(The screen fades up from black as the camera pans the arena. Hundreds upon hundreds of signs litter the landscape “FEAR THE DARK ANGEL” , “DREAM ON ME” , “WHERE’S YVETTE?” are just a few of the many home made signs waving frantically to get on TV.)

(Another camera shot appears, inside the ring, the straight arrow Moira Young stands in one corner of the ring. Sitting at the announcer desk, the duo of Ken Harbor and Cari “The Brat” Trammel.)

Ken: “Welcome back folks, WOW!! That last match was intense..”

Cari: “Have Fork will travel..”

Ken: “This card is filled with tremendous matches, up next the Tag Team Championship. Tara Sawyer and Shea London going against the Champions Kelly Mase and her new partner …

(The lights dim, as pyro displays along the walkway start to blast as Melanie C's "Going Down" begins to blare over the PA. After a few seconds, Shea London and Tara Sawyer appear side by side in the entranceway. Both walk briskly down to the ring, both slapping hands with the cheering fans. Shea's face bears her trademark cute grin, but while Tara's face also has a smile, her expression seems a bit harder than usual, a bit more determined. As they reach the ring, Shea hops up onto the apron and sits on the middle rope, parting them for her friend to make her entrance. Tara's face softens a bit as she slips through and waves to the fans, Shea following right behind her. )

Ken: “Folks only a couple of weeks ago, this team came within inches of getting the Tag team gold.”

Cari: ‘Inches, or miles, it still adds up to failure.”

Ken: “The crowd is giving these two fine competitors a tremendous greeting. Both these ladies are quite popular with the fans.”

Cari: “Sure, until you see Shea smile. Have you seen her teeth?”


Cari: “It’s common knowledge that the British Dental Association is decades behind the rest of the world. I’ve seen smaller buck teeth on Beavers.”

Ken: “What? Shea is a beauty! And one heck of a wrestler.”

Cari: “Bah, she annoys me. That fake accent.”

Ken: “She’s BRITISH!”

Cari: “So are Canadians, I don’t hear Peggy with that accent.”

(Ken holds his hands in his head, wondering what terrible wrong he did in a past life to deserve this.)

(The lights go down as "Live and Let Die" blares over the PA. Suddenly, red pyrotechnics shoot up, obscuring the entrance. As the smoke clears, Kelly Mase, in blood-red leather boots, pants, and vest walks to the stage amid catcalls and boos. Her brother James, in army fatigues, steps out behind her, crossing his arms across his massive chest. Kelly's face shows no emotion as the music dies down and she raises a microphone to her lips.)

Kelly: "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, members of BRA administration and the press."

(Kelly looks to the ring and points at Tara Sawyer and Shea London)

Kelly: "London and Sawyer, and, most importantly, Lesley Magnus. I would like to present my new partner. I know you all have your predictions, now you can all see how wrong you were. I present to you the new co-holder of the BRA Tag Titles, .Skye Soaring Hawk!"

(The crowd reaction is mixed. Mostly surprised fans watch as Kelly and her brother turn to the entrance. While everyone is watching the entrance, a figure jumps out of the crowd behind London and Sawyer. She slides into the ring and nails Tara from behind, sending her across the ring. Shea turns and stares in the glaring eyes of the hawk.)

Ken: “Sneak attack! That was uncalled for!”

Cari: “Beautiful….”

(Kelly quickly runs down the ringside and slides under the ropes. She immediately attacks the rising Tara as Shea and Skye tear into each other. Moira tries to break up the melee, but the wrestlers seemed a bit preoccupied to listen to the small blonde. Shea and Skye have rolled out of the ring and are punching away at each other as Tara breaks free of the Assassin, just long enough for Moira to step in between. Kelly glares at Tara and then at the ref, the imposing frame of the Assassin takes a step towards Miss Young who backs off slightly. Tara scowls at Kelly and wipes a trickle of blood from her lip, a cut courtesy of Mase. Moira calls for the bell and the match is “officially” started.

Ken: “Wow!! Skye Soaring Hawk”

( Cari pulls a piece of paper from her pocket and rips it up.)

Cari: “Dammit! I just lost 5 bucks!”

Ken: “Why?”

Cari: “I bet on Sasha being Kelly’s partner … I wonder who picked the nutbar”

Ken: “ Skye’s no nut! She’s just intense. Skye is one of BRA’s toughest fighters. She hasn’t been herself as of late, and a trip to the Dentonvale Clinic was supposed to help her through some tough times. But as usual Cosmo screwed that up..”

Cari: “Excuse me, excuse me. Are you a Doctor? Do you know how to treat a psychosis? Out of the kindness of his heart..”

Ken: “Pocketbook…”

Cari: “Heart! Cosmo took the poor Skye into his tender care and now she is better for it.”

Ken: “She talks to herself”

Cari: “See! He cured her loneliness, what a genius!”

(As security pull Shea and Skye apart, Kelly and Tara face off in the ring. Both women come together in a clinch. For a few seconds Tara holds her ground against Kelly, but the stronger assassin pushes her back into the corner. Moria calls for a break and Kelly takes a step back, Tara lowers her arms for a second and Kelly strikes. A quick forearm shot to the head, stuns Sawyer as Kelly grabs a handful of hair and pulls her into the middle of the ring. Mase quickly fires a European upper cut that staggers Tara sending her back into the ropes. Kelly follows her in, driving her knee up into her opponent’s belly.)

Cari: “Machine like precision! Kelly is a joy to watch.”

Ken: “I don’t think there is any joy in anything she does.”

(Shea yells encouragement from the corner as Kelly drags Tara over towards Skye. The native warrior sticks her knee between the ropes and Kelly drives Tara’s face down into it. As Sawyer slumps to the mat, Skye is tagged in. She vaults over the ropes, landing her leg across Tara’s back.)

Ken: “Kelly and Skye off to a fast start, thanks to that cheap sneak…”

( Skye quickly rolls Tara over for a pin, but Sawyer kicks out before the ref can count one. Skye hooks Tara in a headlock and cranks on the pressure. Shea continues to yell from her side of the ring as Tara slowly forces her way up to her feet. She rams her elbow into Skye’s tight midsection, causing Hawk to wince slightly. Again Tara fires an elbow, causing Skye enough distress to force her back into the ropes. As they hit the strands Tara uses the rebound to push Skye away, sending her across the ring. Skye rebounds quickly and comes charging back in.)

Ken: “ Shoulder block by Skye! She nailed Tara with that one.”

( As Tara hits the mat, Skye quickly runs back across the ring. Sawyer gets to her feet as Skye comes charging back in. Tara drops to the mat, forcing Skye to leap over her and continue on her way across the ring. Tara turns as Skye extends her arm.)

Cari: “Clothesline!”

Ken: NO!”

(The crowd cheers as Skye swings her arm to nail Tara. Sawyer ducks and jumps driving her shoulder forward into Skye’s gut.)

Ken: ‘Spear!”

(Skye is sent crashing to the mat with Tara on top of her. Sawyer begins raining down a series of quick fists. Closed fists.)

Cari: “Booo! Cheat!”

Ken: “What?”

Cari: “Closed fist! What’s up with her?”

( Moira calls for a break as Skye is able to grab the bottom rope. Tara takes an extra shot and gets a warning from Moira. She scowls at the blonde zebra and steps up off of Skye. Tara grabs a handful of hair and whips Skye into her corner. Shea smiles and extends her hand, tagging with Tara. Before she steps through the ropes, Tara whips Skye across the ring as Shea jumps up to the top rope. Skye comes running back in and Shea leaps..)

Ken: “Wow! Missile Dropkick!”

( Shea quickly jumps to her feet and drops across Skye’s chest for the pin. Skye powers out at the 2 count. London jumps to her feet and grabs Skye by the leg, she quickly twists it across her thigh into a leg bar and then falls to the mat. Skye howls in rage and pain as Shea stretches her leg in an awkward position. The ref asks for Skye’s submission, but the Hawk just screams at her. Skye starts to pulls her body closer to the ropes, showing her strength by dragging the entangled pair across the ring. Moria calls for the break and Shea immediately complies. London backs off as Skye rises to her feet. Shea quickly runs and leaps into the air, nailing Skye with a dropkick sending her into the corner. Skye’s arms flop over the top rope as she slumps down on the second turnbuckle. Shea runs to the opposite corner, she waves her arms in the air, before charging across the ring.)

Cari: “What is she…?”

Ken: “Back Handspring Elbow!”

( The crowd cheers as Shea performs a back handspring and then plows her elbow into Skye’s chest. As Skye bends over, Shea wraps her arm around her head and takes off running. She drags Skye along with her and then leaps up into the air..)

Ken: “Bulldog!”

Cari :”NO!!”

(As Shea leaps, Skye wraps her arms around London’s waist and holds her up. Shea tries to react, but Skye slams her forward, dropping to one knee and slamming Shea’s butt across it.)

Ken: “Ouch! Atomic Drop!”

( Shea bounces up to her tiptoes and staggers away, as she turns, Skye nails her with a short clothesline. Skye looks down at her opponent and then across at her partner. She grabs a handful of blonde locks and pulls Shea up. Skye quickly throws Shea into the corner and then turns to face Tara. Skye walks towards her, egging Tara on with hand gestures. Across the ring , Kelly wraps the tag cord across Shea’s throat and begins to choke her. Tara see’s this and steps between the ropes. Immediately Moria blocks her path, instructing Tara back out of the ring. Skye turns and joins Mase in the assault as Tara points and yells. The ref is adamant and starts to count. Skye slams her fists in rapid succession into Shea’s midsection as Kelly chokes her. Tara finally steps out of the ring, but continues to scream and point. Moira turns and then runs over, yelling at Kelly and Skye to break their assault. They ignore the ref until the 4 count, narrowly avoiding a DQ. Shea drops to the mat, gasping for breath as Skye tags in Kelly. The bigger Assassin steps through the ropes and hauls Shea up by her hair. In one quick motion, Kelly scoops Shea up and then slams her down to the canvas.)

Cari: “Hehe, did you see Shea bounce?”

Ken: “Yes..”

( Shea rolls on the mat, clutching her back as Kelly reaches down and hauls her up again. Mase scoops Shea up into a fireman’s carry and then takes a few steps forward before powerslamming Shea into the canvas.)

Cari: “She planted her with that one!”

Ken: “Kelly’s going for the pin ….1….2….”

Cari: “Boooo!”

Ken : “Kick out by Shea!”

(The crowd cheers as Shea gets her shoulder up just before the three count. Kelly’s face remains cold as she hauls Shea up off the canvas. She goes to scoop her up again…)

Ken: “Small Package!”

(Shea surprises Kelly, pulling her down into a pinning position. Moira slaps her hand down once before Kelly powers out. Shea quickly tries to crawl across the ring to her teammate, but it stopped a few inches away as Kelly grabs her leg. The larger assassin pulls Shea back into the middle of the ring. Kelly reaches down and grabs Shea’s other leg, pulling them up and then twisting Shea’s body around.)

Cari: “Crab Baby! Boston style!”

(Shea howls as Kelly squats down on her lower back , while pulling backwards on her legs. Tara yells encouragement as Shea shakes her head, fighting back the pain. Moira asks for a submission, but Shea ignores her. The Brit tries to power out, but Kelly maintains the hold and pulls back even further, forcing Shea’s body into a horrific looking U.”

Ken: “Thank god Shea’s flexible!”

Cari: “Shhhhhhs, if you’re quiet, we might hear her back snap.”

(Moira asks Shea if she wants to quit. London screams her defiance as Kelly clamps on even more pressure. Tara stands in her corner, watching as her partner’s body is bent. Shea tries to crawl towards the ropes, gaining a few inches. The crowd cheers the British grappler on as she forces her body to reach for the ropes. Kelly grunts and starts bouncing up and down, putting tremendous strain on Shea’s back, but with each bounce Shea fights to crawl another inch or two and finally reaches the safety of the ropes.)

Ken: “What a heroic effort!”

Cari: “Bah…”

(The crowd cheers as Shea grabs the bottom rope. Kelly scowls as Moira tells her to break the hold. The Assassin waits until Moira starts her count before breaking. Tara screams at Kelly, challenging her to fight. Kelly ignores Tara and hauls Shea up by her hair, before shoving her into the corner. Kelly tags Skye and the Indian warrior steps through the ropes. She grabs Shea by the arm and pulls her out of the corner. She whips Shea across the ring and waits. London hits the ropes and rebounds in. Skye grabs her as Shea bounces back and lifts her into the air, twirling Shea in the air before dropping to one knee.)

Ken: “Twilt-O-Whirl Backbreaker!”

Cari: “Shea’s going to need a chiropractor after this match.”

( The crowd winces as Shea’s body is bent across Skye’s knee. Hawk quickly clasps her hands together and slams them down into Shea’s stretched abdomen. Instinctively, Shea’s torso rises. Skye swings her fists forward, smashing into Shea’s jaw, knocking her off her knee and to the canvas.)

Ken: “Kelly and Skye are working over Shea’s back, bigtime!”

Cari: “Shea likes to move around that ring , hard to do when your spine is jello.”

( The Hawk pulls Shea up by her hair and whips her across the ring. Shea hits the strands and bounces back in as Skye stands ready. Hawk bends down to body drop Shea as she runs in, but the British grappler see’s the move and reacts. She leapfrogs over the bent Skye and dives for the outstretched hand of Tara.)

Ken: “Tag made!”

( Sawyer charges into the ring as Skye rises. She knocks Skye to the mat with a punch to the chops. Tara glares at her opponent with rage in her eyes. She hauls Skye up and scoops her into a cradle. In a show of strength, Tara falls backwards, hurtling Skye over her and crashing to the mat. Tara jumps to her feet and grabs the rising Skye by the hair. She quickly stuffs Skye’s head between her thighs, before bending forward and encircling her waist.)

Ken: “Piledriver coming up!”

Cari: “No… Sit Down Powerbomb!”

( Tara grunts as she lifts Skye into the air. Then she quickly kicks her legs forward and slams Skye down into the mat. Skye’s shoulder are held in place on the mat by Tara’s legs as Moira jumps to the mat.)

Ken: “One …two ….”

Cari: “Kickout!”

( Skye get her shoulder up, as Tara glares at the ref, holding up three fingers. Moira shakes her head and holds up two. Tara seems dissatisfied and grabs Skye around the neck in a headlock.)

Cari: “Choke!”

Ken: “That’s not a choke.”

( Tara clamps on the pressure, slowly rising to her feet. Skye is forced to rise with her and the pair back up into a corner. Tara then takes off across the ring, she leaps into the air , and falls forward, driving Skye’s face into the mat. Tara quickly rolls Skye over for the count, she hooks the leg as Moira slaps her hand down.)

Ken: “Look out!”

( The crowd boo’s as Kelly steps between the ropes and kicks Tara in the head, breaking the count.)

Cari: “Beautiful.”

Ken: “Sawyer had Skye pinned!”

( Moira jumps up and demands that Kelly leave the ring. Tara is furious and rises to her feet clutching the back of her head. She grabs Skye by the arm and pulls her up. She hoists Skye into a fireman’s carry and moves across the ring towards Shea. London immediately jumps up to the top rope as Tara comes closer. Sawyer extends her arm and tags Shea who rises to her feet on the top rope. Tara dumps Skye to the mat and Shea jumps off the top. The Brit flips in the air, and crashes across Skye’s chest.)

Ken: “What a Moonsault!!!”

( Shea quickly hooks the leg….)

Ken: “One ..two ….Where’s the ref!!!?”

( Across the ring, Kelly is arguing with Moira as Shea slaps her hand down three times. Tara is even more enraged and runs across the ring. She shoulder blocks Kelly off the ring apron and down to the floor. Moira turns as Tara steps through the ropes after the Assassin. The ref runs across the ring to make a count. )

Ken: “One .. two …”

Cari: “Foot on the ropes!”

( Skye manages to get her foot on the bottom rope, breaking the count. Outside the ring, Tara and Kelly are going at it again. Tara goes to whip Kelly into the guardrail, but the assassin reverses it, sending Sawyer into the metal divider. Kelly moves in as Tara slumps to the ground. In the ring, Shea has pulled Skye off the mat and wrapped her arm around Skye’s head. Shea runs into the corner, leaping up onto the second rope, before pushing off. )

Ken: “Tornado DDT!!”

( Skye’s head is driven into the mat, causing her to bounce and then flop over onto her side. Shea rises to her feet and claps her hands above her head. She points to the corner as the fans cheer.)

Cari: “Lookout!”

(Outside the ring, Kelly has just smashed Tara’s head into the announce table. Ken grabs his laptop as Kelly goes to repeat the move. Tara blocks it and returns the favor smashing Kelly’s head down. Tara grabs Kelly by the hair and starts dragging her towards the ring post. Where high above, Shea has mounted the top turnbuckle. Kelly lifts her hand and rakes it across Tara’s face, causing Sawyer to yelp in pain and step away. Kelly quickly grabs Tara by the hair and goes to ram her into the ring post. Shea looks down to see what’s happening and quickly adjusts her position.)

Ken: “What is she …oh my god!”

( The crowd cheers as Shea leaps off the top rope and splashes down onto Kelly and Tara. All three women crash to the floor.)

Cari: “What was she thinking?”

Ken: “Shea went to save Tara from a blow to the post. Wait ..what is Skye doing?”

( Inside the ring, Skye is slowly rising to her feet. She looks around the ring to see the three other combatants slowly rising. The Hawk quickly runs to the opposite ropes and the charges across the ring.)

Cari: “Incoming!”

(Again the crowd cheer as Skye leaps over the rope rope in a Suicida Plancha, plowing into the three rising wrestlers. As the group crashes to the floor as Moira looks on in horror from inside the ring. After a moment, she begins to count. Shea rises to her feet first and looks to her partner. Kelly rolls away and pushes herself up, to see Moira counting them out. Tara rises to her feet with Shea’s help as Skye grabs a hold of the announcer’s table to aid her in rising. All four women glare at each other and then look up into the ring. Moira is at the 15 count as Shea quickly slides back into the ring. Skye also jumps into the ring as Kelly grabs a chair from a Spanish announcer. Tara is looking up into the ring as Shea and Skye glare at each other. As Moira turns her attention inside the ring. Kelly smashes the chair into Tara’s head.)

Ken: “My GOD!”

( The sickening thump causes Tara to slump to the floor. Kelly drops the chair and jumps up onto the ring apron as Skye and Shea lock up. Skye pushes Shea back slightly, suddenly Shea rolls backwards, kicking her legs up. The impact into Skye’s midsection, flipping the Hawk over in a monkey flip. Shea rolls with the move, ending on top of Skye for a pin. Moira slaps her hand down twice, before Skye kicks free. Shea rolls away and takes a quick look around for her partner. From inside the ring, she can’t see the prone form of Tara holding her head on the floor. Skye slowly rises as Shea turns her attention back to the match. London charges across the ring and leaps into the air.)

Cari: ‘Miscue!”

( Skye bails out of the way at the last second as Shea goes flying past her. Skye quickly stomps down on Shea as the Brit lies on the canvas. Skye launches a barrage of kicks and stomps to the semi-stunned Shea. London tries to squirm away from the onslaught, she brings her hands up to protect her head as Skye seems intent on stomping her foot right through her. The Hawk manages to land a brutal kick to the side of Shea’s head, which causes the pretty blonde to go limp for a moment. Kelly calls over to Skye who looks up with a glazed look of frenzy. Skye then drags Shea over to the corner where Kelly tags in. Mase points to the other corner and Skye cracks a wicked grin. Kelly scoops Shea up and places her upside down, hanging in the corner. Skye runs to the opposite corner and then with a howl, runs across the ring. Shea is helpless and upside down as Skye comes running in.)

Ken: “Oh no…”

Cari: “SAFE!”

( Skye performs a baseball slide directly into Shea’s unprotected face. The impact causese Shea’s body to brutally bend before she falls off the ropes. Moira yells at Skye to get out of the ring as Kelly drags the limp Shea to her feet. Again Kelly points, although this time it’s at the top turnbuckle. Skye complies immediately and scales the ropes as Kelly places Shea in a piledriver position.)

Cari: “Spike coming up!”

Ken: “NO!!LOOK!’

( As Kelly moves Shea into position for the devastating Spike, the crowd cheers as Tara leaps up onto the ring apron. She punches Skye in the foot, causing her balance to slip. The crowd groans as Skye impales herself on the top rope. Tara then fires a punch into the surprised Assassin’s face. Kelly staggers backwards, giving Shea the moment she needed. London twists her body, while tightening her legs around Kelly’s head. Mase is forced to follow the move and is sent flying across the ring )

Ken: “Hurricanrana!”

( Tara steps into the ring as Shea smiles at her. Sawyer has a cut on her forehead, which causes a small stream of blood to run down her face. She smiles as they both pick up Mase. They quickly hook the Asssassin up under their arms and in one motion, lift the big woman into the air.)

Cari: “Doubleteam!”

Ken: “ Giant Double suplex!”

( Tara and Shea hold Kelly up in the air for a moment, before falling backwards, smashing the assassin into the mat. Tara gives Kelly a kick in the belly before Moira grabs a hold of her. Tara turns quickly, assuming it’s Skye and almost fires a punch into the ref’s face. She stops herself at the last moment.)

Cari: “Hit her! Hit her!”

( As Moira escorts Tara from the ring, Shea goes to pull Kelly to her feet. Behind her, Skye has pried herself off the top rope and is crouching on the turnbuckle. With the ref’s back turned again, she leaps off, nailing Shea with a fist drop to the head. London crumples to the mat as Kelly rises to her feet. Skye quickly rolls out of the ring as Moira and Tara turn to see Shea lying on the mat holding her head and the Assassin looming over her. Kelly grabs a handful of hair and hauls Shea up as Skye jumps back onto the apron. Kelly lifts Shea up and places her on the top turnbuckle. Mase quickly climbs up to the second rope and tucks Shea’s head under her arm. With her free hand she tags Skye. Kelly then lifts Shea up off the top rope and falls directly backwards. Shea’s body is driven directly down into the mat headfirst. She flops over onto her back and lies still. Skye jumps up to the top rope as Kelly rolls to her feet and runs across the ring towards Tara, who is stepping through the ropes. Skye stands high on the top rope , before leaping off. )

Cari: “Bird of Prey baby!”

( Skye frog splashes into Shea, causing them both to bounce up on impact. Skye hooks the leg as Kelly tries to keep Tara from helping her partner. Moira jumps down to make the count .)

Ken: “Come on Shea!”

Cari: 1….2…

Ken: Come on…”

Cari: “3!!!”


( Moira calls for the bell as Skye rolls off of Shea. Kelly backs away as Tara runs over to check on her partner. The ref gets the belts and hands them to Skye and Kelly as the announcer makes the call.)

Announcer: “Ladies and Gentlemen, at the 23 minute mark, the winners and STILL Tag team champions ….Skye Soaring Hawk and the Assassin Kelly Mase!”

( There are more boo’s and jeer’s than applause. Kelly ignores the crowd as she slides out of the ring. Skye looks around for a moment, before sliding underneath the ropes. She follows behind Kelly, holding her title belt.)

Ken: “What a travesty of justice. Tara and Shea were robbed!”

Cari: “Bah, all that matters is the result. Kelly and Skye are still Tag Champs.”

Ken: “But they had to cheat…”

Cari: “Did they get caught?”

Ken:” No..”

Cari: “Then it’s not cheating…”

( Ken shakes his head as Cari smiles smugly. The camera shot follows Tara and Shea from the ring as Sawyer helps her partner towards the back dressing room, before fading to black.) 1

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