The Battling Ring Angels Arena goes wild as we return to action. The crowd is on their feet and cheering at the top of their lungs. Posters and signs dot the landscape of humanity. A brief overview of them yields a few laughs and a few thoughts. Several young men in the forth row from the top have painted letters on their chests and stand in unison to spell out ‘WE LOVE SHEA’. A young girl near the front holds a sign advertising ‘Linds Kids Is Cool’ and a young man holds a red sign proclaiming ‘I came to watch Laura Parker wrestle!’.

Kenny – We are back to the BRA arena and back to action.

Cari – And of course, back to me. This one should be a real snoozer. Piggy Christian against Sakura Eat-o.

Kenny – That’s…

Cari – Don’t correct me!

The lights in the arena dim slightly, as, over the speakers, Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now' begins to play. As the first slow stanza ends, and the music picks up, a burst of pyrotechnics brightens the ramp. Out of the fireworks jogs Sakura Ito, known also as 'Chibiyama' or the Little Mountain, closely followed by her manager, John Nanakami, as well as both Janus and Lightning Lindsey Locke, the other members of the Threesome. Sakura appears in prime shape, her thickly muscled body dressed in her standard ring garb, which consists of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is coloured a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. John is dressed in a pair of black slacks and a grey sweatshirt, an airbrushed picture of a mountain peak and cherry blossoms scattering in the wind adorning the back. The pair make their way down to the ring, Sakura taking the time to clap hands with any willing fans. Sakura steps through the ring ropes, while John, Lindsey, and Janus takes a position in her corner. She hops up onto the second turnbuckle and flexes both of her arms, showing off impressive biceps, getting an audible pop from the fans, before flashing them a sign of three fingers up. She then takes a long stretch to prepare for the upcoming match.

Kenny – This young Japanese lady has turned heads since joining BRA…and joining The Threesome. I expect her to break out anytime soon.

Cari – Threesome? Don’t make me laugh. Two losers and a creature.

Kenny – My computer points out that when a wrestler finds themselves in a stable, they usually become 87 – 90% more effective. As well as confident and self-assured.

Cari – You really are dead weight. Let me tell you about stables. They need to be like gangs. Like the Sisterhood or The Hit Squad. Not cookie baking clubs like these three…

Before she can finish, Peggy Christian enters to ‘She’s a Lady’ from Tom Jones. She sports her usual black silk kimono over a black one piece suit, black tights and black wrestling boots. She also wears her usual nervous smile. On the way to the ring, she shares a quick handshake with her Cathouse co-member Lindsay Locke.

Cari – Makes you wonder where Locke’s loyalties lie.

Kenny – She wouldn’t cheat for either side.

Cari – Hmmmph!

Kenny – Peggy looked good at the pay-per-view, but can she keep it going?

Cari – Oink-Oink!

Sakura gives Peggy a formal bow and then proffers the more American handshake.

Sakura - It is an honor to compete against you, Christain-san. May the best woman win!

Peggy returns the handshake and returns to her side of the ring.

Kenny – Seeing good sportsmanship is a great thing.

Kenny rolls his eyes as Ref. Vicki Task calls for the bell. Peggy and Sakura meet in the centre of the ring and lock it up. Peggy tries to overpower the youngster, but can’t, and Sakura quickly takes her over with an arm drag. She gets Peggy down and quickly moves into an armbar, keeping her more experienced opponent on the mat.

Kenny – Great start for Ito.

Cari – Yawn!

Kenny – Sakura Ito keeping the pressure on with this hold. I think this young woman has a lot of potential.

Cari – I think you have a lot of potential.

Kenny – Really?

Cari – Yeah, the potential for me to put my foot in you’re a…

Kenny – Woe there!

Sakura Ito stands Peggy Christian up and keeps a hold of her arm. Peggy tries to turn it. Sakura sends Peggy to the ropes, a readies herself for the return. As Peggy comes back, Sakura hits her with a clothesline that puts the older woman on her back. She follows this up with an elbow drop and a quick pin.

Kenny – Vicki Task with the count…only one before Peggy kicks out!

Cari – You suck, Task!

Kenny – My stats say she is by far the most competent official, perhaps in all of wrestling.

Ito pulls on Christian’s hair. She stands the woman up and looks to apply an arm bar. But before she can, Peggy starts to clear her head. She thinks quickly and sends Sakura to the ropes. As Sakura comes back, Peggy hits her with a back body drop. Sakura lands hard against the mat and sits up, holding her back. Peggy shakes her head and tries to clear it from the fight thus far.

Cari – Rookie mistakes cost Ito here.

Kenny – Peggy showing some good resiliency.

Peggy stands the downed Ito, and places her in a standing side headlock. Ito is stuck against Peggy’s side. Peggy twists her arms and applies as much pressure as she can. Sakura struggles, but is forced to follow as Peggy moves around the ring…trying to wear down her more physically fit opponent.

Kenny – Peggy Christian trying to sap the strength from Sakura Ito. And my computer notes that Peggy has her best success when she can slow down the match. She has a 68% success rate, as opposed to a mere 32% as the match goes on.

Cari – You really are worthless. Can’t they get me a co-host I don’t have to carry?

Ref Task checks to insure that the hold is not a choke. She seems pleased that it is legal. Peggy gets to the centre of the ring and prepares for something, but before she can execute it, Sakura grabs her around the midsection and executes a side German Suplex that rocks the older woman to the mat. Peggy lands hard and lays on the mat. Sakura rolls aside and tries to shake the pain out of her neck.

Kenny – Great move by Sakura Ito, powering herself out of a bad situation!

Cari – I’d pay her to do that to Task.

Sakura Ito gets to her feet right as Peggy is lumbering back up. Sakura, still a bit more fresh than Peggy, hits the struggling woman with a series of forearm smashes that jar Peggy. Christian is having trouble staying up. Ito stands behind Peggy, she crosses Peggy’s arms in front of her (Ito’s left hand holds Peggy’s right hand and her right hand holds Peggy’s left). Sakura bends down, sticks he head between Peggy’s legs and lifts Peggy up so Peggy is sitting her shoulders. Sakure falls backwards and drops Peggy on her back.

Kenny – Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex! (Had to look that one up).

Cari – What? What was that?

Kenny – It was the Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex! Perfectly executed!

Cari – Of course it was.

Sakura Ito grabs Peggy’s legs and rolls back up, trying for as pin.

Kenny – Here’s a cover…and only a two count! Peggy Christian barely able to kick out!

Cari – Couldn’t she just stay down?

Kenny – This is a great match.

Cari – Why? Because someone did a flying Japanese weather bomb?

Kenny – Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex.

Sakura Ito leaves the still down Peggy and starts to clap her hands above her head in an attempt to get the fans behind her. Lindsay and John join in. The fans start to get up and applaud along with her. But this is giving Peggy time to struggle back to her feet. She gets up and uses the last of her strength to grab Sakura and deliver a snap mare takeover. She then drags Sakura back up and executes another one. She leaves Sakura on the mat, trying to shake off the attack, while she tries to shake off her own cobwebs.

Cari – Shouldn’t have left her alone. Stupid rookie.

Kenny – That mistake did cost Sakura Ito.

Peggy stands Sakura and whips her to the ropes. She uses Sakura’s forward momentum to hit her with a power slam on the return. She follows this up with a pin. Vicki Task counts.

Kenny – 1 – 2 – Only Two! Sakura kicks out!

Peggy pulls the confused Sakura up and bends her over. She moves around and spikes the Japanese girl with a DDT. Sakura’s head slams against the mat. She lies still while Peggy sizes her up. She drops an elbow right into Sakura’s chest and goes for the pin.

Kenny – Peggy Christian with the lateral press…

Cari – And just a two count! She’s always one second away from glory!

Peggy seems spent on the mat. As if this last flurry of offense was all she had left in her. Sakura rolls onto her side and props herself up, trying to get a breather. Peggy huffs and puffs back to her feet while Sakura looks to the outside of the ring, and John Nanakami, who is offering instruction. She pushes her way back to her feet just in time to see Peggy closing on her. She reacts fast, grabbing Peggy in a bearhug. The Japanese strong woman is able to get her large opponent up. Struggling a bit under Peggy’s weight, Sakura drops her into a spine buster and rolls that into a Boston crab. She is putting all her weight and strength into it. Peggy is fighting as best she can.

Kenny – And Sakura Ito has the Boston Crab locked on in the centre of the ring. This could be all for Peggy Christian.

Cari – Peggy is just too pathetic to withstand this. She is old, weak and otherwise worthless. Kind of like the ref!

Vicki Task turns to see what Cari is yelling about her. Assuring herself that Cari has backed down, she returns to check Peggy for a submission. Peggy is shaking her head ‘no’, but is starting to wear down. Peggy begins to struggle to the ropes, but Sakura is keeping the pressure on.

Kenny – Peggy will not give up. What a fighter.

Cari – She’s going to get hurt of she doesn’t.

Sakura breaks the hold and stands Peggy up. She bends the now bedraggled lady and positions her for her finisher…The 1-2-3 Mountain Drop. Sakura holds her hand up and counts with her fingers ‘1 – 2 – 3’ for the fans. Finally she executes the triple mountain drop powerbomb and goes for the pin.

Kenny – Ito hooks the leg. Task in position…and it’s over! A three count in the centre of the ring, and a win for Sakura Ito!

Cari – And another loss for Peggy Christian. No surprise there.

Sakura gets up and allows the ref to raise her hand in victory. Janus, Lindsay and John enter the ring and congratulate Sakura while ‘Don’t stop me now’ from Queen kicks on the speakers and rallies the fans to cheer for the victor. She extends her hand to Peggy and helps her up.

Sakura - That was an excellent match, Christian-san! I hope we have the chance to try again soon!

Peggy shakes hands with Sakura, and gets a hug from her Cathouse mate Lindsay Locke. Now Sakura gets a hug from Lindsay and one from John Nanakami. Janus lifts the shorter Ito off the ground and holds her aloft so she can accept the accolades of the fans. Lindsay holds Peggy’s hand up so the fans can honor her as well. All four women, and John, walk out of the ring together to the cheers of the fans.

Winner – Sakura Ito, and good sportsmanship! 1

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