Fallen Angel Title Match

Sandra ‘The Tiger’ Blake vrs Janus

By: ToneDef

[We are on a cruise ship, the latest venue for the Battling Ring Angels pay per view. The ring has been set up on the main deck, and the few lucky patrons who managed to secure tickets are seated around the rings perimeter. They appear to be a reserved lot, as compared to the typical BRA spectators….no signs are waved, and no frenzied screams are heard, though all are impressed thus far with the card. The camera spins around, to regard the announcers table located at ringside.]

Cari: "Welcome back, folks, and is this next match ever going to be a treat for all of you watching via our satellite feed!"

Kenny: "Yeah, if cheap shots, blood and carnage are your thing, I’m sure that you will all be impressed with our next bout…"

Cari: "Kenny, wake up and smell the coffee…hardcore wrestling is where the money is these days, and with the fallen angel belt on the line, this is one of the most highly anticipated matches in ages!"

Kenny: "That is true, on the BRA internet site, in our poll for the most anticipated match, this did place third, a fair showing considering how new one of the combatants is…"

Cari: "Hey, Janus may be new to the fed, but she’s already proven herself! She has quickly asserted herself into one of my favorites…"

Kenny: "How come I’m not surprised…"

[The lights around the entrance ramp go dar, and ‘War Pigs’ by Black Sabbath begins to play. Making her entrance from behind the curtain is Janus, who is accompanied by Lightning Lindsey Locke. Janus walks slowly to the ring, her eyes focused on the squared circle. She wears black leather pants and a long sleeve velvet shirt. She completes the outfit with her customary blue and black cowboy boots. Her dark hair hangs loose and the scarred left side
of her face shows in the lights. Lindsay, walking with her hand on Janus' shoulder, wears her wrestling attire, with a Los Angeles Lakers Jersey over it. She has her blond hair in pigtails. She whispers things in Janus' ear as Janus nods her head and stares at the ring.]

Kenny: "All the bookies in the world could not have placed these odds! Janus, walking out with Lindsey Locke, what is the world coming to?!?"

Cari: "Exactly! Janus, what is wrong with you?!? What are you doing with that ham and egger?!?"

[Janus hops into the ring and takes a microphone.]

Janus: "I am no longer a catch phrase! I am no longer a quote! I am no longer a comedy act! I can no longer be pushed around and insulted! I am no one's lackey! I am Janusâ and I will be the Hard Core Champion!"

Kenny: "I wonder who it was that saw her as a comedy act before! That is one woman that I would not want to run into in a dark alley…"

Cari: "Pffft. Maybe once before, but now that she’s with Lindsey Locke…that little puppy dog will ruin Janus, I know that now!"

[Janus throws the microphone down, and Lindsey gives her a thumbs up from outside the ring as ‘Man Eater’ by Hall and Oates blares over the arena’s loudspeakers. The image of a tiger appears on the Jumbotron as Sandra Blake, the fallen angel, emerges from the dressing room area.]

Kenny: "And here comes our hardcore champion! She has quickly asserted herself as one of the deadliest combatants in the organization…and I say that she will come out on top here!"

Cari: "If Janus was alone, I’d agree with you…even though that cheater Lindsey Locke is with her, I’m sure that that do gooder has rubbed off on her! Badly!"

[Sandra wears a tiger striped Brazilian cut one piece with black leggins underneath. She also wears fingerless gloves, combat boots, and some press on claws. She comes down to the ring with a glare, and, sliding into the ring, she immediately launches herself at Janus, catching the two faced woman off guard.]

Kenny: "And a closeline takes down Janus!"

Ding Ding Ding

Cari: "And we’re off! Janus gets right back up, but Sandra is there…Janus lunges at Sandra, but the fallen angel manages to hiptoss her to the mat!"

Kenny: "Janus back up…but Sandra sends her right back down with a back heel kick! I think that this time, Janus is wise enough to stay down!"

Cari: "Even better than that, she rolls out of the ring, trying to catch her bearings. And Sandra follows….already the action moves out of the ring!"

[The spectators on that side of the ring quickly get up, off of their chairs as Sandra grabs one of the chairs. She folds it up, and follows after Janus, who was walking away from the Fallen Angel Champion. She goes to drive it down onto Janus’s back, but Janus sees it coming at the last second and kicks Sandra in the belly, doubling her over and causing her to drop the chair. With a scowl, Janus wraps her arms around Sandra’s belly, and gut wrench powerbombs the smaller woman down onto the chair.]

Kenny: "Oh, wow! Janus is one of the few women in this league capable of doing such a move, did you see how easily she lifted Sandra up there? It could be over now!"

Cari: "It was one jarring move, Janus goes for the cover, but there is a kickout at 2. Grabbing a handful of Sandra’s hair, the two faced powerhouse pulls Sandra to her feet."

Kenny: "Have to admire the durability of the tiger, I think that 84 percent of our league would not have been able to just kick out after that move!"

Cari: "Just like I always say, 84 percent of the BRA wrestlers should give up competing, and go back to knitting and cooking!"

[Janus whips Sandra at the ringpost, and, spinning around, Sandra strikes it with her back with a cry, the momentum enough to force her a couple of steps out, where Janus closelines the tiger back down to the floor. With a smirk, Janus begins to stomp away on Sandra, assaulting her with her cowboy boots as Sandra tries to protect her body from the assault.]

Kenny: "That is one vicious woman…"

Cari: "Just you wait, the little charity girls presence will have an effect on our two faced friend! Janus stops, and, rolling Sandra into the ring, she follows her back in."

Kenny: "I wonder when Janus will pull out the fork, there is a 95 percent chance that she will use it in this match…"

[Janus whips Sandra into the ropes, and goes to closeline her…Sandra ducks under the arm, however, and, bouncing back at Janus, she does a flying double kick, more than enough to knock Janus off of her feet. Sandra, however, is ailing from the attack thus far…instead of continuing the attack, she falls to one knee, a head bowed, attempting to recuperate. Janus sees this, and, getting to her feet, she grabs a handful of the tigers hair. She tugs, guiding Sandra to her feet, and throws a punch.]

Cari: "Blocked by Sandra…and retaliated with a claw of her own! Those claws of hers are just vicious! Janus scowls, throws another punch…again retaliated by Sandra, she has now cut Janus’s forehead open!"

Kenny: "Well, this is a hardcore match…odds dictate that blood will be drawn in 89.4 percent of…"

Cari: "You know what you can do with your freaking odds! Sandra throws out another claw…and then a side kick takes Janus to the mat!"

Sandra: "Ugly is only skin deep, but moron is to the core!"

Kenny: "Well, that statement was enough to provoke Janus into action….Sandra goaded her rather well!"

[Janus gets to her feet and rushes at Sandra, who easily scoops Janus up and bodyslams her to the mat. She drops a knee down onto Janus’s face before she can do anything, and then goes for the cover. However, Janus kicks out at one and a half, powering her way out of the attempt. Sandra, however, gets to her feet quicker than Janus, and smirks at her.]

Sandra: "Hey, freaky, didn’t you and Batman go a few rounds?"

Cari: "Once again provoking Janus to rush her…I tell you, Janus is one strong woman, but she is not too swift upstairs…"

Kenny: "Sandra moves out of the way with ease, and gets Janus down to the mat with a drop toe hold! Nice technical move…Janus gets back to her feet a little dazed, holding her face…and Sandra closelines her over the top rope!"

Cari: "Going back outside…exactly where a hardcore battle should be!"

[Janus is struggling to her feet as Sandra walk a few feet away, and takes the lid off of a garbage can at ringside. With a scowl, the tiger slams the lid down onto Janus’s head, knocking the woman back to the ground. Discarding the trashcan lid, Sandra then pulls Janus to her feet, and shoves her head between her legs, so that Janus is bent at the waist, at Sandra’s mercy.]

Kenny: "No! Even Sandra is not that vindictive…is she going to piledrive Janus onto the floor?!? That could permanently injure her!"

Cari: "I think it would take more than that to take care of Janus…and look! The two faced woman suddenly lifts, propelling Sandra over her body! She’s not done, not by a long shot!"

Kenny: "Janus begins to stomp away on Sandra again! Those cowboy boots do their damage, don’t they?!?"

Cari: "They certainly are doing a number on Sandra….Janus finally stops, hauls Sandra to her feet, and rolls her into the ring."

Kenny: "Janus grabs a chair, and slides it into the ring as well! She then rolls back in there, this could get rather vicious now!"

Cari: "Now? And it wasn’t vicious before? You are on crack, buddy boy!"

[Janus hauls Sandra to her feet, and then DDT’s her to the mat. She goes for the cover, but the tiger manages to kick out of the move at the 2 count. Janus looks a bit peturbed that Sandra managed to buck out, and, again pulling Sandra to her feet, Janus whips her into the ropes. Sandra comes running back at Janus…but then suddenly does a power sliding side kick to Janus’s belly, knocking her against the ropes. As Janus comes back, Sandra does a legsweep, knocking Janus to the mat, and then she suddenly drops a leg across Janus’s throat.]

Kenny: "It’s the pounce! Sandra’s finishing manuever! I didn’t see that coming, Sandra goes for the cover!"

Cari: "The referee…what is the referee doing?!? He is over at the ropes, saying something to Lindsey!"

Kenny: "Sandra has Janus covered, I don’t understand, Lindsey isn’t even doing anything, she is just standing there…why is the referee ignoring the action in the ring?"

Cari: "The referee is just a smart person, he is telling Lindsey ahead of time not to interfere in the match, like that little cheater that she is!"

[Sandra notices that the referee is not making the count, and, getting off of Janus, she walks over, and spins the referee around, verbally berating him for not paying attention to the action in the squared circle. The referee starts to argue back, and Janus stirs in her position on the mat. She reaches into her pocket….and removes a fork, to the shock and surprise of everyone watching the event. She moves behind Sandra…and, when Sandra spins back around, Janus suddenly strikes Sandra with the fork, enough to draw blood from the tiger’s face.]

Kenny: "Janus throws down the fork, and Sandra clutches her head, stumbling around the mat….Janus scoops her up, and poweslams her to the mat!"

Cari: "This is getting interesting, Janus sets up the chair…and hauls Sandra to her feet……are you thinking what I’m thinking?"

Kenny: "Really? You think that Janus is hot too?"

Cari: "Um…..(shakes her head). Janus sets Sandra up for the Faces of Pain, a face first spine buster…and drives the tiger down onto the chair, face first! That had to hurt!"

Kenny: "It’s all but over now!"

Cari: "Janus makes the cover, the referee counts…1…2…3!"

Ding Ding Ding

[Janus gets to her feet, and Lindsey enters the ring as well as they celebrate their victory, and Janus actually smiles as the hardcore title belt is handed to her. She holds it above her head, to symbolize the new champion, and then the two exit the ring.]

Kenny: "A new era in BRA, that is for sure….I am rather afraid to think of who will possibly contend for that belt against that monstrosity…"

Cari: "Ladies and Gents, we have another great match coming your way….you won’t want to miss it!"

[Fade to a promotional piece on the 4 corners Celestial Title match.]

Winner, and new Fallen Angel Champion: Janus.


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