Sakura Ito


Gina Moore

The camera pans across the BRA Arena and shows a sea of cheering fans. Everywhere the people are on their feet. Many of them hold up signs. Some of the better signs say ‘Look Both Ways Before You Cross Sasha’, ‘Peggy Christian Fears My Mom’, and, ‘I Came To Watch Laura Parker Wrestle’. The camera comes to an establishing shot of Kenny and Cari, seated at the announcer’s table. Behind Cari, a young boy holds up a big white sign. At the bottom of the sign is a big black arrow pointing down, towards the boy. Above the arrow are the words ‘I’m Cari’s Illegitimate Brat!’ Cari turns and snatches the sign from the boy’s hands.

Cari: Hey! Gimmie That!

Cari looks at the sign, and then back at the boy.

Cari: You’re not…right?

Kenny: Hey…we’re back to action here everyone. Cari, your take on the next match?

Cari has taken a pocket mirror out of her handbag. She looks at the mirror, and then at the boy, and then at the mirror, and then at the boy again. Finally, she turns to Kenny, and in a whispered tone says…

Cari: Do you think he looks like me?

Kenny turns and gets a good look at the smiling boy. He looks back at Cari, and then at the boy again. Kenny scratches his chin and thinks.

Kenny: I can’t really tell. Could he be?

Cari: I don’t know! I was pretty wild in the ‘80’s.

Kenny and Cari look at each other, and then at the smiling boy, who is now laughing. Cari scowls at him and he runs off to the waiting arms of his father.

Cari: Little Brat!

Kenny: I think that was his point. But anyway Cari, what’s you take on this next match…Gina Moore taking on 'Chibiyama' Sakura Ito?

Cari is still a bit flustered.

Cari: Well…uhhh…these are two illegitimate…I mean…inexperienced wrestlers and…

The lights in the arena dim slightly, as, over the speakers, Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now' begins to play. As the first slow stanza ends, and the music picks up, a burst of pyrotechnics brightens the ramp. Out of the fireworks jogs Sakura Ito, known also as 'Chibiyama' or the Little Mountain, closely followed by her manager, John Nanakami. Sakura appears in prime shape, her thickly muscled body dressed in her standard ring garb, which consists of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is coloured a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. John is dressed in a pair of black slacks and a grey sweatshirt, an airbrushed picture of a mountain peak and cherry blossoms scattering in the wind adorning the back. The pair make their way down to the ring, Sakura taking the time to clap hands with any willing fans. Sakura steps through the ring ropes, while John takes a position in her corner. She hops up onto the second turnbuckle and flexes both of her arms, showing off impressive biceps and waves out to the crowd before hopping back down, turning towards the ramp, awaiting her opponent.

Kenny: Well here’s Sakura Ito, and you’ve gotta say she’s in great shape.

Cari: I don’t have to say anything I don’t want to. I’ve never seen that boy, or his father, before in my life!

Kenny: Cari, I’m not saying…

Cari: Shut Up!

Kenny: My computer tells me that boy is at least 16 months too old to be your child…

Cari turns and sticks her tongue out at the little boy, who just smiles back to her.

Cari: Ok, now that that’s solved…who is this loser?

Before Kenny can answer The lights in the arena suddenly go out, and when they come back on the New York Poet and the Ninja Missy Jones are both sitting at the announcers’ table.

Missy: Listen up, people. My friend Gina Moore is about to make her first appearance in the Battling Ring Angels, so I want you all to give her a huge ovation when she comes out, because this girl is special, not like most of the lame-ass wrestlers in this promotion. Are you with us?!!

The crowd gives out a huge cheer, and the Ninja raises her fist in the air. Kenny cheers along with them, while Cari rolls her eyes.

Josh: Yes, and let us all remember, there is nothing more important than supporting the ones who truly bring integrity to the art of...

The Poet is cut off by the crowd, who have now started to boo.

Cari: (laughing) I guess that’s all the time we have for you, dork.

Missy: Hey, you can’t talk like that to Josh, it’s my job.

Cari: Fair enough, sister. I like your style so I’ll let that comment slide, this time. Now get going kids, the match is ready to start.

The lights in the arena briefly turn off, as the opening bars of classic rock & roll piano begin to play. Pyrotechnics of red and blue shoot out from the corners of the ring, with loud explosions as “Great Balls of Fire” by Jerry Lee Lewis blasts from the speakers. In time to the music, Gina Moore comes charging down the entrance ramp toward the ring. She is clad in a two-piece that is navy blue on botton, crimson on top, and hugs her tall, chiseled figure tightly. She wears black wrestling boots on her feet, and pads on her elbows and knees. The crowd cheers loudly, but Gina frowns and refuses to acknowledge the fans, her game face focused solely on the match. Gina stares intently, her eyes set in an evil glare.

Kenny: Big Gina Moore ready to start off her career.

Cari: I’m already bored.

The ref signals for the bell and the two wrestlers circle each other in the ring. Moore, the taller woman, but both equal in weight. Ito is the stronger looking wrestler. They lock up in the center of the ring. Gina tries to power Sakura to the mat, but Ito turns it on her and uses an arm drag take over to get Moore to the mat. She gets the bigger woman down and applies an armbar on the downed woman.

Kenny: good start by Ito. My computer tells me the wrestler who can take the initiative first wins 77% of their matches.

Cari: My computer tells me you’re an idiot.

Kenny: When did you get a computer?

Moore uses her strength to stand back up, but she is still locked in Sakura’s armbar. Ito is stretching and twisting the arm, trying to immobilize it early. Gina reaches over and quickly sticks her finger in Sakura’s eye. Sakura releases the armbar and puts her hand to her face. She bends over, and is clearly having trouble seeing. Gina and the ref argue about this move. John Nanakami yells something in Japanese to Sakura. She is trying to rally, but Gina delivers an elbow to her bent back that puts Ito on her knees.

Cari: This Moore is showing some promise. She’s much bigger…and meaner.

Kenny: Rule breaking does not make you a good wrestler.

Cari: Good rule breaking makes you a star.

Moore sits up the kneeling Ito and pulls her head back by the hair. She cocks her closed fist and pulls it back for a blow.

Moore: Allow me to introduce you to American cuisine. This... is a knuckle sandwich!

And with that Moore sends her closed fist right into the jaw of Ito. Ito snaps back and falls to the mat. Rolling in pain, with her hands up to her jaw, Ito is in some trouble. Moore is again left to argue with the ref over the use of the closed fist.

Kenny: I can’t believe all this rule breaking from Missy’s protégé.

Cari: Believe it, buster!

Kenny: Shouldn’t you be playing with your illegitimate kid?

Cari: What!?!?

Moore brings Ito to her feet by pulling on her hair. She stands Sakura up and delivers a series of chops to the smaller girl’s midsection. Sakura recoils with each shot. Finally, Moore Irish whips her to the ropes and hits her with a boot to the face on the return. Ito goes down, holding her face again.

Kenny: Ito having some trouble matching the power of Gina Moore here.

Cari: What do you expect? Moore is just big and tough. I could get to like her…if only I could get her away from that Missy Jones and…

Outside the ring John Nanakami is trying to rally his fighter. Gina stands Ito up again and places her arms around Ito, in an inverted bear hug. She lifts Ito up and delivers an atomic drop that drives Moore’s knee between Ito’s legs. Ito hits hard and falls to the mat. She rolls into a ball and places her hands between her thighs.

Kenny: Low blow!

Cari: That’s a legal move. I used to use it all the time.

Kenny: That figures. My computer tells me 83% of the moves you used were illegal.

Moore reaches down and stands Ito up. She Irish whips Ito to the ropes and when Ito returns, Moore grabs her head and places her in the Iron Claw. She uses her long arms to keep Ito at a distance from her body. The pressure on Ito’s head is starting to wear as her knees become wobbly. Ito flails at Moore, but can’t reach her.

Cari: This has been no contest so far. Moore is just too much for this Japanese girl.

Kenny: Would you say she’s…too much Moore?

Cari: I bet you think that’s funny?

Kenny: My computer tells me almost 80% of our viewers found it funny.

Moore reaches forward and prepares to put some move on Ito, but Ito quickly sends a kick to Moore’s midsection. And another. The big woman breaks the hold and stumbles back, the wind knocked out of her. Ito slingshots off the ropes and hits the stumbling Moore with a running shoulder butt. Moore goes down and Ito tries to recover from the beating she’s taken.

Kenny: Nice reversal here by Sakura Ito!

Cari: Yeah, but she’s wasting time. I bet Nanakami is telling her to keep up the attack. She is just a rookie loser with no focus.

Ito sizes up the downed Moore and drops an elbow right into the center of her chest. Moore convulses from the hit and kicks her legs up. Ito gets up and waves her hands…trying to rally the crowd to her side. The fans are starting to warm up to her.

Kenny: Sakura Ito is back in this match. And she has Moore in trouble.

Cari: She keeps wasting time! Who cares what the fans think?

Kenny: My computer tells me that the wrestler who can get the fans on her side wins 59% of the time.

Ito stands up the bigger Moore and grabs her around the waist. She slings her over and executes a belly-to-belly suplex. The crowd gives a big reaction as Ito stands up and waves.

Kenny: What power shown by Sakura Ito on the much bigger woman!

Cari: And now more time wasting!

Ito drops another elbow onto the chest of Moore. This time she goes for the cover. The ref drops into position and begins the count. He reaches two before Moore kicks out…kicking Ito right off her.

Kenny: And there’s a near fall!

Cari: And Moore practically tossed her across the ring.

Kenny: Moore sure is strong.

Both women struggle back to their feet. Ito charges to attack the still bent over Moore, but Moore sees her and nails Ito with a low blow. Ito falls to her knees and places her hands between her legs. Moore tries to catch her breath while Missy encourages her. Moore stands the Japanese girl up and hits her with a forearm shot that puts Ito on the mat.

Moore: Face it scrub, I’m Moore than you can handle.

Moore pulls the woman up by her hair. She places Ito’s head between her legs and executes a sit out powerbomb. Moore goes for the cover. The ref gets into position and counts. He reaches 2 ½ before Ito barely gets her shoulder up. Moore shakes her head and argues with the ref about a slow count.

Kenny: And Moore with a near fall. Excellent power move.

Cari: That count looked slow to me.

Kenny: And that kid looks like you, to me.

Cari: Don’t you dare start with that again.

Moore reaches down and stands Ito back up. She sends a kick to Ito’s mid section that double Ito over. Moore whips Ito to the ropes, and sets up for a clothesline, but Ito ducks it and hits the opposite side ropes. She comes back and hits Moore with a bulldog. Both women are down on the mat, trying to recover.

Kenny: Ito is not out of it just yet.

Cari: This is boring me.

Ito quickly rolls over and grabs hold of the downed Moore. She puts her in a surfboard, trying to keep the taller woman locked in. The ref checks on Moore and agrees the hold is legal. Moore is shaking her head and trying to get loose. The ref checks again for a submission…but Josh gets on the ring apron and the ref is distracted. The ref goes to get Josh off the ring apron. This allows Missy Jones to get in the ring and hit Ito from behind with a nightstick. Ito breaks the hold and goes down, holding her head. Missy exits the ring and Josh leaves the ref alone.

Kenny: Outside interference from the Ninja and the ref completely missed it.

Cari: I love good team work.

Moore struggles back to her feet and shakes out the pain. Ito is still down. Moore drops her elbow into Ito’s chest and Ito recoils in pain. Moore goes for the cover, but the ref only gets a two count. Moore is back up, arguing with the ref. While she does this, Ito goes for a leg sweep and rolls it over into a small package pin. Moore quickly kicks out.

Kenny: See saw battle here.

Cari: Is this match still going on?

Ito stands Moore up and spins her around. She executes a nice over the knee backbreaker on the taller woman. She dumps Moore to the mat and stands up. Ito is waving to the crowd and trying to get them excited. Nanakami is also waving to the fans and they are starting to respond. Ito stands Moore up and positions her head between Ito’s legs. She begins to count down in Japanese for the fans.

Kenny: This is her finisher…the Ich-Ni-San Yama Othoshi!

Cari: The what?

Kenny: It means…the 1-2-3 Mountain Bomb!

Cari: Ohhhh, that!

Ito cranks Moore up and hits her with the triple powerbomb into a pin finisher. The ref drops to position and starts to count. He reaches 2 ½ when he sees Josh on the ropes. He gets up and goes over to argue with the Poet. Ito has pinned Moore for roughly 5 seconds, but the ref is out of position. Ito gets up and goes over to argue with the ref now.

Cari: A lot of good that’s doing…he doesn’t speak Japanes.

Kenny: This match should be over. Ito cleanly pinned Moore, but the outside interference…

Cari: My stats tell me if you can use the outside interference, you can win 100% of the time.

Kenny: Is your source reliable on that?

Moore struggles to her feet and shakes off the pain. She sees the distracted Ito and grabs her. She pulls her up into a torture rack and executes an inverted death valley driver.

Kenny: she calls that “The Demolisher”, and my computer tells me it’s almost 89% effective.

The ref falls into position for a count of three. Moore rises and the ref raises her hand in victory. Ito rolls over and out of the ring, where Nanakami puts his arm around her and leads her out of the arena. Josh and Missy join the celebrating Gina Moore in the ring.

Kenny: Gina Moore wins this tough battle, but needs a little help from her friends.

Cari: A win is a win.

Winner: Gina Moore

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