(The screen is showing the wrestlers of the Battling Ring Angels enjoying themselves on the cruise. Lots of shots of the bikini clad wrestlers sunning themselves by the pool. There are also shots of the masquerade party and the Kareoke contest. There must be trouble with the sound because we can Janus lips moving but we can't hear her sing.)

Kenny: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Battling Ring Angels summer solstice Pay Per view.

Cari: Archangel, in her infinite goodness, has spared no expense bringing you this card on the high seas.

Kenny: We have spent a glorious ten days in the sun of the Caribbean aboard the Sea Angel.

Cari: But now is the time everyone has been waiting for. The PPV. Where every match is important. It is the time for every wrestler to give it their all. This is BRA's premier event.

Kenny: This match features rookie Sakura Ito in her second match in BRA.

Cari: And probably her last. She was beaten pretty soundly by Gina Moore in her last match.

Kenny: Gina Moore and about twenty of her friends. The odds were pretty stacked against her in that match.

Cari: One of the things she will have to learn is that she is not in Japan any more. She better learn to expect that.

Kenny: I believe that she may have joined the new stable that Samantha Stafford formed.

Cari: The Whorehouse?

Kenny: The Cathouse.

Cari: Same thing. He comes the first wrestler.

(On the loud speaker the sound of Secretaria by Mocedades plays as Gwen Jeru in her crimson bra, long white baggy pants with a black sash in the back, red sandals. She stools out walking in short strides to the ring her footsteps heard loud on the deck. She stops at the ropes and flips over causing the fans to cheer. )

Cari: Gwen Jeru is a tough wrestler with a good wrestler. She is known for her fiery temper.

Kenny: I think she has terrified the stewards on this trip. She might not be allowed back on if we do another one of these cruises.

Cari: She simply demands the best. Just as she demands from herself.

Kenny: She has been impressive in her matches thus far. And even if she does have a temper and a foul mouth, she does manage to fight clean.

Cari: Nobody's perfect.

Kenny: Than you think she should clean up her mouth?

Cari: No. I think she should not be afraid to bend the rules.

(The speakers crackle to life, starting off Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now'. As the first slow stanza ends, Sakura Ito, known also as 'Chibiyama' or the Little Mountain, jogs into view, closely followed by her manager, John Nanakami. Sakura appears to be, if possible, even more in condition than in her last appearance, her tan an edge deeper and her hair lightened slightly by the bright Aruba sun. Her thickly muscled body is covered in her standard ring garb, which consists of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is coloured a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. John is dressed in a pair of black slacks and a grey sweatshirt, an airbrushed picture of a mountain peak and cherry blossoms scattering in the wind adorning the back. As the music swells, Sakura points out to all of the fans, waving her hands towards her to encourage their cheers, letting her youthful charisma come to the fore. After a brief moment, she begins to make her way to the ring, John right behind her, clapping hands with eager fans. Sakura steps through the ring ropes, turning to the crowds for a moment to flex her impressive biceps in a quick show of her muscle, before turning to stretch against the ring ropes, eyes intense and ready. John takes a position in her corner, ready to guide his protege in her match.)

Kenny: The ref has signaled for the bell and the match is underway.

(Both wrestlers move quickly to the center of the ring. The lock up, collar and elbow as each tries to overpower the other. Ito begins to gain the advantage and power Gwen to her knees. In a burst of strength, Gwen rises and head butts Ito on the face. Ito screams and breaks the hold, baking away and rubbing her face. Gwen follows and delivers a High kick to Ito's jaw. Sakura is staggered by the kick and falls against the ropes. Gwen goes for another high kick, but Ito ducks it. Ito connects with a quick right jab. She follows it up with another and then another. Jeru is rocked by the fury of the "little mountain's" boxing. The ref cautions Sakura about the use of closed fists. Jeru takes the opportunity to recover as the Ito listens to the ref. John yells something to Sakura in Japanese. She smiles at whatever he said.)

Cari: I see you imported "good girl" doesn't mind breaking the rules.

Kenny: With so many using closed fists, they might as well change that rule.

Cari: They haven't yet.

(Jeru punches Ito, but Ito blocks it. Sakura grabs Jeru's wrist and sends her into the ropes. On the rebound, Ito scoops Gwen up ands slams her to the mat. Ito grabs Gwen's arm and places her in an arm bar. Sakura twists the arm, causing Jeru to cry out in pain. Gwen slaps the mat in pain. The ref asks if she submits, but Gwen just curses him in Spanish. Using her strength, Gwen powers to her feet, but Ito keeps the arm bar on. Now Gwen is standing with Ito holding on to one of her arms with the armbar. Ito twists the armbar, causing Gwen to stagger but she stays on her feet. Gwen stomps down on Sakura's stomach causing her to break the hold. She stomps on Ito again causing Ito to roll into a ball. Gwen walks away shaking her arm trying to shake the pain out of it.)

Kenny: Ito is using some nice technical moves.

Cari: But Gwen is showing her strength and using some nice stomps too.

(Ito gets to her feet and goes after Jeru. Jeru Kicks, but Ito grabs her leg. Ito twists the leg, causing Gwen to fall on her back. Sakura grabs Gwen's other leg and places both legs under her arm pits. The "little mountain" begins to spin. Gwen is lifted off the mat by the big swing. Ito spins faster and faster the centrifugal force causing Gwen to stay parallel with the mat. Gwen screams for this ride to stop. The crowd is cheering the smaller woman's show of strength. Ito releases Gwen, who goes spinning through the air before landing in a heap in the corner of the mat. It takes Ito a few seconds to get reoriented. Gwen takes the opportunity to use the ropes to get to her feet. Jeru attempts to take a couple of steps out of the corner but is too dizzy to really walk.)

Cari: Gwen is staggering around like a drunken sailor.

Kenny: Something you would be very familiar with.

Cari: Hey! He was the first mate and he wasn't drunk.

(Ito grabs the still reeling Gwen and whips her into the ropes. She grabs Gwen on the rebound and smasher her back against Ito's knee with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Gwen screams in agony as Ito holds her over her knee, pressing down with one hand on her chest and the on her legs. Ito releases the hold but quickly brings both hands down in a double axe handle on Gwen's exposed gut. The air is driven from Jeru's lungs in a loud gasp. Ito pushes Gwen off her knee. Gwen lies on her side on the mat, unable to tell which hurts more, her belly or her back.)

Kenny: The "little mountain" Is really showing off her strength with those moves.

Cari: With her height, I think she is more like a mole hill than a mountain.

Kenny: She packs a lot of power into that small stature and the fans really are beginning to appreciate her.

Cari: Fans! What do they know?

Kenny: They know enough to pay your salary.

Cari: Which is the only smart thing they do.

(The fans are cheering Sakura on. John is yelling more instructions or encouragement to her in Japanese. Gwen lies on the mat moaning. Ito walks toward Jeru preparing to bring her to her feet. Jeru strikes quickly with a leg sweep that knocks Ito to the mat. Jeru springs to her feet and grabs the stunned Ito by the legs.)

Cari: Ha! Gwen was just faking it. She suckered Ito into getting over confident.

(Gwen quickly wraps Ito in a figure four leg lock. Sakura screams as Gwen leans back putting the pressure on. The ref asks Ito is she submits. Ito shakes her head no. Ito begins to inch her way to the ropes.)

Kenny: It looks like Sakura is again using her strength to get to the ropes. She may be able to break this hold.

Cari: I doubt that. Gwen is leaning back even further and that has put a stop to any hope of Ito getting to the ropes.

(John is yelling encouragement to Ito as he slaps the mat with his hands. Sweat is poring down Ito's face from the pain and the exertion. Gwen is leaning back even further, smiling at Ito. Suddenly Ito rocks to the side, First to the left, which Gwen counters and then to the right. Gwen is over balanced and Ito is able to reverse the leg lock. Gwen screams as white hot pain sears her knee.)

Kenny: Reversal by Sakura! Now it is Gwen feeling the pain.

Cari: Gwen has a few tricks in her arsenal. She is refusing the ref's offer to submit.

(Gwen attempts to roll over and reverse the hold. She gets about half way, when Ito releases the hold. Both the wrestlers lie on the mat and massage their sore knees. They both get to their feet at the same time but both take the time to try their knees and make sure they don't buckle. Gwen raises her hands as s sign to go for a test a strength. Ito agrees and raises her hands. They begin to lock their fingers, but Gwen kicks Ito in her already sore knee. Ito screams and hobbles backward. Gwen moves in quickly and grabs Ito around the waist. She lifts her up and onto her back with a neon lights suplex. Gwen bridges into a pin, but Ito is able to roll out of it. Gwen gets quickly to her feet and grabs Ito in a headlock. She forces Sakura to her feet and then slips behind her, keeping on the head lock. Jeru falls to her rear and brings Ito's neck across her shoulder in a neck breaker. Sakura flops to the mat as Gwen rolls her up for the pin. The ref drops to the mat.)


Cari: That Neckbreaker is Gwen's finisher and it looks like it just finished Ito.


(John continues to yell encouragement to Sakura. He also waives his arms, getting the crowd to yell encouragement to her.)

THR . . . No!

(Ito is able to kick out at the last second. Gwen screams at the ref over what she considers to be a slow count. Ito slowly gets to her feet and is met by a headbutt from Gwen. Jeru immediately flips Ito to the mat. The ref drops to the mat again but Ito gets a shoulder up before he can count to two. A frustrated Gwen grabs Ito in an armbar and forces her to her feet. She whips Ito into the corner. Ito slams into the corner, her heads snaps back from the impact. Gwen follows her in with a ram attempt. Ito slumps to the mat and Gwen's head hits the ring post with a loud crash. She staggers backward before falling to the mat.)

Cari:Gwen tried to use her move, the 'bull ram a", but it didn't work there.

Kenny: I guess you could say that she was using her head.

(Ito gets slowly to her feet, trying to shake the cobwebs out of her head. Gwen is still on the mat, with a gash in her forehead from ramming the ring post. Sakura grabs Gwen and forces her to her feet. She Irish whips Gwen into the ropes both wrestlers stick their arms out to clothesline the other. Both wrestlers are lifted off their feet and deposited on the mat with a double clothesline.)

Kenny: I don't know if either of them will be able to get off the mat after that. They both bounced hard on the mat.

Cari: The ref is counting them both out.

(The ref reaches five before either wrestler stirs. At eight they are both on their feet. They take time to recoup as this match has taken a lot out of them. They stagger toward each other. Ito takes a boxer's stance and delivers a right to Jeru's jaw that staggers her. Another right and then a third causes Gwen to reel toward the ropes. Ito looks at her manager for instructions. Jeru takes this chance to deliver a line kick that hits Ito in the stomach. Sakura doubles over, grunting from the impact. Gwen moves in and puts Ito's head between her thighs. She wraps her arms around Ito's waste and grunts as she raises Ito onto her shoulders. She slams Ito down hard. On her back with a power bomb. Jeru brings Ito to her feet with a handful of hair. With her free hand she backhand slaps Ito across the face. Ito reacts by putting Jeru in bearhug and squeezing hard. Jeru is shocked by this turn of events and struggles with her free hands to break the bearhug. Sakura squeezes harder forcing the air from Gwen's lungs. Ito then snaps the bearhug into a spinebuster. Jeru flops on the mat on her back. Moving quickly, Ito grabs one of Jeru's legs and twists her over on her stomach. She grabs the other leg and straddles Jeru's back with a Boston Crab. Gwen screams as the pressure is applied to her back. Gwen tries to kick her way out of the crab, but Ito is too well positioned. Jeru is just out of reach of the ropes. The ref asks if Gwen submits. Gwen screams out a no.)

Kenny: A well-done serious of moves by Sakura has given her control of the match. I don't think Gwen will be able to power out of the hold.

Cari: Gwen has started to claw her way to the ropes, pulling Ito with her.

Kenny: She still has a few inches to go, and I don't know if she has the strength to make it. This match has really taken its toll on her.

Cari: Not to mention that she has to carry that "little tank" on her back.

Kenny: I think you mean "little mountain".

Cari: Whatever.

(Tears have begun to flow from Gwen's eyes as the ref asks her again if she wants to submit. This time Gwen can only shake her head no. With the last of her strength, Gwen lunges toward the ropes and reaches out her hand. She is able to just barely grab the bottom rope. The ref signals for the break and Ito complies. Ito gets to her feet and backs away as Gwen holds the rope with one hand and massages her back with the other. Ito goes to her corner to confer with her manager as Gwen uses the ropes to get to her feet. Sakura moves quickly when Gwen lets go of the ropes. She grabs one of Gwen's arms and attempts to whip her into the ropes. Jeru reverses the whip and sends Ito into the ropes. On the rebound, Gwen connects with Ito's jaw with a spinning flip kick. Sakura lands hard on the mat. Gwen brings her to her feet with a handful of hair. Ito lashes out quickly with five rapid punches to Gwen's gut. Gwen grabs and doubles over from the impact. Sakura forces Gwen's head between her thighs and lifts her up and drops her to the mat with a power bomb. Before Gwen can react, Ito brings her to her feet and again powerbombs her to the mat.)

Kenny: Sakura is going for her finisher. The 1 - 2 - 3 Mountain Drop.

Cari: We'll see if she can finish it. Gwen still has a lot of fight in her yet.

(Gwen is still dazed from the first two power bombs as Ito forces her to her feet again. She signals to the crowd who gives a loud cheer. She wraps her arms around Gwen's waist and with a grunt raised her a third time dropping her to the mat a third time with a power bomb. Gwen lies, unmoving on the mat. Ito hooks a leg and pins her shoulders to the mat. The ref drops to the mat.)




Kenny: She's done it. Sakura Ito has gotten her first win in the Battling Ring Angels.

Cari: A lucky win for her. Gwen seemed to be off tonight.

Kenny: Really? I thought she put up a good fight.

(Sakura helps Gwen to her feet and congratulates her on a good fight. Gwen frowns at Ito and stalks out of the ring.)

Kenny: Some real sportswomanship being shown by Sakura. I think she'll be a great addition to BRA.

Cari: I think I'm going to barf?

Kenny: Are you sea sick?

Cari: No, I just got force fed too much sugar.

The winner: SAKURA ITO, by pin fall. 1

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