“Hello Battling Ring Angels, ‘tis I, your banished hero, Garry Grimmoire. It seems rather than paying me to sit at home, they’ve actually given me something to do. I have been chosen to present this venue, and newest acquisition to the arsenal of Angelic matches, “The Pit”. “

Making sure the camera is firmly affixed on him, little detail is given to the location of this event. It is a downtown setting, large buildings littering the sky front while smaller store fronts line the sidewalks. The robust man stops a moment at a crosswalk, checks his watch, then moves across paying no heed to the “Do Not Walk” sign.

Walking before a chain linked fence, Garry’s nose wrinkled in horror at some scent in the air. Cringing visibly before the camera, he offered a weak smile and continued on down the street.

“I suppose you’re wondering about the secrecy of this? Well, this event will be held separately from our next Pay Per View extravaganza, with both participants delivered via Limousine to the event. No other wrestlers will be informed of its location.

Leslie “The Viper” Magnus and Kelly “The Assassin” Mase… this is your fate.”

Stepping away from the fence, an old pool came into view. A cement construction with a couple of men in the inside, spraying over the old graffiti covered surface in symbols and saying of Battling Ring Angels. Five feet from the lip of the pool, a six-foot fence was in the process of being constructed.

“ This is a match designed for violence, for vengeance… for the fans? This match will be visible to anyone who is close by, and I am sure it is likely to attract more than just the casual fan. Two women will be put inside the ring; they can fight on to or make their way down into the depths of that pit. If that is not enough, that six-foot tall fence will have barbed wire around the top to prevent anyone leaving before her time.

From the Pit, this is Garry Grimmoire.”

Strolling away, Garry shook his head in disgust at just what his career had become. 1

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