We return to the BRA Arena. Fans are on their feet and going crazy. The action so far has been fast and furious. Signs dot the human landscape. Some of the better ones say slogans like “Janus forked me last night”, “I want to be in Lindsay’s Threesome”, and “I came to see Shea London Wrestle.” The camera pans to Kenny and Cari, seated at the announce position.

Kenny: We have seen excellent action thus far, and this next match is going to be no exception.

Cari: All except that Locke, Ito match. What a rip off.

Kenny: I think you were way out of line with what you said. They both put on one heck of a show. And my computer tells me that a stable has 75% less chance of being successful when it’s members fight.

Cari: You have a 75% less chance of being successful when you challenge me.

Kenny: Ummm…let’s go to the ring.

Shimmer by Fuel starts to play over the loudspeaker and out steps Veronica wearing a red satin bikini and black low cut wrestling boots and a silver jacket and sunglasses. Veronica will wave to the crowd and then she will make her way to the ring. Once in the ring she will stand in the center and pryos will go off all around her. Veronica will then walk over to Cari and look down at her and toss her the sunglasses and blow her a kiss.

Kenny: That was cute.

Cari: Shut up. She just recognizes my greatness.

The lights go down on the arena. Duran Duran's "Girls on film" begins to play through the speakers. A spot light picks up Laura Parker. She wears a strapless floor length, Alexandria Parker original, gown. Her hair is worn up in a twist with a tiara in it. She is accompanied by her agent William Wienersnitzel. Willie wears his usual 'disco" suit, a white ruffled shirt with the top four buttons unbuttoned, full Cleveland (Matching white patent leather belt and loafers.) And about five pounds of gold chain. On his head he wears a large cowboy hat. The hat comes all the way down to his ears. Jennifer Christian follows both of them with a bat in her hands. Laura smiles to the crowd with that perfect beauty queen smile of hers, the spotlight reflects in little gleams off her teeth. She bounces along with the time of the music to the ring. She walks up to the ring and enters it alone. She walks around the ring posing and waving to the fans very much the Beauty Queen. Laura stands with her back to Willie. Willie removes the tiara from Laura's hair. He unzips her dress and removes it to reveal her wrestling costume. She wears a white bikini top with matching white spandex pants. The white of her costume shows off her perfectly tanned body. She completes the ensemble with white knee high wrestling boots and white elbow pads. There are silver threads in each so that they reflect the lights of the arena. Laura is given a mic and she walks to the center of the ring. As she speaks, she turns around making sure that no one is sneaking up behind her.

Laura: Finally! The Featherweight Title comes to Laura Parker. It was held by some no name for a while, but after tonight it will be mine. No one else in this league deserves it more than I do. No one else is better prepared for this belt. No one else in this fed looks better with that belt strapped around her waist. Veronica or should I say Moronica Villains. You have the honor of being the person that will lose to Laura Parker in order for her to get crowned Featherweight Champ. I'm sure you'll do your part and just roll over and play dead, so the celebrating can start.

Laura tosses the mic out of the ring and waits in the center of the ring.

Kenny: This one will be for the Featherweight Title.

The ref searches both women for weapons and is satisfied that there are none. He signals for the bell and the two women meet in the center of the ring. They circle each other and prepare to lock up. Laura quickly sidesteps Veronica and pulls her over with an armdrag that puts Veronica on the match. Laura quickly stomps her in the midsection and moves away. Veronica gets back up and glare at Laura.

Kenny: Laura Parker came to fight.

Cari: And Veronica came to bore people.

Kenny: Is that nice? She did give you those sunglasses.

The two women get back up and meet again. This time Laura takes Veronica down with a hip toss. Veronica gets back to her feet and charges in again, but gets another hip toss for her efforts. Finally she rolls out of the ring and slams her hands on the ring apron. She is clearly angry with the way the match has gone. Laura, for her part, is waving to the fans in the ring.

Cari: Laura Parker is just controlling this match. She seems to have a counter for all of Veronica’s moves.

Kenny: Veronica is losing her temper. My computer tells me that a wrestler who loses her temper has a 62% worse chance of winning her match.

Veronica rolls back into the ring and Veronica waits for Laura to come at her. When Parker moves closer, Veronica sweeps out her leg with a Russian leg sweep and immediately follows it up with an elbow drop to Laura’s thigh. This leaves Laura holding her leg on the mat. Veronica grabs the ankle and pulls Laura’s leg up. She begins to send kicks into Laura’s thigh and leg.

Kenny: Veronica clearly came in with a plan to take Laura’s legs out.

Cari: Trying to keep Parker down.

Veronica stands over the downed Laura and drops and elbow into her midsection. She gets back up and again starts to stomp away on Parker’s leg. Finally, she stands Laura and sends her to the ropes. Laura is noticeably slowed from the attack on her legs. On her return, Veronica hits her with a drop toe hold that puts Laura on the mat. Laura hits with a thud and Veronica follows this up with a toe hold on the mat. She is really stretching Laura’s leg.

Kenny: If Veronica can stick to her game plan she has a 97% chance of winning this match.

Cari: Don’t count Laura Parker out. She wants that belt…and she deserves it.

Kenny: We don’t always get what we deserve. Look at Lind…

Cari: I think you deserve a kick in the pants.

Veronica again stands the hobbled Laura and starts to kick her in the leg. She is really trying to damage that area. Laura is having trouble staying up. Finally, Veronica hits her with a standing drop kick that puts her out of the ring. Laura lands hard outside the ring. Jennifer and Willie try to rally her.

Kenny: Laura Parker in some trouble here.

Cari: She’ll turn it around.

Veronica is arguing with the ref about Laura taking so much time outside the ring. Meanwhile, Laura rolls back in and hits Veronica from behind with a double axe handle that puts Millions on one knee. Laura lifts her knee and drives it into Veronica’s face. Veronica goes down, and Laura supports herself against the ropes because of the pain in her legs. When Veronica is on her back, Laura grabs her legs and spreads them. She then drops both of her legs on the inner thighs of Veronica forcing her legs apart.

Cari: A nice, painful and completely legal move by Laura Parker there.

Kenny: Yeah, real nice!

Laura stands Veronica back up and whips her to the ropes. As Veronica returns, Laura raps her arms around Veronica in a sleeper hold. Veronica is flailing and pointing to her neck.

Cari: Nice sleeper here from Laura. What a great technical wrestler.

Kenny: Something looks a little fishy about that sleeper. I’ve never seen anyone apply that hold with their hands that low.

Cari: That’s because you’ve never seen one done that well.

The ref checks the hold. He sees that Veronica is not getting put out. She is having trouble breathing. He orders Laura to break the choke hold. Laura breaks the hold. As Veronica falls to the mat, holding her neck and gasping, Laura walks around with her hands up in the universal “What did I do?” motion.

Cari: Poor officiating here.

Kenny: Hmmmm.

Laura stands Veronica back up and picks her up to deliver a side suplex. She appears to stumble. Falling toward the ropes. She accidentally drops Veronica on the ropes so that her legs straddle the ropes. Veronica reacts with her mouth forming an O and a cry of pain. Laura looks horrified at what she did.

Laura: O my, what have I done?

Laura then tries to help Veronica by pushing her along the top rope, giving her a rope burn in a sensitive area of her body. Laura looks confused.

Laura: I'm so Sorry. I'm only making things worse. I know what to do.

Laura then grabs Veronica's foot and lifts it so fast that it sends her opponent crashing to the floor. Laura looks really dismayed at this.

Laura: I'm all thumbs tonight. I hope I didn't hurt you.

Laura climbs the ropes.

Laura: Is there some way I can help you?

She then "falls'' off the ropes and land on her opponent. (This is actually a suicide Planca and is well aimed.)

Kenny: Well wasn’t that an interesting little sequence of events. I seem to remember a similar set of circumstances happening not too long ago against Lindsay Locke.

Cari: Laura can be a bit clumsy at times. But she did all she could to help Veronica out of the situation.

Kenny: All she could, and more.

Laura grabs Veronica’s leg and goes for the pin. The ref gets to two before Veronica gets her leg on the nearby rope. He informs Laura of this and she gets off Veronica.

Cari: Near fall!

Laura gets up and drives her knee into Veronica’s midsection. She stands again and drops an elbow into Veronica stomach. Veronica is in some trouble right now. She is rolling on the mat in pain.

Laura: Did that hurt? Good!

Laura stands Veronica up and sets her against the ropes. She signals to the crowd that it’s over.

Kenny: What does Laura have in mind now?

Laura goes to the corner opposite Veronica. She does two back flips in a row toward Veronica. During the end of her second back flip she kicks Veronica in the stomach with both feet. This sends Veronica into the ropes. When Veronica bounces off the ropes Laura hits her with a spinning heel kick.

Cari: Great series of moves by Laura Parker!

Laura covers Veronica in a matchbook pin. The ref drops to her knees and counts.

Kenny: 1…2…3! That’s it.

Cari: We have a new Featherweight Champion. And she does deserve it!

Laura is ecstatic. She takes the belt and holds in front of the still downed Veronica. She is yelling something at Veronica. Finally she takes the belt and leaves the arena with Willie and Jenni in tow. Veronica takes time to collect herself and leaves the ring on her own power.

Winner: Laura Parker. 1

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