As the camera pans across the main ball room of The Sea Angel, the setting for BRA’s big shipboard PPV, the crowd of die hard fans who have spent the last two weeks aboard ship is going crazy. Up next is one of the matches they have been waiting for…The Three Way Dance for the BRA Tag Title. Signs are all over the crowd. Some if the better ones say “Tiffany – Take it off!”, “Hey Lindsay, I need a hug!”, and “Kelly fears Lesley Magnus.” As the camera pans to our co-hosts…Kenny and Cari…

Kenny: Hey everyone…we’re back and we have a super match coming up right now.

Cari: This is PPV, right?

Kenny: You got it!

Cari: In that case…The Cheerleaders can kiss my a…

Kenny: Hey! Watch It!

The crowd cheers as The Cheerleaders, Jenny and Linda Anderson walk to the ring. In matching red cheerleading outfits and the BRATT belts around their waists. They climb into the ring and hand the belts to Ref Melville. He holds the belts up and hands them to the timekeeper. The Cheerleaders loosen up in the ring.

Kenny: Here are the BRATT title holders, but they look a little out of it.

Cari: They always look like that.

Kenny: They look unfocused. Like they aren’t ready for the match.

Cari: Of course…they have to face Kurita and Mase again. Remember the last time they saw Kurita and Mase. Can you say…getting turned into hamburger meat?

The PA remains silent for a moment, a moment loner than one would expect. Finally exploding to life, Melanie C's "Going Down" surges throught he sound system as Shea London and Tara Sawyer come into view, both waves and smiles. Tara seems particularly overjoyed by her debut match. They quickly make their way to the ringside, Shea hoping up on the apron and holding the ropes for her friend. This is Tara's day--perhaps their day later, if lucky enough to win the belts after this match, but for now it was Tara's, and no matter what happened, that wouldn't change. With a smile, Tara slips though the ropes and into the ring, Shea quickly following. They loosen up in the ring and prepare for the match.

Kenny: Here is a new tag team in BRA. And Tara Sawyer is new to wrestling.

Cari: Huh. Rookie. Who cares?

As the lights dim, “Live and Let Die” blares from the loudspeakers. As the smoke clears from the entrance Kelly Mase, in red leather suit of boots, pants, and vest, and Kimie Kurita, in black pvc shorts, leather sports bra, and Doc Martins stride onto the stage. A blood-red spotlight with a black dragon inlaid in it illuminates the two as they slowly walk to the ring, ignoring the boos of the crowd. Behind them, in black army boots, green army pants and a black t-shirt that shows off his large, muscular frame, strides Kelly's brother James. Kimie and Kelly slide under the ropes as James takes up position outside. Kelly stands on the apron while Kimie steps inside, ready to start the match.

Cari: Ahhh…here come the favorites. I think the Cheerleaders are about to run away.

Kenny: Kurita and Mase are one of the most experienced tag teams around. They have to be one of the favorites in this match. And they have a very high success rate against the Cheerleaders. It’s almost…

Cari: You better get your computer a life preserver. ‘Cause I’m going to toss it overboard.

The bell sounds as action starts. Jenny enters the ring slowly as Kimie waits for her. Jenny charges at Kimie, but is met with a boot in the gut. The Cheerleader is doubled over, and Kimie wastes no time…hitting her with a DDT that crushes the Cheerleader’s head into the mat. Kimie goes for the cover, but Tara, who is also in the ring, drops an elbow and breaks the count. Kimie gets up and pushes Tara, who pushes back. Tara goes to grab Kimie, but Kimie takes her down with a spinning leg sweep. Tara goes down. Kelly enters the ring and starts to stomp and kick the downed Jenny Anderson. Linda tries to enter and help, but is hit by a clothesline from Shea London. She starts to pound on Linda Anderson.

Kenny: All six women in the ring right now.

Cari: And Kelly drops her knee right between Jenny’s legs. I love it! Look at the stupid Cheerleader roll around in pain.

The ref is trying to get a handle on the action. He, one by one, forces Shea, Linda, and Kelly out of the ring. Kimie gets off Tara and stands up Jenny Anderson. She grabs Jenny around the waist and executes an atomic drop. Her knee lands hard between the Cheerleader’s legs. Jenny puts her legs together and starts to stumble around the ring. She stumbles into Tara, who hits her with a clothesline. Jenny goes down hard. Kimie tags in Kelly, and she goes right to kicking Jenny. Tara goes over and grabs Kelly by the back of the head. She pulls her away from Jenny.

Kenny: Now Kelly’s in there and this is a wild match.

Cari: I just like to see Jenny Anderson roll around in pain. This is just great.

Tara sends Kelly to the ropes with an Irish whip. As the enforcer returns, Tara hits her with a back body drop that puts Kelly up to the lights and right back down. Fortunately her fall is broken by Jenny Anderson. Kelly lands right on top of the still downed Cheerleader. Tara moves in to press the attack.

Cari: I love this. The stupid cheerleader doesn’t even do anything and she gets hurt!

Kenny: Tara Sawyer has been impressive in this match thus far. And she’s keeping it up on Kelly Mase. My computer tells me that the team who keeps on the pressure can win in a match like this 82% of the time.

Cari: Where do you plug that thing in on this ship?

Kenny: Wireless web, baby!

Tara lifts the Assassin up by her hair and stands her. She whips Kelly to the ropes and snatches her up in a bearhug on the return. The big southern girl is really squeezing Kelly’s midsection. The Assassin is trapped. Kimie enters the ring and hits Tara in the back with a kick. Tara has to break the hold and she drops Kelly to the mat. Jenny tries to crawl to her corner, but Kimie nails her with a kick to the midsection. Jenny turns over and rolls onto her back. Kimie drops a knee between her legs and starts to choke the cheerleader until the ref starts to get her out of the ring. Tara stumbles over to her corner and tags in Shea London.

Kenny: Wild action in the ring here so far. And Shea London is about to get into the match.

Cari: Have you noticed Linda Anderson hasn’t even been in the match yet? She’s scared of Kurita and Mase.

Kenny: Jenny has been on the receiving end here thus far.

Kelly gets back to her feet, but is hit by a dropkick from Shea. Kelly goes right back to the mat. She gets up, grabs Jenny, stands her up and executes a running bulldog. She goes for the cover on the almost out cold Cheerleader. The ref drops into position…

Ref: 1…2….Only Two!

Kenny: And Linda Anderson enters the ring and breaks the pin. But lookout!

Tara enters the ring and kicks Linda, doubling her over. She grabs Linda’s back and throws her out of the ring…right over the top rope. Linda lands hard on the concrete floor. The ref sees Tara and gets her out of the ring. While he’s distracted, Kimie runs in and hits Shea with a low blow. Not missing an opportunity, she also hits Jenny with a low blow and rolls Kelly on top of her. The ref finally turns and sees Kelly pinning Jenny.

Ref: 1…2…

Before he can reach three, Shea breaks the pin by pulling Kelly off by the foot. Kelly kicks her in the face and delivers a knee drop across her neck. Shea grabs her neck and rolls over, gasping for breath. As this goes on, Kelly turns her attention to the still downed Jenny. She stands the Cheerleader up and delivers a neck breaker. Jenny hits the mat hard and sits back up, holding her neck. Her mouth is wide open, gasping. Kelly puts her heavy boot right in Jenny’s face, knocking the Cheerleader back to the mat.

Kenny: Fast and furious action here thus far. And Kelly Mase is really taking it to Jenny Anderson. She’s in a bad way. She has only a 15% success rate after taking a pounding like the one she has thus far. My computer sources tell me…

Cari: I can’t believe BRA would call this loser “Champ”. She should be out selling Oranges by the Highway, not wearing Tag Team Gold.

Kenny: Hey, isn’t that your illegitimate child?

Cari: Where?

Shea London struggles back to her feet and faces Kelly, who is stomping a mudhole in Jenny. She shakes off the damage she’s taken and gets a running start…hitting Kelly from behind with a flying forearm. Kelly gets knocked into Jenny. Her knee connects with the Cheerleader’s forehead.

Cari: How dare she hit Kelly from behind! Cheating Englishwoman!

Kenny: You’re complaining about cheating?

Shea reaches down and stands up both opponents. She grabs them by the hair and holds them face to face. She smiles for the fans, and shakes the two women. As the crowd gets pumped up in anticipation, she rams the two women’s heads together.

Crowd: 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9…10!

Shea releases her hold and lets the two wrestlers fall limply to the mat. Kelly, the better off of the two, roles out to the floor and takes a knee… trying to catch her breath. Jenny, who is now cut above her eye, just falls to the mat and lies there. The beating she has taken so far is obviously taking it’s toll. Shea points at Tara and “asks” the fans if she should tag. They respond with a thunderous roar. She tags in Tara and the fans cheer her lustily. Tara immediately grabs the downed Jenny and positions her for a piledriver. With the Cheerleader bent over, her head stuck between Tara’s strong legs, and her arms hanging limply, she hoists Jenny up and slams her head into the canvass. The impact causes Jenny to bounce off the mat and land in a heap. She rolls onto her back. The only sign of life in her is her heaving chest. Tara goes for the pin…

Ref: 1…2….Foot on the Ropes!

Kenny: And there’s a sight I thought I’d never see. From outside the ring, Kelly Mase put Jenny’s foot on the ropes. She saved Jenny.

Cari: Correction…she saved the title. If Tara pinned Jenny, the match would be over.

Tara gets off Jenny and walks to the ropes to argue with Kelly. As she is doing so, Linda runs in and hits Tara from behind, knocking her over the top rope and down to the arena floor. Happy with her work, she turns to check on Linda, but is hit by a low blow from Kimie, who is taking advantage of the ref’s watching Tara and Kelly slug it out on the arena floor. Kimie grabs the doubled over Linda and delivers a DDT, spiking her. As she stands, she is hit by a clothesline from Shea London. Shea kicks Linda out of the ring and turns her attention to Kimie. Kimie slowly gets back to her feet. Shea attempts a kick, but Kimie ducks and hits the off balance Shea with a spin kick that puts London down. She now turns her attention to the still reeling Jenny Anderson.

Kenny: Everyone has been involved in this match…

Cari: …except Linda Anderson. She’s just dead weight. Actually, I think her partner is dead.

Kimie delivers a knee drop to Jenny’s midsection. The ref is busy getting Shea out of the ring, and trying to get Kelly and Tara back in. Kelly has the upper hand on Tara right now, but she quickly rolls into the ring to break the count. Tara has been drained from her slugfest with Kelly on the outside. Kimie stands up Jenny and whips her to the corner. The Cheerleader hits hard with her back against the ring post. Kimie approaches her and delivers an elbow to the Cheerleader’s forehead, further opening the cut. The ref finally gets Kimie out of the ring as Jenny just slumps down in the corner.

Cari: Great teamwork by Kurita and Mase.

Kenny: Great cheating by Kurita and Mase. My computer points out that they cheat in almost 100% of their matches.

Cari: Look there!

As Kenny turns, Cari knocks the computer off his announce position. It falls to the floor and breaks. He turns to face her, in shock and horror.

Kenny: Hey?

Cari: The boat kind of shifted. The waves moved it. I tried to save it…but…

Kenny: How come I didn’t notice?

Cari: You have good sea legs. Back to action…

Kelly rolls Tara back into the ring and starts to put the boots to her. Tara is on one knee and taking a torrent of blows to the back. Jenny lies slumped in the corner, out of it. Finally, Kelly notices her and stops her assault on Tara. She walks over to Jenny and stands her up. She lifts Jenny up and hangs her in the tree of woe. Kelly starts to deliver boots to Jenny’s exposed and unprotected midsection. Jenny is almost lifeless. Kelly tags in her partner and Kimie enters the ring. She gets a running start and delivers a baseball slide to Jenny’s head. Jenny, still stuck up on the ropes, cannot protect herself and gets nailed right in the face.

Kenny: I have never seen Jenny Anderson get beaten like this before.

Cari: You haven’t seen her much, have you?

Kimie pulls Jenny out of the tree of woe and lets her fall, head first to the mat. She moves to press an attack on Tara, but Tara has been resting and is back in it. She sends an elbow to Kimie’s midsection and doubles her over. Kimie tries to recover, but Tara quickly scoops her up and delivers a powerslam that rocks the ring. She goes for the pin…

Ref: 1..2…No! Only two!

Kenny: Kimie Kurita kicked out at the least second.

Cari: She was just catching a breather.

Tara hauls Kimie to her feet and drags her to the corner. She tags in Shea and Shea enters the ring. The two women send Kimie to the ropes and hit her with a double back body drop on the return. Kimie lands hard and holds her back. Shea jumps up and delivers an airborne elbow to Kimie’s midsection as Tara leaves the ring. Shea goes for the cover…

Ref: 1..2…

Cari: Ahhhh! Kelly Mase gets in and breaks the cover with an elbow drop. And look at this, she gives Jenny a good kick on her way out of the ring.

Shea stands and rubs the back of her head. She stands Kimie up and places her arm around Kimie’s neck. She signals to the fans, who are now on their feet. She gets a running start and hits Kimie with a running bulldog. Kimie is done. Shea moves in for the pin…

Ref: 1…2…thr…

Kenny: We have new Champs!

Cari: Think again.

At the last moment, Shea sees something that makes her break the pin. Sasha and Brenda…Kelly’s associates in The Hit Squad…have come from the crowd and attacked Taraa from behind. They hit her in the back with a pool cue. Tara went down and Shea rushes over to help her.

Cari: Bikers with pool cues attacking dazed losers…reminds me of Altamonte!

Kenny: I can’t believe this!

Shea slingshots over the top rope and lands, taking both of them out. A fight begins as Shea’s stablemates Peggy Christian, Lindsay Locke and Samantha Staffer coming running out. Sasha and Brenda see this and flee back into the crowd. But it’s too late. In the ring, Kelly has already set the weakened Jenny up in an over the knee backbreaker. After rallying, and taking out Linda with an elbow to the face, Kimie has climbed to the top rope and jumps off…driving her elbow into Jenny’s already cut face.

Cari: Atomic Fision!!! No one gets up from that!

Kenny: If my computer were still here…it would agree.

Kimie pins Jenny while Kelly guards her. The ref goes into position for an easy three count. Mase and Kurita have won the titles. Shea and her companions are shocked to hear the bell, as they are still trying to help the downed Tara.

Cari: All hail the new champs!

Kenny: The cheating champs!

Kelly goes out of the ring and grabs some chairs. She tosses them into the ring. Linda has staggered back into the ring to check on her battered partners. Kimie delivers a chair shot to the back of her head, knocking her down. Kelly stands up Jenny and holds her in place while Kimie sets up the chair and drives it into her head. The chair dents and bends from the impact. The two Cheerleaders are left broken in the ring.

Cari: Better get the ship’s doctor.

Kenny: That’s sick. This whole display is sick!

Before Kimie and Kelly can continue their assault on the Cheerleaders, Shea and her companions enter the ring. Seeing they are outnumbered, they take off…making sure to grab the belts on the way out. Shea and friends stand around the ring and argue with the ref, but the damage is done.

Cari: Finally! Champs we can be proud of!

Kenny: This is sick. Medical attention is being brought out for the Cheerleaders. Jenny Anderson took quite a pasting in that one.

Cari: Hahahaha. Yeah.

Kenny: Fans, we’ll be right back. 1

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