Elimintion Match

Celestial Title Tournament

Match 4

The cheers of the fans and the sea of signs filled the cameras as they cut back from comercial. They were fired up for the final match of the evening. The final match of the first round of the Elimination Tournament! The cameras panned around the arena before settling on the two announcers who are chatting amongst themselves. They turna dn look to the camera.

Kenny: Hello again everyone! Welcome back to what has been a very exciting evening for the BRA!

Cari: It is the final show before the PPV and the last elimination match is yet to come. Let�s see who the next loser is to get into the finals.

Limp Bizkit's "Break Stuff" begins to play as the Angeltron comes to life, flashing in large red letters, BITCH. Pictures of Alexandria Parker destroying opponents flash onto the screen, showing some of her greatest moves, concluding with a montage` of her flipping of the audience, scowling at 'fans' and screaming at officials. In short, being, well�a bitch. An explosion occurs from the back and the lights go off, with fireworks as the next visual treat. Heat pours over the first few rows by the ramp. The lights come back on and she is seen with her head thrown back in dramatic and sinister laughter. Wearing a red, floor-length gown from her Parker collection, she brushes past the booing fans ensuring that no person can touch her "Divine" gown. Standing next to her is her eye candy...valet, Ms. Vanity. As Alexandria approaches the ring, she tosses her silky crimson locks to the side as she screams a series of obscenities at ringside fans, ever word bleeped out by quick censors. Cat-calls echo through the arena as Miss Vanity rips off Alexandria's gown revealing a halter top that ties in the back, form fitting leather pants and kicking pads all black and tan. Parker does a small pose in the ring before her light stretches.

Cari: Ohh! My favorite to win this match! Alexandria will be the one to advance for sure with the weight of the Sisterhood on her side.

Kenny: We�ll just see about that. The Sisterhood has had it�s ups and downs lately but haven�t committed any sort of runins lately..not like they used to.

Cari: Cause they are that damn good!

A tiger appears on the Jumbotron and �Man Eater� by Hall and Oats blares through the arena as Sandra comes out in a tiger stripped Brazilian cut one piece with black leggings underneath. She wears fingerless gloves and combat boots. The crowd jeers and boos her as she silently makes her way to the ring with her eyes focused on it. Leaping gracefully to the apron, Sandra steps between the ropes and starts to stretch in one of the corners waiting for the other opponents to come.

Kenny: Another contender is the Hardcore Champion Sandra Blake. She won that title from Nina LaRue about a month ago and has held on to it fever since.

Cari: She is tough no doubt about it but this isn�t a hardcore match and she has never fought three opponents at once. That is why I decided to pick Alexandria over her.

The arena goes completely dark. Suddenly, strobe lights go off all over the arena. Lindsay Locke stands at the top of the ramp with her arms in a "T", palms down. An explosion of pyrotechnics go off and she raises her arms to a "V", with the palms up. Led Zepplin's "Immigrant Song" plays in the arena, and the fans cheer for their favorite. The smiling and peppy blond walks confidently to the ring, stopping to acknowledge the cheers of the fans. She gives them high fives and some hugs. Lindsay is joined by her friend and manager Angela Downey who walks a little behind her. Lindsay wears her usual attire of blue spandex shorts with silver lightning bolts on them and the word "Lightning" on the back in silver letters, a silver spandex top, and blue knee pads with silver bolts on them. She finishes the outfit with blue boots that have silver bolts on them. She also wears a blue T shirt that says "Lind's Kids Charities" on it in yellow letters. Angela wears blue jeans and a "Lind's Kids Charities" T shirt. The short girl with dirty blond hair has on a pair of thin wire frame glasses. Lindsay jumps into the ring and loosens up, waiting for the match.

Cari: Ick! One of the many people I can�t stand in this league! So sweet she makes you want to puke!

Kenny: I wouldn�t say that! Lindsey Locke is a breath of fresh air in this arena compared to the two competitors in the ring right now.

Cari: How much richer did she get after �stealing� the charity money?

Kenny: Oh please! Stop that! She never would do such�

The entire arena goes completely black, save for the big screen, which holds a large ying-yang with a sword stuck through it. Suddenly, the lights flicker on and off as if lightning were far in the distance. All is black once again, followed by a low roll of thunder. But it isn�t thunder, it�s part of the Ninja�s theme music, �Riders on the Storm,� by the Doors. The lights flicker again, and somehow �The Ninja� appears from the shadows, landing softly in her corner of the ring, dressed in full ninja attire. She tears off the top part of her gi, tossing it into the crowd, and revealing the top half of a jet black one-piece that shows off her curves to great advantage.

Kenny: Spectacular entrance by the Ninja Missy Jones as usual.

Cari: Flashy entrances only get you so far. She has the hard part yet to come.

Kenny: Referee Vivki Task looks ready to officiate this one and get it started.


The bell sounds and the action starts fast and furious! Lindsey hooks up with Alexandria immediately! The two girls fight for leverage pushing and shoving to no avail. The Ninja locks up with the Hardcore Champ and slams her to the mat. Sandra groans and holds her back before her hair is yanked upward. Missy is determined to get this match going at her pace.

Lindsey ducks down and lets Alexandria�s momentum place herself on the shoulders of Locke. Standing, Lindsey fights for her balance as Parker squirms and squeals to get out of the predicament. Falling backward, Lindsey executes a Samoan Drop that downs Alexandria. Getting to her knees, Lindsey takes Alexandria by the arm and hauls her to her feet. She whips the red head into the opposite ropes but doesn�t look to see ahead of her. Alexandria crashes into Sandra and Missy sending those two over the top rope. Both combatants fall into a heap and lay for a moment trying to get their bearings. Meanwhile, Lindsey races toward a dazed Parker and holds an arm out for a clothesline. Alexandria, quick and not too hurt yet, ducks and backdrops Lindsey over her. The small Lindsey flips over and lands on the apron, grabs Alex�s hair, and pulls her toward the corner to smashe her face into it. Alex raises one boot and blocks the attempt, back elbows Locke in the gut to double her over, then snags her hair and slams her face-first into the back of the turnbuckle!

Kenny: What intense action!

Cari: These girls are really trying to kill each other! I love it!!!

Missy gets to her feet a split second before Sandra can and throws a side kick to the girl�s mid-section. Sandra Grabs her foot as it is about to connect and twists! With a scream, the Ninja twists in mid-air and lands hard on her gut and face. She rolls around in pain holding her gut just before the relentless kicks start to come. Lindsey lyes collapsed on the concrete as well as Alexandria steps out onto the apron between the ropes. She lifts her arms up and dives down dropping to her knees and slamming her elbow into the soft gut of Lindsey. Gasping for air as it has now all rushed out of her body, Lindsey holds her mid-section and tolls over. Scooping her victim up, Alexandria rolls her back into the ring to break the count and take the action where it is safe.

Sandra glares down at the downed Ninja before taking hold of her dark hair. Violently pulling her up, Sandra keeps hold of her hair and throws a quick kick into Missy�s mid-section. The Ninja gasps but stops suddenly as a second kick finds it�s mark. Sandra twists her own body and sweeps Missy Jones down to the concrete. The Tiger steps away and looks around, then looks under the ring and produces a long wooden board that she holds up for the crowd to see. They cheer wanting to see more and more action in this match even though Sandra isn�t exactly one of their favorites. Vicki yells at the Tiger to put the weapon down and bring the match back into the ring.

Cari: No Sandra! You use that and Vicki will DQ you! She�s a bitch! I know!

Kenny: Are you just mad since you lose to�

Cari: Hmmm�two seconds away before I need a new co-announcer.

Kenny: Huh? What!?


Vicki Task signals for the bell and points right at Sandra. She looks up at the announcer and shrugs before laying another whack to the back of Missy�s head. Security runs down and and grabs the irrate Tiger. Missy is down and out of it. Meanwhile back in the ring, Lindsey has turned the the tables on the red-headed bitch. Chop after chop keeps coming and coming backing Alexandria into the ropes.


Kenny: Sandra just clocked Alexandria as she was being carried away with that board!!!

Cari: Both ladies are out cold thanks to the hardcore champion! Or should we thank the board�

Lindsey looks around not sure what to do now. Shrugging to the crowd, Lindsey drops down over Alexandria.




Cari: The goodie two-shoes actually took advantage of the situation and eliminated Alexandria! NO!!

Kenny: And it looks like she�s after Missy now. It�s just the two of them now.

Rolling the Ninja back in, Lindsey follows her and slams an elbow down onto her form. Missy barely even reacts and Lindsey notices. She covers her as well.




Vicki Task signals for the bell and raises Lindsey�s hand up. She looks estactic with a big smile on her face willing to take the win one way or another.

Kenny: The quickest match of the night and of all the elimination matches! Sandra caused a lot of havoc and cost Alexandria and Missy Jones the match.

Cari: Sandra took initiative and controlled this match whether you want to admit it or not. It was a great match to me!

Kenny: Of course it was�

Winner: Lindsey Locke

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