Lisa Dream


Sasha 'The Dragon Lady'

By djmh

Battling Ring Angels Arena is packed with enthusiastic fans. On the Ringside commentator's table, a guy adjusts his tie as the other smiles.

Kenny Harbor: Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen. This is Kenny Harbor and Cooley Maeut live from BRA Ring Arena. We are about to..

Cooley Maeut: *Perfection* is gonna crumple her opposition.

Kenny: (shooting a nasty glare) Ladies and Gentlemen as I was saying the following competition is between Lisa Dream and Sasha 'The Dragon Lady'.

Cooley: Ladies and Gentlemen the match should be a one-sided one with an un-experienced wrestler against an accomplished veteran Lisa Dream.

Kenny: Excuse me? Where are you from? Sasha is an experienced wrestler and her recently revived stable is one of the most feared in wrestling world.

Cooley: Oh! I thought she is new since she is having her first match in BRA.

Kenny: Yeah well you know what? You should study a bit before you get in this chair. Any way Ladies and Gentlemen here comes The *Perfection*.

All of the lights in the arena dim as the sounds of twinkling stars and awe music fill the stadium. The blood red letters �THE DREAM� spin and solidify on the large jumbotron monitor located above the exit from the dressing room area, as smoke fills the entrance ramp. Then, there is a burst of pyrotechnics, the music shifts to the opening cords of �NOOKIE�, by Limp Bizkit, and Lisa Dream exits the dressing room area. With her is a tall, dark haired fellow wearing glasses, who is wearing a suit and clutching a briefcase in one hand. Lisa has an arm intertwined with his, and, instead of regarding the fans, she is staring up at him with large, adoring eyes. Wearing her black leather halter top and black leather pants combination, The gothic princess looks away from her escort, blows a kiss to her adoring fans, and then the couple make their way to the ring, Lisa staring up at him like a lovelorn schoolgirl the entire way. When they finally make it to the squared circle, she regretably releases the escort, who remains at ringside as she sweeps into the ring.. Lisa struts around the perimeter of the squared circle for the benefit of her adoring fans, holding her hands out and revelling in the affections displayed by the audience. Lisa then orders someone at ringside to hand her a microphone, which she quickly gets, and, when the crowd finally quietens down, she raises it to her black painted lips. She pauses as she sees Devon appearing and smiles at him as he stands at the ringside area.

Lisa: That�s right, all you lucky little DREAM-o-phobics, your All American Sweetheart is back! I know I have been denying all of the attention you all so very much crave for the past couple of weeks, but rejoice and celebrate, all you lucky ticketholders, for your darling has finally returned! You can all now feel justified in the ridiculous amount of money that you paid for those pieces of paper you hold so tightly in your grubby little hands, because the woman that you have all come to see, the gothic princess that you all hoped and prayed would be here, has chosen to grace you all with her ever so *perfect* presence!

I know what all of you are thinking.

I know that all of you are somewhat dissapointed, somewhat sad that it was not yourself draped across my arm as I made my way to the squared circle tonight! I know that all of you lust for a piece of *perfection*, pray for just a little glimpse of the All American Dream, and you all know that I rarely dissapoint! Compared to your gothic darling, who else in this sad, sorry league can compare? You all may feast your eyes, I have never denied you that, and all of you must admit that that is worth the price of admission alone!

It is a shame, for all of you, my loyal DREAM-o-phobics, that this league could not have provided me with some better opposition! Sasha, you dimwitted peon, what chance do you truly believe that you have against the ultimate image of human *perfection*? Oh yes, you may be big I will not deny you that but you have another thing coming if you believe that sheer size is all that you need to come out on top over the DREAM! Because I am going to toss you from one corner of this ring to the next like the rag doll that you are, because it is a matter of fact that I could beat you with both hands tied behind my back AND a paper bag over my head! I know it, you know it, and all my adoring fans know it! You may as well just get down on the mat right now, and let me pin you, and spare yourself the torment and humiliation that you are about to suffer at my very hands! Because, little darling, you are trapped in the valley of the DREAM, of which there is no escape�.and you had best close your eyes, and fantasize, if you think you will EVER top *perfection!

She then tosses down the microphone, and does a little bump and grind dance for the benefit of the audience, and for Devon located at ringside, who looks on with appreciative eyes. Lisa then takes up a reclining position on top of a turnbuckle, arrogantly awaiting the beginning of the match.

Kenny: Yawn! That was long.

Cooley: (ignoring Kenny) Words of wisdom. Well now atleast we will get to know how does Sasha look like.

Kenny: What do you mean? She is a very well known face in wrestling world.

Cooley: Yeah well she does not have a picture in our records. We can not put a Dragon's photo in there for God's sake. May be we will get a pic today to put in her bio page.

Kenny: (suspiciously looking at Cooley) Why are you so concerned about that? Are you somewhat involved with the BRA administration?

Cooley: Oops. err. Heh heh. Well, I was just wondering, you know. Why?

Kenny: Hmm. I just heard some rumours. Anyway, here comes the dangerous trio.

The Arena goes dark as Sasha walks to the entry way. She puts her hand to her mouth and blows a fireball, illuminating the area right around her. "Whiskey in the Jar", by Thin Lizzy, starts to play as Sasha walks out along with Janus and Brenda Busley. Sasha and Janus both wear blue long sleeve velvet shirts and black leather pants. Sasha wears Turquoise and yellow cowboy boots, while Janus' are black and blue. Both Sasha and Janus wear steel chain bracelets on their right wrists. Brenda wears a black T shirt that says "Hit Squad" on the back in blue letters, and black leather pants. She finishes the outfit with biker boots. She has tattoos all over her arms. Sasha's blond hair is short and full. She has a snaking scar on the right side of her face.

With her sleeves rolled back, it is clear that she also has tattoos on her arms. Sasha struts to the ring, while Janus and Brenda follow behind her, walking. Sasha, and her gang, jump into the ring and she produces a microphone. While Janus and Brenda walk around the ring Sasha stands in the center and speaks.

Sasha: The Hit Squad is back boys and girls! And I got a special message for a woman named Alex. Listen up Honey Pie. Sasha doesn't like you trying to damage her freak! So if I were you Alex I'd grow some eyes in the back of my head. and remember what I said You best look both ways before you cross Sasha! Now send the Dream Girl and let's get this show showing!

Sasha tosses the mic aside and Janus and Brenda leave the room, stalking the outside while Sasha loosens up.

Cooley: Wow what entrances by these ladies.

Kenny: Lisa is outnumbered here.

Cooley: Dont forget that Lisa has one of the best win-loss records over here.

The bell rings and the two ladies square up. They rush at each other to lock up. At the last moment, Lisa ducks and as Sasha turns, she is met with a slap at her face.

Cooley: Boy that was loud.

Sasha gets angry and rushes towards Lisa. Lisa ducks again but Sasha gets a hold of her hair as she tries to sneak away. Lisa shrieks. Sasha pulls her towards her, whispering something.

Sasha: Shoulda' looked both ways before you crossed me!

With that she picks much lighter Lisa up easily and plants her on the mat with a crushing spine buster.

Kenny: And you thought the slap was loud.

Lisa screams as she is showered with kicks. Sasha yanks her up with her hair and grabbing a hand, tosses her towards the ropes. Lisa bounces back. Sasha tries a body backdrop. Lisa chanegs her position in the air and drop kicks Sasha. Sasha stumbles a bit. Lisa gets up quickly and...

Cooley: A Jumping Spinning Back Heelkick to the face.

Sasha falls back. Lisa quickly stands and mounts the top rope. As Sasha stands. Lisa comes down with a flying drop kick. Big Sasha is sent back flying and lands hard on her back. Lisa crawls to her and taunts Sasha.

Lisa: Insignificant Peon. Feel honored, allowed this close to *perfection*.

With that Lisa buries her hand in Sasha's crotch. Sasha's eyes bulge out as she moans heavily. Lisa laughs.

Lisa: Whose your Sweetheart? Feast your eyes and Fantasize, Whose your greatest DREAM, and her greatest Nightmare?, Who are you to challenge *perfection* in such a manner?

Suddenly Lisa leaves Sasha and straddles around showing off for her fans. She is waving around until her eyes come into contact with Devon. She freezes there, her hand in the air, her eyes locked with a smiling Devon.

Kenny: Wellllllll, that seems interesting.

Cooley: Yeah, *Perfection* always takes some time for her fans.

Kenny: Hmm. But I think this handsome gentleman is one special fan to whom she is giving too much time.

Lisa walks back to Sasha. But a very nice smile is on her face. As she pulls Sasha to her feet, she seems to be still thinking about Devon. She shakes her head to get her attention towards Sasha and gets her head between her head in a standing head scissors. Before she could do anything, Sasha hoists her up easily. She walks a step with Lisa, then slams her down with a power bomb. Lisa arches her back. Sasha sits on one knee panting for a while. She grimaces.

Sasha: Stop dreaming! this is your nightmare!

Lisa stands slowly, and is met with a fierce savate kick. She falls down again. Sasha picks Lisa up. Lisa struggles to be close to the ropes.

Cooley: What is Lisa doing?

Kenny: I dont know. May be she is trying to hang to the ropes or something.

Sasha gets a hand between Lisa's legs and hoists her up, resting her on her right shoulder.

Cooley: She is going for a power slam.

Lisa is too close to the ropes. She gets hold of a rope with her hand and wriggles violently. Sasha tries to keep her up but is not strong enough to do that. Lisa lands behind her. Sasha turns to face Lisa who rakes her in her eyes. Sasha doubles over. With lightning quick movement, Lisa does a back handspring, catching Sasha under the chin with her feet. Lisa ends up on her feet while Sasha is on the mat.

Kenny: Very impressive move.

Lisa stands smiling. She picks a groggy Sasha up with her hair. She shoves her in a corner. She punches her a couple of times in the face, blows a kiss to the audience, and then backhands Sasha across the cheek with the hand she blew the kiss with.

Cooley: Yeah, she calls it 'Her adoring fans'.

Kenny: Funny. I dont see much adoring from the crowd.

Lisa takes steps backwards dragging Sasha with her hair. She smiles and gets Sasha's head between her thighs. She has her in a standing head scissors. Sasha could not get out this time. Lisa giggles naughtily. She reaches forward and raises her arm. The crowd cheers as they know whats coming. Lisa smiles and takes her hand down at Sasha's butt.

Cooley: (screaming) She is spanking Sasha.

Sasha's body moves a little with each impact under Lisa's thighs. Lisa leaves her as Sasha flops to the mat. Lisa plays to the crowd again and smiles to Devon. Devon smiles back. Lisa looks back at Sasha who is just standing up. She runs to the ropes.

Cooley: Its her finisher coming: The Dream maker.

Lisa jumps so that her feet are on the top rope, she flips back, doing a summersault in mid air towards Sasha. Sasha sees her coming towards her and ducking, swings a hand. The hand directly connects with Lisa's face. The impact gets her down.

Kenny: Whats wrong. Why is she so upset.

Cooley: She cant accept a scratch in her pretty face.

Lisa goes hysteric, a hand at her face.

Lisa: My face! Oh, my Beautiful Face! (while clutching her face)

Sasha sneaks behind her and yanks her up in a power slam position. With a thud, she slams Lisa down. Sasha looks mad. She picks up Lisa and lifting her up, makes her sit on the top rope. She slams some hard punches into her gut. Lisa looks exhausted. Sasha mounts the top rope and showing her strength, lifts Lisa up in a vertical suplex position.

Kenny: She is going for her finisher.

Sasha comes down to the mat with Lisa, turning in the air to convert it into a jack hammer. The bodies slam into the ring. Lisa lays motion less. Devon looks concerned. Sasha covers Lisa. The Ref counts. 1. 2.

Cooley: No! No! It cant be.


Kenny: Looks like it is so.

Sasha sits back for a while as Brenda climbs up the ring to congratulate her as Janus stands on the aisle and stares at her.

Sasha looks at Lisa with a nasty look. She turns Lisa over on her belly. Lisa looks completely out. Sasha rubs her face into the mat. Lisa wriggles under her but cant escape.

Sasha: Just like T Rex said: Whatever happened to the teenage dream?

Devon climbs into the ring. He walks towards Sasha. Sasha expects an attck and leaves Lisa, facing Devon. But it looks like Devon is requesting her to leave. Sasha stares at him for a while. Then starts as if she is going to hit him. Devon pleads again and Sasha decides to leave. Her music plays as Devon attends to a moaning Lisa. As he gets her head into his arms, her eyes open, looking at Devon with a glow. Just a moment ago she seemed to be in so much pain. Now it seems she has nothing to do but stare into Devon's eyes. Hit Squad leaves the arena.

Kenny: Winner of the match: Sasha 'The Dragon Lady'. Hey Cooley, where are you heading?

Cooley: (ignoring Kenny and shouting at a camera man) Hey quick. Get her pic for our roster page. Damn it.

Cooley jumps over the table and snatching the camera from the man, runs after Sasha. Kenny shakes his head.

Kenny: Wow! Well, Thats it folks. Now for some commercials.

Winner: Sasha 'The Dragon Lady'

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