(The image opens in the small, makeshift arena set up onboard the Sea Angel. The fans that have paid hand over fist for the experience of seeing the BRA superstars up close and personal have not been disappointed. The ring sits empty as the crowd eagerly awaits the next match up. A man in a white and black shirt slowly walks towards the ring. His glasses are as think as coke bottle bottoms and the crowd welcomes the familiar face to the ring.)


Seeming slightly annoyed by the chant the ref climbs into the ring and checks on the ropes.

Cari: �Why is that idiot even bother to check the ring!? It�s a hardcore match, anywhere and with anything goes.�

( Kenny checks his laptop one last time before looking up into the ring.)

Ken: �Well, Martin is a senior official and follows the rules. He�s just doing his job.�

Cari: �They man can�t see ten feet in front of him and somehow, he�s got a referee�s license.�

( Kenny shifts his glasses slightly and looks down at his computer)

Ken: �Well, this next match-up is the next in a series of grudge matches that these two wrestlers have been going at.�

Cari: �Millions is an idiot. Can�t she take a hint, Zantara has destroyed her repeatedly and the stupid moron keeps coming back for more.�

Ken: �It�s called courage, something I believe you know little about. Veronica Millions has taken a stand against Zantara and her wicked ways and I for one and glad to see someone standing up to that woman.�

Cari: �Look, I�ve got no love for Zantara, but she�s a wrecking machine. How many Hades Hazards does Veronica have to take before she realizes she�s out of her league.�

Ken: �I hope that the courage to fight against the odds never leaves that girl.�

( Shimmer by fuel plays throughout the loudspeaker as Victoria walks out in a leather outfit. She waves to the crowd and then points to the curtain. Veronica walks out dressed in a black satin bikini and black low cut boots. Then both women walk behind the curtain again and come back out pulling a garbage can full of sticks pipes and pans to the ring. Veronica throws them all around the ring so she has a weapon wherever she goes. )

Cari : �Ha! There�s your good girl for ya. Bringing weapons to the ring.�

Ken : �It�s a hardcore match, that�s perfectly legal.�

Cari: �Bah! She could bring an army with her, it still wouldn�t do any good.�

( The crowd cheers and claps as Veronica climbs into the ring and walks around. She looks at all the weapons of destruction in the ring and sighs)

(A scratchy version of Irving Berlin's "Cheek to Cheek" plays on the loudspeakers. the people on deck, just finished giving a warm welcome to Veronica, adamantly give a cold one to the woman from Greenland. The Irving Berlin tune fades out to, oddly enough, the cheery sound of Mel Torme and Mickey Thomas's rock version of "Dream a Little Dream of Me." )

Ken : �Here comes trouble, with a capital T�

Cari: �HAH! Veronica is running scared!�

(Millions quickly jumps out of the ring and scans around the crowd. Victoria watches from the other side of the ring as he song continues to play, but no Zantara can be found. Suddenly, the pin striped suited Underworld breaks out from a lifeboat, ready to kill. She plows through fans standing around, looking around stupidly, and heads straight for Veronica's friend, Victoria. )

Ken: �What is she �.Look out!�

( Zantara plows through the crowd, carrying a life preserver. Victoria yelps as the big woman steps out from the throng and slams the doughnut shaped ring down across her, pinning her arms against her sides. Millions starts to move, grabbing a broom handle as Zantara quickly lifts the squealing Victoria and runs towards the side of the ship.)

Ken: �Oh no�she wouldn�t!�

Cari : �Oh yes she would��

( There is a collective scream from the crowd, Veronica and Victoria as Zantara nears the side of the ship. In one motion she hurls the struggling Victoria off the side of the boat. Veronica stops dead in her tracks, watching as her companion�s body disappears from sight. Zantara howls with delight as she looks over the railing)

Ken : �Man Overboard!�

Cari: �Shush! If your quiet, we�ll hear the splash�

Ken: �Your incorrigible�

(Veronica�s fists clutch the broom handle and with a scream she lunges as the leering Zantara. The Underworld Ruler is knocked to the deck as the wooden stick shatters over her head. Veronica quickly looks over the side of the ship and breathes a sigh of relief as she sees Victoria hanging by a rope, about 20 feet down.)

Ken: �Whew!�

Cari: �Damn, I guess Zantara isn�t as evil as I thought.�


( Zantara slowly pulls herself up as Veronica uses the rail to push off and leaps into the air, extending her feet. Zantara is sent sprawling across the deck, cursing all the way.)

Ken: �Nice dropkick by Veronica, she has to keep a fast pace going in this match.�

( The crowd of onlookers scatters as Zantara pushes herself up. Veronica runs at her, leaping into the air once again. Zantara is ready this time, and side steps, watching Millions fly by her and land hard on the hard deck.)

Cari: �Miscue!�

( Zantara scowls, and begins kicking and stomping on her downed opponent. The Underworld ruler is relentless with her stomps and her curses. Taunting and scolding her adversary with every blow.)

Ken: �Zantara is really putting the boots to Veronica, she�s known to have steel rims in her boots and Millions is feeling the metal!"

Cari: �Do you think she�s hot in all those clothes?�

( Zantara pauses for a moment and glares upward. Her dark glasses reflect the sunlight as she curses the sky above. She reaches into one of her many pockets and pulls out an ice pack. She taps the side of her cheek with it, and then rubs it across the back of her neck. Veronica slowly tries to stand up, using a deck chair as leverage. Zantara scowls and crashes the icepack down across Millions head, dropping her to the deck once again. )

Ken : �Zantara with a chilling blow!�

Cari: �Oh ..nice call ..beautiful.�

( Underworld takes a moment to look around for more instruments of destruction. Her eye�s focus on a couple of sunbathers lying on deck chairs. The pin striped Zantara makes a beeline for them.)

Zantara: �Pardon me, Official Ship Business.�

( Zantara then proceeds to flip one of the passengers out of her chair. The woman howls in protest as her husband jumps out of his chair.�

Man: �What the hell do you think you�re doing?�

Zantara: �Borrowing your wife�s chair. Your know, I�ll be seeing you soon if you keep seeing that prostitute on the side.�

( The woman scowls as she rises off the deck. Zantara cracks a grin and turns away as the woman confronts her cheating husband.)

Zantara: �Ahhh, another happy coupl�.ack!�

(The crowd cheers as Veronica spears Zantara with a chair of her own. As Zantara doubles over, Millions raises the chair high in the air and slams it down across her head.)


Ken: �Ohhhh, that�s gotta hurt.�

Cari: �Hitting Z in the head is like hitting Dozer in the belly, it�s just going to make her mad.�

( Zantara hits the ground and Veronica quickly drops across her for the pin. Herman slap�s his hand against the deck once, before Zantara powers out. Veronica quickly leaps to her feet and grabs Zantara by the leg, twisting it over her knee. Underworld howls in rage as Millions savagely twists her ankle.)

Ken: �Good move here by Veronica, she has to wear down her bigger opponent and then go for the win.�

Cari: �She has to stay alive and keeping Z on the ground is a good way to do that.�

( Zantara curses, making statements about all the horrible things she is going to do the pretty brunette. Veronica ignores her, having heard this tirade before. She draws her right leg back and launches a boot directly into the back of Zantara�s leg. The Hades monarch screams as Veronica�s boot digs into her hamstring. Zantara tries to kick free, using her other leg to swipe at Veronica. As she brings it up, Veronica leaps in the air, flipping over Zantara and grabbing her other leg in the process. )

Ken: �WOW! A Matchbook pin variant into a bridge, she�s got Z pinned tight!�

( Herman slaps his hand down once as Z, tries to kick out. Veronica has her body tightly compacted and she is unable to power out. )

Cari: �TWO! Come on Z, do something��

Ken :�Thr�.�

Cari: �Excellent!.�

( The crowd boo�s as Zantara finds Veronica face with her clawing hands and rakes her fingers across it. Millions yelps and rolls clear, as Underworlds fingers gouge into her eyes.)

Ken: �Dirty move by Zantara!�

Cari: �Ahem, Hardcore match��

Ken: �It�s still a dirty move, it�s legal, but dirty.�

( Zantara rolls to her feet as Veronica clutches her face. Underworld lips form into a nasty scowl as she grabs her opponent off the deck. In one motion she lifts Veronica into the air and then slams her down hard, back first onto the deck. There is no bounce as Veronica hits, she just slams into the hard surface and curls into ball, moaning and clutching her back.)

Ken: �Devastating slam! The ring canvas is slightly forgiving, this deck is not and Veronica just felt it.�

Cari: �Zantara is going to do it again!�

( Again Zantara drags Veronica up by her hair and scoops her up. Instead of slamming her into the deck, Zantara moves towards a table, filled with on looking patrons that scramble for cover as Veronica is smashed through the wooden structure.)

Ken: �Ooooh�

Cari: �That table looked expensive�but not now.�

( Zantara howls with delight as Veronica lies amongst the shattered wood. Herman looks on with slight concern as Underworld reaches down and grabs a handful of hair. She begins to drag Veronica along the deck, heading towards the outdoor pool. Camera tech's and cable pullers scramble to keep up as the match travels down the length of the ship. As they reach the pool, Zantara pulls Veronica up so she is facing her. Veronica stands on wobbly legs as Z, leans her head back, and then brings it forward, attempting to smash her skull into Veronica�s face. As she brings it forward, Millions jumps into the air, wrapping her arm quickly around Zantara�s head and then falling back to the deck.)

Ken: �Jumping DDT!!�

Cari: �ouch!� ( Zantara�s head is spiked into the deck, her body pointing straight up for a moment, before falling over like a cut tree. Veronica staggers to her feet and looks around the deck. She walks over to a table and grabs an empty chair, before walking back to the slowly rising Zantara.)


Ken: �Another chair shot! Zantara is back down on the deck.�

Cari: �Hmmm, perhaps there is some hope for Veronica.�

( Millions kicks Zantara in the ribs, causing the purple suited woman to turn over. Veronica then places the chair across her opponent�s face. In a quick motion, Veronica leaps up into the air, extending her leg and slams it down across the top of the chair. There is a gasp from the crowd as Veronica rolls away, knocking the chair off of Zantara�s bloodied face.)

Cari: �See! The dead do bleed!.�

Ken: �Zantara has a nasty cut across her nose!�

Veronica quickly falls across her opponent, hooking a leg in the process. Herman slaps his hand down, but Zantara powers out at the two count. Veronica shakes her head and rises to her feet. She grabs Zantara by the legs and begins to twist them into a figure-four position. )

Ken: �Can she get it on�?�

Cari: �Zantara is trying to fight it, she�s leaning up to smash at Veronica�s leg.�

( Zantara curls up, but Veronica is ready and kicks her boot forward, slamming it into Z�s forehead. As Underworld slumps back to the deck, Veronica finishes applying the leg lock and falls back to the deck.)

Ken: �She got it on! Zantara is in agony.�

Cari: �She won�t submit though, Herman is asking her.�

(Zantara curses the Moles very existence and pounds her arms on the mat. Zantara�s hands grasp at the deck, slowly pulling her towards the edge of the pool. Veronica lifts her upper body off the ground wit her elbows, adding more pressure to the hold. Underworld howls in pain , but continues heading for the water. Veronica tries to stop the momentum, but her opponent is too strong and Zantara�s hands grasp the edge of the pool. In one strong surge, Zantara pulls her body into the water, forcing Veronica along with her.)

Ken: �They�re in the water!�

Cari: �Smart thinking by Zantara, the buoyancy will take the pressure off.�

( Zantara curls her body as Veronica quickly tries to break the hold and swim up for air. Under the water, Zantara�s suit seems to expand, making her seem a huge dark mass. Veronica kicks her legs free and swims up for air, as the black and purple Zantara moves towards her. Veronica�s head breaks the surface of the water and she sucks in the air as Zantara burst forth and then falls on top of her, sending both women back under the water. Zantara turns Veronica in the water and pushes down towards the bottom. She slams Millions against the concrete bottom, holding her there.)

Cari: �Come on Mole! Get down there and count!�

( The crowd looks down from the pool edge, as other patrons run down to the next level. Where the sides of the pool are glassed so people can see the carnage under the water. Zantara looks around and scowls, bubbles instead of swear words rise to the top as she has held Veronica down for a good 5 seconds.)

Ken: �She�s going to drown her!�

Cari: �So?�

( Ken glares at Cari, who shrugs her shoulders and looks back at the monitor. Zantara grabs Veronica by the arm and swims up the surface, breaking through to life giving air. Zantara screams at Herman to get into the water, as Veronica pushes free for a moment, sucking in some needed air. Zantara turns rams her forehead into Veronica�s stunning the brunette. Again, Z slams her head down, dazing Millions.)

Ken: �It�s common knowledge in BRA that Zantara has a steel plate in her head. She�s using that to knock the stuffing out of Millions!�

Cari: �Well, there certainly aren�t any brains in her head. So stuffing is probably the next best thing.�

(Zantara laughs with glee as Veronica slowly floats towards the shallow end, kicking her legs feebly. The underworld tyrant quickly swims for the ladder and climbs out of the pool. Her clothes are soaking wet; her fedora floats in the water. Her sunglasses remain on, tied by an elastic band to her head. The soaked redhead moves quickly to the end of the pool towards the cover controls.)

Ken: �What is she �oh my god!�

Cari: �Sorry folks, the pool is now closed.�

(Zantara pulls a lever and the large roll of plastic over begins to move over the pool surface. Veronica looks up in terror, as the plastic coating heads towards her. She quickly turns and starts to swim the other way as Zantara howls with delight.)

Ken: �Veronica has to get out of the pool before that closes! She will drown in there if she doesn�t!�

Cari: �She�s still too groggy from those head butts, she�s not moving fast enough.�

(Zantara stops laughing for a moment and glares up at the sun, wondering why she feels so hot. Her eyes nearly grow two sizes as she feels the top of her head and screams out loud.)

Zantara: �My Hat!�

(Underworld quickly scans the ground and then the pool, howling as she sees the soaked fedora floating in the water. A moment passes as she contemplates losing her favorite hat and drowning Veronica. Then she scowls and pulls the lever.)

Ken: �Whew!�

Cari: �Well, it is a nice hat.�

Ken: �It�s not stopping!�

(The plastic cover continues on its way as Zantara pulls the lever again. It breaks in her hand, causing her to scream in rage. She quickly runs to the side of the pool and grabs a long hook. As Veronica slowly swims for the side, Zantara smashes the plastic hooking device down, missing Millions by inches. The brunette musters up all her strength and swims away as Zantara fishes for her hat.)

Cari: �She�d better hurry.�

Ken: �Yes, Veronica needs to get out of there.�

Cari: �Not her you idiot. Zantara, if she doesn�t get her hat soon, it will be trapped under there.�

(Veronica pulls herself out of the pool as the cover just passes by. Zantara is fuming with rage, swinging the hook, like a drunken fisherman desperately trying to catch her hat. Veronica takes a moment to rest on the deck, catching her breath. )

Zantara: �HA!�

(The angler in the audience cheer as Zantara catches her hat with the hook and hauls it out of the water as the cover passes by. She quickly flops it over her head, the sides of the hat, lopping over her ears. She glares up as across the pool Veronica is on her feet. Veronica takes off running back towards the ring and Zantara chases in hot pursuit.)

(It�s no contest as Veronica hits the ring first, sliding under the ropes. She grabs a shovel, one of the contents of her garbage pail as Zantara slides into the ring.)


Ken: �Another shot to the head!�

(Veronica smashes the shovel down across Zantara�s head, causing the soaked red head to stop. Veronica quickly smashes the shovel down across the back of Zantara�s leg. Again, she smashes the flat part of the shovel down across her opponent�s leg.)

Cari: �If Veronica were smart, she used the edge of that shovel.�

Ken: �You know, not everyone is a sociopath.�

(Veronica discards the shovel and grabs the large garbage can as Zantara starts to rise. As Underworld gets up, Millions slams the open side of the can down, trapping Zantara inside. The crowd laughs as Zantara fumbles around the ring, her arms and upper body trapped inside the metal can. Veronica picks up a 2X4 and holds it like a bat.)


(The crowd cheers as a large dent is made in the can. Zantara continues to stumble around the ring, a large dent marking the can. Again, Veronica swings the stick and slams it down over the top, putting another dent in. This time Zantara falls to the ground, her legs kicking slowly. Veronica puts the piece of wood down and slowly walks to the corner.)

Ken: �Veronica�s going up high!�

(Veronica scales the ropes. She stands tall on the top turnbuckle as she raises her arms in the air. She suddenly leaps forward, extending her legs forward as she sails through the air. There is a collective gasp from the crowd as somehow, Zantara rolls away, her attempt to get out of the can, saving her from the devastating impact. Millions slam butt first onto the canvas and bounces high, before rolling onto her side. Zantara is heard screaming and cursing as she slowly breaks free of the can. As she pulls out, the ringside fans get a good look at her Hades Ruler. Her nose is still bleeding, another trickle of blood pours from her forehead. But even more ominous, her sunglasses are broken.)

Ken and Cari: � Uh oh.�

( Zantara covers shades her eyes with her hands as she scowls at the hurting Veronica. Underworld stumbles over to her opponent, lifting her by a handful of hair. Quickly Zantara shoves Veronica�s head between her thighs and then grabs a hold of her bikini bottoms. Zantara then pulls up, giving Veronica a horrific wedgie as she moves slowly back towards the semi-crumpled garbage can. Zantara then jumps backwards, slamming her butt and the top of Veronica�s head into the can, crushing it.)

Cari: �Beautiful piledriver! Right onto that can!�

Ken: �Brutal!�

(Zantara releases her grip and Veronica falls over to the side. Zantara remains seated in the crushed can, glaring at the sun, as if willing it to go away.)

Ken: �Veronica is out, Zantara could have the pin right here.�

Cari: �Somehow, I don�t think she�s finished yet.�

(Zantara rises to her feet, she rubs some blood out of her eyes and scans the area, looking for something. She limps over to the ropes, showing the effects of Veronica�s attacks. Zantara climbs out of the ring and heads towards a safety cabinet. She shoves a few fans that security fails to move and grabs a fire extinguisher.)

Ken: �What the hell is she going to do with that?�

(Zantara smirks and shoots a few of the fans and security guards with cold foam before heading back to the ring. On the way, she sprays one of the cameramen, sending him and his $50,000 dollar camera sprawling across the deck.)

Cari: �Now that�s a close up!�

Ken: �The Archangel isn�t going to be happy about that.�

(Zantara climbs into the ring and hold the container high in the air. The crowd boo�s as she sprays Veronica with the cold liquid, waking Millions from her piledriver induced slumber. Zantara pauses for a moment, seeing how the cold liquid refreshed her opponent. She turns the nozzle on herself and sprays the cold contents all over her.)

Ken: �She�s a nut!�

Cari: �Well, it�s cold in Hades, this heat must be intolerable to her.�

(Underworld discards the extinguisher and grabs a bottle from one of her pockets. She pours the white liquid onto her hands and then smears it over her face and exposed skin.�

Cari: �You know, the benefits of Sun screen are well documented.�

Ken: �Yes, but not in your eyes!�

(Zantara grabs Veronica by the hair and rubs the goopy liquid into her eyes. Veronica screams and tries to break free. Underworld violently wraps her arm around Millions head and drops the bottle from her other hand. Charging across the ring, Zantara drags Veronica along with her, heading for the corner. Just before they reach the turnbuckles, Zantara launches Veronica forward, hoping to see her smash into the corner. Instead, Veronica leaps up, landing her feet on the second rope and then bouncing back, extending her elbow, smashing it into Zantara�s surprised looking face.)

Ken: �WOW! What a move! She�s half blinded by the sunscreen and she pulled off a back spring elbow!�

(Underworld is sent sprawling across the ring by the blow. Veronica takes the opportunity to clear her eyes of the stinging cream and glares at the slowly rises Zantara. Millions makes a run at her opponent and leaps into the air, her feet, slam into Zantara�s head, sending her flying through the ropes and to the outside. The crowd cheers as Veronica pushes herself up. She walks to the opposite side of the ring and catches her breath. Zantara slowly starts to rise from the floor, reaching her hands up on the ring apron to assist her. Veronica takes off across the ring and slides with both feet under the bottom rope as Zantara pulls herself up.)

Ken: �Baseball Slide! She nailed Z with that one.�

(Again Zantara is sent flying across the deck. Veronica climbs out of the ring and goes after her opponent as Zantara again, starts to rise. Veronica grabs Zantara by the hair and runs towards an open doorway. She flings the Hades ruler through the portal, eliciting a scream from the people inside. )

(The cameras quickly follow the action into the room. The lounge is filled with people watching the match from the comfortable bar. Veronica drags Zantara to her feet and throws her onto a table. Quickly Veronica leaps up onto the next table and jumps off, splashing down onto Underworld, cracking the table in half. )

Ken: �She�s got her covered!�

(Herman drops for the count and slaps his hand down twice, it almost hits for a third time, but Zantara kicks out. Veronica curses under her breath and pushes herself up. She grabs Z by the arm and pulls her up from the shattered table. Veronica goes to whip her across the bar, but Zantara reverses it, launching her lighter opponent up and over the bar. The employee�s scatter as Zantara picks up a chair.)

Cari: �This is going to get messy.�

(Veronica pushes herself up, only to quickly duck as a chair goes sailing over her head. It smashes into a glass mirror, shattering it. Zantara howls with delight and launches another chair into the bar.)

Ken: �Ummm, is she even trying to hit Veronica?�

Cari: �Shhhhhh, never disturb an artist at work.�

(Veronica reaches for something to throw and grabs a bottle of Crown Royal.�

Cari: �Hey now! Let�s not get crazy!�

(She hurls the glass bottle at Zantara, narrowly missing her. It smashes against the floor, spilling its expensive contents over the floor. Zantara seems almost euphoric as she grabs another chair and hurtles it into the bar, no where close to Veronica.)

Ken: �She�s just wrecking the place!�

Cari: �No, I think she�s just got bad aim, all that blood in her eyes.�

(Veronica takes the moment to bolt from the bar, and head for the door. Zantara throws one more chair into the bar, smashing an entire row of expensive liquors before giving chase. Veronica steps through the door as Zantara chases after her. As Underworld gets to the door, it slams shut. From outside the door, there is a dull thud sound as Veronica holds it shut. She opens it and cracks a smile as Zantara is lying on the ground holding her head. Veronica steps through the portal and grabs Zantara by the legs. Millions then fall�s backward, launching Zantara up and through the doorway and back into the sunlight.)

(Zantara sprawls across the deck, and starts to push herself up as Veronica steps through the door. Veronica runs and leaps past Zantara, grabbing her head from behind and driving her down onto the deck.)

Ken: �Bulldog!�

(Veronica quickly goes for the cover, but again Zantara kicks out.)

Cari: �Veronica needs to pull off some kind of huge move to put Underworld away.�

(As if hearing Cari�s words, Veronica rises to her feet and pulls Zantara along the deck by her hair. As the round a corner, Veronica gets an idea. She quickly stomps her boot down on Zantara�s skull as she looks above her. She stomps her boot down once again, knocking her opponent�s head against the hard deck. Zantara lies still on the ground as Veronica pulls her in front of a balcony. Millions moves quickly and pulls one of the drink tables under the balcony. She grabs Zantara by the arm and pulls her up onto her shoulders, before depositing her onto the table. Veronica quickly runs around and through a door marked �Staircase�)

Cari: �Where is she going?�

Ken: �I don�t know, you don�t think she�s�.�

(Another camera shot shows Veronica stepping through onto the balcony. She looks down, and smiles, seeing Zantara still lying on the table.)

Ken: �Oh no ..that is crazy..�

( The crowd cheers, the blood lust seething in them as Veronica climbs over the edge of the balcony. Zantara eyes open as she looks up to see Millions looming above her. The brunette then leaps off, extending her body like a cliff diver. In desperation, Zantara forces her aching body to move. She barely slides off the table as Veronica slams into it.)

Ken: �My God! My God! She�s broken in half!�

Cari: �Medic�

(There is a moment of total silence, only the cracking of what is hopefully wood is heard. Millions lies shattered amongst the broken table. Zantara rolls slowly to her feet and looks down at her unconscious opponent. Herman goes to check on Veronica�s condition but Zantara shoves him aside. To the boo�s and jeer�s of the crowd she lifts the body of her opponent off the table remains and scoops her up into a fireman�s carry. Zantara walks along the deck, carrying her victim as she heads towards the rec. area. She drops Millions onto a painted triangle on the deck with a series of numbers. Underworld kicks Veronica�s legs and arms into position so that she covers parts of the triangle. Zantara then grabs a shuffleboard stick and bucket of the pucks and walks back up the deck. )

Ken: �For god�s sake! End this!� C

ari: �I don�t think god has anything to do with this. Hey, I saw something like this in another hardcore match, except it was a bowling ball�

(Zantara drops the pucks on the ground and then sends one of them down the court. It slides into Veronica�s arm. Zantara curses and shoots another puck down, hitting Million�s foot. Veronica slowly stirs in the marked area. She tries to push her head up as another puck goes flying down. It misses, causing Zantara to howl with rage and storm down the court. Veronica slowly rolls onto her side as Zantara comes charging up. Taking the shuffleboard stick, she places it on Veronica�s neck, pinning her against the deck.)

Zantara: �Lay still! You�re ruining my game.�

(Quickly Herman slams his hand down three times as Zantara quickly realizes what he�s done. She screams at him, cursing and waving the stick in the air.)

Zantara: �I wasn�t finished! I need 10 points!


Zantara: �NO!!�

(The Hades ruler quickly runs back up the court and tries to shoot another puck down, but medical staff quickly surround Veronica as security grabs the protesting Zantara.)

Ken: �Thank god!� It�s over.�

Cari: �How rude, not letting her finish her game.�

Ken: �Veronica gave it a great attempt. She hit Zantara with everything she had, but Underworld is just too tough.�

Cari: �Maybe when she wakes up ..in about 2 months. She�s have enough sense not to agree to these No DQ things against Zantara.�

Ken: �Well, the BRA crew have to do some quick clean up here and get ready for our next match up. I am still shocked over what I just saw.�

Cari: �Yeah, that was pretty damn cool.�

Ken: �You need professional help.�

( The image changes to a promo for the Dentonvale Clinic as the screen fades to black.)

Winner: Zantara Underworld , by pinfall. 1

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