On the deck of the Sea Angel the crowd was clambering for more. Even with the small crowd there was lots of evidence of fan support. Signs hung out over railings and around the crowd, though fewer still showed support. “I have a Locke on Lindsey’s heart!”, “Sisterhood is doin’ it!” and “We love you, Sam! From the OSCAR Club”.

Cari: Who the hell is the OSCAR Club?

Kenny: (tapping quickly on his computer) Official Staffer Clients and Rooters Club!

Cari: That explains all the middle-aged men on the cruise anyway!

Kenny: Well, Samantha seems to be very close to one of our combatants these days! Rumor has it she and Peggy Christian will be announcing the formation of a new stable any time now!

Cari: You mean they will be forming IN a stable!

Kenny: Your lack of confidence in a lot of these wrestlers surprises me! I think Peggy is going to surprise you tonight!

Cari: You mean by showing up!

Kenny: Well, this IS a BRA first tonight! A mother verses daughter match, and there appears to be no love lost between the two these days!

Cari: The only interesting part of this match is the type of match. I doubt Peggy is up for a first blood match, but her daughter strikes me as the type that won’t balk at that for a second! That’s MY kind of wrestler!

Kenny: My computer shows that with the sixty pound weight advantage, the overwhelming fan support and her daughter’s recent illness that Peggy has and 87.65% chance of taking this match!

Cari: I show that with that thing shoved down your throat I have a 100% chance of doing this match on my own!

Kenny: Ummmm…rumor has it Jennifer is back in the Sisterhood again!

Cari: Then Princess Porky has NO chance!

“Ladies and gentlemen, our next match will be a first blood match, mother verses daughter! First, from Edmonton Canada, weighing 162 lbs., “Princess” Peggy Christian!!” At the mention of the name, the obviously pro-mother crowd breaks into a loud chorus of support! The modified sound system pipes up and the sounds of "“She's a Lady" bellow out, heralding the arrival of Peggy Christian. She is wearing a pink floral one-piece suit and white wrestling boots beneath a light pink full-length robe. She is accompanied to the ring by Samantha Staffer dressed in a hot pink belly shirt and short shorts with canvass runners and strides confidently beside her friend. As both women enter the ring, Samantha grabs the microphone and stands with Peggy.

Kenny: This looks interesting!

Cari: Boring you mean!

As Samantha raises a hand, the noise level dies down. “I will only take a second, this is my friend’s moment here, but I want you all to know that she will be competing tonight as a member of a new stable in BRA.” Once again the noise level rises in support! “From now on, Peggy will be wrestling as a member of…The Cathouse!” With that Samantha drops the mic, takes Peggy’s robe off and gives her a hug before exiting the ring.

Kenny: Well there it is, it’s official now! Look out Sisterhood!

Cari: What, are they going to bury them in cookies?

“Her opponent tonight, also hailing from Edmonton, Canada, weighing 100lbs, Jennifer La Petite Marquise Christian!” The opening few bars of the French National Anthem are heard and roundly booed by the crowd before “Fits ya Good” by Bryan Adams belts out extremely loud, drowning out the dissenters. LPM walks proudly to the ring with a sneer on her face accompanied by Laura Parker. The young blonde is dressed in her familiar white S and M outfit modeled after her friend and mentor, Yvette Malreaux. In her right hand is gripped a pristine white riding crop that she idly slaps her thigh with as she mounts the steps and enters the ring. As she looks to the other side, she brings the crop up to her neck, making an unmistakable slitting gesture across it before tossing the crop to Laura who waits on the outside.

Cari: She’s got the look in her eyes! If she get past all that fat on the other side, this match will be a cinch!

Kenny: There’s enough interest on the outside as well to make it interesting, and look, I don’t think it’s over!

Coming down the aisle was a young blonde woman dressed in jean shorts and a green spandex top and biker gloves. As well, a tattoo of a snake ran down her shoulder and up her arm. Around her neck was a length of chain that could easily cause a lot of damage! As she approaches the ring both wrestlers on the inside give her an uneasy look until she moves in the direction of Peggy’s corner and gives the elder woman a thumbs up.

Kenny: So much for the balance of power! Look’s like another vote for the mother!

Cari: I find this hard to believe! Lesley Manus is a great fighter and why she is supporting someone like Peggy Christian is beyond belief!

Kenny: Maybe she is another convert to the Cathouse!

Cari: Don’t talk garbage!

Kenny: Either way, referee Oni Malvolio may have her hands full!

The bell rings and both ladies come out from there corner circling. Peggy looks focused as she watches her daughter sneering. The older woman tries for a lockup but is met with a snap kick to her belly. She backs away to the ropes gasping but doubles over as another kick hits her in the ribs. Referee Malvolio quickly admonishes the little Marquise and gives Peggy a break.

Kenny: La Petite Marquise is starting off fast! I think she needs to get the win fast in this match. She can’t be match ready after her illness and layoff.

Cari: She can still beat the overweight cow asleep! Even the tiny referee would have little problem beating her!

Peggy adjusts her suit as she comes off the ropes, a little more careful this time. On the outside all three wrestlers watch with interest as the mother and daughter finally lock up. The weight difference shows right away as Peggy drives LPM back into a corner. Before the ref can call the break she sends a heavy forearm to the chest of LPM, rocking the youngster heavily!

Kenny: That was a heavy blow! I don’t think LPM liked that!

Cari: Emphasis on the word HEAVY!

Reacting surprisingly quickly, Peggy turns and snap mares her daughter hard to the mat. Pulling her to her feet by the hair, Peggy scoops up her much lighter opponent and holds her suspended upside down in the air! Outside Samantha and Viper are beating the apron with encouragement while Laura Parker stands with a very worried look on her face! With the support of the crowd getting louder, Peggy takes several steps toward the middle of the ring and drops down in a power slam that was felt from stem to stern!

Kenny: Ow!! That looked painful! Peggy just about powerslammed her daughter through the ship’s hull!

Cari: I doubt you would get up after having that much weight dropped on you! This match could be over real fast!

In the ring, LPM did not move as Peggy hooked a leg and rolled over her daughter’s shoulders.

Cari: What does she think she is doing! The only way she can win is to draw blood!

Kenny: Look at the outside! I think she is trying to prove something!

Both Viper and Samantha were pounding the mat with their hands, imitating the ref and goading the crowd into counting with them! As Peggy held the pin, the crowd picked up the count very quickly…





As the count reached ten Malvolio finally ordered the larger woman off and she got to her feet to a rousing cheer from the crowd!

Kenny: Your right! If this was a normal match, this would have been over VERY quickly, and Peggy just proved it!

Cari: Sure, just like taking her out of a hospital and giving a child a spanking! Put her up against a wrestler and see how she does!

Kenny: This may be the new beginning the veteran has been looking for!

Peggy dragged her groggy daughter back to her feet, then whipped her hard to the ropes, catching her on the rebound with a running clothesline that dropped LPM gagging to the mat! She followed that with a leg drop across the chest, causing even more distress in the teen! As the crowd bellowed encouragement Peggy rolled LPM on to her stomach and climbed on her back, cupping her hands under the reeling teen’s chin and pulling back, eliciting screams of pain from the smaller woman!

Kenny: This match is all Peggy! The camel clutch is being quite effective! Normally this would be the third ranked hold in this position, but..

Cari: She still has to draw blood! Why do you think she is playing around like this, eh?

Kenny: She just wants to put on a good display for the crowd! She does not want this to end too fast!

Cari: Or maybe she can’t! She doesn’t have the guts! Or should I say she has LOTS of guts, but they’re weak and feeble, like her!

Peggy leans forward, keeping the pressure on her daughter, and whispers in her ear. “I want to hear you say, mommy, I give!” LPM screams, “Noooooo!!”, but that just forces Peggy to lean back farther, putting increasing pressure on the teens neck! Her resistance weakened from weeks of illness and inactivity, LPM whispers back through clenched teeth, “mommy!…..I…give!” Peggy smiles back as she gives another little tug. “Louder!” Jenn feels the tug and shrieks out, “Mommy!!..I GIVE!!”

Kenny: Unbelievable! Peggy just made her daughter scream her submission! The crowd is loving this!

Cari: What kind of mother makes her own daughter go through such humiliation!

Kenny: I have to admit, that is not normal for Peggy, but these are very special circumstances and considering what happened at French Kiss between these two, turnabout is fair play, and the crowd agrees!

Outside Samantha is dancing a jig with an audience member as her friend controls the match. Laura Parker can’t take anymore and tries to climb into the ring but thinks better as Lesley Magnus sends her chain crashing to the apron beside her and glares! Laura backs away with her hands in the air, shaking her head as the Viper holds the chain in a menacing fashion. Oni Malvolio once again calls a break, cautioning the older woman about what type of match this. Peggy gets off her prey immediately and raises her arms to the crowd!

Kenny: I have to admit, her chances of actually drawing blood go down proportionally with the amount of time she drags this match out!

Cari: Meaning, she is too weak willed to do it! It will be her downfall!

Kenny: I really hate to disagree with you, believe me I do, but I don’t think the Little Marquise has anything left!

Peggy once again drags LPM to her feet. The teen is barely able to stand as Peggy scoops her up with ease and body slams her back to the mat. Peggy hears the roar of the crowd and rolls with it, again slamming the beaten blonde to the mat. Samantha eggs the crowd on, whipping them to a frenzy, but Lesley Magnus starts to get a worried look on her face. The seasoned fighter seems to sense something most people have not, with the exception of Cari Trammel.

Cari: She can’t do it! Piggy can’t draw blood! She would never have lasted in my day!

Kenny: A real wrestler should not have to draw blood! I think it’s pretty obvious who has won this match!

Peggy drags the lifeless form of LPM near a corner. As the dazed and beaten teen lies helpless on the mat, Peggy raises a fist and helps Samantha drive the crowd to a frenzy! Laura Parker starts to yell at Oni Malvolio, “She’s cheating ref, can’t you see anything!” but is ignored by the ref. Peggy starts to climb to the middle turnbuckle facing the fans and waving to them! This seems to infuriate Laura who moves to the corner Peggy is in and starts to yell at her. Seeing Viper move towards her slowly swinging her chain, Laura gets a sly look on her face.

Kenny: It looks like you are going to be wrong this time! LPM is helpless and Peggy is pointing to her elbow! I think she is going to finish this now!

Cari: I’m more interested in what’s going on outside! Laura and Viper may have something to say here!

Kenny: Though Samantha seems to want to let them alone. Smart girl!

Cari: Big chicken you mean!

Laura turns and starts to raise a hand to the corner, but keeps watch over her shoulder. Viper swings into action and lets fly with the chain, but Laura seemed to see it coming and dives out of the way. The chain smacks into the corner post, but also the turnbuckle sending Peggy crashing to the mat! She falls awkwardly, gasping as she lands beside her daughter.

Kenny: Oh no! Poor Peggy!

Cari: Poor Viper! I don’t think that’s what she had in mind! Cari: Now THAT shows some presence of mind!

A stunned Samantha and Lesley can only watch as LPM rolls the larger woman over. As Peggy lay stunned LPM gets to her feet and with a quick motion, grinds her foot into Peggy’s face! Oni Malvolio is over in a flash and pulling the boot off and looking at the face of the older woman. With a wave of the hand to the side she pulls Jenn away from her mother as the sound of the bell goes off in the background!


Kenny: This can’t be real!

Cari: (yawning) Will you EVER listen to me!

A look of disgust spreads over the face of Lesley Magnus. Samantha Staffer looks on in disbelief and Laura Parker leaps into the ring as La Petite Marquise stands with Oni Malvolio raising her arm in the air! The crowd looks on in stunned disbelief for a moment before breaking out into a chorus of catcalls and booing! Laura rushes over and gives her friend a hug as Peggy gets to one elbow, wiping the blood from her nose and looking with despair at the two women celebrating.

Kenny: This has got to go down as one of the most unfair verdicts in wrestling I have ever seen! Peggy dominated the match; she got a pin and a submission and still lost! The injustice makes me sick!

Cari: That might actually be worth seeing! But welcome to the world of professional wrestling! If you don’t have the killer instinct, you’re going to lose! And THAT, is a loser!

Kenny: (shaking his head) I still can’t believe this! We’ll be right back folks.

WINNER: Jennifer La Petite Marquise Christian 1

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