Kenny: Welcome to tonight's Battling Ring Angels Monday Madness. The first match is about to begin.

Cari: Yes we start off with a great match. Lisa Dream vs. Heather "Live Wire" Fatale.

Kenny: Heather is already in the ring nervously awaiting her opponent.

(All of the lights in the arena dim as the sounds of twinkling stars and awe music fill the stadium. The blood red letters ‘THE DREAM' spin and solidify on the large jumbotron monitor located above the exit from the dressing room area, as smoke fills the entrance ramp. Then, there is a burst of pyrotechnics, the music shifts to the opening cords of ‘NOOKIE', by Limp Bizkit, and Lisa Dream exits the dressing room area. She arrogantly stands on the entrance ramp, surveying the sell out crowd as they show their appreciation for the concieted woman. Wearing her black leather halter top and black leather pants combination, Lisa blows a kiss to her adoring fans, and then arrogantly struts down to the ring like a supermodel walking on a runway. She sweeps into the ring with an arrogant smirk, and struts around the perimeter of the squared circle for the benefit of her adoring fans. Lisa then orders someone at ringside to hand her a microphone, which she quickly gets, and, when the crowd finally quietens down, she raises it to her black painted lips.)

Lisa: That's right, all you lucky little Dream-o-phobics, who is your greatest DREAM, and this lackluster excuse for an imperfect imposter's greatest Nightmare?!? Who is the single greatest reason for your coming to this event? That's right, your All American Sweetheart has now set foot into the stadium, justifying all of those ridiculous prices you paid for those slips of paper you hold so tightly in your grubby little hands! I know exactly how bored all of you were, having to watch all these peons and insignificants try to combat in this very squared circle, but now, your redemption has occurred! This leather clad object of desire has chosen to grace you all with her ever so luscious presence, and so you should all get on your hands and knees in tribute to the single greatest wrestler this federation has ever known! This is going out to all my loyal DREAM-o-phobics…those that wish that they are as Talented as the Dream, as Cunning as the Dream, as Gorgeous as the Dream!

Lisa: I only wished, for all of your sake, that they would have given me a harder opponent! I know how much all of you wish to see me in that ring, for as long as possible, and then they give me someone to fight that would take a chimp all of 2 minutes to cover and pin! Heather Fatale, you perfectionist wannabe, do you truly believe that you have a chance against me? Against the Ultimate Image of Human Perfection? Baby Doll, I am going to toss you from one corner of that ring to the next like the rag doll that you are, because it is all too obvious that I could beat you with both hands tied behind my back and a paper bag over my head! I know it, you know it, and all these fans know it! Darling, you may as well give up now, and save yourself some undue pain and frustration! But nobody has ever accused you of being the brightest bulb in the bunch, that's for sure! But, fool, you are trapped in the valley of the Dream, for which there is no escape…and you had best close your eyes…and fantasize…if you EVER think you will top…*perfection*."

(She then tosses down the microphone, and does a little bump and grind dance for the benefit of the audience. Lisa then takes up a reclining position on top of a turnbuckle, arrogantly awaiting the beginning of the match. )

Cari: I just love Lisa's ring presence.

Kenny: She is too arrogant for me. Heather will bring her down to earth though.

Cari: Fatale couldn't bring a lead balloon to earth.

Kenny: We'll see.

(The ref brings both wrestlers into the center of the ring and gives them instructions. He signals for the bell. Heather, using her bigger size, pushes Lisa toward the ropes. Lisa is surprised by Heather's aggressiveness. Live Wire charges Lisa, but the Dream manages to duck out of the way. Heather hits the ropes and rebounds toward Lisa. The All American Beauty drops to the mat and Live wire runs past her. Dream springs to her feet and nails Live Wire in the face with a flying knee. Heather drops to the mat on her back. Lisa kips up and begins to strut around the ring, playing to the crowd. She receives a lot of cat calls and boos from them. Heather gets to her feet rubbing her face. She grabs Lisa from behind and sends her to the mat in a belly to back suplex. Heather bridges forcing Lisa's shoulders to the mat. THE ref drops to the mat but is only able to slap it once before Dream kicks out.)

Cari: It is way too early in the match to try for a pin. Lisa is much too experienced for that.

Kenny: It had the element of surprise going for it.

(Both wrestlers are on their feet. Heather raises her hands in the signal for a test of strength. Lisa smirks as she also raises her hands in acceptance. The touch fingers, but Lisa quickly pulls hers away and sends a kick into Fatale's unprotected belly. Fatale double over as the air is forced from her lungs. Dream plays to the crowd and points to her head, telling the crowd how smart she is. Dream forces Fatale's head between her thighs in a standing head scissors. Heather struggles to force apart Lisa's firm thighs. Dream smiles at the crowd.)

Lisa: Whose your greatest DREAM, and her greatest Nightmare?

(Lisa begins to spank Heather on the rump. Heather blushes in humiliation.)

Kenny: Now this is totally uncalled for.

Cari: (Laughing) I love it! Lisa is humiliating her opponent. If Fatale can't stand the heat, she should get out of the kitchen.

Kenny: This is a wrestling match, not some sort of sorority rush.

(Lisa smiles at the effect this humiliation is having on Heather. The smile turns to a frown and then a look of total surprise as She feels herself being lifted off the mat. Heather has mustered her strength and lifts Lisa off the mat with a back drop that sends the All American Girl to the mat on her back. Heather grabs Lisa and whips her toward the ropes. Instead of running into them, Lisa does a front handstand, her legs striking the ropes and bounced back down to the mat. She uses this increased momentum to then lunge backwards into Heather with a flying elbow.)

Cari: A "Dream catcher".

Kenny: I have to admit that is an impressive move.

Cari: Fatale in on the mat, not knowing what hit her.

Lisa: Feel honored, allowed this close to *perfection*

(Lisa grabs a handful of hair and forces Fatale to her feet. She whips Heather toward the ropes but Heather manages to reverse the move. Dream hits the ropes and on the rebound is sent slamming into the mat with a drop kick. Lisa seems stunned by the move. Heather, grabs a handful of hair and begins to pull Lisa off the mat. Lisa sends a punch to the groin of Fatale. Heather screams and lets go of Lisa as she slumps to her knees. Lisa gets to her feet but is confronted by the ref about the low blow. He reads the riot act to her, which she completely ignores.)

Cari: Now that is the way to take the momentum away from an opponent.

Kenny: If you are a cheater.

Cari: It's only cheating if you get Dqed.

(Lisa grabs the still stunned Heather in an arm bar. She whips Heather into a corner and follows her in. She punches Fatale a couple of times in the face, blows a kiss to the audience, and then backhands Heather across the cheek with the hand she blew the kiss with.)

Cari: Another one of Lisa's great moves. "Her adoring fans" she calls it.

Kenny: Once again, instead of wrestling Lisa plays to the crowd and tries to humiliate her opponent. She would be good if she would only wrestle.

Cari: She is great because she knows what the fans want.

(Lisa drags Heather out of the corner and into the center of the ring. Lisa jumps up, wrapping her legs around her opponents neck like in a flying head scissors)

Cari: This is it! Lisa's finisher the "Day Dreamer".

(Lisa signals to the crowd which cheers her on. She then drops to the mat, brutally driving Live Wire's head into the mat in this modified DDT. Heather's body goes stiff on impact and she falls on her back like a tree that was just chopped down. Lisa covers her, by just pressing one hand on her chest. The ref drops to the mat and slaps it three times.)


(The ref holds Lisa's hand in the air in victory. Lisa begins to do a bump and grind around the ring to the delight of the male fans in the crowd. Lisa's theme music blares through the arena, and, seating herself on her Live Wire's face, she starts to bump and grind while in the seated position, adding insult to injury inside of the face sit smother. )

Kenny: Now this is really uncalled for. Lisa won the match. Why doesn't she just leave Heather alone?

Cari: It's called style. Other wrestlers will think twice about fighting Lisa if they know what is in store for them.

Kenny: Humph! I hope we get someone that will give Lisa a taste of her own medicine.

Cari: Someone is going to have to beat her first.

Kenny: Look! Here comes the cavalry!

Cari:It looks more like Angel Dust to me.

(Lisa sees the entrance of Heather's friend and slides out the opposite side of the ring. Angel goes to the aid of Heather as Lisa walks out of the arena blowing kisses to the crowd.)

Cari: Another victory for Lisa.

Kenny: I expected a much closer match.

Cari: I don't think Heather had any plan of attack.

Kenny: I think you are right. She seemed to making it up as she went along.

Cari: You'll never win a match in BRA without a strategy.

Kenny: You're right about that. A good strategy is the key to consistent wining.

(The camera fades to commercial after this wise advice.)

The winner: LISA DREAM, by pinfall. 1

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