Once again the familiar surroundings of the BRA arena come into focus as the camera’s click on ready for another night of wrestling with the Battling Ring Angels! After a wildly successful PPV its back to the old familiar digs and a brand new card. It is once again a packed house and familiar names can be seen suspended from banners and waving on signs. “Sakura Ito rocks”, “Hey Lisa, Dream a little Dream of me” and “OSCAR loves Samantha” being but a small sampling.

Finally down by ringside, our newly tanned twosome prepare for the matches.

Kenny: Great cruise, but good to be back home as well!

Cari: It had its moments! By the way, I see that you have convinced the company to get you another computer!

Kenny: It actually took a LOT of talking to convince them it was a genuine ACCIDENT!

Cari: Awful rough seas we had for awhile out there! Should have let me do the talking!

Kenny: Then I likely would never see another computer again!

The lights dim, as another night of wrestling is about to begin! The curtain parts and a young woman with long blonde hair makes her way to the ring. She is wearing a short black skirt, T-shirt and combat boots as she splits the ropes and moves to her corner.

Kenny: Angelique looks like business tonight!

Cari: It would be a change for her! The record of Angel Dust is pretty dismal. She should give up wrestling and go back to being what she was before.

Kenny: The life of a porn star is not…er…a great one, I don’t think!

Cari: At least she made a living at it! She will never make a living as a wrestler!

The house lights go dim to black as Elton John's "Made in England" begins to play over the PA system. Shea steps out from behind the curtain wearing a red one piece with a union jack depicted on the front and red boots. Tara Sawyer steps out behind her, smiling but still seeming in lower spirits than usual. Reaching ringside, Shea slides under the bottom rope, rolling up, and then springing onto her feet, arms stretched into the air. As the crowd cheers, Shea points down to ringside, to Tara, whom the fans also give a loud round of support to. Tara's smile brightens as she waves to the fans, and then points back to Shea and claps.

Kenny: Shea London has been nothing short of impressive lately! She was close to winning two belts at the recent PPV! This lady is going places and with Samantha Staffer and Cathouse at her back there is no telling how far she can go!

Cari: The cherubs can look after the so-called Cathouse! What a bunch of losers!

Kenny: Lindsey Locke is a member and she is one of the best wrestlers around!

Cari: She’s too busy with her little threesome and kids to watch anyone’s back! Samantha Staffer has only one win under her belt, and that’s over BRA’s biggest loser, the other member of Cathouse! If Shea London wants someone to watch her back, she had best get someone who can do the job!

Kenny: You may be surprised!

Cari: The only one surprised right now is Shea London!

In the ring the bell barely starts ringing before Angel Dust axe handles Shea London from behind, dropping her to the mat. The French girl starts to lay into Shea with her boots, driving them into her back.

Kenny: Angel Dust has got this match going, maybe a little prematurely!

Cari: The Mole never even noticed! I like him as a ref!

Angel drags the smaller woman up and slings her into the ropes, greeting her return with a boot to the chest! Gasping, the English girl drops to the mat again and tries to roll away.

Kenny: Those combat boots are going to leave some marks on poor Shea!

Cari: Dust has to keep up the rough stuff, but I doubt she can! As a wrestler she makes a great porn star!

Angel springs off the ropes and leaps up, extending her leg out for a leg drop. As she hits she yelps in surprise to find her opponent has moved!

Kenny: No one home!

Cari: Like I said, as a wrestler…

Shea gets up, shaking off the affects of the boots and waits for Angel to begin to rise and as she does, the smaller girl grabs the Frenchwoman and snap suplexes her over top and to the mat. As her stunned opponent lays on her back Shea rolls and wraps her legs around Angels head, grabbing her left arm and twisting it at the same time.

Kenny: Head scissors with an armbar! Good display of wrestling from Shea London!

Cari: Angel Dust is stomping her feet in frustration! She has no idea what to do!

Kenny: Shea London is turning into quite the wrestler! I calculate her chances of winning this match at…

Cari: …about the same as you “accidentally” dropping your new toy!

Tara Sawyer cheers on the outside as the crowd responds. Shea squeezes her helpless opponent for another moment before releasing the scissors and getting up. She keeps the armbar held tight and drags Angel to her feet. Spinning she gives the arm another twist causing a yelp of pain from the Frenchwoman. Shea follows it with a whip to the ropes and greets Angel with a vicious chop to the chest, stopping Dustnelle in her tracks! Running to the ropes Shea springs off behind her staggering opponent and bulldogs her to the mat!

Kenny: She’s rolled her over for the pin!



Cari: Kickout! But Angel Dust looks beat! She should have stayed down!

Kenny: Shea seems to think so as well!

Shea looks on astonished for a moment, but gets up and drags the stunned Angel to her feet. Another chop to the chest staggers the bigger woman. Shea then bounces off the ropes and…

Kenny: Handspring elbow! Wow! Down goes Angel Dust!

Cari: This one is over!

Kenny: Shea is climbing the ropes! It looks like the Sensational Leg Drop!

Shea launches off the ropes and drops a thigh across the chest of her beaten opponent! Angel lies motionless as Shea rolls her up for the pin with ease.





Kenny: In the end an easy win for Shea London…hey! What’s going on!

Cari: Finally a little action!!

With Shea’s back turned a small blonde rolls into the ring out of nowhere! She wears a simple black leotard and workout shoes with her hair done in a ponytail. As Shea turns to see what the commotion is she is met with a dropkick that sends her staggering to the ropes!

Kenny: La Petite Marquise! What is she doing here?

Cari: Hehe! Don’t you see anything! They had “words” at the Celestial title match! I wondered if she would show up!

LPM slings her stunned victim across the ring and chops her down with a double axe handle. As LPM hoists Shea to her feet she looks directly at Tara and says;

“You see what can happen with no one watching your back!”

Tara can only watch as LPM brings a knee up sharply, slamming her friend stunned to the mat! After that the Little Marquise rolls out of the ring leaving both wrestlers lying on the mat. She gives a quick wink as she passes Tara and disappears up the ramp.

Kenny: Well, an interesting finish to this match! Shea London wins, but gets a beating in the process!

Cari: If Shea London is any kind of wrestler, she won’t let this go!

WINNER: Shea London by pinfall. 1

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