(The camera pans another sold out house at the Battling Ring Angels' arena. The crowd is on its feet chanting out the names of their favorite wrestlers. Signs cover almost the entire arena making it impossible to see the people behind them.)

Kenny: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We have got quite a card for you tonight.

Cari: That's right, not only are Laura Parker and Veronica Millions fighting to determine the BRA Featherweight title, but Shea London and Tara Sawyer are fighting Kelly Mase and surprise partner for the tag team belts.

Kenny: And let's not forget the first match tonight.

Cari: This is the match that I am looking forward to most. A hardcore rules tag team match.

Kenny: I don't think it is a hardcore rules match.

Cari: Sure it is. Viper and Janus are in it, it must be hardcore rules.

Kenny: (Looking at the computer) According to the official announcement of the Battling Ring Angels. It is a regular tag team match.

Cari: Here comes the referee for the match, Moira Young. We'll ask her what type of match it is.

Kenny: Moira, what type of match is this going to be?

Cari: Kenny is laboring under the delusion that it is a regular tag team match.

Moira: It IS a regular tag team match.

Cari: A regular tag team match but with hardcore rules, right?

Moira: No, just a regular tag team match. No weapons of any kind allowed.

Cari: This is an outrage! Archangel pits the two best hardcore wrestlers against each other but doesn't make it a hardcore match?

(Moira shrugs her shoulders and walks to the ring.)

Moira: Maybe next time.

Cari: I had my heart set on a hardcore match.

Kenny: Don't worry, Cari. Just because it isn't hardcore, doesn't mean that it won't have blood flowing in it.

Cari: Keep a good thought.

(Kenny and Cari are interrupted as the arena goes dark, and when the lights come back on, Janus and Live Wire Heather Fatale stand by the entrance. With them is a circus of people. Angel Dust accompanies her tag team partner, while Janus is joined by co-Threesome members Lindsay Locke and Sakura Ito. As "Highway To Hell" from AC/DC hits the arena speakers, the five women start their walk to the ring. Janus, dressed in her usual black leather pants and black velvet shirt, with her customary black and blue cowboy boots, has the Fallen Angel Belt slung over her left shoulder. Live Wire wears her usual vinyl outfit of tight pants and top, with black vinyl boots and her assortment of accessories. her famed "handcuffs" choker necklace and other metallic bracelets, rings, etc. She also wears a leather jacket that says "World Domination" across the back in red letters. Lindsay and Sakura wear their usual wrestling attire and white "Threesome" t shirts. Angel Dust is dressed in street clothes. All five women move with purpose and confidence. They seem to be working well as a group. The fans go crazy for all five. Janus stops just before the ring and holds the belt above her head. The fans eat this up. All five enter the ring. Lindsay, Sakura and Janus strike the Threesome pose (Sakura kneeling in front flexing her biceps, Lindsay slightly bent behind her holding up three fingers and Janus behind both of them with her title belt held high). The crowd turns it up a notch for this pose. Live Wire and Angel Dust talk strategy in the corner. The Threesome members hug and Janus takes the mic.)

Janus: Viper, tonight I give you the chance to come and try me. But take heed, Viper you don't want me! If you step into this ring, you put your career on the line. You put your livelihood on the line. You put your life on the line! I am Janus and I am The Fallen Angel Champion!

(She tosses the mic to Live Wire.)

Live Wire: Alright, this is Live Wire's comin' out party, luv! I've been lookin' for my chance and now I'm gonna use it!

(She tosses the mic back to Janus.)

Janus: So send them!

(Janus throws the mic down in the center of the ring and the static reverberates around the arena. Lindsay, Sakura and Angel Dust leave the ring and take up positions around it, while Janus and Live Wire loosen up and discuss last minute strategy. )

Kenny: Janus and Live Wire look ready for this match. They have never fought together before but they look like they can take whatever Jennifer and Lesley dish out.

Cari: I like their attitude. They are my kind of wrestler. I hope they can turn this into a hardcore match.

Kenny: If they do they'll be disqualified. Moira Young won't stand for that.

Cari: Where is Lynette LeBrie when you need her?

Kenny: I don't know where Lynette is, but here comes Lesley "Viper" Magnus.

"The lights dip to black as the sound of hissing fills the speakers. The Angeltron slowly comes to life as the image of a Pit Viper swaying back and forth is shown on the screen. Suddenly the large snake strikes, in slow motion it's maw opens reavealing fangs oozing with venom. At that same moment, the stage explodes with a series of green pyro as "WHO DO YOU LOVE" by George Thorogood, blasts over the loudspeakers. Through the smoke and fire steps the Viper. She scans the area, taking a moment to soak in the cheers of the crowd. She raises her arms in the air, showing off her long snake tattoo down her right arm and shoulder before making her way to the ring. Dressed in her scaled green sports bra and black combat pants she walks slowly down the aisle, her silver bike chain dangling around her neck.. Her black boots shine as she slides into the ring and smiles at the ref before rising to her feet."

Cari: Viper looks good after her serious injuries in BRA's very first PPV. She was out of commission for over six months.

Kenny: This is her first match since her injury.

Cari: I wonder if she is back to 100%?

Kenny: According to my computer she is. She has passed all the demanding physical tests that ArchAngel requires of all her wrestlers.

Cari: Demanding physical tests? Huh! From the talent that I have seen here, the only physical demand that is put on these women is that they tie their own shoes.

Kenny: There is a lot of talent in BRA, and a lot of it is in the ring area.

Cari: I'll admit that these three aren't bad, just not as good as I was.

Kenny: and don't forget the fourth wrestler. Jennifer Christian called La Petite Marquise or LPM for short.

Cari: I won't forget her. She is trained by perhaps the greatest wrestler in BRA, Marquise Yvette DeSade Malreaux. She is still young though with a lot to learn.

Kenny: Ready or not her she comes.

(The lights dim, red and white pyrotechnics suddenly explode, and the Angeltron explodes into life. The first few bars of the French national anthem are heard, a testament to the wrestler's guiding spirit and mentor. It then cuts out and "Fits Ya Good" by Bryan Adams belts loud out around the arena. Images of La Petite Marquise applying the Croix de Guerre on Peggy Christian at French Kiss, Eden Starr in her first match, Veronica Millions as well as her great moments against Evonne blaze across the Angeltron. The curtain parts and Jennifer "La Petite Marquise" Christian sachet's out dressed in a simple blue two piece swimsuit and white wrestling boots and a black Yvette Malreaux leather jacket. She looks every bit a sweet innocent little girl, despite carrying a pristine white riding crop with her. Jennifer hands the crop and jacket to an attendant before entering the ring. )

Cari: Moira Young, the referee, brings all four wrestlers into the center of the ring and is explaining the rules.

Kenny: The battle lines are drawn as Viper and Janus are staring each other down and Jennifer and Heather are staring unflinchingly at each other.

Cari: Janus is reacting strongly to something that Young said.

Kenny: I think the ref just explained that this is not a hardcore match.

Kenny: Janus is furious. She storms out of the ring and begins to walk out of the arena. Live Wire and their entire entourage follow her out and seem to be pleading with Janus to not leave the arena.

Cari: The worthless referee has signaled for the bell to begin the match. Viper and LPM are waiting in the ring as the ref begins to count their opponents out.

Kenny: This would be a disappointing ending to this much anticipated match.

(Live Wire seems to have given up on Janus, she walks back toward the ring and she stands outside of it yelling something at LPM and Viper. They walk over to the ropes and begin to yell back at her. The ref has reached 17 with her count. Suddenly Janus runs and slides into the ring. She grabs Lesley from behind. She raises her off the mat and spins her around before dropping Viper in a face first spine buster.)

Cari: Janus executes her "faces of pain" one of her patented moves.

Kenny: The whole thing was a sham. They used the threat of Janus walking out of the match to get a surprise move on Lesley.

Cari: I am surprised too. I didn't think that Janus and Heather were that smart.

(Jennifer Christian goes to her corner as Live Wire climbs to the apron in hers. Janus and Viper are the two legal women in the ring. Janus locks on an arm bar and uses it to force Viper to her feet. She whips Lesley into the ropes and slams her to the mat with a clothesline. Viper bounces hard on the mat and rolls to her side. Janus sneers as she stands over Viper. Magnus whips her leg out and connects with the back of Janus' knee. Janus falls to the mat on her back. Janus is up quickly, Viper a little slower. The Dark Angle grabs Viper's arm and goes to whip her into the ropes but Viper reverses and sends Janus into the ropes. On the rebound, Viper scoops Janus up and dumps her to the mat with a sidewalk slam. Janus groans as she hit the mat. Viper brings Janus to her feet with a handful of hair. Moira Young warns Viper about using hair. Viper hits Janus with a European upper cut that staggers her. Janus fires a haymaker of her own to Vipers face. Viper kicks Janus in the stomach which doubles the Dark Angel over. Lesley clamps a headlock on Janus and falls backward, driving Janus' head into the mat with a DDT. Janus flops on the mat and lies there. Lesley gets to her feet and drops a guillotine leg drop across the neck of Janus. Janus shudders from the impact and makes a gagging sound. Viper gets to her feet and runs to the ropes, she bounces off the ropes and attempts to drop an elbow on Janus' head. Janus rolls out from under it at the last possible moment. Magnus' elbow hits the mat hard. Viper rolls on the mat holding her elbow. Janus lunges to her corner and tags in her partner.)

Kenny: Janus takes advantage of that error by Viper to get her partner involved in the match.

Cari: Janus and Live Wire are showing good team work here. They need to keep Viper in the ring. She may not be fully recovered from those horrible injuries she suffered.

(Viper has gotten to her feet when Live Wire grabs her and sends her into the ropes. Fatale leaps into the air to deliver as drop kick but Magnus grabs the ropes. Fatale lands on her rump after hitting nothing but air. Lesley goes to her corner and tags in her partner. Jennifer climbs to the top rope and leaps off dropping a leg across Live Wire's chest. Heather is the rocked by the move. Jennifer kips up to her feet. She rolls Heather over and straddles her. LPM wraps her hands under Fatale's chin and pulls back in a camel clutch. Live wire screams in pain as her back is bent in a direction it was never intended to be bent. Moira asks her if she submits, but Heather shakes her head no. Fatale begins to scoot toward the ropes pulling LPM with her. Jennifer leans back putting on even more pressure. Lesley yells encouragement to her partner. Janus enters the ring and delivers a boot to the back of Christian's head, breaking the hold. Viper jumps into the ring and goes after Janus. Moira tries to force Janus out of the ring but she is pushed out of the way by Viper.)

Viper: Keep away from the kid sideshow, this dance is between you and me.

Kenny: All four wrestlers are in the ring now.

Cari: this is what I was waiting for.

(Jennifer gets to her feet, rubbing the back of her head. Live Wire uses the ropes to get to her feet. Moira Young tries to get Viper to leave the ring. Janus takes advantage of the ref's distracting Viper to deliver a boot to Viper's gut. Lesley doubles over as the air is driven from her lungs.)

Janus: Don't ever try to take my belt.

(Janus sticks Viper's head between her thigh and wraps her arms around Viper's waist. With a grunt, she lifts Viper into the air and drops her to the mat with a brutal power bomb. Viper rolls on the mat massaging her back. Janus lifts Viper off the mat and drops her back on it with a big body slam. The Dark Angel attempts to raise Viper off the mat but Viper kicks her in the knee, causing Janus to stagger. Viper kicks Janus again in the same spot causing her knee to buckle.)

(Meanwhile Jennifer grabs Live Wire and whips her into the ropes, on the rebound, Jennifer leaps into the air and nails Fatale in the chest with drop kick. Fatale hits the mat hard. Jennifer forces her to her feet and places her in a full nelson. LPM leans back putting more pressure on Fatale's neck and back. Fatale waives her arms to try to get free. Heather manages to grab some of Jennifer's hair and pull it. Jennifer screams and loosens her hold. That is enough for Fatale to break free of the full nelson. Live Wire sends La Petite Marquise to the mat with a spinning heel kick. Jennifer lies stunned on the mat as Fatale drops a knee to her stomach. Jennifer groans and sits up involuntarily. Fatale gets to her feet and kicks Jennifer in the face, driving her back to the mat. Live Wire begins to rain kicks on LPM. LPM curls into a ball to protect herself. Fatale continues to send hard kicks into the downed girl. Fatale sneers at Christian.)

Fatale: Did that hurt, love?

(Jennifer kicks a foot out that hits Fatale in the groin. Live Wire's face contorts in pain as her hands slip between her legs. She slowly sinks to her knees as a soundless scream leaves her lips.)

Kenny: A cheating low blow by Jennifer takes the wind out of Heather's sails.

Cari: I think it took more than just the wind out of her.

(Viper gets to her feet and so has Janus. Janus is massaging her knee as Viper shakes the cobwebs out of her head. Viper leaps at Janus and hits her on her other knee with a drop kick. Janus falls to the mat holding both of her knees. Viper drops an elbow on Janus' head. Janus rolls onto her side as Viper again gets to her feet. Viper grabs Janus legs and begins to wrap them in a figure four leg lock. Janus kicks furiously to prevent the hold from being applied. She succeeds in kicking Viper in the chest forcing Viper away from her. Janus uses the ropes to get to her feet as Viper inhales deeply to regain last oxygen. Janus swings and connects with a closed fist punch to Vipers head. She follows it up with a series of punches to the head which stagger Viper. Janus grabs Viper and slings her into the corner. The Dark Angel follows her into the corner and staggers her with a splash. Janus steps back and delivers a big kick to Viper's belly. Viper groans and holds the ropes to keep from falling to the mat. Janus kicks her again )

Kenny: There are too many people in the ring. Moira Young needs to regain control of the match.

Cari: I don't think Young has had control since the bell rang. She seems to be bouncing between the two fights and not stopping anything.

Kenny: She also doesn't seem to be catching any of the cheating that is going on.

(Jennifer has gotten slowly to her feet. She forces Heather back to her feet and pushes Heather's head between her thighs. She wraps her arms around Fatale's midsection. She lifts Live Wire until she is upside down and then sits. Driving Fatale's head into the mat with a pile driver. Fatale flops on the mat and lies still. Jennifer gets to her feet and sees the corner pounding Janus is giving Viper. Jennifer runs to the ropes and leaps off the second one in a spring board huricanrana on Janus. The Dark Angel's head hits the mat hard. Viper slumps to the mat as the attack on her has ended. She slides under the ropes and out of the ring. Jennifer gets to her feet but is sent to the mat by running lariat delivered by Heather. LPM hits the mat face first. Live Wire helps Janus to her feet. Together they bring Jennifer to her feet. The stand on either side of her and take her up and over in double suplex. Jennifer lies on the mat moaning from the effect of the big suplex. The ref forces Janus to leave the ring as Live Wire brings Jennifer to her feet. Live Wire moves quickly and spins Jennifer before delivering a spinning neck breaker to her. Fatale tags in Janus and they both bring Jennifer to her feet. They whip her into the ropes and on the rebound, they hit her with a double drop kick. The force of the kicks send Jennifer through the ropes. Viper has gotten to her corner and is yelling at Jennifer. She goes to aid her as she lies on the floor.)

Kenny: Jennifer needs to tag out. Janus and Live Wire have been very effective in their double teams.

Cari: I think Jennifer would agree with you. Janus and Live Wire aren't giving her much choice.

(Janus comes to the ropes and is shouting and pointing at Viper. Viper is yelling back at her. Moira is counting Jennifer out as she gets shakily to her feet and tries to clear the cobwebs from her head.)

Cari: I think Christian is seeing stars after that move.

(Viper helps Jennifer to the ring apron. Janus prevents her from entering the ring. Moira Young forces Janus back to give Jennifer enough room to enter the ring. Viper jumps to her corner as Christian rolls under the ropes. She keeps rolling until she can reach out and tag in her partner. Viper springs into the ring and goes after Janus. Janus rears back to deliver a big right punch. Viper ducks under the punch and delivers a spinning kick to the back of Janus' knee. Janus screams and falls to one knee. Viper kicks Janus in the back of the head, driving her face into the mat. Magnus grabs Janus's foot and puts on an ankle lock. Janus screams from the painful hold. The ref asks Janus if she submits but she screams out a no. Janus begins to claw her way to the ropes. Viper increases the pressure on the hold but Janus still manages to reach the ropes. Young signals for Viper to break the hold which she does.)

Cari: I'm surprised that Viper broke the hold that fast.

Kenny: She did have a problem with that early in her career with BRA. She seems to have learned from her past mistakes.

Cari: I think she has gotten soft.

(Viper allows Janus to get to her feet before sending her back to the mat with DDT. She grabs Janus' arm and pulls her to the center of the ring. Viper wraps the arm in a figure four arm bar. Janus slaps the mat in pain but refuses to submit. Live Wire climbs to the top rope, leaps off and smashes an elbow to the top of Viper's head. Viper's eyes roll back as she lets go of the hold and lies on the mat. Seeing Heather climb the turnbuckle, Jennifer does the same thing. After Heather hits Viper, Jennifer leaps and delivers a flying leg drop to Heather's chest.)

Kenny: All four wrestlers are in the ring again.

Cari: Moira is again unable to control the match. She first attempts to get Christian out of the ring and then tries to get Fatale out, neither are leaving.

(Jennifer is the first on her feet followed closely by Janus. Janus rubs her arm trying to get the pain out of it. Viper lies on the mat but she is beginning to stir. Fatale rolls on her side and begins to get up. Jennifer grabs Heather and forces her to her feet. She whips Heather so that she collides hard with Janus. Fatale is staggered by the impact, but it only seems to make Janus angry. Janus charges Jennifer and grabs her by the throat, choking her. The ref tries to break the hold, but Janus ignores her. Janus lifts Jennifer into the air by means of the choke hold. Jennifer struggles to break free but is unable to. Janus holds her off the ground until the ref's count reaches four. She then slams LPM to the mat.)

Cari: Vicious choke slam by Janus has got to have taken the fight out of Christian.

Kenny: According to my statistics only 45% of the wrestlers can survive such a move.

(Janus sneers at Jennifer.)

Janus: I pity you, fool.

(The referee has forced Fatale to leave the ring. Viper gets to her feet and sees Janus towering over Jennifer. She gets behind Janus with her back to her and reaches back to grab Janus' head. Viper falls in the sitting position on the mat and brings Janus' neck across her shoulder in a neck breaker. Janus moans as she rolls to the mat. Viper helps Jennifer to her feet.)


(Jennifer moves slowly to her corner and through the ropes. Viper grabs Janus and brings her to her feet. Janus surprises Viper with a punch to the gut which doubles over Viper. Janus puts Viper in a side headlock and begins to hammer away at Viper's head with closed fist punches. Viper wraps her arm around Janus and with a grunt, lifts Janus into the air. Janus screams in shock at the change of this position. Viper drops to one knee and sends Janus crashing into her outstretched knee in an atomic drop. Janus screams from the impact and rolls into the fetal position on the mat. Viper shakes her head to clear it from the punches. A gash has opened on her forehead and small trickle of blood flows from it. She grabs Janus' head and puts it between her thighs. Viper attempts to lift Janus but is shocked when Janus blocks it. Viper tries again and again Janus blocks it. With a loud groan, Janus lifts Viper off the mat and sends her crashing to it in a back drop.)

Kenny: Nice reversal there, shows that Janus still has a lot of fight in her.

(Janus grabs Viper by the head and lifts her up high enough to give her a devastating headbutt. Viper slumps back to the mat. Janus walks to her corner and tags in her partner, who has climbed the turnbuckle. Fatale leaps off and hits Viper with a guillotine leg drop. Viper's head springs off the mat before dropping down to it again. Live Wire runs to the ropes and springboards off the second one to deliver an elbow drop. Viper rolls out of the way at the last second and Fatale hits nothing but mat. Viper lunges to her corner and tags in her partner. Jennifer runs into the ring and grabs both of Fatale's legs, forcing her to lie on her back on the mat. LPM holds the legs up and smiles at Heather. Fatale waves frantically, begging LPM not to do what she thinks Jennifer is going to do. Jennifer leaps into the air and drops both of her legs onto the inner thighs of Fatale in a double leg drop leg split. Heather screams as her legs are forced apart by the move.)

Cari: Nice move by Christian. Live Wire now knows what a wishbone feels like. That is one of those moves that cause a lot of pain and take strength away from the legs.

Kenny: Jennifer is trying to take away Heather's vertical base. That would limit the effectiveness of the high flyer.

(Jennifer gets to her feet quickly and grabs one of Fatale's legs. She drops an elbow on Heather's knee causing her to cry out in agony. Jennifer gets to her feet and again grabs the same leg of Heather. This time Fatale strikes with her other leg, driving a boot into LPM's ribs in a modified enzuguri. Jennifer lets go of the leg and staggers away.)

Kenny: Amazing athleticism being shown by Live Wire.

Cari: Not bad. I was better at it when I wrestled.

(Live Wire gets to her feet and massages her knee. Jennifer grabs Heather's arm and tries to whip her into the corner. Fatale reverses the whip and sends Jennifer crashing into the corner where Janus is waiting for her. Christian hits the corner hard with her back causing her head to snap back. Janus grabs her and holds her in place as Fatale delivers a shoulder spear to LPM's unprotected stomach. Jennifer slumps toward the mat but Janus' hold on her keeps her standing. Live Wire steps back and delivers a kick to Jennifer's stomach. Moira Young, see the double team tries to get Janus to break her hold on Christian. Fatale and Janus ignore the ref as she begins her count. Viper runs into the ring and grabs Fatale and pulls her away from Jennifer. Viper puts Fatale in a headlock and runs across the ring before bulldogging her to the mat. The ref sees Viper in the ring and gets between her and Live Wire forcing Viper out of the ring. Janus changes her grip on Jennifer, wrapping her left arm around Jennifer's throat and with her right sending closed fist punches into LPM's kidneys. Jennifer groans from the impact of the punches. Heather sees her opportunity to continue the corner beating. She moves toward Jennifer, but is stunned when Jennifer kicks out and connects with a foot to Live Wire's groin. Heather screams in agony as she falls to the mat and curls into the fetal position. This infuriates Janus, who tightens her choke hold and hits Jennifer even harder in the kidneys. The ref orders Janus to break the hold but Janus refuses. Lindsey Locke gets on the apron and says something to Janus. Janus smiles at Lindsey and releases the hold.)

Cari: I hate this. Janus was a great wrestler. Now that idiot Locke has her rethinking her strategy and image.

Kenny: I wish Lindsey would have that effect on more of the wrestlers in BRA. She seems to have a positive influence on everybody she comes in contact with.

Cari: BAH! I hate it when a bad girl goes good.

(Jennifer slumps in the corner, trying to regain the oxygen that the choke had deprived her of. Live Wire is still rolling on the mat in pain. Lesley Magnus is leaning over the rope, yelling at her partner.)

Viper: Tag out kid, you don't want to mess with her.

(Both wrestlers get slowly to their feet. They move together and begin exchanging punches. The effects of the match make the punches weaker then they were at the beginning but they are both hurting each other. Viper slips through the ropes and takes Live Wire to the mat with a bulldog. Janus charges into the ring and hits Lesley with a running clothesline that knocks both Viper and Janus out of the ring. Both hit the concrete floor hard. They get to their feet and continue their fighting. Janus whips Viper into the ring steps knocking them apart. She grabs Viper and attempts to ram her head into the ring post, but Viper reverses and rams Janus head into it. Janus breaks free from Viper and begins to chase her around the ring. Viper manages to find one of the many folding chairs that seem to be left lying around the ring area. She hits Janus over the head with it. Viper attempts to hit Janus again with the chair but Janus manages to grab it. Both wrestlers struggle for control of the chair.)

Cari: All right! Now we are going to see some hardcore wrestling.

Kenny: The ref seems to be ignoring Janus and Viper and just concentrating on the legal women in the ring, Live Wire and Jennifer.

(In the ring, Live Wire is laying face down on the mat. Le Petite Marquise then leaps onto Fatale's back facing forward in a sitting position, Jennifer then pulls Live Wire's head up into a head scissors, stretching her neck and locking the head between her thighs. Jennifer then hooks the Live Wire's arms and pulls them back and up in a modified surfboard, forming a rough cross shape.)

Cari: Jennifer has gotten her finisher on Heather Fatale.

Kenny: The Croix de Guerre. A very painful hold.

Cari: The ref is asking Heather if she submits. Heather gamely shakes her head no, even though the pain is excruciating.

Kenny: Live Wire is trying to get out of the hold but Jennifer has it locked on tight.

Cari: Live Wire tries a valiant last gasp effort but it doesn't break the hold. The ref again asks if she submits.

Kenny: I think this match has drained everything from Heather.

Cari: This time she shakes her head yes and taps the mat.

(The ref signals for the bell.)


(Jennifer releases the hold after giving it one more spasm. The ref holds Jennifer hand in the air and looks for Viper. Viper and Janus are still outside the ring and both ignore the bell. They are still struggling for control of the chair. They are moving around on the outside of the ring each refusing to let go of the chair. They get close to the announcer's table when the chair flies out of both of their hands landing with a clatter on the floor after just missing Cari. Janus reacts first to the missing chair. She grabs Viper and lifts her over her head in a Lou Thesz press. Spins around and slams Viper through the announcer's table.)

Kenny: My Computer!

Cari: Nice move Janus, I was looking for a way to get rid of that stupid thing.

(Janus stands over Viper, who lies amidst the ruined table and computer. Viper lashes out a leg that connects with the knee of Janus that already has taken a lot of abuse in this match. Janus's knee buckles and she falls to the concrete floor. Viper gets up slowly from the floor and glares at Janus.)

Viper: Ok Freakshow, Lets see if you can dance to my music.

(Viper puts Janus in head lock and forces her off the floor. Viper falls backward forcing Janus' head into the concrete floor with a DDT. The bell is ringing and the ref is signaling that the match is over, but Viper ignores her. Viper goes to her corner and grabs her steel chain. As she returns, The referee tries to block her. Viper just pushes the ref out of her way. Moira signals for the bell to rung continuously as signal for security. Janus has gotten to her feet and reaches into her boot pulling out her steel fork. Security finally arrives at ringside and separates the two. Four guards hold each of the wrestlers as they stare daggers at each other.)

Viper: You have something of mine.

Janus: The belt? It was never yours and it never will be.

Viper: It's mine and I want it now, you side show freak.

Janus: Well, come and get it, snake lady.

(Both wrestlers lunge toward each other but the guards keep them separated. Security forces both wrestlers back to the locker room area.)

Cari: Damn! Just when things were getting good, they have to break it up.

Kenny: I though the whole match was good.

(An exhausted Jennifer Christian walks out of the arena with her head held high. Angel Dust enters the ring and helps her friend to her feet and out of the arena.)

The winners: Jennifer "La Petite Marquise" Christian and Lesley "Viper" Magnus, by submission. 1

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