‘Lightning’ Lindsey Locke vrs Laura Parker

Last Woman Standing Rules

By: ToneDef

[We are inside of the Battling Ring Angels arena, a large and luxurious stadium located in the heart of the city. At the moment, the stands are packed with individuals, all of them screaming for their favorites and waving their signs, hoping for a moment of glory infront of the BRA cameras as they eagerly await the next match. Some of the apparent signs say ‘I’LL TAKE A LITTLE MARQUISE ANY DAY!’, ‘YOU MESS WITH THE VIPER, YOU’RE GONNA GET BITTEN!’, and ‘TIFFANY LANE IS MY CELESTIAL PRINCESS!’. The camera spins around, to focus on the announcers at ringside.]

Kenny: "Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen! It has been a great card thus far, and it just keeps on getting better! This next match should be a good one…"

Cari: "Good one? This is a last woman standing match, this is my type of meal ticket! I have been in many of these matches, I tell you, nothing can compare to the carnage that comes from these!"

Kenny: "My statistics here say that you injured 3 women in these types of matches, and…"

Cari: "3? More like 3 hundred, my good man! I doubt that most of these prom queens could last in a true last woman standing match….this will be a good one, though, only because Lindsey Locke will get what she deserves!"

Kenny: "Laura Parker and Lindsey used to be friends until only a short while ago, and now, things have escalated between the 2…."

Cari: "Friends? They were never friends, Lindsey meant to turn on Laura from the very beginning…and, now, finally, Laura gets to pay her back for all that she has done to her!"

[As strobe lights go off around the arena, simulating lightning, Lindsay walks
to the entry. She stands with her arms out in a "T", palms down. As
pyrotechnics go off, she raises her hands to a "V", palms up. Lindsay stands
in a way that is both defiant and cute, with a smile on her face. "Immigrant
Song" by Led Zeppelin hits as Lindsay, accompanied by Janus and Angela
Downey, makes her way to the ring. Lindsay wears her outfit of blue spandex
shorts with silver lightning bolts on it. On the back it says "Lightning" in
silver letters. She wears a blue spandex top with silver bolts on it and blue
boots with silver bolts on them. She also has silver knee pads. Her blond
hair is in pigtails. The crowd cheers wildly as the fan favorite walks to the
ring, smiling and slapping hands with fans. Behind her Angela walks in a pair
of jeans and a Lind's Kids T shirt. Janus wears black leather pants and a
velvet shirt. All three women come to the ring. They all hug and Janus gives
Lindsay some last minute advice. Lindsay jumps into the ring and shakes hands
with the ref. He smiles and she gives him a hug. The crowd is still cheering
her. She acknowledges their cheers with waves and starts to loosen up for the

Kenny: "What a nice girl…..and she has already made quite an impact in this league, I think that she should be the number one contender for that Celestial Gold!"

Cari: "Are you smoking something during our commercial breaks? She’s a rookie, Kenny….She should go back to the little leagues, and leave this league to the big kids!"

[The lights go down on the arena. Duran Duran's "Girls on film" begins to play through the speakers. A spot light picks up Laura Parker. She is dressed in a white bikini top and white spandex pants. She wears black over the knee boots and black elbow pads. With her are a few of the sisterhood members, including Jennifer Christian and Tiffany Lane. Laura ignores the reaction of the crowd as she enters the ring and, wiping a tear from the side of her face, she grabs a microphone.]

Laura: "Lindsey, We have had quite a past…and I am sorry about my recent actions. I don’t know what was going on with me…because we had such a great time, you and I, and it was all really for the kids, for those poor souls who we were attempting to make money for. I admire you so very much, Lindsey, and I humbly ask for your forgiveness. Will you ever forgive me?"

Kenny: "If Lindsey falls for this, then we are all in big trouble…Laura drops the microphone, and reaches out her arms, asking for a hug!"

Cari: "Brilliant! Absolutely Brilliant! I tell you, every time I see Laura, I like her even more….there’s a lot of me in this kid…Lindsey goes to hug her!"

Kenny: "They hug…and Laura suddenly picks her up, and belly to belly suplexes the youngster to the mat! I tell you, that’s how far trust will take you these days!"

Cari: "What are you talking about, Kenny? Laura’s clumsiness is well known, I think she just slipped and accidentally brought Lindsey over with her!"

Ding Ding Ding

Kenny: "Laura drops an elbow on Lindseys fallen form, then turns to the crowd, playing it up to them a bit….I think that 90 percent of this league loves to play to that audience, not the way to win the match!"

Cari: "Why are they booing her? What ridiculous fans! Laura walks over to where Lindsey lies, and grabs her hand."

Laura: "I’m so sorry, Lindsey, here, let me help you to your feet."

[Laura manages to pull Lindsey almost to her feet, and then the patented clumsiness comes into being..she stumbles backward, sticking out a leg, which trips Lindsey to the mat with a startled cry. Laura apologizes again, and, helping Lindsey to her feet, she asks her if she is allright. Laura is behind Lindsey, and Lindsey is resting against the ropes.]

Laura: "Here, let’s help you over to the corner."

[Laura pulls Lindsey over to the corner, ‘accidentally’ rubbing her face along the ropes on the way. With her most winning smile, Laura whips Lindsey into the ropes, and goes to flying dropkick her. However, Lindsey manages to grab a hold of the ropes, and the gorgeous actress hits nothing but air, striking the mat with a startled cry.]

Kenny: "A good counter from Lindsey!"

Cari: "Counter? It was luck, pure and simple…those ridiculous elbowpads of hers probably got stuck on the ropes! Laura gets back up…Lindsey dashes over,and flying spinning back heelkicks Laura down to the mat!"

Kenny: "Now that was a solid move! Lindsey gets Laura to her feet, shoves her back into the corner, looks to the crowd…and a knifes edge chop to the chest of the actress!"

Cari: "I think they heard that connection way back in the cheap seats!"

Kenny: "Another chop to Laura’s ample chest….then, whipping her into the ropes…Lindsey meets her with a flying forearm, sending Laura back down to the mat!"

[Laura looks as if she is in trouble, and her problems intensify as Lindsey flips her onto her back, and, grabbing a hold of her arms, pulls them back inside of a standing surfboard submission hold. Laura cries out at the hold, the pain written all over her exquisite features, but she only shakes her head when asked if she wants to submit. Lindsey applies more pressure, and Laura only bows her head, trying to ignore the pain ripping through her curvateous figure. Finally, Lindsey releases the hold…and, pulling Laura to her feet, and shoving her head under an arm, she DDT’s the actress to the mat.]

Kenny: "Lindsey is in firm control right now, that is for sure! A quick cover attempt…and a kickout at 2! Good resiliency by Laura!"

Cari: "You just discovered that now? We are looking at the girl who should have been both the Celestial Champion, and the Featherweight champion, had she not gotten screwed over by administration!"

Kenny: "Lindsey pulls Laura to her feet, whips her at the ropes….Laura flips over the top rope, and falls to the mat outside of the ring! Lindsey looks at her for a moment, then dashes at the ropes, what is she doing?!?"

Cari: "Come running back at the ropes, jumps into the air…Suicide Plancha over the top rope!"

Kenny: "Laura managed to get out of the way of it! Lindsey hits nothing but air, and cries out as she strikes the concrete!"

[Jennifer Christian immediately jumps up onto the ring apron, to distract the referee, and Tiffany Lane grabs a chair from ringside. Laura remains on the ground, on bended knee, attempting to recuperate as the Celestial Champion folds up the chair and goes to strike Lindsey on the back with it. Something prevents her from doing so, however…it is Janus, who has grabbed the chair, and wrenched it from Tiffany’s hands. Tiffany spins around, sees Janus with the chair…and does not hesitate in running in the opposite direction.]

Kenny: "Such tactics are befitting of our Celestial Champion, don’t you think? First Lisa Dream, and then Tiffany Lane!"

Cari: "You watch your mouth, hardly anyone else in this league can compare to the 2 of them! Laura has managed to get up, finally…and, walking over to where Lindsey kneels, she pulls her to her feet, and knee lifts Lightning back down to the concrete!"

Kenny: "Laura grabs Lindsey, rolls her back into the ring, and follows her there!"

Cari: "Laura drops a leg across the Lightnings face….then, pulling her to her feet, she whips Lindsey into the ropes, and flying headscissors her upon the return!"

Kenny: "Good high flying move! Laura immediately moves to the top rope, jumps up there, her back to Lindsey’s prone form…and does a moonsault down onto Lindsey! I am very impressed with Laura’s athletisism today!"

Cari: "Today? I am impressed with her all the time!"

[Laura hooks the leg, going for the cover attempt, but Lindsey manages to barely get a shoulder up before the 3 count. Laura looks a little frustrated…but, pulling Lindsey to her feet, the gorgeous actress suddenly gets Lindsey in an armbar. She then walks over to the turnbuckle, still maintaining the armbar, and, walking to the top rope, she then starts to walk across the rope, until she is standing on top of the rope a few feet away from the corner, still holding the armbar. She then launches off of the rope, driving an axehandle down onto Lindsey’s shoulder, knocking the Lightning to the mat.]

Kenny: "Wow! What balance! What a deadly move, I think she’s the only one in this league that could pull that off!"

Cari: "That’s the move that won her the Celestial Title match against Lisa Dream!"

Kenny: "Laura smiles to the crowd, again whips Lightning into the ropes, and jumps into the air, going to hurricanrana the Lightning to the mat…"

Cari: "Lindsey manages to hold Laura up there for a few moments! Now that takes some strength, maybe Lindsey isn’t a total loser…and the Lightning powerbombs the actress to the mat!"

Kenny: "She can’t capitalize, however…she slumps to the ground, trying to recuperate from the damage that Laura has inflicted!"

[Both women remain unmoving on the mat, and the referee begins to the count, giving them a 10 count to show some signs of action. Finally, they begin to stir, and both struggle to their feet at the 8 count. Lindsey goes to kick Laura in the belly, but the gorgeous actress manages to catch the foot before it makes contact. However, Lindsey suddenly jumps into the air, driving her other foot into the back of Laura’s head. Laura falls to the mat with a cry.]

Cari: "Bah, any child can do that move! Lindsey does a handspring legdrop across Laura’s fallen form..then, pulling her to her feet, the Lightning gets her in a side headlock, runs forward, jumps into the air…bulldog down to the mat!"

Kenny: "Now that had to hurt! Lindsey goes for the cover, but Laura kicks out at the 2 and a half mark!"

Cari: "Come on, Laura! Lindsey pulls Laura over to the top rope, gets her in a side headlock, signals to the crowd…Tornado DDT! Oh wow, I haven’t seen that move executed in a long time!"

[Lindsey again goes for the cover, but again Laura shows her resiliency by kicking out at the 2 count. Lindsey looks agitated now, and she pulls Laura to her feet…however, the gorgeous actress lashes out with a fist, solidly driving it into Lindsey’s crotch. Crying out, the Lightning doubles over, clutching her pelvic area, and Laura follows it up with a stunner, hooking Lindsey’s head over her shoulder and dropping to the mat, driving Lindsey’s chin down onto her shoulder. Lindsey slumps to the mat.]

Kenny: "Laura signals to Jennifer Christian all of a sudden…and Le Petite Marquise gets onto the apron, beginning to talk with the referee! What is this that is going on?"

Cari: "Perfect tactics, my good man! Laura pulls Lindsey to her feet…Tiffany Lane suddenly hops up onto the apron, her Celestial title in hand, and Laura whips Lindsey towards Tiffany…"

Kenny: "NO! Lindsey manages to reverse the move! Laura barrels towards Tiffany, and Tiffany cannot stop herself from driving the belt into Laura’s face!"

Cari: "I..I don’t believe this!!! Laura slumps to the mat! She must be out cold!"

[Janus finally makes it to where Tiffany stands, and she manages to spear the blond bombshell off of the ring apron. Lindsey sees that Laura is down for the count, and goes for the cover. The referee sees the cover attempt, runs over, and Jennifer Christian is too stunned to manage to break the attempt as the referee’s hand strikes the mat 3 times.]

Ding Ding Ding

Kenny: "That’s the fate that cheaters deserve! Laura had this one in the bag, it seemed, but then had to try and do some underhanded tactics! And it costed her!"

Cari: "Bah, this war isn’t over yet, not by a long shot! The referee checks on Laura, to make sure that she is, indeed, unconcious due to last woman standing rules, but I think that this is all she wrote!""

Kenny: "Janus gets into the ring, to celebrate with Lindsey and to protect her comrade, as Jennifer Christian remains on the outside, glaring at the two!"

Cari: "Jennifer showing some smarts, there is no way that I would even get into the ring with that fork wielding maniac!"

Kenny: "Ladies and Gents, we have to take a short commercial break, but we will be right back with some more great action!"

[Fade to a commercial for the Devonvale Clinic, the sweet and caring insitution that can make all your problems go away, for a next-to-nothing fee.]

Winner: Lightning Lindsey Locke

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