Kenny: Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen. This match pits good vs. evil. Evil is in the form of former Celestial Title Holder Lisa Dream. Good is personified in the relative newcomer, Samantha Staffer.

Cari: Samantha isn't good. As a wrestler she sucks.

Kenny: I was referring to their attitude toward rules. And by the way, Samantha doesn't suck. She is quite good.

Cari: As you can tell by her record.

Kenny: Her record is quite impressive. Particularly if you consider that she entered wrestling later in life and is really a rookie.

Cari: Huh! Lisa Dream is one of the most experienced and best wrestlers in Battling Ring Angels.

Kenny: The best at what? Cheating?

Cari: The best at doing whatever it takes to win.

Kenny: Many people consider that there is more to wrestling than winning.

Cari: And they're all called losers.

Kenny: Actually, they're called sportswomen.

Cari: I like loser better.

Kenny: (mumbling) I can see that just by looking at your record.

Cari: What was that?

Kenny: I said that my computer shows that at 5'10" and 151 Lbs., Samantha has a height and weight advantage.

Cari: She's also old enough to be Lisa's mother.

Kenny: She isn't that old, only 30. In fact tomorrow is her birthday.

Cari: I'm sure that Lisa has a suitable birthday present for her.

Kenny: I'm sure that Samantha has a few surprises of her own.

Cari: Like a real wrestling move?

Kenny: I'm not going to continue this stupid argument with you. Samantha's opponent, Lisa Dream, stands 5'6" and weighs 115 Lbs.

Cari: Even with that 36 Lbs. weight advantage, Samantha doesn't stand a chance. HERE COMES LISA!

(All of the lights in the arena dim as the sounds of twinkling stars and awe music fill the stadium. The blood red letters �THE DREAM' spin and solidify on the large jumbotron monitor located above the exit from the dressing room area, as smoke fills the entrance ramp. Then, there is a burst of pyrotechnics, the music shifts to the opening cords of �NOOKIE', by Limp Bizkit, and Lisa Dream exits the dressing room area. She arrogantly stands on the entrance ramp, surveying the sell out crowd as they show their appreciation for the conceited woman. Wearing her black leather halter top and black leather pants combination, Lisa blows a kiss to her adoring fans, and then arrogantly struts down to the ring like a supermodel walking on a runway. She sweeps into the ring with an arrogant smirk, and struts around the perimeter of the squared circle for the benefit of her adoring fans. Lisa then orders someone at ringside to hand her a microphone, which she quickly gets, and, when the crowd finally quietens down, she raises it to her black painted lips.)

Lisa: Feast your eyes and Fantasize, Baby Dolls, because the single greatest reason for your choosing to pay for those outrageous ticket prices has just decided to grace you all with her luscious presence! That's right, the tickets that you hold so dear in your grubby little hands give you the honor of setting eyes upon the Ultimate Image of Human Perfection, the very woman that puts every other insignificant imposter in the Battling Ring Angels to shame! I know what all of you were like for the matches before this one�I could register the boredom and contempt in your eyes as you watched those ridiculous, overweight excuses for wrestlers stumble around the ring!

Samantha�you and I may have had a past together, but that does not mean that I am just going to roll over and play dead for you in that squared circle! You were in a position of authority before, yes�but, as soon as you step into the ring with the All American Sweetheart, you will no longer be in the dominant position! That's right, sugar dumpling, I am going to toss you from one corner of that ring to the next like the rag doll that you are, because I could beat you with both hands tied behind my back and a paper bag over my head! I know it, you know it, and all my adoring fans know it! In fact, I would not be surprised if you did NOT come down to the ring right now, and chose to cower in the corner like the pretender that you are!

This match is going out to all of you, my loyal DREAM-o-phobics�those that wish that they were as smart as the Dream, as talented as the DREAM, as gorgeous as the DREAM! But, Samantha Staffer, you are going to wish that this day had never happened, because I am going to humiliate you as you have never been humiliated before! You had best close your eyes�and fantasize�.because that is the only way you will ever top�*perfection*.

(She then tosses down the microphone, and does a little bump and grind dance for the benefit of the audience. Lisa then takes up a reclining position on top of a turnbuckle, arrogantly awaiting the beginning of the match.)

Cari: I love this woman's entrances.

Kenny: Huh! I don't know if that ring is big enough to hold both wrestlers.

Cari: I agree that Samantha Staffer is a heifer.

Kenny: I'm not talking about Samantha. I'm talking about Lisa Dream and her ego.

Cari: You'd have a big ego too, if you as good at one thing as she is at everything.

Kenny: Here comes SAMANTHA STAFFER!

(The lights go dim and Samantha struts out to Queens �Another one Bites the Dust'. She is dressed in a skin tight short suit with tall black leather boots, her hair is braided in a single braid down the back to keep it out of the way. She looks cool and confident and acknowledges the crowd with a wave and a smile. With her is Peggy Christian who splits the ropes for Samantha to enter. She follows in clapping her hands and rousing the cheering crowd before taking Samantha's robe and giving her a big hug before exiting the ring. )

Kenny: I'm glad to see that she is accompanied by her friend Peggy Christian. Samantha could use some help against the tricks that I am sure that Lisa has planned.

Cari: Samantha needs help getting into the ring. That is why Princess Pig is here.

(The ref signals for the bell. Samantha moves to the center of the ring. Lisa circles her looking for an opening. Samantha raises her hands in a signal for a test of strength. A smirk creases the *perfect* face of the All American Sweetheart. Dream raises her arms and moves toward Staffer. They link one hand, but before the other can be linked, Lisa swings and rakes her fingers across Samantha's face.)

Cari: HAH! Lisa suckered her in the first 10 seconds of the match.

Kenny: What a dirty move by Lisa. Is she capable of a clean move?

Cari: Just keep your eyes open geekboy. She will give you a lesson in how to win a match.

(Staffer staggers as her hands cover her face. Lisa smiles at the crowd and points to her head, telling them how smart she is. The crowd reacts with boos that bring a violent sneer to Lisa face.)

Lisa: You insignificant peons don't deserve to breathe the same . . .

(Lisa is interrupted by Samantha sneaking up behind her and putting her in a reverse bearhug. The strength of Staffer drives the air from Dream's lungs. With a grunt Samantha takes Lisa over in a belly to back suplex. Samantha bridges forcing Lisa's shoulders to the mat. The ref drops to the mat and slaps it once.)

Kenny: Lisa plays to the crowd and it costs her. I think she is more interested in getting a crowd reaction then in her opponent.

(Lisa squirms to break lose as the ref slaps the mat a second time. Lisa continues to squirm until she breaks out of Samantha's grip, just as the ref brings his hand down for third count. Both wrestlers get quickly to their feet. Lisa smiles at Samantha, who glares back with a determined look on her face. Samantha lunges toward Lisa and grabs her arm. Staffer whips Lisa into the ropes. Instead of running into them, Lisa does a front handstand, her legs striking the ropes and bounced back down to the mat. She uses this increased momentum to then lunges backwards into Samantha with a flying elbow. Staffer staggers backward into the ropes from the force of that move.)

Cari: A "Dream catcher" one of Lisa's more potent moves.

Kenny: I don't think Samantha was expecting that.

Cari: Staffer's inexperience is showing.

(Samantha bounces off the ropes and into a drop kick from Lisa that sends her through the ropes and onto the floor outside the ring. Lisa struts around the ring and then does a bump and grind to the delight of the males in the crowd. Peggy Christian goes to her friend and helps her to her feet. The ref begins the count. Samantha takes time to clear the cobwebs from her head. Lisa smirks in the center of the ring. Samantha gabs a rope and pulls her self up to the ring apron. Lisa charges into Samantha with a shoulder block to the midsection. Staffer groans and doubles over but manages to hold onto the ropes and keep from falling to the floor. Lisa rams her again in the midsection with her shoulder. Again Samantha manages to hold onto the ropes and keep from falling. The ref pushes Lisa away from the ropes, allowing Samantha to enter the ring. Lisa yells at the ref.)

Lisa: How dare you lay hands on perfection.

(The ref signals for the match to continue. Lisa advances on Samantha, who seems to be still recovering from her recent beating. Samantha strikes with surprising quickness, hitting Lisa in the face with a right cross. She follows that up with a left to the midsection and that doubles Lisa offer. Staffer grabs Dream in a headlock and falls backward driving Lisa's head into the mat with a DDT.)

Kenny: Samantha shows that she is not going to be pushover for Dream. Dream is wobbly from the effect of that DDT.

Cari: A few lucky moves. Lisa will still win this match.

(Lisa gets to her feet slowly as Samantha kips up to hers. Lisa smiles at Samantha and holds out her hand.)

Lisa: That was a nice move. It truly impressed me. Congratulations.

Kenny: What is Lisa doing?

Cari: She is showing that she can be a good "sportswoman" too.

Kenny: Don't do it, Samantha! Don't trust Lisa.

(Unsure at first how to take this, Samantha extends her hand to shake Lisa's. Lisa quickly drops to one knee and punches Samantha in the groin. Staffer's mouth forms an O as she slumps to the mat, her hands pawing her wounded area. Lisa again points to her head, showing the crowd how intelligent she is. The ref gets in Lisa's face warning her about the use of low blows. Lisa ignores him as she does a bumps and grind for the crowd. The boos drown out the catcalls from the crowd. Lisa grabs a handful of Samantha's and pulls her to her feet. She slings Samantha into the ropes and sends her up and over in a back drop. Samantha hits the mat hard. She rolls on it trying to massage her back. Lisa begins to stomp on her downed opponent. She sneers at the crowd.)

Lisa: Who is your greatest dream and her biggest nightmare?

(Before the crowd can answer, Samantha grabs one of Lisa's feet and twists. A surprised Dream falls to the mat. Samantha keeps a hold of the foot as she gets to her feet. She forces Lisa onto her stomach and grabs her other foot before sitting on Lisa's back in a Boston Crab. Lisa is close to the ropes and grabs for it but it moves just out of her reach. Lisa screams in agony from the torture to her back caused by the tightly held Boston Crab.)

Cari: Peggy Christian grabbed the rope and pulled it out if Lisa's reach.

Kenny: I don't think so. According to my computer, Peggy Christian has never cheated.

Cari: There appears to be some things missing from your computer.

(Peggy is standing outside the ring smiling at Lisa. Lisa is cursing Peggy and the ref for not seeing what Peggy is doing. The ref looks to the ropes, but Peggy has let go of them just before the ref turned. Samantha increases the pressure of the Boston crab. Lisa cries out in agony from the hols. The ref asks Lisa if she submits, but she angrily says no. Again Lisa reaches for the rope and again Peggy pulls it just out of Lisa's reach. Lisa again screams at the ref. Peggy lets go of the rope and Lisa grabs it. The break is ordered by the ref and Samantha complies. Lisa slides under the rope and out of the ring. The ref cautions Peggy, who just looks at him innocently.)

Cari: Some serious cheating by these two women. Peggy and Samantha should be ashamed of themselves.

Kenny: I don't think they did anything wrong.

(The ref begins to count Lisa out. She takes her time as she massages her back and glares at Peggy. Peggy makes a mime like someone crying. The crowd laughs at this and Lisa goes postal. She runs at Peggy, who tries to run away. Lisa catches her and nails her with a drop kick that sends Peggy over the barricade and into the fans. Samantha jumps out of the ring and goes after Lisa. She gets Lisa in a full nelson and applies the pressure. Lisa struggles to break out of it but Samantha has it locked tight. Lisa curses and struggles all the more.)

Kenny: Smart move by Samantha. Lisa is burning off a lot of energy trying to get out of that full nelson.

Cari: It is a simple move, I'm sure that Lisa will find a way out of it soon.

Kenny: She won't have to wait too long the ref is nearing the end of his count.

(Samantha releases the hold and gets back into the ring. Lisa follows her in just before she is counted out. Peggy climbs over the barricade and back to ringside, with the help of a few fans. Samantha lunges at Lisa, but Lisa darts out of the way. Lisa keeps her distance from Samantha who is now the aggressor in the match. Lisa dodges a couple more attacks by Samantha before Staffer feints and grabs Lisa's arm. She places it in a wrist lock which she deftly turns into a hammer lock. Lisa screams from the pain in her shoulder. A quick move by Lisa and the hold is reversed. Now Samantha screams as white hot pain shoots through her shoulder. Lisa breaks the hold by sending Samantha into the ropes. On the rebound, Lisa leaps and delivers a flying knee to Staffers face. Samantha lands on the mat hard on her back. Lisa leaps on Samantha and grabs her leg. Peggy Christian moves toward the ref and starts yelling at him. The ref turns to see what Peggy is saying as Lisa rolls Samantha up. She turns to see what the ref is doing and notices that Peggy is distracting the ref. A devilish smile comes to Lisa face as she lets go of Samantha's legs. She put one hand over Samantha's mouth and with the other she grabs Samantha's groin in a painful crotch claw. Samantha's screams are muffled by Lisa's hand. She struggles vainly to get Lisa's hands away from her. Her feet kick the mat, in an effort to relieve the pain. Peggy realizes what is happening and spins the ref around. Lisa has been watching the ref and releases the claw before he can see it. Samantha is able to push Lisa off her. Staffer curls into the fetal position and moans on the mat.)

Cari: That was a smart way to use Staffer's and Christian's cheating against them. I think Staffer is going to be feeling that for a long time to come.

Kenny: Lisa needs no excuse to cheat.

(Lisa forces Samantha to her feet by means of a double handful of hair. Samantha surprises Lisa with a quick right to the belly. Lisa screams as she lets go of the hair. Rearing back, Samantha connects with a haymaker to Lisa's jaw causing Lisa to stumble backward.)

Lisa: My face, my beautiful, *perfect* face.

(Samantha gives her no time to say more as she rears back and delivers another big punch that drives Lisa to her knees. Samantha rears back for another big punch but stops when Lisa raises her hands, pleading with Samantha not to hit her again.)

Kenny: Don't stop, Samantha! Don't fall for one of Lisa's tricks.

(Samantha looks to the crowd for a reaction. The fans roar for Samantha to continue the punches. The delay is enough for Lisa to drive a double axe handle into Samantha's unprotected belly. Samantha groans and staggers backward from the force and surprise of the blow. Lisa uses the ropes to get unsteadily to her feet. The crowd boos Lisa for this unsportswoman like act. Lisa simply sneers at them as she rubs her jaw. Samantha charges Lisa and leaps hitting Lisa in the chest with a drop kick. The force of the kick sends Lisa over the top rope. Lisa hits the floor hard. Samantha follows her out and pulls Lisa to her feet. Staffer puts Lisa in a side head lock and rams her head into the ring post. She pulls Lisa back and tries it again. This time Lisa reverses the hold and rams Samantha into the ring post. A gash opens on Lisa's forehead. Both Lisa and Samantha are staggered from the match. They are both on their feet but are wobbly. Both take a few seconds to recover as the ref continues to count them out. Lisa d does a back handspring, catching her Samantha under the chin with her feet. Dream ends up on her feet while Staffer lies on the floor, flat on her back.)

Kenny: A flashkick by Lisa Dream seems to have laid out Samantha Staffer.

Cari: Lisa calls that her dream weaver. It seems to have put Samantha into dream land.

Kenny: Lisa gets back into the ring as the ref continues to count out Samantha.

Cari: That cheater, Peggy Christian is helping Samantha to her feet.

Kenny: That isn't cheating. Peggy helps Samantha into the ring just as the ref reaches twenty.

(Samantha uses the ropes to keep herself standing. Lisa is not a lot better off as she uses the time to regain some energy. The ref signals both wrestlers to continue. Lisa grabs Samantha's arm and whips her into the ropes but Samantha manages to reverse the move. On the rebound, Lisa crashes to the mat courtesy of a clothesline by Staffer. Samantha leaps in the air and drops a leg across Lisa's chest. She gets to her feet and drops an elbow to Lisa's stomach. Lisa curls up and tries to protect herself. Samantha jumps in the air and lands on Lisa with a big splash. She pins Lisa's shoulders to the mat with lateral press. The ref drops to the mat and slaps the mat.)


Kenny: Samantha is going to pull this off. I don't think Lisa has anything left.


Cari: This can't be happening.

THR . . . No.

Cari: Lisa got her shoulder up just in time!

(Samantha seems stunned by Lisa resilience. She pulls Lisa to her feet and whips her into the ropes. Lisa leaps to the top rope and springs back turning a summersault in midair. Both her feet strike Samantha in the face. Staffer's head is driven into the mat. She flops once on the mat then lies still. Lisa grabs Samantha's legs and wraps her up in a match book pin. The ref drops to the mat.)




( He signals for the bell and holds Lisa's arm up in victory.)

Cari: A very well deserved win by Lisa.

( Lisa's music begins to blare through the sound system as she shakes off the ref's hand. She does a little bump and grind around the ring, to the delight of the males in the crowd but also a loud chorus of boos. Samantha lies on the mat. Lisa walks over to her and smiles. She straddles Samantha head and then sits on Samantha's face. She begins to do a bump and grind on Samantha's face.)

Kenny: This is so unfair. Lisa won the match she doesn't hae to do this.

Cari: Lisa is just showing her domination of Staffer.

Kenny: She didn't dominate Samantha. It was a close match. Samantha had her close to a pin a couple of times.

Cari: Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

(The ref tries to get Lisa off Samantha but she refuses. The crowd begins to cheer as Peggy Christian enters the ring. She gets behind Lisa and lifts her off Samantha. Peggy holds Lisa over her over her head in a Military press. Lisa struggles to get out of it. Peggy walks to the ropes and drops Lisa over them. Lisa's scream is cut short as she hits the floor. Lisa lands hard on her back. She rolls on the floor before she slowly gets to her feet. She yells something as she points at Peggy that is bleeped out by the censors. Lisa struts out of the arena to the jeers of the crowd. Peggy goes to her friend and helps her to her feet. Samantha and Peggy leave the arena to the cheers of the crowd.)

The winner: LISA DREAM by pinfall. 1

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