(The BRA crowd is in a frenzy as the ring workers prepare for the last match of the evening. Ken and Cari are sitting quietly at the announcer’s table as the floor director gives them the cue.)

Ken: “Welcome back fans! Well, it’s at this time that we here at BRA recommend to our fans watching at home that viewer discretion may be advised.”

Cari: “Basically, if you don’t like to see the blood flowing, turn the TV off and go back to your knitting.”

Ken: “Folks, this next match is a hardcore match, and while we’ve shown these matches before, the two competitors in this match, are …well… different.”

Cari: “You can say that again..”

Ken: ‘Different..”

Cari: “Idiot! Skye Soaring Hawk is a fruit loop, total mental case and Sasha is a hardcore icon.”

Ken: “She’s missing a few screws as well.”

Cari: “Ahem! Sasha is the leader of the Hit Squad, a brutally efficient squad of wrestlers. She is the perfect person to lead that crew, brutal , cruel and dangerous.”

Ken: “This match is a “in the family” type match, since Skye is Kelly’s tag partner and ½ of the tag champs.”

Cari: “Family doesn’t mean a thing here. This match will set the playing field for the Hardcore Division.”

(The arena suddenly goes dark, two female figures can be seen by the entry. Without warning, a fireball seems to appear from one of the figure's mouth. "Problem Child" from AC/DC hits the arena speakers, Sasha the Dragon Lady appears at the top of the stage. Behind her, The Oakland Enforcer Brenda Busley. Sasha wears black leather pants and a blue velvet shirt. She finishes the outfit with her customary turquoise and yellow cowboy boots. The blond woman has her shirtsleeves rolled back to show off her tattoos. She struts to the ring, showing her disdain for the fans. They boo her and shower her with debris. Behind her walks Brenda, wearing black leather pants and black biker boots. She has on a black "Hit Squad" T-shirt. Her large arms are covered in biker tattoos. She follows slowly behind her boss, a black leather bag over her shoulder. Sasha continues to argue with the fans. Finally she reaches the ring and enters, with Brenda following behind her. Sasha stands in the center of the ring and holds her hands up, smiling and waving for the fans to show more dislike towards her. And they do. They boo her lustily. Sasha has a controlled look in her eyes, the look of the wrestler/mercenary she is best known as )

Cari: “All Hail the Dragon lady!”

Ken: “Sasha is an accomplished wrestler , with a history of winning at any cost. It is said that she trained our Hardcore Champion and made her into the terror that she is today.”

Cari: (sniff ) It breaks my heart, Janus betraying Sasha like that. Turing her back on her friend and mentor.”

Ken: “You have a heart…?”

Cari: “Watch it, Laptop boy, I’m sensitive.”

(As Sasha stretches in the ring, "People of the Sun" by Rage Against the Machine, blares over the loudspeakers as green pyrotechnics obscure the stage. Suddenly, out of the green fire, Skye Soaring Hawk, her Jean vest, matching daisy dukes, and knee-high buckskin boots obscured by a floor-length leather duster, her face shaded by a flat-topped, wide-brimmed cowboy hat, strides down the aisle, a wide, insanity tinged smile spreading across her lips. Kelly "The Assassin" Mase and her brother James step out behind Skye, surveying the crowd. Suddenly, Skye runs to the ring, doffing her hat and duster and flying under the ropes.)

Ken: “Incoming!”

Cari: “Game on!”

( Skye immediately jumps to her feet and charges across the ring as Sasha. The dragon lady smirks, not moving as Skye races towards her. )


Ken: “Ouch!”

( The crowd boo’s as Brenda swings the large bag directly into Skye’s path, knocking the warrior to the mat. On impact with the bag, there is a crunching sound, the sound of glass breaking. Kelly and James both rise to their feet as Brenda drops the bag and climbs out of the ring. Sasha reacts immediately and jumps on top of the downed Skye. She grabs one of Skye’s arms, pulling it up in a lock. Hawk howls as Sasha twists her taped wrist. Using her free hand, Sasha starts to remove a strand of barbed wire that is wrapped around the taped fist of the Hawk.)

Cari: “Smart move by Sasha, Skye is known to wrap her fists with barbed wire in these matches, not to mention lacing her boots with metal strips.”

( Sasha manages to pull the wire free and tosses it aside. Skye tries to twist her body, lashing out with her other barbed fist. Sasha deftly maneuvers her body away from the blow and pulls Skye up to her feet.)

Ken: “OUCH!”

( The crowd groans as Sasha kicks her boot up between Skye’s legs. The Hawk’s body tenses for a moment, before she doubles over. Sasha quickly hooks in a side headlock and then jumps backwards, slamming Skye’s head into the mat.)

Cari: “DDT!”

(Sasha rolls Skye over for the pin, but the Hawk kicks out at the one count. Sasha quickly wraps her arms around Skye’s neck in a blatant choke. The ref is powerless to stop it as Skye desperately tries to break the hold.)

Ken: “Brutal choke by Sasha, but then anything goes in this one.”

Cari: “Ouch!”

(Sasha recoils in pain as Skye brings her other barbed fist up and smashes it back into Sasha’s forehead. The Dragon lady rolls away, clutching her forehead as Skye catches her breath.)

Cari: “First blood to Skye!”

(The camera shows a close up of Sasha’s forehead, a small cut, where the barbed wire hit is causing a small stream of blood to drip down her forehead. Sasha’s facial expression changes as the blood hits her lips. The cool customer seems to have taken a leave of absence. With a twisted smile she rises to her feet as Skye also stands. Both women turn to face each other as the move.)

Skye: “You can’t beat us.”

Sasha: “I only got to beat one of ya.”

(With that, both women tear into each other. Fists and kicks fly with trained fury. Sasha is careful to block Skye’s barbed fist, but is nailed with a kick to the kneecap. She stumbles back slightly as Skye presses her attack. Sasha lashes out with a roundhouse punch, but Skye ducks it, and strikes her boot forward, again slamming into the Dragon Lady’s leg. The bigger woman falls to the mat as the Hawk moves in. Quickly Skye grabs Sasha’s leg and pulls it up. The Hawk begins to land kicks from her pointed boots into the back of Sasha’s leg. The Dragon Lady howls as Skye lands a series of blows into her leg. Suddenly Sky jumps up in the air and crashes down, with both knees across Sasha’s limb.)

Ken: “Smart move by Skye, working on the leg of her bigger opponent.”

(Skye leaps to her feet and goes to repeat the move, but Sasha kicks her away with her free leg. Skye rolls away into a crouch as Sasha quickly pulls herself up, limping slightly. She scowls at Skye as the Hawk jumps to her feet. Both women circle each other, Sasha favoring her right leg. Skye goes to move in for a clinch, but Sasha quickly lashes out her hand and rakes her across the eyes. The Hawk yelps and stumbles backwards. The Dragon Lady quickly turns to her large black bag and opens it. )

Ken: “What is she reaching for?”

Cari: “Eeeeeep!”

(The crowd gasps as Sasha pulls a out a small bag. She immediately pours the contents of the bag onto the canvas. Little flashes of silver drop to the mat as the horrified crowd look on.)

Ken: “Thumbtacks!”

(Skye clears her vision just as Sasha fist comes smashing into her face. The Hawk stumbles back into the corner as Sasha follows her up. A big knee slams into Skye’s midsection as Sasha works her over in the corner. The Dragon Lady hammers a few shots into Skye’s firm belly, before grabbing the 2nd rope with each hand. Sasha then drives her shoulder forward into Skye’s midsection. She repeats the move a couple of times, each causing Skye to lift up on impact. A twisted smile comes across Sasha’s face as she wraps Skye into a side headlock.)

Cari: “What is she…oh my GOD!”

(The crowd gasps as Sasha runs out of the corner, dragging Skye along with her. When she reaches the pile of tacks, she jumps into the air, bulldogging Skye’s face into the mat. Both women immediately react to the pain as the tacks dig into their bodies. Skye rolls across the mat, clutching her face as Sasha jumps up to her feet, rubbing her hands across her bottom and thighs.)

Ken: “That was Insane! Sasha’s got tacks all over her legs!”

Cari: “Yeah, but look at Skye!”

(Another camera shot shows the Hawks face. Most of the tacks that she hit popped in and out on impact, but a few are implanted in her cheeks and forehead. Blood droplets ooze out of the tiny holes as Skye rubs her face, trying to pull the tacks out. Sasha wipes a few more tacks away from her butt before moving in on the kneeling Skye. Sasha lashes out with a yellow colored boot and kicks Skye square in the face. The Hawks body slumps backward and Sasha falls across her. The ref slaps her hand down twice before Skye gets her shoulder up. Sasha scowls and with pure viciousness, she bites down on Skye’s forehead.)

Cari: “Lunchtime!”

Ken: “Sasha’s lost it!”

(The ref is powerless to stop the attack as the Dragon lady sinks her fangs into Skye's forehead. After a moment she pulls away, a trickle of blood pours from her lips as she spits out a tack. Skye’s forehead is bleeding quite profusely as Sasha hauls her up once again. She whips her across the ring, Skye bounces off the ropes as Sasha steps forward, extending her arm.)

Cari: “Clothesline!”

Ken: “NO! Skye ducked it!”

(As Sasha lashes out her arm, Skye ducks it and continues across the ring. She quickly rebounds off the other ropes as Sasha turns. The Hawk leaps into the air, extending her feet forward.)

Ken: “What elevation!”

(Skye’s boot’s slam into Sasha’s chest, sending her sprawling backwards and out of the ring. Sasha lands hard on the floor as Skye pushes herself up. Sasha grabs a hold of the guardrail to assist her in standing. As she starts to pull herself up. She sees the fans in front of her start to move away in a panic. She turns to see Skye’s body flying over the top rope right towards her.)

Cari: “Suicida Plancha!!”

( The crowd cheers as Skye soars over the top rope and slams down into Sasha with a cross body block. Both women crash to the floor, Skye falling on top of the Dragon Lady.)

( Sasha’s bodyguard Brenda watches the action, deciding upon whether to enter the fray or not. Her eyes meet with the cold stare of Kelly Mase. A silent conversation ensues.)

Ken: “Skye is going for the pin!”

( The ref jumps out of the ring as Skye hooks one of Sasha’s legs. Before the two count, Sasha powers out. Skye grabs a handful of hair and pulls the Dragon Lady up with her. Skye whips Sasha towards the guardrail. The big brawler slams into the metal fence back first, her body arching on impact. Skye then runs towards her, jumping into the air. Sasha drops to her butt, causing the Hawk to sail over her and into the front row of the crowd.)

Cari: “Smart ploy by Sasha, she bailed out of the way at the last moment.”

Ken: “I think she just fell.”

(Sasha pulls herself up as security starts to force the crowd away from the downed Skye. The Hawk is on her knees in a pile of chairs as Sasha climbs over the guardrail. The Dragon Lady picks up one of the folding chairs and smashes it down across Skye’s back.)


(The crowd winces as metal hit’s flesh. Skye drops to the floor holding her back as Sasha raises the chair high again, before bringing it down. Sasha then drops the chair across the back of Skye’s head before leaping into the air. She extends her legs forward and smashes the back of her thigh against the chair.)

Cari: “Legdrop into the chair! That’s gotta hurt!”

Ken: “Both these women are insane!”

(Sasha quickly pushes the chair off of Skye and rolls her over for the pin. The ref’s hand comes down twice before Skye manages to get her shoulder up. Sasha complains about a slow count, before hauling Skye up by her black hair. Sasha roughly stuffs Skye’s head between her thighs before grabbing a hold of the back of the Hawks’ jean shorts. With a grunt, Sasha pulls back on the shorts, lifting Skye into the air. Almost instantly, Sasha falls backwards.)

Cari: “Wedgie Piledriver! Right onto a chair!”

( Skye’s head is driven into the metal chair with terrific force. Sasha lets go of her grip as she hits and Skye’s body bounces up slightly, before flopping over to the side. Sasha pulls herself up and raises her hands in the air. The crowd boo’s, as she plants a foot across Skye’s chest. The ref slaps her hand down twice, on the way down for the third, Skye moves her shoulder up. )

Ken: “How does she do that?!”

(Sasha looks down at her feet as Skye is trying to pull herself up. Sasha looks down with disdain as raises her hand in the air, with one finger raised.)

Sasha: “Come on Skye, your momma is watching you, at least make an effort.”

(Sasha again stuffs Skye’s head between her thighs. She bends forward to wrap her arms around Skye’s waist. Much to her horror, she feels her body being lifts off the ground. Skye screams in rage as she flips her bigger opponent up and over with a back body drop. Sasha lands back first on the hard floor and rolls to her side.)

Cari: “Oh great, she’s totally flipped now.”

( Skye’s eye’s a filled with flame. The mention of her dead mother, lighting a spark in her damaged soul. She grabs one of the chairs and holds it high as Sasha starts to rise.)


( The chair impact on the top of Sasha’s head, dropping her to the floor. Skye drops the chair and grabs a handful of Sasha’s hair. The Hawk draws her fist back, the one still covered with barbed wire and fires a shot into Sasha’s forehead. The bigger woman slumps backwards, her arms over her head. The cut on her forehead now increased, in size and flow. Skye doesn’t bother with a pin and hauls Sasha up by her hair. She wraps her arm around the Dragon Lady’s neck and then charges towards the guardrail)

Ken:: “MY GOD!”

( Just before they reached the guardrail. Skye jumped up in the air, forcing her body over the small fence. As her body sailed up and over, Sasha’s neck fell across the top of the fence. The big woman’s neck snaps back violently and she slumps to the floor. Skye rolls on the other side of the guardrail, having landing rather violently on her rear.)

Cari: “Skye just bulldogged Sasha’s neck across the guardrail! I’ve never seen that before!”

(Skye pushes herself up and pans the area. Her face is covered in blood from the thumbtacks and other beatings. She wipes her soaked hair from her eyes and cracks a blood soaked grin as she moves towards the Spanish announcers’ table.)

Ken: “Man, those guys never get a break.”

Cari: “Hey, better them than us.”

(The announcers bail as Skye knock their broadcast equipment flying. She then turns her attention back to Sasha, who is still lying semi-conscious on the other side of the guardrail. Skye leans over the metal bar and grabs a handful of hair. She pulls the protesting Sasha up to her feet. Suddenly Sasha reaches her hands back, wrapping them across the back of Skye’s head. Then she drops, pulling Skye’s head down quickly into the metal frame. The Hawk’s jaw slams into the unforgiving surface. Skye’s eye’s flutter for a moment and she falls backwards.)

Ken: “Jesus!!! Stone Cutter into the guardrail!

Cari: “Skye’s out!!!”

(Sasha is in no position to take advantage as she too slumps back down to the floor. The ref stands watching as both wrestlers lie still on the floor. She lifts Skye’s hand up and it falls limply to the ground. She then walks over to Sasha and call down to her, but there is no answer. She then raises her arms in the air and starts to count. The crowd is screaming at both women to continue; their bloodlust yet to be satisfied.)

Ken: “Both women are incapacitated! There could be a count out!”

Cari: “Is that legal in a hardcore match?”

( Ken types on his laptop for a moment.)

Ken: “Yes! If both wrestlers are unable to rise to a 10 count, the match shall be called a draw, unless stipulations demand otherwise.”

( As the ref hits the 4 count. Sasha’s hand clamps onto the guardrail to assist her in rising. The crowd cheers as she begins to pull herself up. Skye opens her eyes, although she still sees stars. Sasha manages to get up to her feet first. The ref stops the count at 7 as the Dragon Lady pulls herself over the guardrail. Her blue top half soaked with red as she moves towards the still downed Skye.)

Ken: “Oh for gods sake! Just pin her!”

Cari: “Not her style.”

(Sasha pulls Skye up to her feet and scoops her into a fireman’s carry. The Dragon Lady then turns towards the ring post and charges towards it. She lifts Skye’s head up off her shoulder, so that it will strike the post first. )

Ken: “WOW!”

(Just before impact, Skye somehow manages to push free and fall behind Sasha as she’s running. The big woman slams into the post shoulder first, as she staggers backwards, Skye fires a punch into her kidneys, causing the Dragon Lady to yelp. Skye forces her protesting body to move and she jumps onto the ring steps, while grabbing Sasha in a headlock. Skye then vaults backwards, forcing Sasha’s body to move with her.)

Cari: Tornado DDT!! Onto the Floor!!!”

(Sasha’s head is driven into the floor, causing her body to stiffen on impact, before falling over like a felled tree.)

Ken: “Skye could have the pin here! What!?”

(Skye pulls herself up and then grabs Sasha by the hair. She pulls her bigger opponent up and scoops her into a carry. She moves over to the cleared announcer’s table and drops Sasha across it. Skye fires her elbow down into Sasha’s chest for good measure before heading towards the ring.)

Cari: “What is she… oh no….”

Ken: “Skye is going up!”

(The crowd is on its feet as Skye slides into the ring. She immediately heads for the turnbuckles and begins her ascent. Sasha still lies across the table as Skye reaches the top turnbuckle. She rises to her feet, raising her hands in the air.)

Ken: “Bird of Prey coming up!!”

( The crowd gasps as Skye leaps off the top rope to complete her suicidal frog splash finisher.)

Cari: “Saved!”

( There is a roaring round of jeers as Brenda Busley comes to her employer’s aid. She quickly drags Sasha’s limp form off the table as Skye flies through the air. The Hawk smashes into the wooden structure, snapping it in half.)

Ken: “My God! My God! She’s broken in half!!! **( Kudo’s to JR ) **

( Skye lies still amongst the broken table as Kelly Mase storms over. She shoves Brenda away, giving her a look. The kinda look that happens when a pact is broken, or a deal goes wrong. It seems obvious that the Assassin didn’t want any type of interference and while Brenda didn’t touch Skye, she certainly caused her the match. Brenda furrows her brow, as if deciding whether to old school the Assassin.)

Ken: “Call the match! Call the match!!”

(Two ring medics rush to tend to the fallen Skye , as Sasha rises to her feet. The Dragon Lady staggers over to her downed foe, shoving the EMT’s out of the way. She roughly pulls the limp form of Skye out of the shattered remains of the table and scoops her into another fireman’s carry.)

Cari: “Skye’s deadweight in her arms.”

Ken: “This match should be ended, both women have beaten the hell out of each other, there both bloodied and bruised.”

(Sasha rolls Skye into the ring and then slides in. She stumbles across to her black bag and lifts it into the air. She pours the contents out on the mat. Lightbulb’s, some shattered, some not, along with barbed wire, now litter the ring along with the small pile of thumbtacks. Sasha then walks over and pulls Skye up to her feet. Without warning, Skye fires a shot into Sasha’s belly. The blow surprises Sasha and she staggers back. Skye quickly spins around, lashing out her hand.)

Ken: “She’s fighting back! Spinning back fist drops Sasha to her knee’s!”

Cari: “Where does she get the energy from!”

(Sasha sits on her knee’s clutching her jaw as Skye jumps forward, kicking both feet forward.)

Ken: “Dropkick! Right to the face!!”

(Sasha flops backward into a corner, her arms hanging over the bottom rope. Skye backs off to the opposite corner and then charges across.)

Cari: “It’s ride’em time!”

( The crowd cheers as Skye leaps into the air, she places her legs through the ropes and slams her hips into Sasha's chest. )

Ken: “Bronco Buster!”

(Skye bounces up and down for a few moments, smashing her body down across Sasha’s chest. Blood still drips from Skye’s forehead, the bite mark is still easily seen. Skye finally lifts herself off of Sasha and quickly pulls the bigger woman up. Skye then starts to climb the ropes, still holding onto Sasha’s hair.)

Cari: “Skye’s setting Sasha up for something big here.”

Ken: “ That pile of glass and metal is well within range of that corner!”

(Skye gets to the top rope, she goes to pull Sasha into position, but the Dragon Lady fires a punch into Skye’s foot. It slips off the rope, causing Skye to fall straight down.)

Cari: “owowowo”

(There is a collective gasp from the crowd as Skye impales herself on the top turnbuckle. Sasha reacts quickly and scales the ropes herself. Skye’s mouth is formed in a silent “O” as Sasha places her feet on the second rope. The bigger woman then hooks her arms around Skye’s neck while grabbing the waistband of her shorts.)

Ken: “I think, it’s ….”

Cari: “Dragon Driver!!”

Ken: “MY GOD!!!”

(In a feat of skill and strength, Sasha lifts Skye up off the ropes for a giant suplex, as Skye is nearly vertical, Sasha twists her and then jumps off the ropes. Skye’s back is driven down into the pile of bulbs and metal. A series of quick crunches and pop’s are heard as the bulb's shatter, sending a cloud of dirty filament into the air.)

Cari: “Jackhammer from the top rope, right onto that pile!”

(Sasha hooks the leg, as the ref slaps her hand down quickly. Skye kicks her leg weakly, but the strength isn’t there.)


Ken: “Get the medics in there!”

Cari: “911”

(Sasha rolls off of Skye and lies still on the mat, her chest rising and falling with each struggling breath. The EMT’s jump into the ring to tend to both women as the crowd is on its feet cheering the match. Brenda goes to climb into the ring as Kelly glares at her. Obviously there will be some Hit Squad discussions going on later. A stretcher is brought down for Skye as more medics’ climb into the ring.)

Ken: “That was crazy!”

Cari: “The scary part is, that wasn’t even a championship match. Imagine what these women will do to each other when the titles on the line.”

Ken: “I don’t even want to think about it.”

(Another cheer erupts from the crowd as Skye tries to sit up. The medics insist that she wait for the stretcher, but she starts to roll herself out of the ring. Sasha lies in the corner, allowing the medics to tend to her wounds as other EMT’s try to convince Skye to get medical attention.)

Ken: “Well folks, that’s it for this card.”

Cari: “What a crazy night, of course, back in my day, that kind of match would have seemed tame.”

Ken: “I suppose so, seeing two Tyrannosaurus’s going at it would have been something.”

Cari: “Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”

Winner by pinfall: Sasha the “Dragon Lady” 1

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