You could feel the excitement building around the whole ship. Once again a night full of promise had been fulfilled and even surpassed by the wrestlers and staff of BRA! An expectant hush had fallen over the crowd as everyone knew that the highlight of the night was but moments away.

Kenny: Well Cari, so far this has been a fabulous night of wrestling, and the best is yet to come!

Cari: Well I hope the next match provides some example of good wrestling. Every single title has changed hands tonight! What does that say about the so-called wrestlers here?

Kenny: It says the talent is very well spread!

Cari: It says no one has the talent or longevity in wrestling anymore! In my day champions were champions, not just the flavor of the week! A good champion could survive more than one challenge to the belts!

Kenny: Well, maybe our new crop of champions can do better! Janus looks like she has the capability to defend her belt a long time!

Cari: Not any more!

Kenny: What do you mean by that?

Cari: For a rookie she has come a long way in a short time, but now that she has gone soft it�s a huge blow to her chances!

Kenny: You mean because of her new friendship with Lindsey Locke?

Cari: That just spells trouble! She had an edge before that. She has lost it with her new �threesome�.

Kenny: Well what about the new tag team champions, Kimie Kurita and Kelly Mase?

Cari: If there were any sort of talent in the tag team division, they would not last either! Look at the former �champions�, a couple of tiny teens who beat another inept teen and an overweight, under talented housewife to get the belts! And the other team was not even a team, just a couple of buddies, one just barely a wrestler! No competition at all there! This is the division that needs the most help!

Kenny: Sugar and Spice have potential! And the rumors are strong that Samantha Staffer and Peggy Christian will be a team pretty soon!

Cari: Puh-lease! Out of the four of them, Spice is the only wrestler!

Kenny: But Peggy Christian has the distinction of being a former belt holder!

Cari: That is as credible as you winning a belt are!

Kenny: That of course brings up another of our matches tonight, a BRA first mother and daughter match! Peggy Christian totally dominated her daughter, perhaps wrestling her best match in a very long time!

Cari: Granted, but that still did not say very much. I was very disappointed in the Sisterhood girl�s performance. She was very obviously not on her game, and we both know she is capable of so very much more!

Kenny: Maybe it was a subconscious fear of her mother!

Cari: More like the result of almost dying and a long layoff! Still, I can�t imagine either mother or daughter was happy about the outcome!

Kenny: I have to agree with you, amazingly enough! Jennifer is obviously the more talented wrestler and is capable of beating her mother. Peggy dominated the match and still lost! I think we will be seeing these two go again!

Cari: (yawn) I�m sure!

Kenny: As well, a new featherweight champion was crowned tonight!

Cari: Which brings up the mystery of Cosmo McKinley and Little Alex. Psycho that she is, she is one of the best pure fighters in the FED! I think that doctor is more of a lunatic than she is!

Kenny: But he is a highly respected member of the medical community!

Cari: Who told you that malarkey!

Kenny: He did!

Cari: Figures! He has a goldmine in Little Alex! She would have held that title belt forever! There is no wrestler in the featherweight side of the house that could stand up to her!

Kenny: She had a close call in the title fight where she won the belt! A rookie mistake cost La Petite Marquise the belt!

Cari: That is how you learn in this game!

Kenny: Looks like things are stirring ringside here! Other matches saw Sasha defeat Alex Parker.

Cari: Don�t know why Parker continues to wrestle! It�s obviously not her main focus in life and she is just going to rival Princess Piggy in the loss column if she continues!

Kenny: Sakura Ito finally got the victory she deserved!

Cari: Ito is a powerhouse, and being Japanese is already a step ahead of most wrestlers in BRA! Gwen Jeru was simply no match! I pity the housewife next card! Ito is going to eat her up!

Kenny: And once again Veronica Millions gets up for a match with Zantara Underworld and once again fails to beat her!

Cari: Another one who should not bother! A lousy wrestler who will never beat the likes of Underworld! She seems to save all her effort to face her, leaving a pathetic shadow of herself for any other opponent! Maybe now she will give up trying to beat Zantara! I�m sure the ruler of Hades is tired of her attempts!

Kenny: Back to ringside as the referee for tonight�s match makes her appearance!

Vicki Task makes her way to the ring, walking around the outside checking it out before effortlessly rolling in.

Cari: Could not find a real ref for the match I see!

Kenny: On the contrary, I think someone like her is what is needed for a match of this consequence!

Cari: That�s what security is for!

Kenny: I doubt even Killdozer can handle the amount of ladies who will be involved here! Looking around I can see several wrestlers who are not involved in the match!

As the crowd rumbles expectantly the camera pans around, indeed identifying several of BRA�s finest lurking close to the ring. First it stops on Samantha Staffer who is chatting amicably with Killdozer close to ringside, with the original BRA princess, Peggy Christian and Shea London not far away. As the camera continues on its way to the other side of the ring, Laura Parker can be seen apparently flirting with several men lucky enough to be in the front row. Finally it slides over a little and the slight form of La Petite Marquise idles by the wrestler�s entrance, looking like mischief. The loudspeaker starts with an original, scratchy version of Irving Berlin's "Cheek to Cheek." Everyone on deck starts to boo, adamantly showing their inhospitality to the person who hates them with a passion herself. Zantara trudges out of a room on deck, and then yells at people standing around to get out of her way so she can make it down to the ring. The Irving Berlin song fades out, and a new tune, "Ship of Fools," by Erasure starts up. Zantara takes so much time fussing with the people that the song almost ends before she can get to the ring. She shoves some of the fans down towards the end of the song, frustrated by the days and their dallying. Zantara is wearing her usual purple pin-striped suit, gloves, and steel toed boots, but she is also wearing a pair of sunglasses strapped on tight with an elastic band. She has on a fedora to keep more sun out of her eyes. Behind her are some stevedores that she has paid to help drag three large coolers. She has spent enough time in the sun, what with her previous match of the day, that she does not want to not have something cold nearby. The stevedores place the coolers around ringside and stand by them as guards.

Kenny: I know it must be an obvious question, but what do you suppose is in those coolers?

Cari: The question is about as obvious as the answer! This is Zantara! You can bet at least one of them is full of ice!

Zantara walks over to the announcer's table and grabs a microphone.

Zantara: Okay.....Shut up! Why don't you people go lean over the rail and puke your intestines out instead of making so much racket?!

Kenny: You don't look so good, Zantara.

Zantara turns her head slowly, glaring at Kenny.

Zantara: I'm TALKING here! Shut your trap and leave me alone! Now then!...I...I forgot what I was saying!

(Zantara lowers the microphone and scratches her head. When the music for the next contestant starts up, Zantara raises the microphone up again)

Zantara: Stop the music! I just remembered!...I said stop the music!......I don't know how you morons can stand this! This wretched sun, heat, and socialization. One thing you will not enjoy is what you are about to see here today. I am going to make this as unpleasant an experience as I can for you idiots!

Kenny (to himself): You have just by showing up.

(Zantara hears this, and grabs Kenny by his collar. She raises her arm to wallop him, but Vicki Task leans over the ropes and warns her otherwise. She argues with the ref as the next person is ready to come out)

Cari: Get away from here Task! That moron deserves what he is about to get!

Vicki: That�s about enough out of you Trammel, unless you want your butt fired from ringside!

Cari: You can�t do that! I have a contract! Besides, as I remember, you could NEVER fire my butt anywhere!

Vicki: That�s not how I remember it! Now back off, you have been warned!

Zantara seems to get forgotten in this exchange and quietly slips to the side, staying out of the ring. "Oops! I Did It Again!" by Britney Spears begins to play, the fans rising to they�re feet, some cheering and others jeering. The curtains slowly part and standing before them is the vision of loveliness known as Tiffany Lane, the reigning "Miss BRA". Tiffany wears a white, floor-length robe, tied at the waist with a matching sash. Her luxurious, blonde hair graces the small of her back, in a cascade of silky curls. With a smirk upon her beautiful visage, she stands atop the entrance ramp and performs a sensual bump and grind, teasing the fans by tugging on the sash. Finally, after driving the males crazy with anticipation, Tiffany whips off the flimsy garment, revealing her wrestling attire. The busty blonde wears a pink, lace bra and matching, thong panties, showcasing her sleek, curvy figure. She completes the ensemble with pink, sheer stockings and pink pumps, a pink garter stationed strategically on her shapely thigh (All items copyright and trademarked Tiffany's Bedroom). The crowd showers the seductress in catcalls and wolf whistles as she continues to shimmy and shake. Tiffany finally sashays to ringside and enters the ring. She slips out of her shoes and makes a show of seductively removing her garter before tossing it into the crowd with a devilish grin, causing an uproar as the males fight to obtain the precious garment. With a satisfied smile and toss of her blonde mane, Tiffany does a few stretches, preparing for the start of the match.

Kenny: (gulping) er�nice�ummm�entrance by the�uhhh�current Miss BRA!

Cari: Quit drooling or you�ll short out that silly computer of yours!

Kenny: Obviously a crowd favorite! One half of the Sisterhood representation in this match! How much the belt will go home owned by the Sisterhood tonight!

Cari: If there is any justice it will. I can think of no better home for it.

As Tiffany continues to prepare, Laura Parker and LPM look to be positioned either side of the wrestler�s entrance. Both stand with their arms folded like security guards. Peggy Christian moves surprisingly close to the entrance, receiving fierce glares from both Sisterhood women.

Kenny: Trouble brewing!

Cari: Stupidity brewing!

The lights go out, as the fans boo, expressing their hatred of one of the most detested athletes in BRA. However, this does not deter her as Yvette appears from the curtain with a wicked smile for her fans and a nasty glare for her enemies.. Explosions and pyrotechnics erupt. Fireballs shoot into the air. As the first few bars of the French National Anthem play, the crowd is worked into a frenzy of anger, then suddenly the traditional music is cut off. A voice, in a French accent, with a seemingly innocent tone speaks out. �I�m not going to hurt you.� Then there is the sudden and streaking sound of a whip cracking and the same voice laughs cruelty. The projection explodes to life, showing scenes of terrorism, violence, sex, and clips of some of Yvette�s greatest moments, followed by the Lords of Acid�s �The Most Wonderful Girl.� Yvette appears from the curtains, clad in her white S&M style outfit with white crop and cape, then throws her head back, laughs and extends both arms, forming a �Y� (for �Yvette, of course). She twirls around for the fans to gaze. Yvette slowly makes her way to the ring. She scans the entire area with a look of pure sadism, almost challenging anyone to oppose her. Laura and LPM follow at a discreet distance, carefully watching their leaders back.

Cari: A ring full of evil and nastiness! I love it!

Kenny: It does look grim indeed for our fourth and final wrestler! The only good girl in the group! Though my computer says her chances of success against this particular group of miscreants is approximately 16.339%!

Cari: Approximately! You know I would have bet you would have made reference to that stupid thing long before this! I was amazed.

Kenny: I bet you thought I was learning!

Cari: I bet you may regret not before this match is out!

Lightning Lindsay Locke enters the wrestling area to the sounds of "I Love LA" by Randy Newman, in tribute to the LA Lakers winning the NBA Title. She poses for the fans, with her arms up in a "V", palms facing the ceiling. She smiles and waves for the fans, which are cheering her with gusto. She walks confidently towards the ring, smiling and waving, and slapping hands with the fans nearby. Lindsay wears blue spandex shorts, with silver lightning bolts on them, and the word "Lightning" on the back in silver letters. She wears a blue, spandex sports bra top with silver bolts, silver kneepads, and blue boots with silver bolts on them. Her blond hair is in pigtails. Over her top she wears a Lakers Jersey with "8" and "Bryant" on the back. Lindsay is, as always, in great shape for this match. Behind her walks her best friend Angela Downey, wearing faded blue jeans, a Lakers T shirt and white sneakers. Next to her walks Janus, wearing black leather pants and a velvet shirt. She has on her black and blue cowboy boots. The crowd cheers for Lindsay as she reaches the ring. She hugs Angela and then Janus. Janus whispers something into Lindsay's ear and points towards the ring. Lindsay nods her head, as if acknowledging Janus' advice. She climbs into the ring and shakes hands with the ref. She blows a kiss to the fans and waves. They love her. Lindsay gets a microphone.

Lindsay: Cosmo McKinley, you are a big, big, big meany for taking money that was supposed to be for children. And I hope you feel badly.

The crowd cheers.

Lindsay: OK. I want to introduce someone that's new to BRA. You probably recognize her, but this is a changed her. She's done some bad things, but she wants to stop being a meany. Everybody, this is my new friend Janus!

Lindsay points to Janus who is outside the ring. The crowd, at first, is silent. Then some applause starts. Slow at first, but it grows and grows until the fans are cheering and applauding Janus. Angela places her arm around Janus' shoulder as Janus waves a little for the fans. Lindsay smiles and starts loosening up in the ring.

Kenny: We are just moments away from the start of what is bound to be a classic match!

Cari: I have a feeling that we may see as much action outside the ring as in the ring tonight!

Kenny: You mean with Zantara�s refusal to get in the ring! I think referee Task s going to start to count her out even before the bell!

Cari: Even more I think!


The bell goes with Zantara still outside the ring. Vicki Task looks to the ring for a moment, keeping one eye there and one eye outside as Zantara refuses to enter. As the ref begins to count the underworld leader out, Yvette and Tiffany pass a quick eye to each other and quickly step together, joining hands and take a quick running clothesline at Lindsey as she does a quick check. She only ducks the clothesline attempt just in time and as the Sisterhood members pass harmlessly by she quickly turns and running fast grabs both heads and bulldogs both to the mat!

Kenny: Excellent move by Locke! Double bulldog! She�s got Yvette rolled over for a pin already!



Cari: Kickout by Yvette! Not ready for that yet!

Kenny: Can�t blame a girl for trying!

Zantara still paces the outside as the count reaches five. Meanwhile Lindsey quickly has Yvette up to her feet and whips her into the ropes, meeting her on the springback with a powerslam! The crowd cheers as Angela and Janus start to dance around outside. Lindsey rolls Yvette up again for a pin but is instantly toppled by a boot to the head from Tiffany who has gotten a little groggily to her feet. Zantara finally rolls into the ring as Task reaches the count of nine and quickly delivers a series of boots to the fallen Lindsey Lock.

Cari: Those steel-toed boots are going to make quite a dent in Wondergirl there!

Kenny: It was a promising start from the rookie! Yvette already looks in bad shape! Tiffany has to help her up!

Cari: They can afford to! Zantara is focused on Lindsey right now!

But as Tiffany and Yvette get up the leader of the underworld scutters away under the ropes again to the floor. The crowd boo�s resoundingly and Task is forced again to start a count while keeping an eye on the match. Inside the Sisterhood leader and Miss BRA scoop up Lindsey and get on either side of her.

Cari: Double snap suplex! How�s that for teamwork!

Lindsey groans and grabs her back as she tries to regain her feet. Tiffany moves behind and puts the rookie in a full nelson, allowing the Marquise free reign! Zantara meanwhile quickly opens one of her coolers on the outside.

Kenny: Uh oh! Now we�ll find out what�s in the coolers! I don�t think that Underworld is up to any good!

As Zantara opens the first cooler she reaches in�

Kenny: Here it comes!

..and pulls out a bottle of suntan lotion. She spreads some on her hands and covers her exposed areas before tossing the bottle back in the cooler and rolling back in the ring. Tiffany shouts a warning to Yvette who spins around quickly. As she does Zantara rolls back out again. Yvette ignores the departing wrestler and turns again to Lindsey, but the rookie has had a precious few seconds to recover from the assault. Using Tiffany as support, Lindsey quickly lifts both legs and greets the Marquise with a double boot to the chest sending Yvette sprawling in surprise! Using the surprise Lindsey slides to the mat free of the full nelson. Sitting up she swiftly brings a double fisted blow up to Tiffany�s stomach, doubling her over. Then, rolling back between the reigning Miss BRA�s legs, Lindsey brings her legs up, hooking them around Tiffany�s head and twisting, snaps the startled beauty over to the mat!

Kenny: Wow! What a turnaround from the good side of the force! Both Tiffany and Yvette are down and suffering!

Cari: Impressive! But this match is far from over! She has to follow up on BOTH wrestlers now if she is to have any chance!

Inside Lindsey is acting quickly. She pulls Tiffany up quickly and whips her to the ropes, greeting her on the return with a hurricanrana! Quickly regaining her feet she is time to greet Yvette with a dropkick placed exactly the same spot she was hit before! Getting up again she repeats the dropkick on Tiffany as she gets up, leaving both Sisterhood wrestlers writhing on the mat!

Kenny: Her speed is too much for them! It looks like the Sisterhood is going down in one shot!

The crowd goes wild as the rookie takes it to Yvette and Tiffany! Zantara hears the count reaching its end and works her way to the side of the ring away from Lindsey as the rookie pumps her arms in the air. Both Yvette and Tiffany start to stir as Vicki Task watches the leader of the underworld carefully as she rolls under the ropes. But while the referee�s attention is drawn away, Lindsey suddenly collapses face first to the mat!

Kenny: Did you see that! Jennifer Christian tripped Lindsey Locke while the ref�s back was turned! That�s illegal!

Cari: Only if your caught! That blind hag didn�t see a thing!

Kenny: But someone else did! Here comes Janus!

The new hardcore champion was swift to react! As the little Marquise tried to get away she was met by a clothesline coming from around the corner from Janus, dropping her to the deck of the boat! As Janus starts to stomp the ailing teen Angela gets brushed aside by Laura Parker as she rushes to LPM�s aid! The rookie�s friend falls into the first row of seats as Laura swarms over Janus. Angela is rescued from the seats by Peggy Christian and Samantha Staffer as Laura and Janus reach a standoff, standing and glaring at each other!

Cari: I told you it was going to get interesting outside as well!

Kenny: Vicki Task is really going to have her hands full if much more of this keeps up! I wonder why they didn�t bring in another referee for this match?

Cari: Because the boss is too cheap to pay another one!

Kenny: I suppose looking at my paycheck I should have figured that out.

Cari: You mean they actually pay you for what you do?

Kenny: Well�sort of, yes.

Meanwhile as Vicki Task once again starts counting Yvette is first to her feet. She steps to where Lindsey is just staggering up and drops the rookie with a well-placed roundhouse kick to the jaw! She continues the assault with several kicks while her opponent is down. The ref starts to make a move to come over, but Tiffany, who is also back up starts screaming and threatening at Zantara, effectively splitting the ref�s attention in half!

Cari: Now there is a sign of good teamwork! Tiffany is distracting the ref so that Yvette can work at will on her victim!

Kenny: I still don�t think that they will get away with too much! Vicki is the best ref we have!

Cari: She sees less than the mole does!

Zantara is nearing the end of yet another count and moves around the outside of the ring trying to find a way in, but is followed by Tiffany. Meanwhile, Yvette hoists a groggy Lindsey to her feet. She keeps her stooped over and places the rookie�s head between her legs, then hoists her up and down with a piledriver! Zantara finally slides quickly in under the ropes beating the count, but is met with a series of stomps to the head and body from Tiffany!

Kenny: That�s Underworld finally in the match! I am pretty sure she is going to have to fight now!

Cari: She�s already shown her fight once today, Zantara is a tough character!

Tiffany pulls Zantara up and quickly using the ropes to help, monkey flips her over to the mat. She is joined by Yvette who leaves a stunned Lindsey laying on the mat to aid her friend. Picking up the underworld leader from the mat, the Marquise whips her into the ropes and back into A super hurricanrana from Tiffany! Yvette then grabs a still stunned Lindsey by the arm and pulls her up. Tiffany does the same with Zantara. As one the Sisterhood members spin there opponents once before whipping them solidly into each other!

Cari: Well that made a satisfying crunching sound! I would not want to be Lindsey running into Zantara like that!

Kenny: Looks like some on the outside don�t like the double teaming either!

Cari: Perfectly legal, and most enjoyable to watch!

As Zantara and Lindsey hit the mat Yvette and Tiffany drop on top going for a quick pin, but both kick out before a three count! Yvette gets up and starts to stomp Lindsey again while Tiffany tries to bring the larger Zantara to her feet but is doubled over by a hard punch to her exposed tummy. As Zantara gets up she snaps her head up sharply, driving it hard to Tiffany�s chin! Stunned Tiffany stumbles back to the ropes, draping her arms over the top rope as her head reels. On the other side of the ring Lindsey somehow drags herself to her feet but only to have Yvette grab her by the hair and smash Lindsey�s head into a corner turnbuckle. Zantara has a groggy Tiffany by the arm and slings her across the far side of the ring, greeting Miss BRA with a vicious clothesline! Tiffany drops to the mat gagging, in obvious pain! Yvette fails to see the trouble her friend is in as she drags Lindsey�s face along the top rope at the far side of the ring, eliciting a stern warning from Vicki Task.

Kenny: Poor Lindsey! She has not recovered from the double-teaming! I don�t know how much more abuse she can take from the Marquise!

Cari: Well at least she will come out of this having learned a valuable lesson in wrestling!

Kenny: I think Tiffany is going to learn one in a few seconds!

Cari: Hades Hazard! This may be the end for Tiffany Lane!

Almost on cue Zantara raises her smaller opponent up and slams her brutally to the mat! Yvette turns and sees Tiffany motionless on the mat and Zantara scampering back out of the ring to her coolers. The Marquise has a look of horror on her face as she sees she is too late to help her friend. Underworld meanwhile opens the second cooler, exposing its contents of dry ice to the world before dropping down and sitting inside. She then grabs a drink from the other one and thirstily drains it with a look of relief on her face.

Kenny: This is no time for a break! Why doesn�t she just go and finish Tiffany off!

Cari: You still don�t understand her, do you! She IS finished off! No one gets up from the Hades Hazard in a hurry! This match is over for Tiffany Lane! Zantara will let the other two wear each other down now!

Infuriated, Yvette turns again but is met with a knife edged chop from a resurgent Lindsey! As she staggers surprised Lindsey drops down and takes her down with a Russian leg sweep! Yvette hits the mat and before she can recover her breath feels the force of a flying leg drop across her throat!

Kenny: Another amazing recovery from Lindsey Locke! She is taking everything and returning it back! The rookie could well win this one!

Vicki Task is again divided counting Zantara and watching the match at hand. Lindsey Lock acts with speed as she sends Yvette to the ropes and meets her with a Death Valley driver! Yvette is now reeling as Lindsey drags her to a corner and mounts the top turnbuckle, raising her hands above her head in a V! The crowd goes wild as they see Lindsey setting up for the Lightning Strike! She wastes little time as Zantara gets up out of her cooler and approaches the ring again. Lindsey leaps of, twisting in the air and dropping her elbow down!

Kenny: NAILED HER!! The Lightning Strike! Yvette is history!

Cari: Watch for Zantara though! She�s coming in!

Vicki Task is forced to watch both sides of the ring as her count against Zantara nears a conclusion. Lindsey drops across the motionless Marquise and hooks a leg, looking for the ref to start the count! Zantara finally rolls in as an anxious Lindsey pounds the mat with her hands! Outside Janus, Samantha, Peggy and Shea are all pointing anxiously to where Lindsey has Yvette pinned! Zantara finally rolls back in, getting the attention of everyone. Suddenly from around the corner Laura Parker slips over and grabs Yvette�s free leg, draping it over the bottom rope and slipping away again! As Zantara rolls back out, Vicki Task finally drops beside Lindsey, but waves off the count as she sees Yvette's leg over the rope! Lindsey looks at it with a stunned look, but obeys and gets off the Marquise.

Kenny: That is disgraceful! The Marquise should be out of this match! Laura Parker clearly saved the Marquise from being counted out!

Cari: It�s the kind of teamwork that wins championships! The Sisterhood of Seduction is a strong stable and the so-called Cathouse should learn a lesson or two from this.

Kenny: The Cathouse is comprised of wrestlers who stand for fair play and would not stoop to something so low!

Cari: Which is why they will never get very far!

With Yvette still struggling and Tiffany still laid out from the Hades Hazard, Lindsey grabs the Marquise by the legs and drags her to the center of the ring away from the ropes. She looks at Tiffany rolling her head side to side to make sure she is no trouble then rolls Yvette to her stomach and settles back on Yvette, pulling into a painful Boston Crab! Yvette grimaces as Lindsey applies the pressure. Vicki Task keeps a close eye for a submission as she continues the count yet again on Zantara who has returned to sitting in her cooler. Outside Samantha, Janus, Peggy, Angela and Shea are all pounding encouragement on the mat as Lindsey continues applying the pressure to Yvette. The crowd is again going wild watching good controlling evil as Yvette winces, shaking her head as Vicki Task asks her to submit between counts on Zantara. Suddenly Shea London is dropped to the deck as a dropkick to the back of the head stuns her! The perpetrator, LPM gets up and as the others watch in surprise LPM and Laura quickly scoop up Shea and roll her into the ring under the ropes. Janus and Samantha act and try to grab Shea back out as Laura and LPM move away quickly, but the ref spots the infringement before the two can pull the still stunned form of Shea completely from the ring and orders Lindsey to again release the hold!

Kenny: This is too much! Where is security in all of this!

Cari: He has to try and keep the fans away from the women!

Lindsey is obviously frustrated as she releases Yvette from the hold as Tiffany finally gets up to her feet. Vicki has forgotten the count on Zantara for the moment as she warns Janus, Samantha and a still stunned Shea against disqualification. Outraged, Janus and Samantha are arguing and pointing to the two Sisterhood members around the other side of the ring. In side Tiffany is helping Yvette up and Lindsey is distracted as Angela Downey out of nowhere surprises LPM and doubles her over with a boot to the stomach! The little Marquise sags groaning to her knees as Lindsey gives a quick cheer. Laura looks surprised at the completely unexpected outburst from the tiny non-wrestler and is caught as Peggy sneaks up and snags her in a full nelson before she can retaliate!

Kenny: Lots of action going on outside the ring! This is giving the wrestlers an added bonus break!

Cari: With the Celestial title on the line is it any wonder!

Peggy keeps holding Laura as Willi Weinerscnitzel suddenly appears and is greeted by a hug from Angela Downey. Peggy gets a shocked look on her face giving Laura the chance to slip free. Frustrated, the housewife takes a run at Laura but the beauty ducks the clothesline easily and watches as the momentum carries Peggy through right into Angela Downey! Both go tumbling into Willi and Zantara has to move quickly as all three fall into her coolers, spilling ice, drinks, suntan lotion and dry ice over the deck! Lindsey yells out as she quickly runs to the edge of the ring worried about her friend and squeals as Zantara manages to sneak a couple of chunks of dry ice down her suit before rolling in the ring. Lindsey now rolls around trying to get rid of the ice that is causing her a lot of grief! As Zantara gets up she is greeted by a jawbreaker from Yvette! As she bounces back from the ropes she is dropped as the Marquise nails her with a jumping kick to the head! Yvette seems like a woman possessed as she lays into the underworld leader with a passion. Lindsey finally gets free of the ice but is immediately set upon by Tiffany who executes a wonderful flying head scissors on the rookie! Yvette grabs hold of the stunned Zantara and spins her over in a belly to belly turnbuckle smash! She continues the assault by dragging Zantara forcefully up. She sits her on the top turnbuckle and climbs to the middle one, pulling her opponent�s head under her arm.

Cari: Up and DOWN! Great suplex off the top from Yvette! A picture of efficiency!

Kenny: And Tiffany seems to have good control of Lindsey! She can�t get free of those scissors! That must be wearing her down!

Cari: If she was any kind of fighter all she would have to do is bite her and she would be out!

Kenny: She is a wrestler , not a fighter, but she is struggling now!

With Zantara out of it Yvette wastes no time and climbs to the top turnbuckle again.

Kenny: Looks like the French Tickler! This could be the end for Zantara!

Right on cue, Yvette leaps from the top, dropping her feet right into Zantara�s stomach! Underworld jackknifes and drops down as Yvette rolls her up. Vicki Task drops to her knees.

Kenny: Pin attempt by Yvette!




Kenny: She got her! Zantara is out!!

Cari: Well Task will be happy about that! She won�t have to worry about counting her anymore!

Tiffany sees the count and relaxes her hold for a moment, allowing Lindsey to finally kick out of the scissors. Outside the ring things have returned to relative calm unless you count a dazed and angry underworld leader who staggers off angrily through a side door. In the ring all three women are on their feet and it looks bad for Lindsey Locke. But just as Yvette and Tiffany start to move towards the good girl, 'Nookie', by Limp Bizkit plays, and pyrotechnics suddenly explode from both sides of the entrance ramp. Lisa Dream emerges from the dressing room area, and makes her way down to the ring with a black staff in one hand. Lindsey takes advantage of the distraction and throws herself at Tiffany with a flying cross body block! As both women land Vicki Task is down quickly counting the pin. Yvette reacts quick but Lisa swings the staff at the Marquise and staggers her to her knees, unseen to Task as she starts the count.


Cari: Kickout by Tiffany! Good thing as Yvette seems in trouble now!

Kenny: What a turn! Yvette gets Zantara out and has to face an added force in Lisa Dream just as the Sisterhood had the match in their hands! Tiffany Lane is on her own now I think!

Cari: What a blow to the Sisterhood faithful!

Lisa quickly vacates the ring but a very irritated Marquise is right on her heels! As Yvette rolls from the ring Lisa turns and with a fluid motion swings her staff right at one of Yvette�s knees and with a painful shout collapses to the deck of the ship! Vicki Task can do little but start a count on the Marquise as Lindsey drags Tiffany up and stands her in a painful armbar! Tiffany winces as Lindsey ducks under and twists again, then drives a boot to the mid section of Miss BRA, doubling her over. Releasing the arm Lindsey grabs her opponent�s head and DDT�s the reeling wrestler down hard to the mat.

Kenny: Lindsey Locke is working hard for this title! If Lisa Dream can keep Yvette busy long enough she can finish Tiffany Lane off! I would say her chances of winning have just increases 74.36%!

Cari: (trying to ignore the irritating reference to stats) It is just possible Lisa Dream has cost the Sisterhood the title and I would not want to be her when they decide to exact some revenge!

Inside the ring the count on Yvette continues to climb as Lindsey Locke appears completely in control now! Tiffany Lane, still feeling the effects of the Hades Hazard earlier cannot seem to defend against the rookie�s pace. Outside the ring a melee has started as Laura Parker and LPM, trying to rush to Yvette�s aid have run into Janus, Shea London and Samantha Staffer who may have thought them trying to interfere in the match again. People are slipping on the contents of two of Zantara Underworlds coolers as ice and dry ice are still scattered on the deck! Willi Weinerschnitzel meanwhile seems to be basking in the attention of both Peggy Christian and Angela Downey as both women glare menacingly at each other! Yvette seems in trouble of being counted out shortly as she is focussed completely on Lisa, starting to give as good as she gets now!

Kenny: Vicki Task has decided finally to focus on matters inside the ring I think and let everyone else kill each other in the process. I think she senses an end to the match shortly!

Cari: Unless Yvette can get her butt back in the ring in a hurry I think you are right. Tiffany has little left and that irritating rookie seems to have an endless supply of energy!

Kenny: Frankensteiner from Lindsey Locke!! She has her, why not go for the pin?

Cari: Because Yvette and the rest of the Sisterhood are still a factor, but only for a short while longer I expect.

Kenny: It seems the Sisterhood are all locked up! Yvette and Lisa are dangerously near the side of the ship and the Marquise seems to be coming off worse! I think Lisa has injured her knee or leg or something!

Cari: The count is still going and she is going to have to move now or get count out!

Kenny: Laura Parker is trying to reach her but Janus is not letting her by and LPM is tangled up with Shea London at the moment!

In the ring Lindsey stands a wobbly Tiffany Lane up near the center of the ring, then climbs to the top rope and drives into Miss BRA with a missile dropkick! Tiffany Lane crashes motionless to the deck as Lightning Lindsey Locke rolls to the side to the wild adoration of the fans! Laura takes a wild swing at Janus in a fury as she sees Tiffany near defeat in the ring, but misses completely and bowls over Willi Weinerschnitzel and Peggy Christian as a surprised Angela Downey stands by! Just as Lindsey pumps up the crowd for her finisher, climbing to the top turnbuckle for the Lightning Strike, Zantara Underworld re-emerges from where she left with a big bucket and a maniacal smile!

Kenny: Zantara is out of this match, what is she doing back?

Cari: Remember your science! I was wondering how long it would take her to think of this!

Kenny: Think of what?

As Zantara reached near the ring she raised the bucket high! People in the front row of seats near her started to scream and dive from their chairs to get clear! With an evil glint in her eye visible even through the dark glasses, Zantara showered the deck with the contents of her bucket! The clear night was instantly thrown into disarray as the hot water from the bucket reacted immediately with the dry ice on the deck and covered the whole area in a blanket of thick fog!

Kenny: Oh wow! I can�t see a thing now!

Cari: That�s the idea, geek-boy!

It was really messed up now! People screamed as fog obscured everyone�s vision! In the confusion the combatants on the outside stop for a moment. Laura manages to break free of Janus and disappears in the fog. LPM somehow sees a break as the relative wind begins to clear the fog and charges at Lisa Dream, bowling her over! As the two girls tumble to the deck LPM shouts one word to Yvette.


Cari: (reaches and grabs Kenny�s laptop) Gimme this!

Kenny: HEY!!

Yvette can only scream in frustration as the sound of Vicki Task�s voice rings out loud and clear, speaking the word that ends her hopes at the Celestial title!

Vicki: TWENTY!

Kenny: The Marquise is out! She has been counted out in the fog!

Cari: Stupid WENCH!

As she utters the last word Cari sends Kenny�s laptop sailing at the ring in the thinning fog, cracking Vicki Task painfully in the back of the head!

Kenny: My computer!!!

Cari: Nice to see your concern in the right place!

Kenny was almost the only one to see that. Laura Parker acted swiftly and approached the ring under cover of fog. Most of the ring was still blanketed with fog and Lindsey Locke waited on the top turnbuckle. Finally seeing her victim still motionless on the mat she leapt off the turnbuckle, driving her elbow down towards Tiffany�s stomach but finds it crashing painfully into the mat as Laura drags Tiffany clear at the last moment! As the rookie rolls around the mat in pain Vicki Task stirs on the far side, rubbing her head. Laura swiftly rolls into the ring and pulls Lindsey up to her feet before tucking the rookie�s head between her legs and piledriving her hard to the mat!

Kenny: The fog is thinning out, and I think I see an extra person in the ring!

Cari: Don�t be stupid! That�s the ref!

Kenny: You mean the one you laid out with my laptop!

Cari: You say one word and I�ll see to it you never get to browse another Britney Spears website EVER again!

Kenny: Oh�clumsy me! I seem to have dropped my laptop! How careless of me!

As the fog finally clears in the ring and the referee�s head Laura Parker slips out under the ropes and Tiffany Lane is crawling over to a stunned Lindsey Locke! She slumps over the rookie�s chest and hooks a leg. The referee drops beside and starts the count.

Kenny: What happened?? Lindsey Locke was in complete control!

Cari: ONE!

Kenny: Tiffany must have cheated!

Cari: TWO!!

Kenny: NOOO!!

Cari: THREE!!!


Some of the crowd start to cheer but most are in stunned silence as they also can�t believe what has happened! Laura rushes into the ring and hugs a worn out but excited new Celestial Champion! Outside the ring Janus, Shea London, Peggy Christian, Samantha Staffer and Angela Downey all look on in utter disbelief! Lisa Dream and Zantara Underworld are nowhere to be found but the Marquise Yvette DeSade Malreaux and her young prot�g� hug as they lie hurting on the deck! The belt is brought into the ring and placed around the waist of the reigning Miss BRA, and now new Celestial Champion, Tiffany Lane!

Cari: What a finish, and what a sight to see the belt around the waist of a true champion!

Kenny: Whatever�however�Tiffany Lane is now the new BRA Celestial Champion!

Lindsey Locke leaves the ring to her waiting friends, but not before casting a look of pure dislike at Laura Parker! Vicki Task rolls out but does not leave, instead approaching the announcer�s table.

Vicki: This time you have gone too far, Trammel!

Cari: I�m sure I have no idea what you are talking about, right Kenny!

Vicki: I see you have �lost� you�re laptop Kenny! I think I know where it went�and HOW!

With that the referee stomped off, massaging her head as Cari Trammel chuckled behind her.


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