We return to the Battling Ring Angels arena and the fans are on their feet. Row after row, all the way to the rafters, they stand and cheer. Many hold signs and placards. The camera pans across the arena to give a few glimpses of the signs. Some of the more catchy ones say: “Peggy Christian IS a Lady”; “Lindsay Locke is my hero”; and “Tiffany and Nina Rule.” The camera settles on Cari and Kenny, seated at the announce positions. The two look directly into the camera and await their signals.

Kenny: We are back on the air, fans. And do we ever have a big one up next.

Cari: What are you talking about?

Kenny: Samantha Staffer and Jenny Christian…this one could go the distance.

Cari: Are you loopy? I hear Staffer may not even show up.

The lights dim, red and white pyrotechnics suddenly explode, and the Angeltron explodes into life. The first few bars of the French national anthem are heard, a testament to the wrestler’s guiding spirit and mentor. It then cuts out and “Fits Ya Good” by Bryan Adams belts loud out around the arena. The letters LPM flash big on the screen in a way that starts her fans chanting the letters in unison.. Images of La Petite Marquise applying the Croix de Guerre on Peggy Christian at French Kiss, Eden Starr in her first match, Veronica Millions as well as her great moments against Evonne blaze across the Angeltron. The curtain parts and Jennifer La Petite Marquise Christian sachet’s out dressed in the white S and M outfit given to her by the Marquise and white wrestling boots and a black Yvette Malreaux leather jacket. She looks every bit a sweet innocent little girl, despite carrying a pristine white riding crop with her. Jennifer hands the crop and jacket to an attendant before entering the ring.

Kenny: Jenny looks ready, despite giving up a lot of weight to Samantha Staffer.

Cari: Who?

Kenny: Jenny’s opponent tonight, Samantha Staffer.

Cari: Never heard of her, or from her for that matter.

Samantha Staffer walks to the ring slowly. She appears a bit out of sorts. Perhaps her injury that kept her out of last week’s matches still is effecting her. She climbs into the ring and looks over Jennifer. Both women meet in the center of the ring.

Cari: Don’t get too comfortable. This should be quick.

Ref Melville calls for the bell and the two women hook up. Immediately, Jenny gets the upper hand. She throws the larger Staffer over with a hip toss. Once she has her larger opponent on the mat, she applies an armbar.

Kenny: Quick start by Jennifer Christian. She is really putting the pressure on Staffer here.

Cari: She is just better. Let’s face it.

Kenny: My computer tells me that the wrestler who starts the fastest tends to win in almost 80% of their matches.

Jennifer breaks the hold and stands back up. Staffer slowly stands, but is immediately cut down with a dropkick from the flying LPM. The young woman hits it with perfect accuracy and puts Samantha back on the mat. Jennifer stands and follows it in with an elbow drop to Staffer’s midsection.

Kenny: Jennifer Christian in total control of this match.

Cari: Was there ever any doubt?

Jennifer stands Samantha and places her in a hammerlock. She is controlling Samantha’s movement. As she pressures the hold, the fans begin to look towards the entry. The camera pans over to show Janus standing and watching the match. She is still and intent on the action.

Kenny: What’s this? Janus is out and she’s watching the match. She’s not scheduled for action this week, but she’s here.

Cari: Could this have something to do with the bond that formed between Viper and Jenny. I wonder?

Neither wrestler has seen her. Jennifer spins around and grabs hold of Samantha’s neck. She doubles Samantha and drops her into a DDT that drives Staffer’s head into the mat. Staffer lies coldly.

Kenny: Jenny in total domination mode. She is on fire in this one.

Cari: I wanna know what the freak is doing here. I don’t trust Janus.

Jennifer signals to the crowd that it’s over. She stands Samantha and executes her finisher, The Croix de Guerre. Samantha goes down hard and appears to be out cold. Jennifer goes in for the pin and ref Melville counts out an easy 1-2-3.

Cari: I told you…easy win for Jennifer Chrsitian. She is well on her way to being a star in this company again.

Kenny: She is looking in much better form.

Jennifer stands and has her hand raised in victory. She begins to exit the ring, and finally sees Janus. Janus points at Jennifer and stares at her. Then, she just walks away.

Kenny: What was that about?

Cari: We’ll see, I guess.

Winner: Jennifer Christian 1

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