3-Way Hardcore Match

Sensational Shea London


Skye Soaring Hawke

Kenny: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. This next match is a three-way match to determine the challenger for Sandra Blake's Fallen Angel hardcore title belt.

Cari: Humph! Hardcore title!

Kenny: Do you disapprove of the hardcore title Cari? I see that you never fought a hardcore match in your brief career as a wrestler.

Cari: I was too beautiful to risk my looks on something as barbaric as hardcore wrestling. It is only attractive to losers and skanks like the three who are wrestling here tonight.

(The Angletron comes to life interrupting Kenny and Cari. The picture is murky and it is hard to make out faces. It does look like the locker area of the Battling Ring Angels' arena. One person has his back to the camera. The other person faces the camera but her face is out of focus. She appears to be wearing a black and white striped halter top and black pants. In the corner of the Angeltron are the letters BHTV. The sound system caries the sound of the Angletron. The man hands the woman an envelope.)

Man: It's all settled right? 5,000 now and the rest when the match is finished.

Woman: (In a heavy French accent.) Oui. I know how to work this. I have done it before.

Man: Good. Just don't make it too obvious.

Woman: You have nothing to fear from me. I am a professional.

(The man laughs and walks away as the woman begins to count a large wad of bills. The camera fades.)

Kenny: What was that? It looks like someone is being paid to do some dirty work.

Cari: All work is dirty. That's why I like announcing.

Kenny: That woman looked like she was wearing a referee's outfit. Do you think that someone just bribed a referee?

Cari: It could be. I would never put something like that past Task.

Kenny: Task? DO you mean our head referee? She would never do something like that. Besides, this woman had a French accent.

Cari: It could be Task trying to disguise her voice.

(Cari and Kenny are interrupted again as the left side of the arena goes dark and the right side has all the lights pushed up. Suddenly white pyrotechnics hit at the entry, and the arena goes light. "War Pigs" by Black Sabbath plays as Janus, joined by Sasha and Brenda, stand at the entry. The crowd boos as the ladies walk to the ring. Janus scowls at them, as Sasha struts and taunts them. Janus and Sasha both wear long sleeve blue velvet shirts and black leather pants. They both wear cowboy boots, Janus' are blue and black while Sasha's are turquoise and yellow. Both ladies wear steel chain bracelets on their right wrists. Janus' black hair swings loose as she scowls at fans. Brenda wears a black T shirt that reads "The Hit Squad" on the back in blue letters. She also wears black leather pants and biker boots. She has biker tattoos all over her arms. All three of them enter the ring and Sasha produces a microphone while Janus and Brenda walk around the ring. )

Sasha: Hello boys and girls�the gang is here. And we want to say a special word to a little girl named Alex. Alex, you really are stupid, aren't you? Did you actually think that little mirror job would go unnoticed? Well Alex�no one damages Sasha's freak! We know you have a match tonight�and the whole gang is here�Jan�Brenda�The Assassin is in the back�and of course�The Dragon Lady! So you better keep it all in prospective big time! And remember�always look both ways before you cross The Squad! Tell 'em Jan!

(Sasha tosses the mic over to Janus.)

Janus: Fee Fie Foe Fum� Tonight I'll drink the blood of an English Woman!

(Sasha tilts her head back and laughs. The crowd boos lustily and throws things at the women in the ring. )

Janus: One little Indian thinks she's hard core�I stuck her with a fork and she was no more!

(The booing and debris continue.)

Janus: So send them!

(Janus throws the mic down in the center of the ring. Sasha and Brenda leave the ring and patrol the outside of the ring while Janus stands in the corner, staring at the entry.)

Kenny: Now that is one scary woman. I wouldn't want to meet her in a dark alley.

Cari: I don't like meeting her in broad daylight.

Kenny: And she has brought two friends into the arena to back her up and has a third back in the locker room. This match could get bloody.

Cari: This match will get bloody. It is a hardcore match.

Kenny: Well, yes that's true but I think it will be even bloodier than normal.

Cari: Just the way I like them.

Kenny: I thought you hated hardcore matches.

Cari: Only when I was in them. I love to see others bleed.

(The lights fade, and "Made in England" begins to blast over the PA system. Shea London and Tara Sawyer step through onto the walkway, but neither is in their usual outfits. Shea's wearing a dark blue suit coat and matching trousers, as well as matching bowler hat. She walks to the ring, carrying an umbrella which she uses almost as she would a cane. Just to her side, Tara is dressed in a black leather catsuit and matching boots. The two stroll down to the ring before Shea slides through the ropes, gets to her feet, and playfully removes the trousers and jacket, revealing her standard wrestling attire. She sets the umbrella and bowler down in her corner. )

Kenny: And the Sensational Shea London brings a companion.

Cari: That's because she is afraid of Janus and Skye.

Kenny: I don't blame her. I think Shea is the only one in the ring tonight with an elevator that goes all the way to the top floor. If you know what I mean.

Cari: I know what you mean and I have to agree with you. Sky and Janus are two of the scariest and most mentally unbalanced wrestlers in BRA.

Kenny: In the world I would say.

("People of the Sun" by Rage Against the Machine, blares over the loudspeakers as green pyrotechnics obscure the stage. Suddenly, out of the green fire, Skye Soaring Hawk, her jean vest, matching daisy dukes, and knee-high buckskin boots obscured by a floor-length leather duster, her face shaded by a flat-topped, wide-brimmed cowboy hat, strides down the aisle, a wide, insanity-tinged smile spreading across her face as she slaps hands with the screaming crowd. She slides under the bottom rope, tossing her duster to an attendant then throwing her hat to a lucky fan, finally sinking into the corner to wait for the bell. )

(Lynette Labrie, tonight's referee enters the ring and begins to give instructions to the wrestlers. She is wearing a black and white stripped halter top and black pants.)

Kenny: Isn't that the woman we just say on that tape?

Cari: No! Lynette doesn't look like that woman at all. She was taller.

Kenny: Lynette is from France, isn't she?

Cari: I believe she is. But the woman on the tape had a German accent.

Kenny: German? Are you crazy? That accent was French.

Cari: Will you quit worrying about that tape and get back to calling the match?

(The referee, Lynette LeBrie signals for the bell and the match begins. The three grapplers circle each other keeping a wary eye on there two opponents. The first to make a move is Janus, who lunges toward Shea. The Sensational one quickly dodges, getting out of the way of Janus' spear. Unfortunately for Shea, she is forced to turn her back to Skye, who takes the opportunity to drive her barbed wire wrapped fist into Shea's kidney. She screams and staggers away from Skye with a trickle of blood streaming down her back. Janus returns and grabs Shea around the waist as Skye backs away and into a corner. Janus increases the pressure of her bearhug as Shea feels the air being squeezed from her lungs. Shea struggles fiercely to break the iron grip of Janus. Her efforts fail as Janus lifts Shea off the mat. Shea's arms are free and she hits Janus with a slap to both her ears. Causing Janus to release the bear hug. Janus covers her ears and staggers about the ring. Shea takes the opportunity to gulp in large amounts of oxygen to replace that which the bearhug had forced out of her. Skye stands in her corner mouthing unintelligible words to the other fighters. Shea leaps at Janus and hits her with a drop kick that takes her off her feet. She brings Janus to her feet and whips her into the ropes. Janus reverses the whip and redirects Shea so that she is sent into the corner where she crashes into Skye. Janus follows that up with a corner splash into both of the wrestlers. All three go down in a heap. Lynette checks to see if any of the wresters shoulders are on the mat and then moves away, enjoying the action.)

Kenny: It looks like Skye's effort to let Shea and Janus beat the tar out of each other was foiled by that move.

Cari: Skye is the only one showing any intelligence in the fight.

(The wrestlers untangle themselves from the heap and get to their feet. Shea and Skye nod to each other as they each grab one of Janus' arms. They whip her into the ropes and then send her toward the ceiling of the arena with a double back drop. Janus lands hard on the mat on her back. Shea jumps on her and hooks a leg. The referee is rather slow to get to the mat and slowly checks each of Janus's shoulders to make sure they are on the mat. The crowd boos the ref's dilatory manner. She slaps the mat once. Janus has used the delay to regain her breath and kicks out before the two count. Skye goes back to her corner and watches the action.)

Kenny: Did you see how slow the ref was to make that count?

Cari: I didn't see anything wrong with what she did.

Kenny: I wonder if some friend of Janus paid her off.

Cari: Don't go making accusations like that. You can ruin a good ref's career saying things like that.

Kenny: I still think there was something very slow about that count.

Cari: Keep your suspicions to yourself and get back to calling the fight.

(Janus is just a second behind Shea in getting to her feet. Janus makes another move toward Shea, but the quicker Englishwoman is able to avoid her. Shea leaps to the second rope, springing off ii and flying through the air toward Janus. Janus sees her coming and moves to the side stretching her arm out in hopes of catching Shea in a clothesline. Shea extends her arm in an effort to take Janus to the mat with a flying clothesline. Both wrestlers connect and they are both driven to the mat with simultaneous clothes lines. Both wrestlers lie on their backs gagging from the clothes lines. Skye moves out of her corner and begins to kick both of the downed wrestlers. They both cover up by rolling into balls and trying to roll out of the way of the Native American's feet. The kicks land with sickening thuds bringing out screams of pain from the two downed wrestlers. For some reason Lynette Le Brie si cautioning Skye about the kicks. She and Janus both roll under the bottom rope and unto the arena floor to escape the assault.)

Kenny: What is the ref doing cautioning Skye? This is a hardcore match, she hasn't done anything wrong.

Cari: I'm sure that Lynette knows what she is doing.

(In the ring, Skye pushes the ref out of the way and moves toward the ropes. She is on the side that Janus is on. Skye screams something that makes no sense to anyone listening. Janus is bent over holding her ribs, sore from the kicks of Skye. With a final high pitched, unintelligible scream, Skye leaps over the top rope in a suicide planca. Janus looks up to see the Native American, soaring like a hawk toward her. Janus drops and rolls out of the way barely escaping the flying Hawk. Skye hits the hard concrete floor of the arena and lies still. Janus gets quickly to her feet and grabs one of Skye's hands. She begins to unwrap the barbed wire from it. She nearly gets it all the way off when she is sent to the mat by a flying DDT by Shea. The Sensational one had run around the outside of the ring and then leaped unto the barricade and run along it before leaping off and grabbing Janus' head and driving her into the concrete floor.)

Kenny: what a move by Shea. It reminds me of the Hardy boys.

Cari: Yeah, yeah, yeah. She got lucky.

Kenny: Lucky? A move like that takes a lot of skill.

( Shea brings Janus to her feet by means of a wrist lock and whips her into the steel steps. Janus hits them head first, knocking the top step off. Shea attempts to ram Janus' head into the ring post but Janus is able to block and reverse the move. Shea's head hits the ring post with a resounding clang. Skye has made it back to her feet. She sees Janus scoop slams the still groggy Shea onto the arena floor. Skye kicks Janus in the back, causing her to fall to her knees. Skye wraps her arms around Janus head and lifts her off the floor. She executes a spinning neck breaker on Janus. Janus rolls on the floor holding her neck. Skye bends over and grabs Shea by the hair. Janus rolls toward her and kicks out and up, driving her foot into the Skye's groin. Skye screams and falls to her knees. Janus is slow getting up. She takes a breather for a moment before grabbing a handful of Skye's hair and forcing her to her feet. She gets to her feet and drags Skye toward the announcers' table.)

Cari: Heads up! They're coming our way.

Kenny: (Looking up from his computer) Huh?

(Janus raises Skye over her head and slams he onto the table, shattering it.)


Cari: I knew there was something I liked about Janus.

( Skye lies in the shattered wood of the table and the remains of Kenny Computer. Shea has grabbed her bowler and runs up behind Janus, hitting her over the head with it.)


Kenny: That was a strange sound.

Cari: I think the English woman has a steel plate her bowler.

Kenny: It must be. Janus is barely able to stand after being hit by it.

Cari: Shea must believe in the theory, if at first you don't succeed, try again. Because that hat is coming down again on Janus' head.


(Janus sways once before dropping face first to the floor. Lynette has been watching the action from the safety of the ring. She watches as Shea rolls Janus onto her back and covers her for the pin. Lynette takes her time leaving the ring and walking toward the two. The fans begin to chant one, two three. But Lynette ignores them.)

Kenny: I can't believe this. Lynette has taken over two minutes to get to the wrestlers.

Cari: She has to be careful getting out of the ring. You wouldn't want her to hurt herself. Then there would be no one to make the count.

Kenny: She can be careful, but this is ridiculous.

(Lynette slowly gets to her knees and checks to make sure both of Janus' shoulders are indeed on the floor. She slowly raises her hand and strikes the floor once. She checks Janus' shoulders once again and slowly raises her hand and brings it down even slower. The fans boo this throwing paper cups and popcorn boxes at the ref. Lynette jumps to her feet and begins to yell at one of the fans. Shea continues to have Janus pinned to the floor. Shea screams as Skye grabs a handful of hair and yanks her off Janus. Skye lifts Shea above her head and walks to the steel barricade. She drops Shea so her neck hits the top of the barricade. Shea's head snaps back as she flops to the floor. Skye begins to kick her downed opponent.)

Kenny: I don't think those boots of Skye's are regulation. Shea seems to be reacting to them more than the force of the kicks would merit.

Cari: I think Shea is just a wuss that can't take the attacks of her opponents.

(Janus slowly sits up on the floor. She shakes her head in an effort to get the cobwebs out of it. Meanwhile Skye continues to rain kicks on Shea, until Shea is able to grab her foot. Shea twists the foot and Skye falls on her rear. Shea takes a moment massaging the bruises caused by Skye's beating. Janus gets to her feet and heads toward Shea. First she puts a couple of boots to Skye's head as she passes her. She grabs Shea and lifts her over her head.)

Cari: It's payback time for those hat shots from Shea.

Kenny: If we had an honest ref, Janus wouldn't even be in this match anymore.

Cari: The ref has been very fair in this match so far.

Kenny: I have some information on this Lynette LaBrie in my computer. It says . . .

Cari: That your computer is no more.

Kenny: (Looking at the pile of plastic and silicon that once was a laptop computer) I am complaining to ArchAngel about this.

Cari: Go ahead. In fact, why don't you go to her now? I could use sometime away from you.

(Janus releases Shea so that her neck will once again hit the top of the barricade. Shea reaches her hands out and grabs the barricade, performing a handstand before flipping her self over the barricade. The crowd cheers this display of quick thinking and athleticism shown by the English woman.)

Kenny: What a move by Sensational Shea London! That handstand saved her neck from another bruising.

Cari: I have to admit. That was not a bad move.

(Janus is furious at the escape just done by Shea. She reaches into her boot and pulls out a fork. She jabs it at Shea's forehead but She is able to dance backward, away from Janus. Janus climbs over the barricade. She has one foot on each side of it when Skye grabs her leg and pulls down on it. Janus screams as her crotch is rammed into the top of the barricade. Skye rams her barbed wire covered fist into the kidneys of Janus. S cut is opened on Janus back. She punches Skye in the face, forcing her Skye away from her. Skye moves back to attack Janus but Shea grabs a double handful of her hair and drives her head into the top of the barricade. Shea then gabs Skye's trunks and pulls her over the barricade and drops her to the floor. Skye and Shea are now on the audience side of the barricade while Janus is still stratling the barricade. Shea grabs Janus and lifts her up and slams her on top of Skye. She begins to kick at the downed wrestlers, not caring which of them she hits. Skye and Janus roll on the floor and separate. She goes after Janus kicking her repeatedly. Skye gets to her feet a little shaky. She moves behind Shea and wraps her hands around Shea's waist from behind. She raises Shea off the floor and brings her down across her knee in an atomic drop. Shea's face contorts in pain but she doesn't seem to be able to give to her pain. Skye brings Janus to her feet as Shea rolls in the aisle clutching her nether regions. Skye whips Janus toward the entrance door to the arena. Janus stumbles on the steps and falls down. Skye is on her kicking and stomping. Janus moans from the impact of Skye's boots on her body.)

Kenny: I think there is more to Skye's boots than meets the eyes.

Cari: You idiot! This is a hardcore match. Skye's boots probably have steel toes and heels.

Kenny: That's cheating!

Cari: Not in a hardcore match.

(Shea takes Skye down with a bulldog, driving her face into he steps of the arena. She gets to her feet and sees Janus slowly getting up. Shea nails Janus in the face with a jumping wheel kick. A cut opens on Janus face and blood flows from it as she falls to the steps. Skye rams her barbed wire covered fist into the thigh of Shea, causing her to scream and limp away from Skye. Skye gets to her knees and drives her other fist into Shea's belly, causing her to double over. Skye gets to her feet and scoops Shea up and slams her into the steps. Janus has her fork in her hand and rams it into Skye's forehead opening up a cash that spurts blood. Janus rams a closed fist into Skye's gut causing her to double over. Janus forces Skye head between her thighs and wraps her arms around Skye's waist. With a grunt, Janus lifts Skye upside down before pile driving her into the steps of the arena. Janus gets slowly to her feet but is taken down by Shea executing a huricanrana by jumping on the back of a fan's chair and leaping off. She wraps her legs around Janus's head and then drives it into another fan's chair. Shea lifts Janus over her head with a gorilla press. She turns in time to see that Skye has gotten to her feet. Shea throws Janus at Skye, but Skye is able to avoid the flying body. Janus hits that steps hard, lying there unmoving. Skye moves toward Shea, who runs to the doors of the arena. Both of them run into the lobby of the arena where the food vendors are. There are also several patrons there including a woman wearing a long black leather trench coat, large floppy hat and a pair of Gucci sunglasses. The woman seems to be watching the doorway instead of the wrestlers.)

Kenny: I think the officials need to get this match back into the ring.

Cari: Why?

Kenny: Some of the fans may get in the way and get hurt. Plus there a re a lot of glass and other items that may really hurt the wrestlers.

Cari: You really don't understand hardcore wrestling, do you?

Kenny: I had a lot of information about it on my computer but now it is wrecked.

Cari: Thank God for small favors.

(Shea and Skye take turns bashing each others head into the large table that holds the condiments. The table is solid steel but the force of their blows are causing it to become dented. Skye Whips Shea into the popcorn machine, smashing it. Shea staggers back as Skye grabs the hot butter dispenser and begins to spread the hot butter on Shea. Shea screams as her skin is scorched by the liquid. Skye throws the dispenser at Shea but she ducks it. Shea grabs the mustard dispenser and throws it Skye hitting her in the face, The glass shatters, cutting Skye's face and covering it in mustard. Skye screams as the combination of blood and mustard blinds her. Shea leaps on a table then leaps off with a flying drop kick that sends Skye flying over the beer counter and into the taps. The beer flows from the taps washing the blood and mustard from Skye's face.)

Cari: What a waste of good beer.

(Janus burst through the door and into the lobby. She is met by a mirror swung by the woman in the leather trench coat. The glass of the mirror shatters over Janus head, causing a few gashes to open in her forehead. Janus falls to her knees. Before the woman in the trench coat can react, Sasha and Brenda burst through the door and run at her. While swinging the mirror, the woman's hat has come off revealing a head full of luxuriant red hair.)

Kenny: I think that's Alexandria Parker.

(Sasha grabs Alexandria's coat to keep her from getting away. Alexandria unbuttons the coat and slides out of it, revealing a stylish lavender tea length gown. It is an Alexandria Parker Collection original. Alexandria runs toward the exit and an awaiting limo. Sasha grabs a ketchup dispenser and throws it at Alexandria. It hits Alexandria in the back of the head just as she leaps into the back seat of the limo. It speeds away as Brenda beats her hands futilely against the side of it.)

Kenny: Not exactly a glorious retreat by Alexandria.

Cari: She did what she wanted to do and got out. That is the smart way to do things.

(Janus is still on her knees trying to get the cobwebs out of her head. The beer has succeeded in washing the mustard off Skye's face, She takes a healthy swig of it and gets to her feet. Shea moves toward her, Skye reaches out and grabs Shea's arm. She tries to whip Shea into the cotton candy machine. Shea's buttered-covered arms are too slippery for Skye to get a grip on and her hands slide off. Before Shea can react, She slams a fist into her belly doubling her over. Skye puts Shea into a headlock and then falls backward DDTing her into the floor. Shea's head hits the floor hard and she flips over onto her back. Skye climbs on top of a counter and does a frog splash onto Shea. Shea barely reacts to this. Skye hooked a leg and pins Shea to the floor. The referee comes from out of nowhere and counts.)




Kenny: Skye has eliminated Shea!

Cari: What a lucky break. Kenny: I think Skye is showing a lot of skill.

(Skye leaps to her feet and begins to celebrate her pinning of Shea. She is still leaping in the air when Janus nails her with a boot to the back. Janus grabs Skye and executes a face first spine buster on her. Skye hits the hard floor and doesn't move. Janus rolls her up and pins her shoulders to the floor. Lynette LaBRie quickly gets on the floor and slaps it three times.)

Kenny: Lynette sure made that count a lot faster than when Shea had Janus pinned.

Cari: I don't see anything wrong with any of her counts.

Kenny: I think she was bribed.

Cari: You better be able to back up those accusations.

Kenny: I had it all on my computer.

Cari: And that is no more, thank God. It doesn't matter anyway. The ref has raised Janus hand in victory. She will be the one to challenge Sandra Blake at the next PPV for the title.

Kenny: We have to go to commercial.

The winner: Janus, by pinfall.

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