As the commercial for “Dr. Cosmo McKinley’s Tollhouse Cookies” comes to an end we see the camera scanning the inside of the BRA arena to another full house of excited fans looking forward to more action. Once again you can pick up evidence of fan favorites in some of the homemade literature spread throughout. We see messages from the simple, “Ito is Neato” and “Shea is OK”, to the sublime, such as “Peggy and Willi sitting in a tree-K-I-S-S-I-N-G” and “The Sisterhood rules BRA and my heart, especially Tiffany, Nina, Yvette, Laura, Alex and LPM!”

Kenny: Welcome back Cari. I…umm…have to ask, why the pillow this time?

Cari: Because wonderboy, this next match is going to be a real snoozer!

Kenny: Why do you think that? Both Sakura Ito and Lindsey Locke are excellent wrestlers and the top rookies in BRA?

Cari: And both are kissy-kissy! There is absolutely no heat in this match whatsoever and that makes for a boring match! Just watch, they will even come out together. If they do, wake me when this is over, I want no part of it!

Kenny: Seems we’re going to find out right now!

"We Are The Champions" From Queen plays and the Three members of The Threesome walk to the entryway. Lightning Lindsay Locke, Chibiyama Sakura Ito and Janus stand next to each other and begin their walk to the ring. Following behind them are Angela Downey and John Nanakami. Lindsay wears her outfit of blue spandex shorts with silver lightning bolts on it. On the back it says "Lightning" in silver letters. She wears a blue spandex top with silver bolts on it and blue boots with silver bolts on them. She also has silver kneepads. Her blond hair is in pigtails. She is well toned and in her usual top physical condition. Sakura has her usual wrestling attire of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is colored a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. Janus wears her customary black leather pants and velvet shirt. Her feet are covered by her favorite blue and black cowboy boots. John Nanakami is dressed in black slacks and a gray sweatshirt, an airbrushed picture of a mountain peak and cherry blossoms scattering in the wind adorning the back. Angela wears faded blue jeans and a "Linds' Kids" T-shirt. The fans cheer for the new stable that has captured their hearts and imaginations. The whole group enters the ring and the Threesome members pose in the center. Sakura, kneeling, shows off her impressive biceps. Lindsay stands just behind her, smiling and displaying three fingers. Janus stands behind both of them holding the Fallen Angel Belt in the air. Finally, they split up and Lindsay takes the microphone to speak.

Lindsay - I think it's sooo cool that all of you are going to get the chance to see two of this league's best new wrestlers in action against each other. And we're going to put on a show that will make everyone here see what we can do. But make no mistake, we will walk away friends!

This announcement is greeted by mostly cheering from the fans but some jeering and catcalling from the more bloodthirsty elements of the crowd.

She hands the microphone to Sakura.

Sakura - We are on our way, either together or against each other. Tonight we prove that we are ready for the next level of competition in BRA! Threesome…Ichiban!

She holds three fingers up and hands the microphone to Janus.

Janus - The Threesome is united. And this will not stop it. Whoever thought they could split us up, whoever thought they could break us apart they are dead wrong!

Janus, John and Angela leave the ring. Lindsay and Sakura hug and go to opposite corners to stretch and get ready for the match.

Kenny: Well, it appears you are right yet again!

Cari: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…..

Kenny: Seems I’m alone on this one! Referee Sloane Webster is in the ring and ready to go!

As the bell sounds both wrestlers meet up in the middle of the ring and shake hands before breaking off circling each other. Lindsey is the first to move, dashing in for a running dropkick that Ito evades deftly, allowing Lindsey to drop painfully to the mat. Sakura scoops her up and demonstrates her power with a snap powerbomb on the high flyer. Lindsey gasps on the mat, but Sakura steps back, refusing to take advantage of the situation. As Lindsey gets to her feet a few more boos become apparent as more people see what is happening.

Kenny: Sakura Ito had the obvious advantage but refused to capitalize on it!

Cari: If Sloane Webster is looking for cheating in this match, she will have more use for this pillow than I will!

Kenny: Lindsey is on her feet and getting time to shake off the effects of the powerbomb!

Cari: I told you this will be a snoozer! They won’t hurt each other!

Kenny: It will still be a display of power versus aerial ability!

Just as if she heard Kenny’s words, Lindsey moved quickly, whipping Ito to the mat in an armdrag takedown and locking the arm in an armbar on the mat. Ito’s face twisted in pain from the effectiveness of the move, kicking her feet.

Kenny: Good recovery by Lindsey! Her speed is a little much for the larger Japanese girl.

Cari: If this was any kind of a real match Locke would never have had the chance to recover! This smells bad!

Kenny: What do you mean?

Cari: Care to make a little wager on the outcome of the match?

Kenny: Umm..err…

Cari: You doubt me?

Kenny: Alright! I think Lindsey Locke will win, what about you?

Cari: What’s your wager first!

Kenny: Ummm…how about…

Cari: $100!

Kenny: Well….

Cari: C’mon, your girl has control now!

Kenny: Well, alright! So you think Ito will win!

Cari: Nope!

Kenny: No?

Cari: Double countout!

In the ring Ito manages to power her way to her feet, her strength proving to be too much for Lindsey to handle. Lindsey quickly snaps Sakura into the ropes and on the rebound catches Ito with a hurricanrana. Lindsey jumps to her feet, then she too steps back and waits for her friend to get up. Ito gets up rubbing her back and starts to circle Lindsey. As they lock up, Ito’s power is again too much for Lindsey and she quickly secures a side headlock before dropping a knee and snap maring Lindsey hard to the mat, before dragging her up and repeating the snap mare. Lindsey gasps, grabbing her back as she feels her friend pluck her up off the mat and scoop her up easily and bodyslam her back to the mat before backing away again.

Kenny: Once again Sakura proves her power in convincing fashion, but does not follow up. I get the feeling my wallet might be a little lighter after this match.

Lindsey gets to her feet and smiles at her friend as she walks the ropes rubbing her back. Sakura gives a little bow and the bulk of the crowd cheer the show of sportsmanship, but the bloodthirsty element is starting to get a little more vocal. As the two women meet again Lindsey fakes the collar and elbow and throws a knife edged chop full to the chest of her opponent. This off balances Ito just enough to allow Lindsey to leap up and drop Ito to the mat with a great standing dropkick! Climbing to the ropes Lindsey raises an elbow and leaping off drops it across Ito’s chest. The Japanese girl shudders from the blow, sitting her up straight. Lindsey grabs her head and pulls her up into a standing headlock before running a few steps and throwing her legs out and bulldogging Ito to the mat.

Kenny: Great action from Lindsey! She can pin her now!

Cari: But she won’t!

True to Cari’s words, instead of rolling her victim up Lindsey springs to her feet and raises a hand to her fans! Her smile starts to show signs of fading slightly as more and more fans start to see that neither woman is trying to seriously win this match.

Cari: Looking at the ref I think she is getting a little bored with this as well.

Sakura meanwhile staggers to her feet shaking her head from the effects of the bulldog. Lindsey climbs the corner quickly and with a fluid motion launches herself at Sakura with a flying cross body block. She contacts right across the Japanese girl’s chest, staggering her back a few steps but not falling. Ito stops, holding Lindsey across her chest before dropping her in a powerslam that shakes the ring! Sakura has the chance to pin her opponent but instead gets up and off her. Lindsey, grabbing her chest rolls out of the ring and walks around the outside hunched and gasping. Ito follows as the referee starts to count right away.

Kenny: Ito has Lindsey in a side headlock right now! She could do this in the ring as easy!

Cari: But she won’t!

As the count against both wrestlers reaches ten Lindsey shows some sign of life and tries a shot to the ribs of her friend. Ito staggers a step, but keeps the headlock. Lindsey tries another as she is obviously unable to match power with Sakura. Ito drops a knee and snaps Lindsey to the floor in front of the announcers booth. The powerful woman steps back and allows Lindsey to get to her feet. As one they both move back to the ring but referee Webster has seen the light and her count has reached twenty at a quick rate.


Kenny: Sloane Webster has counted both wrestlers out!

Cari: She may have her faults but this time she did us all a favor.

Kenny: A double countout! Ito and Locke are back in the ring but they are too late! They are both looking at the referee but the bell has gone!

Cari: Looks like she is giving both wrestler’s a little lesson as well!

Kenny: I think referee Webster has cut short a great display of wrestling from a couple of talented rookies!

Cari: I think she smelled a rat and gave them both what they deserved, and likely wanted as well!

Kenny: What do you mean?

Cari: Are you really that dense! Those two women have signed a contract to wrestle, not to hold a mutual admiration society in the ring! All they have done since they’ve heard about this match is bitch about having to face each other! This is professional wrestling and this is what they are paid for! In other places this would be called match fixing!

Kenny: You can’t mean that!

Cari: They should have both their butts fired for collusion! I’ve never been a fan favorite, but at least every match I went out there and gave my best. The fans may have hated me, but you can bet they got their money’s worth! The crowd may love these two, but there is more than a few out there who are feeling ripped off right about now!

Kenny: I thought they gave a very good display of talent for the crowd!

Cari: This was no more than an exhibition, and no one in this audience paid for an exhibition! You can’t whine about you’re opponents and decide you’re not going to give you’re best effort! You signed a contract! They may have lived up to the contract by showing up in the ring, but they certainly did not honor the spirit of it by this sham tonight! They are supposed to be wrestlers and stand for all that is good in wrestling! Bah!! They should be banned! I don’t know how they can sleep at night!

Kenny: I think you are being a little harsh about this!

Cari: I am being professional! I get paid for match commentary! At least I earned my money tonight! Locke and Ito, if you have any conscience at all, you will refuse your next paycheck!

Back in the ring a shocked pair of wrestlers watch as Cari Trammel stalks off from the announcer’s table after her verbal assault. They leave together, and both look a little shaken.

Kenny: Well…never at a loss for words is Cari! We’ll be right back in a moment folks.

WINNER Double Countout 1

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