Janus and Sasha versus the Babe Squad

[Inside the arena, yet another capacity crowd yells and screams with delight. Yet another show is going well, and the fans are showing their appreciation. Among the more notable signs out in the crowd include "I WANNA VISIT THE CATHOUSE", "ANYONE SEEN SUGAR AND SPICE?", and "LA PETITE MARQUISE COULDN'T BEAT A CHIPMUNK ANYMORE!". The camera pans down to the announcers table, where Kenny Harbor and Cari Trammell sit and call tonight's action.]

Kenny: Welcome back, fans.

Cari: Yes, glad to see none of the other garbage on the idiot tube prevented you from coming back to the one program worth watching.

Kenny: Well, my computer shows that there are...

[Cari shoots him an evil look.]

Cari: Didn't the cruise teach you anything about mentioning that laptop?

Kenny: Er, yes, well... Up next is one of the most... interesting tag match ups we've had in a while.

Cari: I'm not sure which I'm looking forward to more, personally the Babe's beating Janus and Sasha, or Janus and Sasha destroying each other. Mark it down, folks, both those things will happen tonight.

Kenny: I have to admit you have a point there. Even without my computer, I can tell you that Janus and Sasha dislike each other probably more than their opponents.

Cari: And speaking of their opponents, let's go down to the ring.

[Lil Kim's "No Matter What They Say" begins to blast over the speakers as the crowd jumps to their feet. The curtains slowly part, revealing the sleek, curvaceous forms of The Babe Squad, "The Goddess" Nina Larue and the reigning "Miss BRA" Tiffany Lane. Nina wears a tiny, black, lace, thong bikini and matching, knee-high boots, with a platform heel. Her long, silky, black hair is styled in an elaborate ponytail, bangs resting above her sensual violet eyes. The equally stunning Tiffany wears a tiny, pink, lace, thong bikini and matching, knee-length boots, with a platform heel. Her luxurious blonde hair graces the small of her back in a cascade of curls, framing her lovely face. The Celestial Title is draped across her right arm. The two busty beauties pose for a few moments, atop the entrance ramp, before making their way to ringside. As they sexily enter the ring, the crowd showers the two seductresses in catcalls and wolf whistles. Nina seductively leans over the top rope, blowing a kiss to the fans and offering them a tantalizing glimpse of her ample cleavage. Meanwhile, Tiffany stands in the center of the ring and holds her championship belt aloft, a smirk across her flawless face. She proceeds to do a sensual bump and grind, eliciting a louder reaction from the male fans. Finally, the two women make their way towards their corner, lazily performing a few stretches as the males look on with a mix of adoration and lust.]

Kenny: Well, um, well...

Cari: Put your tongue back in your mouth, Harbor. You should be used to seeing perfect beauty beside you every week.

[As the arena goes dark, two female figures can be seen by the entry. Suddenly, a fireball seems to appear from one of the figure's mouth. "Problem Child" from AC/DC hits the arena speakers, Sasha the Dragon Lady appears at the top of the stage. Behind her is The Oakland Enforcer Brenda Busley. Sasha wears black leather pants and a blue velvet shirt. She finishes the outfit with her customary turquoise and yellow cowboy boots. The blond woman has her shirt sleeves rolled back to show off her tattoos. She struts to the ring, showing her disdain for the fans. They boo her and shower her with debris. Behind her walks Brenda, arms folded in front of her chest. Brenda wears black leather pants and black biker boots. She has on a black "Hit Squad" T shirt. Her large arms are covered in biker tattoos. She follows slowly behind her boss. Sasha continues to argue with the fans. Finally she reaches the ring and enters, with Brenda following behind her. Sasha stands in the center of the ring and holds her hands up, smiling and waving for the fans to show more dislike towards her. And they do. They boo her lustily. She goes to the corner and waits for Janus.]

Kenny: The crowd definitely doesn't care too much for Sasha tonight.

Cari: These morons wouldn't recognize class if it bit them on the..

Kenny: They cheered for the Babe Squad.

Cari: No one is too blind to recognize their level of greatness.

[Suddenly, "War Pigs" from Black Sabbath goes off as the fans rise to their feet, cheering. Janus stands at the entry way, flanked by Lightning Lindsay Locke and Angela Downey. The hardcore champ shows off the scarred left side of her face and points towards the ring, seemingly at Sasha. Sasha just waves her hand like she doesn't care. Janus wears black leather pants and a black velvet shirt. She has on blue and black cowboy boots. The Fallen Angel Title is hanging over her shoulder. She walks to the ring, enjoying the cheers of the fans. Lindsay and Angela walk behind her. As they reach the ring area, Janus hands the belt to Lindsay and all three women hug. Janus enters the ring and walks right over to Sasha. She stands eye to eye with her former teacher and it is evident that there is no love lost between them. The crowd continues to cheer Janus as she and Sasha stare each other down. Outside the ring, Angela is arguing with Brenda. Brenda shows Angie the back of her hand, but Lindsay quickly comes over to help protect her friend. Janus and Sasha finally separate and wait for the match to start.]

Cari: Babe Squad in three minutes.

Kenny: You know, Janus and Sasha are both gifted athletes who have worked together

Cari: And would now sooner gut each other than tag. Babe Squad in three minutes. Maybe even two.

Kenny: Wait a second, Nina is calling the referee over.

[In the ring, referee Max Polk moves over to the Babe Squad's corner. Tiffany waves at him and winks flirtatiously.]

Nina: Max dear, I want you to do me a favor....

Max: Nina, you know I try to be fair. (Nina moves closer to him, placing a hand softly on his cheek. Both Janus and Lindsay roll their eyes) You're... ::gulp:: a very beautiful woman, but... I won't give any special treatment.

Nina: (sounding almost offended) I'd never ask you to do such a thing, Max! No, in the interest of fair play, I want you to search Janus and Sasha.

Max: Um, what?

Nina: Search them. Janus has, shall we say, a reputation. It serves her well in the hardcore division, but this isn't a hardcore match. Unless they're clean, we won't fight.

[Nodding, max moves to the opposite corner.]

Max: Girls, are you carrying any weapons?

Janus: (nods) Super Steel Silverware. Don't leave home without it.

Max: (holding out his hand) Hand it over. They won't wrestle as long as you have any foreign objects.

Janus: (shakes her head) Quality silverware is hardcore, and so am I.

[Hearing this, Nina and Tiffany teasingly slide through the ropes and jump down to ringside.]

Tiffany: (shouting) This is either going to be a fair fight, or no fight at all! These great fans deserve the best, cleanest wrestling we can give them!

[The crowd doesn't seem to know what to make of this. Some grumbled at the threat of losing bloodshed, but many cheered Tiffany's comments. Lindsay climbs onto the apron and taps Janus on the shoulder.]

Lindsay: Give it to him, Janus.

Janus: But I want her blood for what she did to you.

Lindsay: (shakes her head) I don't need her blood, and you don't need the fork to beat her. Go ahead, hand it over.

[Janus deliberates for a moment, and then slowly nods and gives Max Polk her cherished weapon.]

Kenny: Wow! I never thought I'd see this day...

Cari: Nor did I. Oh how the mighty have fallen. She's such a marshmallow now.

[The bell rings, and both Sasha and Janus move to slip through the ropes.]

Cari: Oh yeah, Kenny. Such teamwork. Neither of them wants to start it.

[Sasha shoves Janus out of the corner and towards the center of the ring.]

Sasha: Get out there, freak!

[Across the ring, Tiffany slides through the ropes, leaving Nina and Janus to circle each other, looking for an opening. Finally, they lock up. But no for long, as Janus immediately shoves Larue down to the mat. Nina skids a couple of feet on her rear, looking up at her foe with shock and anger.]

Kenny: Great display of power there by the Fallen Angel champion.

Cari: An extra 25 pounds go a long way.

Kenny: Janus is pointing over to Tiffany in the corner.

Janus: It's her I want.

[Nina climbs to her feet.]

Nina: Be patient.

[Again, the two move in to lock up. Janus gains the upper hand, and clamps on a side headlock. Nina slaps at the side and back of Janus, trying to push her way out.]

Kenny: Janus actually using a wrestling hold?

Cari: Told you she was going soft.

[Janus runs forward and jumps into the air, driving Nina's face into the mat as she falls.]

Kenny: Bulldog. Interesting move early on.

[Nina is already dazed, lying on the mat face down. Janus gets up and walks to her corner for a tag, but Sasha quickly jumps off the apron.]

Cari: (oozing sarcasm) Even more excellent teamwork by Sasha and Janus.

[At ringside, Lindsay shouts at Sasha to get back on the apron. Sasha merely smirks at her. Annoyed, Janus turns back to Nina, who had used the time to recover and nails Janus with a perfectly executed savate kick. Janus falls to the mat as Sasha climbs back onto the apron, scowling. Tiffany turns out to the fans and claps, encouraging their support. Many do indeed clap and cheer on.]

Cari: I don't believe this. Has everyone lost their edge around here?

[Quickly, Nina pulls Janus to her feet and whips her into the corner. Janus hits hard, slumping back against the ropes. Wasting no time, Nina follows her in, cartwheeling into the corner before driving an elbow into the chin of Janus.]

Kenny: Handspring elbow! She's really taking the fight to Janus.

[Janus falls to the mat as Nina turns to the crowd.]

Nina: (to the crowd) Who's the Goddess?

Crowd: (chanting together) Nina! Nina! Nina!

[Inside the ring, Janus seems confused, rattled by the fans being against her for the first time in so long. Again, Nina pulls Janus to her feet, drags her back towards the center of the ring, hooks her up, and swiftly hits her with a snap suplex. Nina covers...]



[Sasha rushes into the ring and delivers a boot to Nina's head, making the save. Max Polk ushers Sasha from the ring.]

Kenny: Interesting. She doesn't want to tag with Janus, but she breaks up the pinfall.

Cari: No one likes to lose, Kenny.

[On the apron, Tiffany turns to the fans, clapping and stomping her foot, strategically causing her upper body to bounce. The crowd continues to roar their support for the Babe Squad.]

Cari: I take it back. The Babes aren't going soft, their employing great strategy. As usual.

Kenny: Yes, but according to my estimates, it's only likely 14% genuine.

Cari: As I said, excellent strategy.

[Inside the ring, Nina goes to her corner and tags in Tiffany. The reigning Celestial Champion makes a grand show of entering the ring, much to the delight of the male members of the audience, as Nina holds Janus in a full nelson. Tiffany sends a boot to the stomach of Janus. Nina releases the full nelson, allowing Janus to slump to her knees.]

Kenny: The Babes showing good teamwork so far.

Cari: You'd be surprised how big a difference not hating your partner's guts makes.

[Tiffany hauls Janus to her feet and sens her into the ropes. As Janus comes back, Tiffany jumps up, locking her legs around her opponent's neck. Janus, however, is able to counter the rana with a devastating sit-out powerbomb. Nina turns away on the apron, looking as if she felt the move herself. Janus gets up, and pulls Tiffany to her feet by the throat. Not content at this, though, she continues to lift Miss BRA, until her feet are dangling off the mat.]

Kenny: Excellent display of power by Janus. My analysis shows she is stronger than 93% of the competitors in this league.

[After holding her for a few seconds, Janus chokeslams the dazed Tiffany back to the mat. Janus runs back into the ropes... and is slapped hard in the back by Sasha.]

Cari: (again oozing sarcasm) You know, these two should host a clinic on how to be a successful tag team.

Kenny: These two have been a successful tag team.

Cari: Past tense. The Babe Squad are the future.

[Janus and Sasha glare at each other long and hard, before Janus finally exits the ring. Smirking, Sasha moves over to the still hurting Tiffany Lane. Standing over her, Sasha repeatedly stomps the champion, eliciting yelps and whines each time her boots connect. Tiring of this tactic, Sasha pulls Tiffany up by her hair and locks her in a standing headscissor.]

Cari: This does not look good for our heroine.

Kenny: I know I rarely say this, but you're right.

[Locking her arms around Tiffany's midsection, she lifts her up, and drops to her knees, driving Tiffany's head into the mat.]

Kenny: Piledriver!

Cari: You didn't need your computer to tell you what that was? There's hope for you yet.

[Arrogantly, Sasha goes for the cover.]



[Nina Larue drops a knee across the back of Sasha's head, breaking up the pin. Even still, Sasha is in better shape the her opponent at the moment. As Max Polk leads Nina back to her corner, Sasha gets up and drops an elbow across Tiffany's chest.]

Kenny: Near victory by Sasha and Janus.

Cari: About as near as they're going to get.

Kenny: The Babes don't look in too good of shape right now, Cari.

Cari: They're just waiting for the right moment.

[Sasha whips Tiffany into the ropes, catches her on the way back, holding her in a powerslam position before falling to one knee, slamming Tiffany's back across her extended leg.]

Cari: Beautiful backbreaker by Sasha.

Kenny: (seeming confused) Jumping sides of the fence?

Cari: Not at all. Sasha's a good wrestler, and if she had someone other than the Staypuft Marshmallow Woman as her partner today, she'd have a shot at this match.

[Rolling the battered Tiffany off her knee, Sasha rises and picks her back up. Again, she whips Tiffany into the ropes. This time, however, Tiffany leaps on her way back, locking Sasha's head between her legs, and successfully executes the hurricarana. Both women lie dazed. Sasha starts to recover first, and begins crawling towards her corner.]

Cari: What did I tell you? Waiting for an opening.

Kenny: Yes, but it looks like Sasha's going to be the first to tag out.

[Tiffany begins to stir, and starts dragging herself towards Nina. Nina enthusiastically stomps on the apron, leading the fans to cheer Tiffany's efforts.]

Kenny: And Sasha's going to make the tag...

[As Sasha reaches the corner, Janus hops down from the apron, giving Sasha a taste of her own medicine.]

Cari: You were saying, Kenny?

[Across the ring, no such problem exists between partners, and Nina Larue tags in. She rushes towards Sasha, still on hands and knees, and delivers a beautiful dropkick to the back of Sasha's head. Bringing her to her feet, Nina unloads with a series of kicks to the midsection, each one doing its part to knock the wind out of Sasha. Battered, she slumps to the mat.]

Kenny: Nina Larue is a very skilled martial artist, and she's putting it to good use here.

Cari: She's also extremely fresh, which is more than can be said for Sasha right now.

[Nina pulls Sasha towards her corner, and tags in Tiffany. They Irish whip Sasha into the ropes, and greet her on her return with a double dropkick. Nina exits, and Tiffany goes to work, wrapping her arms around Sasha's waist and hurling her up and back.]

Cari: Now THIS is the way a tag team is supposed to work together.

Kenny: Sasha looks to be really hurting after that German suplex.

[Tiffany tags her partner, but stays in the ring.]

Kenny: More double teaming coming up?

Cari: If you want one on one action, stick to the singles division.

[Tiffany locks in the camel clutch, and Nina takes advantages with kick after kick to a helpless Sasha.]

Cari: Not sure what to call it, but I like it!

Kenny: Again, excellent teamwork. Unless Janus shows a bit of that newfound compassion of hers, I don't think this match is going to last much longer.

[Tiffany releases the hold and leaves the ring. Nina pulls Sasha up, leaving her doubled over in the center of the ring. Nina rushes back to the ropes, bounces off, and comes back, nailing Sasha with an axe kick.]

Kenny: Brutal. How much more can Sasha take?

[Nina again hauls Sasha to her feet, takes a second to wave to the fans, and then goes downstairs.]

Kenny: Low blow by the Goddess.

Cari: You know what this means, don't you?

[On cue, Nina tucks Sasha's head under her arm and falls backwards, performing a DDT.]

Kenny: Nina's Knockout! Will this be it?

[Janus starts to enter the ring, but Tiffany quickly intercepts her as Nina covers.]




Kenny: And a good win for the Babe Squad.

Cari: Just goes to show one woman cannot defeat two goddesses, no matter how good she is.

Kenny: but I don't think this is over yet.

[Janus has reclaimed her fork rather forcefully from Max Polk, and is advancing on Tiffany Lane. Tiffany wastes no time in retreated, as she and Nina rush from the ring and back down the aisle. Janus goes to follow, but Lindsay stops her. Along the walkway, Nina and Tiffany are beaming, blowing kisses towards the adoring crowd.]

Kenny: Fans, we'll be back with more after this short break.


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