Jones. Lisa rolls her over and plants one hand on Missy's chest in a lazy pin attempt. Missy easily kicks out. Sandra is in her corner yelling for Missy to tag out. Missy rolls to her feet and runs toward her corner with her hand out. Sandra holds her hand out, but before Missy can tag it, Sandra pulls her hand away. Missy looks stunned as she is nailed from behind by Lisa with a drop kick. Missy hits the ropes and falls backward to the mat. Lisa brings Missy to her feet and whips her into the ropes near Sandra. Once again, Sandra pulls her hand back just before Missy can make the tag. Missy grabs the ropes to keep from rebounding. Lisa moves to her but is met by a side kick to the chest. Lisa is stunned by the surprise move. )

Kenny: Missy seems to have trouble making the tag with her partner.

Cari: It's what I expected. Sandra is refusing to be tagged in. She is leaving Missy to take a beating.

Kenny: Well, Missy seems to be giving as much as she gets. Missy scoops Lisa up for a body slam.

Cari: No! Missy extends her knee and brings Lisa down on it in a shoulder breaker.

Kenny: Lisa is screaming in agony and holding her left shoulder. Missy scoops her up again and drops her down with another shoulder breaker, this time on her right shoulder.

Cari: Lisa is on the mat trying to flex the pain out of her shoulders. Missy goes to her corner and finds nobody home.

Kenny: Where is Sandra? Oh, there she is, She's standing and talking with Missy boyfriend, Josh the Poet.

Cari: She isn't just talking, she's flirting with Josh.

Kenny: I wouldn't go that far.

Cari: Missy seems to think that something is going on. She has gotten out of the ring and is yelling at Sandra.

(As Missy and Sandra argue outside the ring, Lisa is finally able to get her shoulders to follow the commands of her brain. She gets to her feet and walks to ropes to see what is going on with Missy and Sandra. Lisa climbs to the top rope and leaps off with a flying cross body block that hits both Missy and Sandra. All three wrestlers land in a heap on the concrete floor.)

Kenny: That was a crazy move by Lisa. I think she hurt herself as much as she hurt her opponents.

Cari: That is always a risk with moves like that.

(The three wrestlers begin to untangle themselves, Before any can get to their feet, Yvette is on them. Deliver kicks and stomps to Missy and Sandra. Yvette helps Lisa to her feet. They both grab Sandra and lift her up and over to the concrete floor with a double suplex. Missy gets to her feet and sees that her chances are better in the ring. She runs back into the ring and Lisa follows. Yvette forces Sandra's head between her thighs and wraps her arms around Sandra's waist. She lifts Sandra, inverted, into the air. Yvette raises one of her arms and drives her fist into Sandra's crotch as Yvette falls to her knees in a tombstone pile driver, driving Sandra's head into the concrete floor.)

Cari: Yvette just executed her finisher "the third estate" to Sandra. I don't think she will be getting up from that soon.

Kenny: That is a vicious move in the ring. On the concrete floor it can be deadly.

Cari: What is that idiot ref doing?

(Instead of refereeing the action between Lisa and Missy in the ring, Max has gotten out of the ring and is forcing Yvette away from Sandra. Yvette grudgingly goes back to her corner. In the ring Missy has kicked Lisa in the stomach causing her to double over. She puts Lisa in a headlock and drives her to the mat with a DDT. Lisa heads bounces from the impact with the mat. Missy rolls her over and goes for the pin. The referee is still outside the ring tending to Sandra, who is now standing on wobbly legs. Missy's yells and gets Max's attention. Max runs into the ring and slaps the mat once before Lisa is able to kick out. Missy yells at Max, reminding him that it is what's in the ring that matters, not getting dates. Lisa gets to her feet and Lisa offers a test of strength. Lisa raises her arms in the air daring the Ninja to accept. The Ninja smiles and raise her arms just as she shoots a foot out which connects with Lisa's unprotected belly. Lisa squeals and doubles over. Missy places Lisa in a front headlock. Before she can do anything else. Missy screams and falls to the mat, holding her groin. Lisa has rammed a fist into it.)

Kenny: Another low blow from Lisa stops Missy's well-planned attack.

Cari: That is why she used it.

Kenny: Lisa lunges across the ring and tags in Yvette.

Cari: And Yvette lets herself get tagged in. Damn I hate this. These two have had any chances to stab each other in the back and they haven't. It looks like they are going to fight this one clean.

Kenny: I don't think that I would call either Yvette or Lisa "clean" fighters.

(Missy looks to her corner and sees that no one is there as Yvette enters the ring and moves toward her. She walks gingerly around the ring trying to relieve the pain in her nether regions. Yvette attempts a roundhouse kick that I dodged by Missy. Missy chops at Yvette's throat but is blocked by the noblewoman. Yvette grabs Missy's arm and whips her into the turnbuckle. Yvette follows her into the corner with a belly to belly turnbuckle smash. Missy groans from the impact. Yvette steps back to deliver more damage, but a lightening like kick by Missy to Yvette's knee causes her to scream. Yvette limps out of the range of Missy's feet. Missy comes out of the corner and grabs Yvette in a wrist lock. Missy delivers a roundhouse kick to Yvette's stomach causing her to double over. The Ninja lets go of the wrist lock and leaps into the air planting a bionic elbow to the back of Yvette's neck. The Marquise is driven to the mat by the force of the blow. Yvette gets to her hands and knees. Missy moves to Yvette's head and places a nerve hold on her neck. The Marquise screams in agony over the hold and yells a stream of French curses at Missy. The Ninja maintains the hold as Yvette grabs at her hand, trying to break the hold. The ref asks Yvette if she wishes to submit, but the proud aristocrat refuses.)

Kenny: I don't know how much longer the Marquise can survive under the pain of that hold.

Cari: She won't have to much longer because here comes her partner Lisa Dream.

(Lisa runs across the ring and drop kicks Missy in the back. Missy is forced to break the hold as she crashes into the mat. Lisa runs out of the ring daring Missy to follow her. Yvette rolls on the mat toward a corner rubbing her sore neck. Missy begins to argue with the ref as her partner Sandra Blake comes to the same corner that Yvette is in. Sandra reaches one arm around each side of the ring post and grabs Yvette's feet. Before the startled Marquise can react, Sandra pulls Yvette's legs toward her. With a mighty heave, Sandra pulls Yvette so that her crotch is rammed into the ring post. The very ignoble scream of the Marquise draws the attention of the ref to what is happening. He walks to the corner and asks Sandra t please let go of Yvette. The Tiger winks at the ref as she lets go of Yvette's legs. Yvette tries to push herself away from the post but before she gets far, Sandra grabs her legs and rams Yvette into the post again. A bloodcurdling scream erupts from Yvette at this new assault. Again the ref tells Sandra not to do that. Sandra smiles at Max and he seems to melt. Missy bends down and puts Yvette in a wrist lock. While she is bent over, Sandra reaches into the ring and taps Missy on the back. The ref signals that a tag has been made. Missy forces Yvette to her feet and both Missy and Sandra grabs her and send her over in a double suplex. Yvette hits the mat hard. Missy exits the ring as Sandra grabs Yvette by the head and pushes Yvette's head between her thighs. She wraps her hands around Yvette's middle and lifts her, preparing for a pile driver.)

Kenny: It looks like Sandra intends to use Yvette's own finisher on her.

Cari: Don't count out that crafty French woman yet. Yvette has her legs wrapped around Sandra's head.

(Yvette manages to get her head free and send Sandra down to the mat with a modified DDT. Sandra lies stunned on the mat as Yvette slowly and painfully gets to her feet. Yvette forces Sandra to her feet drags her to the turnbuckle. She rams the Tigers head into it. She does it again and again. Finally Sandra grabs the ropes and stiffens her arm, blocking the attack. Yvette tries again and again Sandra blocks it. Sandra drives an elbow back into Yvette's gut. Yvette backs away holding her sore stomach. Sandra follows that up with a snap kick that catches Yvette in the face, snapping her head back painfully. Sandra moves in to deliver another kick but instead is het herself by a Savate kick to the chest. Sandra staggers backward. Yvette follows up with more savate punches to Sandra's head. Yvette plants Sandra in the mat with a swinging neck breaker DDT. Yvette rolls Sandra over and then climbs to the top turnbuckle. She raises her arms in the air forming a Y with them. Lisa reaches up and tags Yvette's hand. The ref sees this and signals that a tag has been made. The crowd boos as she leaps off the top turnbuckle and lands with both feet on the unprotected stomach of Sandra. The air is forced from Sandra's lungs in a loud gasp.)

Cari: Yvette is showing her skill as she performs her famous finisher, the French Tickler.

Kenny: That is an incredibly brutal move. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Sandra has some broken ribs.

Cari: I wouldn't be either. Now Lisa leaps off the top rope with a moonsault on Sandra.

Kenny: This is awful. This is just too brutal.

Cari: This is wrestling at it's finest.

(Lisa rolls Sandra up in a match book pin. At the same time Missy enters the ring and begins fighting with Yvette. Max Polk tries to get Yvette and Missy out of the ring, ignoring Lisa's pin of Sandra. Lisa slaps the mat in frustration as Max continues to try to get the other two to leave. He has separated Yvette and Missy but they are still in the ring. Missy slips past Max and delivers a spear to Yvette's stomach that sends both of the ladies out of the ring. They hit the floor and continue to punch and kick at each other while rolling on the floor.)

(Meanwhile back in the ring, Lisa has grown frustrated at Max refusal to count the pin. She rolls Sandra over and places her in a camel clutch. Lisa leans back as far as she can, holding tight to Sandra's chin. Max sees Sandra in utter agony. He asks if she submits. With tears in her eyes, Sandra nods yes. Max signals for the bell. Lisa holds the camel clutch for a little longer than necessary and then releases it.)

Cari: That's it! Lisa and Yvette have won by submission.

Kenny: It doesn't look like Missy and Yvette know the match is over.

(Missy and Yvette are still hitting each other with punches and kicks as the bell rings again. They stop. Yvette dives under the ring as Missy turns to see what happened in the ring. Yvette emerges from under the ring with something in her hands. She swings it and it strikes Missy across the back, tearing her clothing and leaving a cut across her back.)

Kenny: I can't believe this. Yvette hit Missy across the back with what looks like a barbed wire covered baseball bat.

Cari: Good move by the Marquise. It's a shame she waited until now for to use it.

Kenny: If she would have used it earlier, she would have been Dqed.

Cari: That's true. The way Max was treating Sandra all match, you would have thought that they were dating.

Kenny: Maybe Max is hoping for something like that.

(Yvette raises the baseball bat to strike again, but Missy friends, Josh and Gina rush her. Gina knocks the bat out of Yvette's hands. Josh goes to help Missy. Yvette, seeing that she can do no more damage, joins Lisa in the ring. Lisa grabs Yvette's hand and holds it in a victory pose.)

Cari: Well, you can knock me over with a feather. I thought for sure one of those two would turn on the other.

Kenny: You sound disappointed.

(Lisa releases Yvette's hand and leaps to the top rope striking a victory pose for the booing fans. Yvette turns to see what Lisa is doing when she is met by Lisa's two feet crashing into her face. Yvette falls backward onto the mat.)

Kenny: I can't believe it! Lisa just used her patented finisher the "dreammaker" on her own partner.

Cari: There are a lot of things I like about Lisa Dream.

(Lisa kicks Yvette's injured knee repeatedly. Yvette rolls on the mat in an effort to protect herself. Lisa continues to aim kicks and stomps at Yvette's wounded knee. Yvette lashes out with a sweeping leg that takes Lisa off her feet.)

Yvette: You fool! You know not the Hell that you have unleashed! I gave you a chance! Now you will pay in blood!

Lisa: Your insignificant threats don't bother *Perfection*. Did you think that I would ever forgive the insult you have given me? Tonight you will kiss my feet.

(Yvette has managed to scoot herself into a corner. She uses the ropes to get to her feet, but she puts no weight on her injured leg. Lisa moves in on her and kicks toward the injured knee again. Yvette leaps using her good leg and with the same leg kicks Lisa in the face. Lisa staggers back and Yvette follows her. The Marquise leaps again and attempts to kick with her good leg, but Lisa ducks under the kick and grabs Yvette's injured leg. Lisa twists the leg and Yvette screams as she falls backward onto the mat. The Goth girl wraps Yvette's legs into a figure four leg lock and falls back to the mat. The Marquise screams bloody murder as her injured knee is tortured even more by this move. The ref tries to get Lisa to break the hold but she ignores him. The Marquise pounds the mat with her fist in agony. Suddenly a figure in street clothes comes racing out of the wrestlers entrance and runs into the ring.)

Cari: Who is that?

Kenny: Hold on a sec. (Looking intently at his computer.) I believe that is Bianca Dupree. It says here that archangel has banned her from wrestling.

Cari: That sounds like my kind of wrestler.

(Lisa keeps the pressure on the figure four on Yvette's already injured knee. Tears of pain begin to flow from Yvette's eyes. Bianca slips into the ring unnoticed by Lisa and delivers a drop kick to the back of Lisa's head. Lisa is forced to release the figure four as Bianca untangles their legs. Bianca places Lisa in a head lock and forces her to a corner. She lifts Lisa so that Lisa is sitting on the topo rope. Bianca climbs to the second rope and then drives Lisa's head into the mat with a top rope DDT. Lisa lies stunned on the mat as Bianca helps Yvette to her feet and then helps her out of the arena.)

The Winners: LISA DREAM AND YVETTE MALREAUX, by submission. 1

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